View Full Version : painting a frame

11-05-2004, 06:51 PM
does anyone have any thoughts on painting the frame of a 400 ex. the original paint on my frame is wearing out in a lot of spots and i have some rust on some areas too. the rust just looks like dark red spots, its not falling apart or anything. id like to paint it and do it myself, i know i could make it look good, but i think it wouldnt last long...should i just wait and powdercoat it? has anyone had a good experience painting their frame with spray paint and then some clear coat? all the jobs ive seenlooked like crap, but those people did less than a half a** job on it. im just wondering even if i take my time and mask stuff properly and partially dissasemble the bike will it be worth it???

11-05-2004, 07:20 PM
paint is cheap though compared to pc, and the area i live in marks goods and services up like its disneyworld :(

11-05-2004, 10:27 PM
send your frame over to mike at ATP in orlando he does powder coating for a good price

11-08-2004, 07:06 PM
ya i probably shoulda pc mine but oh well.....when i painted mine i tore it the whole way down...I think it would be hard paintin the frame without tearin it down:macho

11-08-2004, 07:10 PM
the reasons paint dont work well on quads is pretty simple.

1) people rush and dont prep the frame properly.

2) automotive paint and spray cans just wont cut it. they usually dont have any flex and it will literly pop off the metal.

3) let a professional shop do it. the average person just doesnt have the proper equipment or materials to do a quality job

11-08-2004, 08:08 PM
I rattle caned my 400 last spring. It seems to be holding up rather well except for the area where the seat latches to the subframe. I used 4 coats of Krylon rust something or other and 3 clear coats. I striped the frame with a spray on chemical stripper and cleaned off all the rust, then I wiped the hole frame down with paint thinner before spraying. Its not as cheap as you would think to rattle can a frame, it cost me about $60 total.

11-08-2004, 08:17 PM
I take an auto body class, and I am getting my frame re-painted there. I'm gonna do all the work myself with profesional materials. There is one type of clear coat that my teacher said dryes really strong, and will hold up to more abuse than normal clear would.

11-10-2004, 07:42 PM
60 bucks is a great price compared to pc, if i do end up doing it i WILL take my time though, and the whole bike will be taken down to the frame...it might be a while :(