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11-03-2004, 08:21 AM
hey dont feel bad all you Kerry supporters. the real americans in this country said "NO" to left wing leadership.

death to political correctness!

do you think when Kerry walks out of his mansion to concede the election, his bonebag wife will have the locks changed before he starts to speak:eek:

11-03-2004, 08:24 AM
hahaha, thats funny! to tell you the truth, it really didnt matter to me who won, all that matters is we need some sort of change. both men can talk till their heads fall off, but i think bush is a more honest man. JMO.

11-03-2004, 08:27 AM
i voted purley on principal. i wouldnt sit down with kerry for a beer but id knock back a few with W.

11-03-2004, 08:28 AM
Bush actually won the majority of the popular vote...how bout that? This should wake people up to how much the damn media distorts the issues.

11-03-2004, 08:30 AM
Well I think you all know who I would have voted for , but the majority of a nation chose who they thought would lead your country better . Congrats to Bush .

I don't ever remember there being so much hype about an election , than there was in this one . I read something like 1/2 a Billion dollars was spent on this election .... heck I even seen Hulk Hogan with a Vote Or Die t-shirt on and a lot of actors and musicians .

Now we can all stop these Political topics , and talk more about the things Rico does at the jiggly room was he's a lil tipsy . :p

11-03-2004, 08:38 AM
Well I am glad to see that it turned out like it did, so now President Bush can tell the liberal media and all the actors and performers to kiss his *****.

11-03-2004, 08:44 AM
i voted but i thought it would be a much closer race
i knew he'd stay though
i also thought there would be many more 18-29 yr olds voting but they only took like 17% of the votes and of that 17% the majority voted for kerry

11-03-2004, 08:48 AM
it has to suck for any president. imagine having to take 8 months and campaigning and still try and do your job. its not very productive

n00b on a 400ex
11-03-2004, 08:54 AM
haha...take that liberal media

11-03-2004, 08:56 AM
i wonder what micheal moore is doing about now:scary:

11-03-2004, 08:58 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
i wonder what micheal moore is doing about now:scary:

Hopefully jumping off a bridge somewhere.

11-03-2004, 08:59 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
i wonder what micheal moore is doing about now:scary:

If we're lucky he's packin his chit to get the f*** outta dodge!
Liberal f'n puke:rolleyes:

11-03-2004, 09:03 AM
maybe he can cover the heinz-kerry divorce. it should be out by christmas:devil:

11-03-2004, 09:08 AM
Originally posted by jmoney45
Hopefully jumping off a bridge somewhere.

;) I'm sure he would have plenty of help getting his fat ***** over the railing.

11-03-2004, 09:12 AM
I'm sure he is at a buffet somewhere stuffing his fat face....

11-03-2004, 09:12 AM
yay for buch!!! woot woot

11-03-2004, 09:28 AM
Rock on! YAY DUBAYA!!:macho

11-03-2004, 09:30 AM
bush is the man!

11-03-2004, 10:11 AM
all the real americans huh, all the major financial markets voted kerry, and all the states that were directly affected by 911 voted kerry. why dont the kerry states keep their money and the bush states keep their money, and we'll see what america you want too live in.

11-03-2004, 10:19 AM
I was really suprised by the turnout. I figured that bush would lose hands down all this BS talk about him i hear all the time. To think ohio could change the president of our country and to think it was bush. I am all for bush. But ohio is losing alot of jobs and kerry was going to help. I hope bush does change some things tho.

11-03-2004, 10:24 AM
O no......not again.......:rolleyes:

Next time you get the chance, find out who was going to PAY FOR Kerry's health plan, and his tax plan...... Guess what? It would've been NEW/SMALL BUISNESS. Don't think I need to really go into too much more detail as to what that would do to our economy. Employment IS growing in the US whether ol' Kerry wanted you to believe it or not.

I'm not even gonna get started..... Lets just let the man's walk do the talkin' in the next 4 years, and then we'll talk. :)

11-03-2004, 10:32 AM
The United States..... is saved! :D


11-03-2004, 10:49 AM
Okay. Who wants to be President of the United States?

Uhhh. That'd be me!

11-03-2004, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by dodgeram
Well I am glad to see that it turned out like it did, so now President Bush can tell the liberal media and all the actors and performers to kiss his *****.


And the Homo Amendment bombed big time...:devil:

11-03-2004, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by jb500ex
all the real americans huh, all the major financial markets voted kerry, and all the states that were directly affected by 911 voted kerry. why dont the kerry states keep their money and the bush states keep their money, and we'll see what america you want too live in.

have you taken a look at the stock market? its up today:D

i have decided where to live, and my state voted for bush. liberalism can lick my sack. bush has issues but aleast i know where this country stands and i could really care less about the states that voted for Kerry. the last time i was in NY i saw a chick with a dildo strapped to her head working in a toll booth so if thats the type of person voting for Kerry id say he lost and THANK GOD. City people have lost touch with what america stands for and this election just backs that up:macho

11-03-2004, 11:01 AM

I am very please to see Kerry conceded! He knew he lost and was not going to drag this out!

The best man won, who cares if the Redskins won or lost!:D

11-03-2004, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
have you taken a look at the stock market? its up today:D

i have decided where to live, and my state voted for bush. liberalism can lick my sack. bush has issues but aleast i know where this country stands and i could really care less about the states that voted for Kerry. the last time i was in NY i saw a chick with a dildo strapped to her head working in a toll booth so if thats the type of person voting for Kerry id say he lost and THANK GOD. City people have lost touch with what america stands for and this election just backs that up:macho

Pappy, don't hold back next time! :D :D

11-03-2004, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
i voted purley on principal. i wouldnt sit down with kerry for a beer but id knock back a few with W.

same here.

Here's to ya DUB!

11-03-2004, 11:07 AM
hey dont get me wrong. i think there are other people more qualified then bush and have more and better leadership ability. unfortunatley they werent on the ticket this time.

its proven that if left alone and given a break from all the damn taxes and government BS that the US economy will shine! just ask clinton, the s.o.b. didnt do jack chit but suspend the government and leave the econmomy alone for the most part and we did ok. if kerry would have got into the white house we would have no doubt slid right back into a recession.

big business sucks. its choking the little man out and anyone who is for it or having big business run the show needs to go jump in a lake.

11-03-2004, 11:22 AM
YAY!!! go bush:chinese:

11-03-2004, 11:46 AM
btw...Russian President Vladimere Putin stated today that the american people's choice to re-elect President Bush was a clear sign that the world will not be held hostage by terrorism! and that he is happy with the outcome.

he also had a comment ready incase Kerry won....it was "Dig a hole":scary:

11-03-2004, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by Bush0102
This should wake people up to how much the damn media distorts the issues.

Really? I would have to think that went both ways this election year.

