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View Full Version : Need ideas

Martin Blair
11-08-2004, 11:34 AM
I have to do a project for shcool that has something to do with electronics, thats about it for guidelines, and it has to fit in a 3' buy 18" area. Its for a TSA competition, this technoklodge thing and the CAD teacher wants me to try it, I was thiking electric xr50 but that would be a bit expensive, or remote xr50.

11-08-2004, 11:42 AM
build your own radio control
you can buy all the stuff you need at your local hobby shop

Martin Blair
11-09-2004, 08:19 PM
well we decide on building a R/C hovercraft, that the "purpose" is for exploration or flood victems areas, as it hovers on the water if cant get caught on tree, burch, ect under the water, and has no propelers to hurt victems still stuck in flood plains. Its R/C so that why a rescue team is working on one location, another person that doesnt have to be a trained rescue personal, can look for more victems.