View Full Version : TECATE-4 (found) QUESTION'S--@@@

04-15-2002, 06:11 PM

i was at the sheriff's office today and went into the basement. they had bike's rims' a car' a buncha stuff really and a
HONDA 200S 3wheeler and a
KAWASAKI TECATE-4 down there' the 200s look's ahight rear fender's are gone but the over all bike (motor' axel you know all the rear components' seem to be in place..but screw the 200s..
the tecate-4 is what i want'....here's the condition...no rear fender's front's are all intact look's good. radiator and all hoses' look aight' axel, brake's, rim's, tire's, sproket's, a-arms', swingarm, shocks' all look great...BUT!!!!
--(missing)-- the left side case cover', the on/off switch and headlight switch's the clutch leaver doesn't work (the cable is attached and pulls the clutch but the leaver is screw'd) headpip's a little rusty. my queston's are'
it's been down there for 2 year's the i know of. i didn't try kicking it over, and didn't try to see if there was any compression. i'm ganna try and get this bike but i need to know what to look for, considering all that i listd up there, how much should i offer,(they should just give it to me man, no-one want's it but me) i could get it, either part it out and fix my bike OR part out my bike and fix the tecate (i wanna fix the tecate) it's not an eye-sore but its' no dream quad. when i walked down i looked around, saw the 200s (KOOL) "wait what's that green, wait, ahhh *****" "holy___ a tecate" "come-on man you gatta hook me up" i'm goin' back tomarrow and i'm ganna ask about it. but i'm thinkin' it's down there for evidence, like someone may have stolen it one time and they recovered it. but if that's so. they'd have the serial number's and should know the orriginal owner, and should have already notified him of the recovery (been there for 2 year's) so what's the hold up. they usually hold like an auction for recover'd stuff like that. ---anyone a policeman in here--clear this up for me...

1)-how much $ should offer the sheriff for the tecate-4?
2)-what should i look at while i'm there tomarrow?-(checking it over)
3)-which should i fix, and witch should i part out? (300ex/tecate-4)

i been wantin a tecate for a "SHLOONG" time

04-15-2002, 07:02 PM
I wouldnt give more then $900 for a tecate.:eek:

04-15-2002, 07:19 PM
Any way you can get ahold of a digi cam and get a pic of it? Id like to see it. :p

04-15-2002, 07:35 PM
Kick it,and if it moves,its worth fixing. If it doesn't move when you kick it,you got problems,worst case,a seaized bottom end. If the top end is seized,it's still good. Look for cracks in the cases or frame,and if all that checks out,look at the oil,if the oil is clean looking and it looks well maintained,I'd jump for it. If the bottom end is seized I'd offer $500,if it isn't stuck at all offer him about $800.

04-15-2002, 08:06 PM
talk to killerkx327, he knows everything about tecates.

04-15-2002, 09:32 PM
i didn't mean to post in the wrong forum, i forgot about the non-honda one' my bad,

so what your sayin' is, break in the jail beat-up the jailer, take his key's let all the inmate's out and snag the 200s and the tecate-4?
did i miss anything?


thanx blaster250x that's the kinda answer i was lookin' for...

i know what to look for when it come's to a bike that i can ride' and check out, but when it come's to just lookin' it over and tryin' to figure it out is a little differant.

striker49...nah man sorry. wish i could get a digi-cam up but......from the front it look's like it's in top shape, from the left (shifter side) you see the missing case, the right(brake side) you see the rusty head pipe ( it think the slip on part looks kinda like an fmf or somethin'. an oval type slip on) the back look's as good as the front, only it's missing the rear fender's original seat cover with no rips or hole's.......

wish me luck man. and hey. just how bad could the handeling be
to me it's worth it. tecate's are sweet when there cleaned up

04-15-2002, 10:13 PM
even if it didn't work you might be able to part it out and make some money.

04-15-2002, 10:25 PM
don't kick it over fast. i guarentee that after 2 years that cylinder is try. don't wanna scratch it up. off er them 100 dollars

04-15-2002, 10:43 PM
if i do get it something's ganna be parted out.
get alot more money for stuff like that.
first off i'm ganna price a buncha stuff that it needs' then price a buncha stuff my 300ex needs' then kinda add up the tottal price i could get part for oart for each of em' and see with come's up closest to what i need. i want that bike tho' man

04-15-2002, 10:44 PM
Con your way to a very nice price on the Tecate. 250r's, lt250's, and TECATE's are very nice and are very basic machines (compared to 4 strokers). You should have no problems rebuilding it. Take it all apart and put it back together using all good parts. You may have to do some research on the internet to get the right parts, etc., but it will be worth it. (Get a slightly bigger piston/ cylinder boring).