11-03-2004, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by Pappy

its proven that if left alone and given a break from all the damn taxes and government BS that the US economy will shine! just ask clinton, the s.o.b. didnt do jack chit but suspend the government and leave the econmomy alone for the most part and we did ok. if kerry would have got into the white house we would have no doubt slid right back into a recession.

actually, during clintons 8 years, we had the strongest economy of the 20th century, and also the strongest business growth of the 20th century. Clinton left office with a 78% approval rating...

ask yourself this.. are you better off now than you were 4 years ago??

everybody plz tell me how many jobs have either been lost or gained in their state in the last 4 years plz. i can tell u that mine has lost 900,000 :ermm:

11-03-2004, 01:00 PM
its funny how clinton was so great on the economy but the unemployment rate he was reelected with was 5.6, .1% higher than Bush

11-03-2004, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by exriderdude

ask yourself this.. are you better off now than you were 4 years ago??

Nope, not even close. And I don't feel that my familes future is a bit safer either. That includes all my freinds and family in Iraq. In fact I see our country in such debt that we are losing site of the bigger picture. I think we are going to run out of the funds it takes to protect ourselves. I guess we could ask Cheny or Haliburton for a loan. God knows they have certainly not lost a dime in this administration.

But at least we will be able to own guns and ride of state lands! Yippie!! :rolleyes:

11-03-2004, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by Bush0102
its funny how clinton was so great on the economy but the unemployment rate he was reelected with was 5.6, .1% higher than Bush


African-American unemployment fell from 14.2 percent in 1992 to 7.3 percent in March 2000 -- the lowest rate on record.

The unemployment rate for Hispanics fell from 11.6 percent in 1992 to 6.3 percent in March 2000 -- and in the last year has been at the lowest rate on record.

For women the unemployment rate was 4.3 percent in March 2000, nearly the lowest since 1953 [when few women sought employment outside the home].

In 1999, the homeownership rate was 66.8 percent -- the highest ever recorded. Minority homeownership rates were also the highest ever recorded.

Under President Clinton and Vice President Gore, child poverty declined from 22.7 percent in 1993 to 18.9 percent in 1998 -- the biggest five-year drop in nearly 30 years.

The poverty rate for African-American children fell from 46.1 percent in 1993 to 36.7 percent in 1998 -- the lowest level in 20 years and the biggest five-year drop on record.

The rate also fell for Hispanic children, from 36.8 percent to 34.4 percent - and is now 6.5 percentage points lower than it was in 1993.

Let's see where these number are in another 1462 days.

11-03-2004, 01:15 PM
Take some time and read this:

That Rosy Unemployment Rate (http://www.americanprogress.org/site/pp.asp?c=biJRJ8OVF&b=186379)

11-03-2004, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by exriderdude
actually, during clintons 8 years, we had the strongest economy of the 20th century, and also the strongest business growth of the 20th century. Clinton left office with a 78% approval rating...

ask yourself this.. are you better off now than you were 4 years ago??

everybody plz tell me how many jobs have either been lost or gained in their state in the last 4 years plz. i can tell u that mine has lost 900,000 :ermm:

the only reason Clinton had such a strong economy was because of all the dot com start-ups, and the year 2000 computer bug which employed many people.

just cause u may not be better than u were four years ago, I dont think you should blame the president.

11-03-2004, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by TheJaspMan

African-American unemployment fell from 14.2 percent in 1992 to 7.3 percent in March 2000 -- the lowest rate on record.

The unemployment rate for Hispanics fell from 11.6 percent in 1992 to 6.3 percent in March 2000 -- and in the last year has been at the lowest rate on record.

For women the unemployment rate was 4.3 percent in March 2000, nearly the lowest since 1953 [when few women sought employment outside the home].

In 1999, the homeownership rate was 66.8 percent -- the highest ever recorded. Minority homeownership rates were also the highest ever recorded.

Under President Clinton and Vice President Gore, child poverty declined from 22.7 percent in 1993 to 18.9 percent in 1998 -- the biggest five-year drop in nearly 30 years.

The poverty rate for African-American children fell from 46.1 percent in 1993 to 36.7 percent in 1998 -- the lowest level in 20 years and the biggest five-year drop on record.

The rate also fell for Hispanic children, from 36.8 percent to 34.4 percent - and is now 6.5 percentage points lower than it was in 1993.

Let's see where these number are in another 1462 days.

Maybe I'm wrong here but I could give a **** about all the minorites....the only reason that their unemployment is down is because the Goverment forces businesses to hire them, even if they are not as highly trained....I am so sick and tired of having to be politically correct, it makes me want to puke. Freakin call it like it is and if the crypu$$ies can't take it screw'em.

11-03-2004, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by knighttime
the only reason Clinton had such a strong economy was because of all the dot com start-ups, and the year 2000 computer bug which employed many people.

just cause u may not be better than u were four years ago, I dont think you should blame the president.

I'm glad it ws that simple! Scheew! I really though it was more complicated than that.

And the president IS responsible for our us. That IS what you elect him for. And that IS why everyone supports him weather or not they voted for him. So 'YES' he is the one to blame and he knows it too. Although his interpritation and ours may be diffrent. The fact is, it's part of his job.

11-03-2004, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by dodgeram
Maybe I'm wrong here but I could give a **** about all the minorites....the only reason that their unemployment is down is because the Goverment forces businesses to hire them, even if they are not as highly trained....I am so sick and tired of having to be politically correct, it makes me want to puke. Freakin call it like it is and if the crypu$$ies can't take it screw'em.

Not that you are, but that would be a typical racist redneck response.

These minorities are Americans just like you and I. I don't like the borders being open either. But if our govemrnent allows it, then maybe we should accept it. Isn't that the same deal as what you said ? "Freakin call it like it is and if the crypu$$ies can't take it screw'em." Who are the 'crypu$$ies'? The minorities? Or the Americans who want to ***** about other Americans?

11-03-2004, 02:02 PM
Well I can tell you just because some one comes across the border and has a kid doesn't make them an American citizen. I don't have a problem with people comming across the border, just make them serve 4 yrs in the military before they can work here. Make them earn it. My grandfater, and great grand father both fought in the wars, they earned the right for there families to be call Americans.....But then again I wouldn't expect a Tree Huggin, Homo lovin Yankee to understand anything about that. Oh and for the record it doesn't have anything to do with being raciest, it has to do with WHAT IS RIGHT and passing up someone more qualified is not right I don't care what race it is.

11-03-2004, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by dodgeram
Well I can tell you just because some one comes across the border and has a kid doesn't make them an American citizen. I don't have a problem with people comming across the border, just make them serve 4 yrs in the military before they can work here. Make them earn it. My grandfater, and great grand father both fought in the wars, they earned the right for there families to be call Americans.....But then again I wouldn't expect a Tree Huggin, Homo lovin Yankee to understand anything about that. Oh and for the record it doesn't have anything to do with being raciest, it has to do with WHAT IS RIGHT and passing up someone more qualified is not right I don't care what race it is.

Truer southern words have never been spoken!

