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11-04-2004, 06:29 PM
well it looks like my tranny is junked i guess, i was wanting to know wat would be the best way to go when i get new parts and **** to make it better, i got some pics here, also i dont know wats wrong yet because i havent broke into it, but let me know wat it could be, thanks alot guys!!


11-04-2004, 08:32 PM
If you have a good shop they can weld that up if there is not damage to important parts of the case

11-07-2004, 03:55 PM
lemme guess......2nd gear exploded.

my friends did the same thing a few months ago:o

check ebay for new transmissions from crate engines.

my friend bought one on there brand new for a complete transmission.....$250

11-07-2004, 08:15 PM
get ahold of baldwin or duncan and you can get a gear set. They sell Yukon transmision gears. Remember while your in there ya might as well replace the crank bearings if they havn't replaced already, it's cheap insurance, and hey your already in there.

11-07-2004, 08:39 PM
id replace every bearing in the whole bottom end.... including the counter balancer bearings (can have balancer rebuilt)

11-07-2004, 08:53 PM
hey guys all the info is much needed... Im gonna try and get ahold of baldwin or duncan and see wat they can get me, also how much do u think i am gonna be looking at here as far as some sort of ballpark price.. thanks in advance guys

11-07-2004, 09:06 PM
You should be able to replace the gears seperatly, no need to buy a whole gear set. Check your other gears and make sure the dog ears that fit inside of the other gears are not heavily worn. Thats a major issue on these older quads. That's the area that is most affected when you don't use the clutch. I know the complete set runs a few $100 but I think you can get each gear seperate. You'd probly be looking at 2-3 if you replace what gears you need and have the case half repaired. If you have the money check service honda and replace the case half with a new one. I threw a chain once and smashed the shifter shaft thru the bottom of the case. It was around 2 hundred and it included new crank bearings already installed.

11-08-2004, 06:35 PM
baldwin gears are about 700.00 i have a set in my 295 motor i have and they a flawless i just replaced all the gears in my 330 from esr for 900.00 they did all the work for me and in my 350 i had a set sent to a company in nor cal called nextlevel and they coldfused them cryo some thing they called it
i was told by a bunch of drag heads thats the way to go that was 275.00 plus the gear set they havent blown yet ill let you know if they do


11-08-2004, 07:36 PM
baldwin gears are about 700.00 i have a set in my 295 motor i have and they a flawless i just replaced all the gears in my 330 from esr for 900.00 they did all the work for me and in my 350 i had a set sent to a company in nor cal called nextlevel and they coldfused them cryo some thing they called it

that sounds pretty good man, i read on another post or site about that and they said it was holding up good so far too. I will have to call around and check to see where i can get that done and get some prices, so thanks for the info man.

11-09-2004, 05:48 PM
I think patriot racing and a couple other compaines hard coat stock gears. They put a coating on the gears which makes them much stronger, you might want to look into this.