Strip the mofo down to the frame and sandblast, gusset/weld the weak areas, sandblast, and paint or coat it.

Go for it dude. The 300 is a great quad, but u need to move on. Get the Tecate for an awesome price and sell the 300 for some start up cash.

good luck,



04-16-2002, 01:05 PM
Tecates are the fastest 250 2 stroker ever made. I hear they have a cheap chassis,but from my experience with them,they aren't too bad at all.

04-16-2002, 08:51 PM
i didn't ask any of the jailer's or detective's about it couse they don't have a say so, ya know
i'm doin' comunity service so, i'm up there all day everyday mon-fri for the next 6 week's (30 day's)

i looked it over pretty close today, looks like it would make a pretty nice project. i don't really know what to look for, like missing part's, the on/off switch is gone, well everything on the bar's are gone except the leaver's (brake and clutch) it's twist throttle and i can hear it moving around in the carb so i know it's hooked up. while i was bent down beside it i took my hand and moved the kick starter and it made a
noise like "flub flub flub"(down) "tick tick tick"(up) (hahaha) i put my hand over the exhaust and felt a little air move over it (the spark plug is not in, it has one and it's connected to the wire's, just not screwd in the head so the kicker is easy to move) i though about screwing it in and doing it again but with my luck it would fire up and i wouldn't be able to shut it off (no on/off switch) but the noise it made and the air that passed through make's me think it will run with a little help i need some detailed picture's up close picture's of one to compare and see what's up. i'm not familiar with 2 stroker's. what else.................brake's need bleeding....the frame is oily kinda like the guy that had it put waaaay tooooo much oil on the chain and it flew all over the bike's frame and swing-arm or (if it's possible) the guy coulda ran it with out the left side case and got oil on it that way..i don't know....some water/wisk/mop-n-glo/and some windex and it would look pretty sharp....minus the rear fender's.....i talked to a few guys that have been at the jail for a while about it, they said that the parts should be in the basement somewhere couse when they brought it in they (deputies) stripped it to check for drugs....now how much of that is true i don't know...they are inmate's...me and that other guy looked all around for stuff but didn't see anything......and the 200s haha that fugger runns man. i barley pulled the pull rope on it and it fired right up HONDA for ya' i wanna get a cammera in there to snap a few shot's of it to let you peep see what shape it's in. plus it would be kinda kool pic of a tecate with a police cruser and a police boat behind it with an inmate standing beside it.....(don't drink n ride)

lrd-416ex i got your pm man...if i do get it i'm not ganna sale it whole. i'd rather fix it. if i sold it whole i probably wouldn't get enugh for it to fix my 300ex, and if i sold the 300ex whole i wouldn't get enugh to fix the tecate

04-17-2002, 10:52 PM
no tecate for me......................

kinda figured it to work out like this, but you know, had to hope for the best.

i talked to the sheriff, he said the tecate was stolen. it was recovered by the game and fish deartment from a hunting camp. it had been stolen for 2yrs before it was found, and has been at the jail for 2yrs. the sheriff called the original owner and he said "well i guess i need to cal the insurance company
then huh" (idiot). when he said that the sheriff said that he couldn't return it to him, that it was now owned by the insurance company (they paid it off). the insur. comy. said they would come and get it. they havn't come in the past 2 years. i said "it's been there that long? they forgot about it probably. it's probably gunna rot down there" he said "well it's their's and we can't sale it" :huh he said if it were the counties property then they would have to have an auction to sale it. they couldn't just say "hey wanna tecate?" "sure" ." here ya' go". the citizens of the state would have to be notified and they would hold an auction for all seized property. he said if the insr. company come's for it, then then they would have to sale it through auction ........ok well that just plain sux. he knows as well as i do that no-one will every come for that machine. and it WILL fkn rot right there in that basement.!!! i hate it. wish i wouldn't have asked now, couse now everyday i'm ganna see that bike and say "DM that would make a sweet fixer upper" i explained to him that it was a pretty rare find, that they sale em' on the internet all the time, but whats the fun in buying a "fixer upper" that's already fixed up?