My family has a huge military background. But that doesn't mean I am more of an American than someone that our country allowed in. Our borders are WAAAAAAY to open for my liking. But until we close them, along with free trade crap, we will all be dealing with 'new Americans'.

Trust me, I'm no tree hugger. And I also agree that Kerry was not as qualified. But I honestly feel like Bush isn't the answer either. At least not his administration. I think our economy and the death of our soliders is going to prove that. I won't need to.

I'm not trying to insult you Dodgeram. Please don't make this personal.

11-03-2004, 02:21 PM
Mrs. Kerry stated. Enjoy your french fries and mustard. :p

Now Bush better get the hint on what the American public want and bring Bin Lindens head on a stick and get back to #1 the $$$ of this country.

11-03-2004, 02:26 PM
I'm not taking it personnal, like I said I'm just fed up will having to tip toe around about everything. And like I always say....Arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics, even if you win your still re******....

11-03-2004, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by TheJaspMan
Nope, not even close. And I don't feel that my familes future is a bit safer either. That includes all my freinds and family in Iraq. In fact I see our country in such debt that we are losing site of the bigger picture. I think we are going to run out of the funds it takes to protect ourselves. I guess we could ask Cheny or Haliburton for a loan. God knows they have certainly not lost a dime in this administration.

But at least we will be able to own guns and ride of state lands! Yippie!! :rolleyes:

thank you, bush sucks, but is better than kerry.... but at least like jasp said we get guns....for now.....:rolleyes:

11-03-2004, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by TheJaspMan
Trust me, I'm no tree hugger. And I also agree that Kerry was not as qualified. But I honestly feel like Bush isn't the answer either. At least not his administration. I think our economy and the death of our soliders is going to prove that. I won't need to.

Economy?...rising from the resinated state Clinton left it in.

Death of our soliders?...it's a war, soldiers will die, it's inevitable! I don't like seeing any of our soldiers die any more than you do, but they are soliders. These men and women signed up, not drafted, signed up for the military. They knew well before they signed up that if there was a war, they could be sent to action. Action could mean death. I think it is a pity that any American solider dies in action but that is risk that was taken by signing the dotted line!

11-03-2004, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by popo
Mrs. Kerry stated. Enjoy your french fries and mustard. :p

Now Bush better get the hint on what the American public want and bring Bin Lindens head on a stick and get back to #1 the $$$ of this country.


Stop letting our boys die because we are pu**yfooting around! Either kick their freakin azzs, find and kill Bin Laden OR leave those countries to rot and lock our borders down!

Dodgeram, I had a picture to go with that saying. But I'll keep it myself. :D

11-03-2004, 02:31 PM
well he won the election. i guess bush flushed the john

11-03-2004, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by popo
Mrs. Kerry stated. Enjoy your french fries and mustard. :p

Now Bush better get the hint on what the American public want and bring Bin Lindens head on a stick and get back to #1 the $$$ of this country.

For the sake of you guys , I hope he sticks to his words and doesn't lie to you like 99.9% of politicians . I wonder if this other 4 years in office will bring him up here .... since the first 4 years he never did . I know that our Prime Minister made the call this morning to congratulate Bush on his victory . Maybe we can mend the relationship between the two countries that has deteriorated ( sorry I have a hard time spelling that word ) over the last few years .

Oh and if I go to Hatfield ride ..... I'm still bringing Heinz ketchup .... sorry !!!:D

11-03-2004, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by quadryder
thank you, bush sucks, but is better than kerry.... but at least like jasp said we get guns....for now.....:rolleyes: How can you even say "bush sucks, but is better than Kerry"? Kerry wasn't given the chance and will never know what it would be like? There is that possibility that it could of been ALOT better!!!

11-03-2004, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by zephead400ex
Economy?...rising from the resinated state Clinton left it in.

You're kidding right, rising? Have I missed last nights paper?

Originally posted by zephead400ex
Death of our soliders?...it's a war, soldiers will die, it's inevitable! I don't like seeing any of our soldiers die any more than you do, but they are soliders. These men and women signed up, not drafted, signed up for the military. They knew well before they signed up that if there was a war, they could be sent to action. Action could mean death. I think it is a pity that any American solider dies in action but that is risk that was taken by signing the dotted line!

So lets act like it a war. Right now they still want to call the enemy 'insurgents'. Give me a break. That is nothing but a reminder of a little place called Vietnam. In war people who threw rocks could be shot. Instead we feed them. In war we would continue to attack until we controlled sector by sector, right now stand around looking for Al Queida flags to rise.

It's not the soldiers faults they are dieing. It's our goverment; they are acting like Democrats and calling themselves Republicans. Either take that country over and make them submit. Or let them rot. Then I can see a soldier giving the ultimate price. Right now it seems more like assisted suicide.

Tommy 17
11-03-2004, 03:03 PM
well looks like i'm not gonna have a job in 4 years... some guy in india will have my engineering job at 1/4 the pay...

also i hope bush gets his priorites straight... there was no need to go to war in iraqi... he went in to finish what his daddy started... there were bigger threats out there... all he did was kill our soldiers so he could go down in history...

i hope americas ready for another 4 years of debt:o

Bad Habit
11-03-2004, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by jb500ex
im all for war , but not just for the heck of it. and what do you care what other people do. if they are not bothering you, so who cares what they have on their head. worry more about wjhat you do then other people .

This is a rediculous statement.

On September 10, 2001. Bin Laden and Al Queida weren't doing anything to us, so who cares, right? Sure we knew they hated us, but they weren't bothering us, "so who cares what they have on their head".

I'll bet that you will not argue that had we known what Al Queida had planned, we should have killed every last one before they had a chance to do it.

11-03-2004, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by jb500ex
historically the stock market always goes up the day after an election, no matter who is voted in. and where exactly does bush stand. is he more concerned with the terrorist or the guy that his father couldn't kill 14 years ago. our problem today in 2004 is bin laden NOT saddam. maybe if you lived here september 11 2001 you would understand that. september 2001 it's now october 2004 and we have not dealt with the real problem yet. im all for war , but not just for the heck of it. and what do you care what other people do. if they are not bothering you, so who cares what they have on their head. worry more about wjhat you do then other people . im not religous but have too listen and deal with religion with this president and the people who voted for him. and thats NOT AMERICAN, go back and read the constitution, seperation of religion and state. went from the largest surplus of money that we ever had to the largest deficet in 4 years. we congrats bush voters, you wanted him you got him

I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public.:muscle:

11-03-2004, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
For the sake of you guys , I hope he sticks to his words and doesn't lie to you like 99.9% of politicians . I wonder if this other 4 years in office will bring him up here .... since the first 4 years he never did

HAHA, No hes already up there. Remember we went to war with Iraq cuz they had WMDs. But did they? no.

We needed change, more negative things has happened in the last four years than postive. Our country just had the chance to save alot of troops but blew it.

11-03-2004, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by Bad Habit

I'll bet that you will not argue that had we known what Al Queida had planned, we should have killed every last one before they had a chance to do it.

