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10-30-2004, 07:02 PM
Ok so i went to work with my dad this morning to harry conick jr's house (my dad built his house) im sure many have you have not heard of him but he was on will and grace for a long time so anyway...on the way home i look over at the dry cleaners and guess what i see? A bright yellow brand new lamborghini murcielago HOLY CHIT! my dad turns around so we can snap a pic...my dad asks the guy if he minds if we get some pics he says "absolutely go ahead, do whatever you want, does your son want to get in it?" so now i have bean working and my pants are nasty...i walk over to the car and the guy sees that my pants are hella dirty and he doesn't even care!...anyway i climbed into that thing and man, i cant even describe what it feels like!..anyway we got some pics but they are high resolution and i cant upload them here...if anyone wants i can send some pics of me in it...its a really sick car its got a window out back that you can see the motor through! imagine an all wheel drive, 500+ hp v-10 2500 lbs super car right at your fingertips...i should have asked if i could take her around the block!...i was very impressed with the man he didnt care what we did and we took time out of his most likely unbeleivably busy day and he just stood aside and let us take pictures...we even stayed and chated for a few mins before parting ways!......anyway thats my story for the day.:macho

10-30-2004, 07:05 PM
would you like a cookie?

haha jp man...sounds like fun...prob not even his car... hahahah

10-30-2004, 07:24 PM
nah, this guy was really cool...i mean if you had a 200,000+ dollar car and someone asked you for pics would you say and i quote "sure you wanna sit in it and i'll take pictures of you?" thats 100% cool right their...i like down to earth rich people....

10-30-2004, 08:23 PM
thats awesome man!!

my grandpa owns his own construction company and is like really rich! so any way he has had lots of cars from a 55 chevy i think it was or seomthing like that, 2 corvettes and 2 vipers in like 7 years. his current viper (1 of the 2 vipers) is a 2004 viper gts. we went to the dealer in illinois and it was me my dad and grandpa and like 6 guys that worked there. they were crowding it like a new born baby man it was awesome. i got to ride home an hour in it too. holy crap talk about happy! this thing has 500 horse and the exhaust pipes come right out of the side behind the doors and makes a nice rumbleing noise. i think thiers only like 1500 made in the US but im not positive, i cant remember correctly. we were crusin in 5th on the high way and he dropped it in 3rd and gunned it. holy crap i thought i wet myself, literally threw me in the seat jeez. just thought id share. i cant find a pic tho its killin me!!!

10-31-2004, 10:24 AM
we saw one at days of nascar and if you so much as coughed around it, he would beat you with a broom stick

10-31-2004, 10:40 AM
Thats pretty cool man :cool:

10-31-2004, 08:13 PM
thats pretty cool i love them cars, i thought u were gonna say he let u drive it or that it was that guy from the tv shows and he took u for a ride

11-01-2004, 12:26 PM
yeah they are 572hp at the rear wheels and they are well over 200,000 dollars but tottaly awesome