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View Full Version : be careful..... theres a nasty bug going around

10-31-2004, 11:34 PM
Looks like the ole Flu bug has hit home... My ole man has been running a fever of close to 105 all day today:eek: TERRIBLE body aches, also effects the respitory. Ive tried to convince him into going to a Dr. but he wants no part of that.:grr: Crappy part is that his work doesnt seem to think they can go one day w/o him there:mad: :rolleyes: . I get to work and everyone and there dog is sick too!!! i think Im doomed!!!:eek2:

11-01-2004, 12:05 PM
Sounds like it's time to get a motel room Tina LOL j/k YEP lil man was sick ALL weekend w/ some kind of crap :( he didn't even get to go Trick or Treating or to his school party today :(:( Now that'll ruin a Halloween for a kid, but I know he's sick cuz he didn't even complain, poor little guy. I tried to get him in the Dr. today but NOOOOOO they dont' except walk ins :mad: :mad: so I have to call in the morning what a bunch of you know what!!! It was funny though cuz I ran to the store on Sat. & Ron calls as i'm on my way home & says "honey how do you get puke out of the carpet" ROFLMAO it was GREAT cuz he's NEVER home when stuff like this happens! so he DID clean it up but the poor lil guy puked all day/night, w/ a fever, & now he's got a nasty itchy rash all over his stomach/legs :( but he's on Benadryl now so I hope it helps him!! Hope Troy feels better soon & you DONT' get it!!

11-01-2004, 01:24 PM
i went to bed at 7:30 last night, woke up at 7 this morning for school and felt like crap, fever, soar throat, tired as hell, and just plain worn out, went to school, felt like crap, came home for lunch and went back to bed for 3 hours, just woke up now and still feel like crap. hope i feel better soon. i hate working when im sick

11-01-2004, 01:56 PM
Sorry to hear about this, Tina! I feel the same about going to a doc, but sounds like Troy needs so go. All I can offer you is the spare side to my bed... :devil: Don't think your hubby has to worry about me getting outta hand now, though... Wait a minute... " Houston... we have lift-off!" :eek: :p :D