Wasn't it reported by the government that they knew Al Quaida was planning an attack ... but they never did anything?

If you watched and listen to the tapes that were released last week , Osama clearly stated that his grudge with the United States started back in 1982 when the united states army aided in bringing down buildings in Lebanon i think it was . So this was been going on for atleast 19 years before the Twin Towers came down .

He also said , he didn't expect it to be so easy to attack the USA . He thought he would only get the chance to crash one of the planes .... but because of the lack in responce time ( when Bush was reading books with the kids ) , it allowed him ( Osama) an extra 10 - 15 minutes to crash a few more planes .

But hey .... the elections are over .... everyone can get back to their normal lives . whether you like it or not , everyone is gunna have to deal with Bush for the next 4 years . Presidents are only allowed to be elected twice right?

11-03-2004, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by cotttonwoody
HAHA, No hes already up there. Remember we went to war with Iraq cuz they had WMDs. But did they? no.

We needed change, more negative things has happened in the last four years than postive. Our country just had the chance to save alot of troops but blew it.

He's up here??? Thats news to me !!! Cuz at 3 PM this afternoon I was watching him live from somewhere in the USA !!! :huh

11-03-2004, 03:36 PM
no i thought u ment up there in the 99.9% of politicians.

11-03-2004, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Wasn't it reported by the government that they knew Al Quaida was planning an attack ... but they never did anything?

The CIA never knew where or when it was going to happen. They had hear talk of a terrorist attack in the US, but it would be impossible to guard every single site that could possibly be attacked. Pre-9/11, we had a completely different outlook on national security.

That is one of the reasons why we invaded Iraq, to prevent another terrorist attack. Why don't we invade Syria and Russia and find the nukes and 377 million tons of material that wound up missing from Iraq?...or invade Canada! haha!

Greg, jp 'bout invading Canada!:D

11-03-2004, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by cotttonwoody
no i thought u ment up there in the 99.9% of politicians.

Ahhh now I get ya .... :)

HAHAHA .... you guys can invade Canada , but you aint gunna find much . Maybe a few drunk guys in the bars , a Moose here and there , and watch out for our military carrying sling shots . :devil:

And if you wanan get our prized possession ... go to the West Edmonton Mall , in Alberta and steal our submarine . It's the only one that floats and it's in a mall out on the plains . Figure that one out Eh !!!!!

11-03-2004, 03:49 PM
I guess those of you that haven't felt the direct economic blunders of Bush would be happy...... :rolleyes:

11-03-2004, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Ahhh now I get ya .... :)

HAHAHA .... you guys can invade Canada , but you aint gunna find much

Maybe you can show us where the "greenery" grows, eh:devil:

11-03-2004, 04:08 PM
well, to tell ya the truth , now that I think of it ..
Since Bush keeps making great decisions since hes been in office and dumping millions into this war .. our Canadian dollar has been goin up and with him back in office .. its gonna keep rising!

Bad Habit
11-03-2004, 04:10 PM
Wasn't it reported by the government that they knew Al Quaida was planning an attack ... but they never did anything?

Had we known, we SHOULDN'T have done anything. At least that would be using the logic of the people saying that we shouldn't be in Iraq. Because afterall, they haven't done anything to us.................yet.

[/QUOTE]If you watched and listen to the tapes that were released last week , Osama clearly stated that his grudge with the United States started back in 1982 when the united states army aided in bringing down buildings in Lebanon i think it was . So this was been going on for atleast 19 years before the Twin Towers came down .

He also said , he didn't expect it to be so easy to attack the USA . He thought he would only get the chance to crash one of the planes .... but because of the lack in responce time ( when Bush was reading books with the kids ) , it allowed him ( Osama) an extra 10 - 15 minutes to crash a few more planes .[/QUOTE]

Greg, don't even get me started on that tape, I've already said my piece on that one. But one thing, "extra 10-15 minutes to crash a few more plans". You really expect me to believe that because Bush didn't jump up and run out of that school room, that Bin Laden got the idea to crash a couple more plans??? And more importantly, could decide at a moments notice that he was going to crash MORE than he had planned on 10 minutes earlier???:huh

11-03-2004, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by zephead400ex
Maybe you can show us where the "greenery" grows, eh:devil:

HAHAHA . Flinflon Manitoba . It's being grown in an abondoned mine . My old man has a shirt , its says soemthing like Flinflon Manitoba ... weed capital of the world . and theres a lil dude pushing a cart full of bud and he looks baked . Under it , it says . High Ho High Ho It's Off To Work We Grow !!!! " He wears that shirt all the time . :p

11-03-2004, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by Bad Habit
Had we known, we SHOULDN'T have done anything. At least that would be using the logic of the people saying that we shouldn't be in Iraq. Because afterall, they haven't done anything to us.................yet.

If you watched and listen to the tapes that were released last week , Osama clearly stated that his grudge with the United States started back in 1982 when the united states army aided in bringing down buildings in Lebanon i think it was . So this was been going on for atleast 19 years before the Twin Towers came down .

He also said , he didn't expect it to be so easy to attack the USA . He thought he would only get the chance to crash one of the planes .... but because of the lack in responce time ( when Bush was reading books with the kids ) , it allowed him ( Osama) an extra 10 - 15 minutes to crash a few more planes .[/QUOTE]

Greg, don't even get me started on that tape, I've already said my piece on that one. But one thing, "extra 10-15 minutes to crash a few more plans". You really expect me to believe that because Bush didn't jump up and run out of that school room, that Bin Laden got the idea to crash a couple more plans??? And more importantly, could decide at a moments notice that we was going to crash MORE than he had planned on 10 minutes earlier???:huh [/QUOTE]

I believe they have him on video reading about the goat to the children even after he finds out they were being attacked.

So I guess Bush was so into that childrens book he couldn't be bothered by the fact thousands of american children were being killed.

Bad Habit
11-03-2004, 04:15 PM
I believe they have him on video reading about the goat to the children even after he finds out they were being attacked. [/B]

Yes that's right. And your point is ??????????????????

11-03-2004, 04:17 PM
i personally think some of you on here are the most pathetic, ussless americans, who shouldnt even be aloud to be called americans, people. If you are against going after Saddam, Osama, or whoever else this web of terror involves, pack up, and move to Antartica, if it was legal, i would love to chase some of you out of this country with the assault weapons that Bush isnt going to get rid of

also, if you were Saddam, would you hide the WMD in a place where the US could find them, because everyone knows they had them, or parts of them, they obvoiusly hid them in the mountains, under the sand, or what not, because i think that Saddams original plan, before he got caught, was to reorganize the WMD, and then use them, after we believed he was already dead

11-03-2004, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by Bad Habit
Yes that's right. And your point is ??????????????????

That by doing that be allowed more time for the terrorists to attack.