oh and uh....comunity service stinks man. everyday i get hasseld about bringing them (inmates) stuff like , ciggeretts, drugs, alchohal, YEAST!!. I HATE IT wouldn't be so bad if it wassn't for all that. they want me to bring them yeast so they can make drinks kinda like vodka with mashed potatoes sugar and yeast:huh..i have to serve the brakefast, lunch and dinner trays. i get to the little drop down door thingy and it's "ay main" hook me up" "let me hold sumpn'" "take this to ole' boy" "you smoke?" "you a punk main" but i can't say anything to em' abou it..let's say i get fed up with it one day and go off on all of em'. or i get close to the little door thing and they reach in my pocket and snag some money or my smoke's. if i reach back through the little hole and snatch a knott in his ***. I get in trouble. if i get in trouble then i have to do 6mths for my original charge. "you in tha' free world main" "let me hold a dalla'" "you got da' money, you could afford a lawyer. you can afford one dalla main" punk ***" everyday. 3 time's a day. i thought comunity service was like. you go to a church and cut the grass or work at the court house taking out the garbage or some____! not washing police cars, washing dishes, and serving trays. some of the guys in there man man...it's sad dude they know it's ganna be awhile before they get out, i don't know how they make it man. there one white guy n there, smaller than me locked in a cell with 5 other black guy's, they beat his *** man. call him whity, mr.bean, binney, chicken bich..he just looks at me through that little window thing like his life is over. he's got 2 more year's of that............
.........................DON'T GET COUGHT...................

04-17-2002, 11:37 PM
What exactly did you do to get community service?

04-18-2002, 10:13 AM
BLAHH"300!! where exactly are you located? if you can find out the name of the insurance company or find the owner that it got stolen from ,they should be able to tell you the name of the insurance company that was suppose to pick it up.if you get ahold of the insurance company and make them a small hundred dollar offer on it i gaurantee they will let you have the machine.
then the insurance company will give you a release from the sherriffs department and you would be able to take it home.
i would highly recommend persuing that tecate if i were you.they are very rare and very fast when tuned right.
please take a look at my tecate 4 pics and and then maybe you'll get an idea what they are all about.
if nothing else tell me where the sherriffs department is and the sherriff you talked to and thier phone number and i'll do the investigation work and i'll get that damn thing out of there so it doesn't have to sit and rot.thats a damn shame.

04-18-2002, 11:31 AM
no more drinking for you .......you should try to get that tecate if you ca. do what ole boy above sad.. hey ...it's my last weekend in juvnile center this weekend..**** yeah

04-20-2002, 01:55 PM
i replied to your pm before i read this post. i see what your sayin' now. i did think abou asking the company name but , i don't know, tryin' to be MR NICE GUYand not bother the sheriff i guess.
?will they give me the company name and such, or the original owners name? i thought there was some sort of legal somethin' or other where they couldn't give out info like that?

oh and man yesterday they brought in a 78' or 79' comaro. looked nice, good paint no dent's from what i could tell of the interior (it was scatterd across the basement floor) it seamed to be in good shape too. they tore that car to pieces man haha. the trunks open and i can see all the way through to the radio ,witch is all hanging out. the dash is all taken apart. them county boys' man. they just tear some sh*t up i guess hehe. but the owner of the car deserved to get it dismantled and strown about the place, he ecscaped from jail ,in another town, stole the 'maro and drove it here to v'burg where he was cought. well i guess the owner didn't deserve to thave his 'maro torn appart butt he escapey did. he shot a guard in the leg on the way out of the jail.

my comunity service......i was cought drinking n drivin in louisiana it's right across the ms. river bridge from here about 15 mile's to a bar over there from my house, we were leaving, m and a freind, becouse my freind had to take a 5h!t and needed a ride. (i guess you could say it was a pretty 5h!tty ride)..got the dwi in la. and i'm doing my comunity service in vicksburg ms. (crazy huh) and i have a valid driver's license (even more crazy) ....

hey killer be a little more descriptive about the steps i should take to find out this info on the tecate....thanx and later

04-20-2002, 06:39 PM
why don't you justy instant message me and i can tell you more.but there is a way you can get that machine.and i know from experience that you'll be able to get it for next to nothing.
heres my screenname killerkx327 on any instant messanger.