11-03-2004, 04:18 PM
Here is a fact regarding this election...not an opinion.
Bush claimed the highest popular vote count of all time beating Ronald Reagan's 1984 record by 4 million votes. The American people have spoken.

Now for opinion...
I would take Reagan over Bush any day of the week but our choices were Bush or Kerry. I voted Bush because Kerry couldn't give me a coherent stance on any issue and plainly, I didn't think I could trust him. If there was a viable alternative to Bush I would have considered it. To whoever said Ohio has lost 900,000 - try 244,000 since Nov. 1999. Anyone living under the dilusion that Kerry would magically create new jobs is kidding themselves. What's he going to do, tell a company to hire in Ohio, PA, Timbuktu, etc.? Companies go where they can afford to be competitive. If Company A has to move jobs to India to stay in business and keep 2/3 of its American workforce, isn't that better than keeping that company here until they're simply forced out of business altogether? Not only that but people need to wake up to the fact that our country is changing. This isn't the 1960's where manufacturing was booming and GM, Ford, Republic Steel, Timken and the railroads couldn't hire enough people. We've moved to a service-based economy. Anyone in high school or college right now looking to make it in manufacturing is putting themselves at the bottom of a long, uphill struggle. If you can't understand that our economy is shifting than that's your own fault.

Do you cry over the lost jobs when the tractor made human farming obsolete?
Do you cry over the lost jobs when the train put the Pony Express out of business?
Do you cry over the lost jobs when the automobile put the horse-drawn carriage makers out of business?
Do you cry over the lost jobs when the airplane made the train obsolete?
Do you cry over the lost jobs when the robot replaced the assembly line worker?

Of course not because everytime a new technology made something obsolete a new chain of jobs was created. To make horse-drawn carriages you had a company that built the carriage, a company that built the wheels, a company that made the leather straps, a guy who shoed the horses, etc. When the automobile was created you snuffed out those jobs but they were replaced with a new chain of jobs. Now you have a company that assembles the car, a company that makes the tires, a company that makes the electronics, a company that builds the assembly line robots, etc. You can complain about the robot that put the assembly line worker out of a job but now you've created a set of jobs just for that robot (building, installing, servicing, etc.). My point is no matter what you're planning on doing for your career you better be on the cutting edge. Don't plan on being a mathmetician...plan on building the calculator that the mathemetician uses.

Bad Habit
11-03-2004, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by DEAL
That by doing that be allowed more time for the terrorists to attack.

Give me a break. :rolleyes:

What's that old saying..............

"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink."

how about..........

"You can lead an idiot to knowledge, but you can't make him think."

11-03-2004, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by Bad Habit
Give me a break. :rolleyes:

What's that old saying..............

"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink."

how about..........

"You can lead an idiot to knowledge, but you can't make him think."

Just thought I would spell it out for you.

11-03-2004, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by zephead400ex
Maybe you can show us where the "greenery" grows, eh:devil:

Heres the t-shirt I was telling you about . Worn by a 55 year old man ..... Gotta love my father ... LOL


11-03-2004, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Heres the t-shirt I was telling you about . Worn by a 55 year old man ..... Gotta love my father ... LOL


Your fathers the man .. :D

11-03-2004, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by DEAL
Your fathers the man .. :D

Should see my grandmother's face when he wears that to family dinners . ;)

11-03-2004, 04:48 PM
Bush is now your president for the next 4 years and you should support the president of your country no matter who it is. If you dont want to support him, well then, this country doesnt need you anyways.

11-03-2004, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by JUSTINcredible
Bush is now your president for the next 4 years and you should support the president of your country no matter who it is. If you dont want to support him, well then, this country doesnt need you anyways.

I'll support him .. even though I'm Canadian .. I love the 82 cents Canadian and rising :D

11-03-2004, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by DEAL
I'll support him .. even though I'm Canadian .. I love the 82 cents Canadian and rising :D

:devil: :devil: Soon enough it won't cost me $130 for a $100 item . Good thinking dude !!!!!

11-03-2004, 04:54 PM
from what you guys say who you consider to be americans i think are idiots, half of your opinions about sittin down and drinkin a cold one sound like there off some western movie lol

not calling you guys rednecks but its funny if you look at all the states, most of t he states that voted bush are mostly populated by rednecks and country folk the states that voted kerry had more people and more educated people " oh dem dang pusses redin them books n stuff, i show dem a man when i kill em wid the 22" hahah

i guess its good tho we have a president with most of the nation supporting him, and stuff..

if u ask me this was a toss up, there both crappy canidates and i think bush relates to the average american more than kerry so everyone voted bush well the majority

11-03-2004, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by JUSTINcredible
Bush is now your president for the next 4 years and you should support the president of your country no matter who it is. If you dont want to support him, well then, this country doesnt need you anyways.

thats just a stupid comment, so your saying if hitler was a american and he ran for president in 2004 and somehow got elected that we should all follow his lead or were not americans? :huh

11-03-2004, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by Bean
i personally think some of you on here are the most pathetic, ussless americans, who shouldnt even be aloud to be called americans, people. If you are against going after Saddam, Osama, or whoever else this web of terror involves, pack up, and move to Antartica, if it was legal, i would love to chase some of you out of this country with the assault weapons that Bush isnt going to get rid of

also, if you were Saddam, would you hide the WMD in a place where the US could find them, because everyone knows they had them, or parts of them, they obvoiusly hid them in the mountains, under the sand, or what not, because i think that Saddams original plan, before he got caught, was to reorganize the WMD, and then use them, after we believed he was already dead

And what makes u such a usefull american? If you know where the WMDs are why dont your join the army and go find them your self. Also i would love to see you come chase us with your assault weapons.

11-03-2004, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by SRH
from what you guys say who you consider to be americans i think are idiots, half of your opinions about sittin down and drinkin a cold one sound like there off some western movie lol

not calling you guys rednecks but its funny if you look at all the states, most of t he states that voted bush are mostly populated by rednecks and country folk the states that voted kerry had more people and more educated people " oh dem dang pusses redin them books n stuff, i show dem a man when i kill em wid the 22" hahah

i guess its good tho we have a president with most of the nation supporting him, and stuff..

if u ask me this was a toss up, there both crappy canidates and i think bush relates to the average american more than kerry so everyone voted bush well the majority

I wouldn't say educated people, just Homos and minorities....Things that make you go..... Huh??? Since that is the groups that the democrats strive for, democrats in general have no moral values, they figure that they can give these groups special treatment and they will vote for them. Well I guess all of us rednecks just got fedup with listening to the democrats BS and broke it off in ya'll.

11-03-2004, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by SRH
not calling you guys rednecks but its funny if you look at all the states, most of t he states that voted bush are mostly populated by rednecks and country folk the states that voted kerry had more people and more educated people Here's a county-by-county map of how the citizens voted last night. As you can see, the country overwhelmingly voted for Bush. Even in states that Kerry won Bush still carried a strikingly large number of counties.

11-03-2004, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by cotttonwoody
And what makes u such a usefull american? If you know where the WMDs are why dont your join the army and go find them your self. Also i would love to see you come chase us with your assault weapons.

my thoughts exactly, by the way, USEFUL americans can spell...and if you know so much about saddam and his magical disappearing weapons why don't you call up the white house and tell them....you could say saddam had these weapons and hid them here and there...maybe he stuck them up his ***.. or hid them under a rug :eek:

im not calling myself a good american but your sitting back saying others are pathetic and useless and instead of helping this cause you support your sitting on a chair wasting your time on the internet...now that useless...go over there with your assault weapons dig up those weapons and then you can come back and say were useless and pathetic and ill agree

11-03-2004, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by Guy400
Here's a county-by-county map of how the citizens voted last night. As you can see, the country overwhelmingly voted for Bush. Even in states that Kerry won Bush still carried a strikingly large number of counties.

yeah i know that i just thought it was funny when they showed state to state, i didnt really expect to see kerry elected i was just dissappointed at the reasons i heard people say why they voted for bush they were just stupid, although some people had good reasons and opinions i just cant respect i voted for him because we can keep guns, i just hoped the average person thought about more than guns...i think that you should have to take a test before you can vote and if your too godamn stupid you cant vote

11-03-2004, 05:20 PM
Someone is getting a little testy....calm down don't blow a gasket just because your Hermon Munster look a like lost....:D :D :D

11-03-2004, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by SRH
yeah i know that i just thought it was funny when they showed state to state, i didnt really expect to see kerry elected i was just dissappointed at the reasons i heard people say why they voted for bush they were just stupid, although some people had good reasons and opinions i just cant respect i voted for him because we can keep guns, i just hoped the average person thought about more than guns...i think that you should have to take a test before you can vote and if your too godamn stupid you cant vote

I think for some people being able to read the ballot was a big enough test.

11-03-2004, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by SRH
yeah i know that i just thought it was funny when they showed state to state, i didnt really expect to see kerry elected i was just dissappointed at the reasons i heard people say why they voted for bush they were just stupid, although some people had good reasons and opinions i just cant respect i voted for him because we can keep guns, i just hoped the average person thought about more than guns.

I'm not an american, but I totally agree with you on that statement.
I'm sick of hearing "I'm votin for bush cuz hez gittin-r-done in eeraq"

11-03-2004, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by SRH
thats just a stupid comment, so your saying if hitler was a american and he ran for president in 2004 and somehow got elected that we should all follow his lead or were not americans? :huh

yes, that is exactly what im saying:rolleyes: :huh

11-03-2004, 05:29 PM
Deal....why are you even commenting, Everybody north of the border better hope they don't piss him off or we will own Canada also.....Even though it would be a pain in the *** to ship all of you French, back to France....Hell who knows we might just give you Alaska.

11-03-2004, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by dodgeram
Deal....why are you even commenting, Everybody north of the border better hope they don't piss him off or we will own Canada also.....Even though it would be a pain in the *** to ship all of you French, back to France....Hell who knows we might just give you Alaska.

I'm really sorry.

11-03-2004, 05:36 PM

11-03-2004, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by SRH
i think that you should have to take a test before you can vote and if your too godamn stupid you cant vote On that point I agree with you. The whole debacle in Florida in 2000 was centered around a bunch of old people or hispanics that were either too stupid to understand a simple punch-card ballot or they couldn't speak/read English. Both should disqualify you from voting IMO. If you can't push a stylus through a hole next to the name you want to win than you don't deserve to vote...

11-03-2004, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by dodgeram
Deal....why are you even commenting, Everybody north of the border better hope they don't piss him off or we will own Canada also.....Even though it would be a pain in the *** to ship all of you French, back to France....Hell who knows we might just give you Alaska.

LMAO ... Sure thing buddy . Quick fact for you .... the USA tried on five different occasion to take over Canada in the past .... they lost everytime .

Funny how you think we're all French . A percentage of the population is french . Just like a percentage of Americans are Mexican . " Wait let's ship you all back to Mexico " because thats where you all came from right?? Open up a WORLD history book before you speak .

I'm just glad I know the majority of the people in the USA aren't as uneducated as you are .

11-03-2004, 05:57 PM
Did we really try....I don't think so. We may have talked about it but we figured we really didn't need a trash dump that big. Because if we had you wouldn't add ay' after every sentence. Your military couldn't fight it's way out of a paper sack, so lets not go there. The only time you have ever entered a war is when the US told you to, because we needed a sheild for our troops.

11-03-2004, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by dodgeram
Did we really try....I don't think so. We may have talked about it but we figured we really didn't need a trash dump that big. Because if we had you wouldn't add ay' after every sentence. Your military couldn't fight it's way out of a paper sack, so lets not go there. The only time you have ever entered a war is when the US told you to, because we needed a sheild for our troops.

Hes talking about back in the 17 maybe 1800s.
Remember .. gitt-r-done.

11-03-2004, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by dodgeram
Did we really try....I don't think so. We may have talked about it but we figured we really didn't need a trash dump that big. Because if we had you wouldn't add ay' after every sentence. Your military couldn't fight it's way out of a paper sack, so lets not go there. The only time you have ever entered a war is when the US told you to, because we needed a sheild for our troops.

ROFLMAO .... Dude just keep quiet before you make a bigger fool out of yourself .

Hmmm a Nation of 30 million against a nation of 300 million people . Ever wonder why we don't have a large military?? Maybe because our priorities are centred around other things other than war and killing others . Open a history book and read that the USA tried to invade Canada with the use of it's military back in the day but were not successful .

LMAO .... oh yes the only wars we've ever entered were because the USA told us we had to go to war . Yup you're right ... thats why we are in the war in Iraq right now ... because the USA TOLD us that we had to . Big thumbs up to ya Bud !!. And yup ... I'm sure ANY American with half a brain , would be pleased that a Canadian layed his or her life on the line to save a fellow soldier ... no matter what country he was from . But you wouldn't understand that concept cuz you seem to have your head up your *** thinking about yourself only . Go over seas and go see the fields where thousands of canadian soldiers are buried because they were fighting along side Americans as part of a TEAM .

Also if you want to end the sentence properly ... it's not "ay" .... it's "Eh " ... Got it ?? Eh !!!!

11-03-2004, 06:07 PM
alright, this isn't a US versus Canadian trashing thread. And dodgeram, if you piss off Quadstar and he decides not to let his American friends up to his cottage, it will be up to you to provide the entertainment we'll miss out on! :grr: Now deep breaths everyone, sorry if the air is cold up there, Greg!

Did we really... seriously, try to take over your country 4 times? :eek: :p

btw... I wanna use the hot tub before you get in with your leaking leg! :eek2: :blah:

11-03-2004, 06:12 PM
Oh I'm all about the team, just not with people who bash our President.

11-03-2004, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by LTandRaptorider
alright, this isn't a US versus Canadian trashing thread. And dodgeram, if you piss off Quadstar and he decides not to let his American friends up to his cottage, it will be up to you to provide the entertainment we'll miss out on! :grr: Now deep breaths everyone, sorry if the air is cold up there, Greg!

Did we really... seriously, try to take over your country 4 times? :eek: :p

btw... I wanna use the hot tub before you get in with your leaking leg! :eek2: :blah:

HAHAH Bart don't worry .... you as well as many other Yanks are welcomed up here anytime . I wouldn't let one bad apple spoil the bushel ... you know what I mean ?? ;)

And yeah ... the USA did try to invade Canada a few decades ago .... on 5 different occasions from what I remember reading . We were still under the British Empire at the time so we had a bit of help ;) . I was surprised when I read it in the history books also .

And ya ... you can have first crack at the hot tub .... guests first . But theres only one rule .... you must always have a beer in hand while you're in the hot tub . Cottage rules ... sorry ... I didn't make them up ( well OK , maybe I did) :devil:

11-03-2004, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
And ya ... you can have first crack at the hot tub .... guests first . But theres only one rule .... you must always have a beer in hand while you're in the hot tub . Cottage rules ... sorry ... I didn't make them up ( well OK , maybe I did) :devil:

That is a rule I can live with, bud! matter of fact, i'm starting to feel sober... and not liking it! brb...

11-03-2004, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by dodgeram
Oh I'm all about the team, just not with people who bash our President.

Freedom of speech dude . We live in a free world . There are just as many Americans that aren't pleased with the decisions made as there are with other people around the world . Critisism never hurt anyone ... especially when it's an opinion !!!

11-03-2004, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by LTandRaptorider
That is a rule I can live with, bud! matter of fact, i'm starting to feel sober... and not liking it! brb...

Couple pain killers and a few beer and you ain't gunna feel much till tomorrow morning . Last time I took 2 Tylenol 3 with codeine and a couple beers with the guys I was good till noon the next day . Everything just seems to be floating on a cloud !!!:D

BRB ... Tylenol and Budweiser time .... just joking . :p

11-03-2004, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Freedom of speech dude . We live in a free world . There are just as many Americans that aren't pleased with the decisions made as there are with other people around the world . Critisism never hurt anyone ... especially when it's an opinion !!!

Exactly it's free and safe because the Us has kept it that way all these yrs.

11-03-2004, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by dodgeram
Exactly it's free and safe because the Us has kept it that way all these yrs.
With the help of British soldiers .... with the help of Canadian soldiers .... with the help of other nations around the world . It wasn't a One nation crusade for the last hundred years .

Remember what is comming up November the 11th .

Remembrance Day . A day to celebrate the lives of those lost to war around the world . When you're down in the trenches , I don't think you really care if it's a British soldier or a Canadian soldier protecting your American head and vice versa for us .

But with comments like " Using canadians as shields" .... shows a real lack of respect man .

11-03-2004, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
With the help of British soldiers .... with the help of Canadian soldiers .... with the help of other nations around the world . It wasn't a One nation crusade for the last hundred years .

Remember what is comming up November the 11th .

Remembrance Day . A day to celebrate the lives of those lost to war around the world . When you're down in the trenches , I don't think you really care if it's a British soldier or a Canadian soldier protecting your American head and vice versa for us .

But with comments like " Using canadians as shields" .... shows a real lack of respect man .

I love you man! :D

No beer, whiskey and painkillers instead! :p :blah:

Now dodgeram, STFU! You are ruining a perfectly good alcoholic thread, got dammit! :mad:

11-03-2004, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by exriderdude
everybody plz tell me how many jobs have either been lost or gained in their state in the last 4 years plz. i can tell u that mine has lost 900,000 :ermm:

900,000 huh?
Considering Ohio has a population of 10 million people. After you remove children and the retired that would mean about 20% of the population would have lost there job.
Your numbers are way off do a little better research next time.

The economy goes in cycles, goes up then comes down over and over. Always has and always will.

11-03-2004, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
With the help of British soldiers .... with the help of Canadian soldiers .... with the help of other nations around the world . It wasn't a One nation crusade for the last hundred years .

Remember what is comming up November the 11th .

Remembrance Day . A day to celebrate the lives of those lost to war around the world . When you're down in the trenches , I don't think you really care if it's a British soldier or a Canadian soldier protecting your American head and vice versa for us .

But with comments like " Using canadians as shields" .... shows a real lack of respect man .

Too bad there are too few if any Canadians helping our US soldiers right now. Why dont you guys help out? We would help out your country if it was attacked.

11-03-2004, 07:47 PM
The economy goes in cycles, goes up then comes down over and over. Always has and always will.

BUT have we ever been this far in debt.?? bush has accumulated more debt in 4 years than the debt of EVERY other president from George Washington to Bill Clinton combined! 3 Trillion dollars.:eek2: The USSR was ultimately brought down by America because they tried to keep up in their military forces and thus kept getting more and more in debt. could the terrorists be smarter than us, leading us on to spending yet more money until we are in a overwhelming deficate?:confused:

11-03-2004, 08:22 PM
I don't think so I'm not going to let some damn canuck talk bad about our president, And I don't know who told you that we tried 5 times, but you better do some more research.

11-03-2004, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by 440exnacsracer
BUT have we ever been this far in debt.?? bush has accumulated more debt in 4 years than the debt of EVERY other president from George Washington to Bill Clinton combined! 3 Trillion dollars.:eek2: The USSR was ultimately brought down by America because they tried to keep up in their military forces and thus kept getting more and more in debt. could the terrorists be smarter than us, leading us on to spending yet more money until we are in a overwhelming deficate?:confused:

ahhh, no.

11-03-2004, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by dodgeram
I don't think so I'm not going to let some damn canuck talk bad about our president, And I don't know who told you that we tried 5 times, but you better do some more research.

Here ... for you to study before you speak about me not knowing my Canadian history . Let me reverse your words on you .... you better do some more research .


Another ...


11-03-2004, 08:44 PM
Are you freakin kiddin...your talkin about 1812......wake up and come into present day time, I'm talkin the last century not 200 yrs ago. Plus did the canadians have to invent there on encylopedia or what???? Maybe all the stories about Canada form south park are true????

11-03-2004, 08:46 PM
lol...americans and canadians are like distant brothers at a family function. its all b!tchin but they are still brothers. get over the bashing.

11-03-2004, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Here ... for you to study before you speak about me not knowing my Canadian history . Let me reverse your words on you .... you better do some more research .


Another ...


Good read, where can I find info on the other 3 attempts?

11-03-2004, 09:00 PM
well, im 14 and have absolutely no knowledge of political stuff, but i wanted Bush to win just because i had heard more good things about him, and i didnt like how Kerry was trying to ban some riding areas across the country.. and riding means more to me than anything right now, lol

11-03-2004, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by dodgeram
Are you freakin kiddin...your talkin about 1812......wake up and come into present day time, I'm talkin the last century not 200 yrs ago. Plus did the canadians have to invent there on encylopedia or what???? Maybe all the stories about Canada form south park are true????

LMAO ... dude how old are you?? Seriously ?? WHich encyclopedia do you read?? Does it matter where the facts came from? Have you ever though that what is written in a Canadian Encyclopedia is maybe history about what has happened in Canadian History?? You know they do have books just about certain nations .... go to your nearest library .... it might be rewarding for you ... you might actually learn something through the whole process . But I'm done with you on this cuz it's like a battle with a brick wall .... It's too dense to understand anything !!

Pappy you're right ....there's always going to be arguements between these two nations . It's been going on for hundreds of years , and it'll continue . I may not always agree with things that Americans agree upon , and I don't expect Americans to agree with what goes on in my country either .... but I do know that when my grandfather was fighting along side an american soldier during the second world war , they fought to keep eachother alive .... I don't think they were argueing about why Canadians have their own encyclopedia .

I hope everyone is gunna take a moment of silence on November 11th to thank those that passed on . They weren't all from the same nation , but they fought together as though they were .

11-03-2004, 09:02 PM
Originally posted by Woodsrider
Good read, where can I find info on the other 3 attempts?

History books , or you can search online . :)

11-03-2004, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by Guy400
Here's a county-by-county map of how the citizens voted last night. As you can see, the country overwhelmingly voted for Bush. Even in states that Kerry won Bush still carried a strikingly large number of counties.

Poor example. If you were to place large cities on the map you would clearly see that most cities voted Kerry, and more rural communities and areas voted Bush.

Those kind of comparisons prove and show nothing.

11-03-2004, 11:44 PM
canada is pretty well affected by what decisions the US makes, so quad18star's freedom of speech is not out of line at all. just because he was born on the north side of the line doesnt mean he cant state his opinion. i think its kinda a great thing that the border is so open to were its no different from crossing the border to another state in the US. im not saying this because i support Kerry because i am a Bush supporter.

i hope to go visit canada one day and maybe do some hunting up there, and im glad its just as easy as stepping over the border.

hey greg, sorry for the narrow minded people out there that think their way is the only way.

11-04-2004, 04:52 AM
Originally posted by TheJaspMan
Poor example. If you were to place large cities on the map you would clearly see that most cities voted Kerry, and more rural communities and areas voted Bush.

Those kind of comparisons prove and show nothing. I was never arguing that:confused: If you look at that map you can clearly see that Boston/New York/DC metro area voted Kerry and the same goes for the western most portion of California and Chicagoland. At the end of the day 59 million Americans voted for Bush and 54 million Americans voted for Kerry. What area of the country they're from is really a moot point in my eyes. Are 100 votes from the city more important than 100 votes from the country?

11-04-2004, 06:19 AM
Originally posted by Guy400
I was never arguing that:confused: If you look at that map you can clearly see that Boston/New York/DC metro area voted Kerry and the same goes for the western most portion of California and Chicagoland. At the end of the day 59 million Americans voted for Bush and 54 million Americans voted for Kerry. What area of the country they're from is really a moot point in my eyes. Are 100 votes from the city more important than 100 votes from the country?

Oh man 'No!'. That's not even close to what I was pointing out. I was simply stating that rural areas have millions of less votes than inner cities. That's why those maps map no sense. A couple of those huge counties in the deep midwest probably have 80 people in them. By comparison there would be 80,000 in the same size area in CA or NY.

11-04-2004, 09:05 AM
Originally posted by allmixedup047
canada is pretty well affected by what decisions the US makes, so quad18star's freedom of speech is not out of line at all. just because he was born on the north side of the line doesnt mean he cant state his opinion. i think its kinda a great thing that the border is so open to were its no different from crossing the border to another state in the US. im not saying this because i support Kerry because i am a Bush supporter.

i hope to go visit canada one day and maybe do some hunting up there, and im glad its just as easy as stepping over the border.

hey greg, sorry for the narrow minded people out there that think their way is the only way.

Hey man .... like I said before .... I wouldn't let a few bad apples spoil the bushel . I know that the majority of Americans aren't as narrow minded as some are . and I'll be the first to admit ... it happens up here in Canada also .

And myself also , like the fact that I can cross over to the USA on almost any given day . I've gone on vacation in the states , I've went and did shopping in the states ... I also help out the odd american at work ( whenever they stop in) and I don't treat them any differently than anyone else .

If you ever do get the chance , come on up and see what we have to offer . I'll guarantee you'll see some of the nicest country around the world , and be able to do some of the best hunting and fishing there is to offer .

11-04-2004, 11:35 AM


11-04-2004, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by exriderdude
actually, during clintons 8 years, we had the strongest economy of the 20th century, and also the strongest business growth of the 20th century. Clinton left office with a 78% approval rating...

ask yourself this.. are you better off now than you were 4 years ago??

everybody plz tell me how many jobs have either been lost or gained in their state in the last 4 years plz. i can tell u that mine has lost 900,000 :ermm:

you are diluting yourself to thin that that was Clintons doing. He just inherited the good the pres before him did.

11-04-2004, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by seatec
you are diluting yourself to thin that that was Clintons doing. He just inherited the good the pres before him did.

Really? And what facts is that based on?

11-04-2004, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by dodgeram
Are you freakin kiddin...your talkin about 1812......wake up and come into present day time, I'm talkin the last century not 200 yrs ago. Plus did the canadians have to invent there on encylopedia or what???? Maybe all the stories about Canada form south park are true????

I love kraft dinner.

11-04-2004, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by TheJaspMan
Oh man 'No!'. That's not even close to what I was pointing out. I was simply stating that rural areas have millions of less votes than inner cities. That's why those maps map no sense. A couple of those huge counties in the deep midwest probably have 80 people in them. By comparison there would be 80,000 in the same size area in CA or NY.

The most important thing to remember when you look at those maps is that the american people don't elect the president, the states do. When you go out and vote for president, you are voting for how your state will vote. This is the UNITED STATES...and the president is not king, he is a representitive of our union. The reason we have the electoral college is to make the best balance we can between the number of states and population. California is worth more because it has more people, but in the end the state only gets one vote. So the popular vote means nothing in regards to the presidency. The popular vote comes into play when we as a state choose OUR leader...the governor.

11-04-2004, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
lol...americans and canadians are like distant brothers at a family function. its all b!tchin but they are still brothers. get over the bashing.

wats mexico the sleezy brother in law comes in burping and farting makes a mess eats all the food and doesnt do anything:grr:


11-04-2004, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by SRH
wats mexico the sleezy brother in law comes in burping and farting makes a mess eats all the food and doesnt do anything:grr:


i have a few of them that show up 10 minutes before we put teh food on the table:o

11-04-2004, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by SRH
wats mexico the sleezy brother in law comes in burping and farting makes a mess eats all the food and doesnt do anything:grr:


i have a few of them that show up 10 minutes before we put teh food on the table:o