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10-29-2004, 03:39 PM

Worth listening.

10-29-2004, 04:45 PM
i vote him.................................

for president of france:D :p

10-29-2004, 08:08 PM
bah, make up ur mind dumbarse :o

10-29-2004, 08:23 PM
kerry is an idiot lmmfao

10-29-2004, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by bulkdriverlp
kerry is an idiot lmmfao

i'll give that a 2 thumbs up :macho lol

10-29-2004, 09:30 PM
He's like a little kid. We are in trouble :uhoh:

10-29-2004, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by I-7
He's like a little kid. We are in trouble :uhoh:

jeezus christ.....what do you guys think george bush is? he uses words he has no clue what they mean, and they actually mean the exact opposite of what hes saying...

10-29-2004, 09:51 PM
funny stuff.

10-29-2004, 10:14 PM
John Kerry agrees no matter what you say LMFAO

10-29-2004, 10:14 PM
i vote Nader LOL :rolleyes:

QuAdEr 317
10-29-2004, 10:20 PM
if i could vote i would vote for bush i think he would do way better than kerry.......kerry is an inconsiderate liberal if you ask me

10-29-2004, 10:47 PM
I think people forget to remember that when Clinton (a Democrat) was in office (for 2 terms) that our economy and country was doing A LOT better than when Bush became President.

If it were up to me, I'd do anything to get Bush out of the office and get someone with a lot more common sense (I know, it's NEVER going to happen...only the rich *******s with rich parents become President of anything) became President.

Oh and what's wrong with being liberal?

10-29-2004, 11:40 PM
Originally posted by Toadz400
I think people forget to remember that when Clinton (a Democrat) was in office (for 2 terms) that our economy and country was doing A LOT better than when Bush became President.

If it were up to me, I'd do anything to get Bush out of the office and get someone with a lot more common sense (I know, it's NEVER going to happen...only the rich *******s with rich parents become President of anything) became President.

Oh and what's wrong with being liberal?

the economy was falling like a rock when bush came into office. and why does everyone hate bush so much. he's doin a great job

10-29-2004, 11:59 PM
Clinton handed Bush a huge mess to clean up. I dont think that Bush screwed up the economy it might have had something to do with those SOB's that crashed those jets at the beginning of his term. We have been recovering since then very well I might add. Whats wrong with liberals you ask? I dont have enough room here to tell you. Oh and I wonder how liberal you'll be when they pass a law that says you cant trail ride anymore cause its bad for the enviroment and its dangerous for trees. You might hit one and damage it you know :rolleyes: I looked at this election from an on the fence point of view but all the blatent flip-floping that Kerry does has made my decision for me. That sound byte just solidified it for me. People keep saying Bush lied to us about Iraq. He was making a decision based off information collected by the CIA thats all he can do. He himslef cant fly over Iraq and look to see if he can find WOMD. He acted to save our lives based off information that he was given Oh and Kerry agreed with it!The prsident cant go to war with out permision from the senate. They voted for war! Kerry was provided he same info he would have made the same decision if he was president. Bush took sadam out for our safety not to mention the millions of people he freed over there. Bush is a no nonsense kinda guy. He's a southerner we arent the best at speaking so people think he's a dumbass. He went to an Ivy League College and Is the freakin president! You guys that say he's stupid what are you doing for a living?

n00b on a 400ex
10-30-2004, 12:35 AM
i agree wit 440ex, dont let the liberal media tell you how to live. they say our soldiers are blowing up schools, shooting innocent civilians, and raping iraq just for oil. well after we got saddam out of there, more and more children are going to schools, a lot less civilians are dieing under a free goverment then saddams, and unlike the liberal beliefs, were not sucking up all the oil for our gas-guzzling SUV's needs. now, bush isnt perfect by any means, but id rather have a president thats no-nonsense and does things that would help our allies out then a flip-flopper that shot himself accidentally with a grenade launcher and applied himself for a purple heart

10-30-2004, 08:01 AM
Originally posted by 440ex2001
Clinton handed Bush a huge mess to clean up. I dont think that Bush screwed up the economy it might have had something to do with those SOB's that crashed those jets at the beginning of his term. We have been recovering since then very well I might add. Whats wrong with liberals you ask? I dont have enough room here to tell you. Oh and I wonder how liberal you'll be when they pass a law that says you cant trail ride anymore cause its bad for the enviroment and its dangerous for trees. You might hit one and damage it you know :rolleyes: I looked at this election from an on the fence point of view but all the blatent flip-floping that Kerry does has made my decision for me. That sound byte just solidified it for me. People keep saying Bush lied to us about Iraq. He was making a decision based off information collected by the CIA thats all he can do. He himslef cant fly over Iraq and look to see if he can find WOMD. He acted to save our lives based off information that he was given Oh and Kerry agreed with it!The prsident cant go to war with out permision from the senate. They voted for war! Kerry was provided he same info he would have made the same decision if he was president. Bush took sadam out for our safety not to mention the millions of people he freed over there. Bush is a no nonsense kinda guy. He's a southerner we arent the best at speaking so people think he's a dumbass. He went to an Ivy League College and Is the freakin president! You guys that say he's stupid what are you doing for a living?

So he took out Saddam for your safety... but where was the threat?
Where were those weapons?
Bush wasted millions going over seas to fight , many lives were lost and he has gained nothing out of it, other than looking like a complete moron to anyone with common sence.

10-30-2004, 08:15 AM
Originally posted by DEAL
So he took out Saddam for your safety... but where was the threat?
Where were those weapons?
Bush wasted millions going over seas to fight , many lives were lost and he has gained nothing out of it, other than looking like a complete moron to anyone with common sence.

so in your eyes, we should have waited until he attacked us directly, then take action? Sorry, but its well known he is a BIG supporter of terrorism and action against americans. Personally I'd rather see him out now.

Are you trying to say Saddam should still be in power and when we took him out of power, it was a bad thing?

And to answer your point you will probably rebut with (but I doubt you even know that much), we did NOT take away any forces from the hunt for Bin Laden, actually we increased our forces, but the media was FOCUSED only on Iraq, so the uninformed general public thinks we just gave up on Bin Laden. NOT TRUE!

Also I take it personal when you say "wasted lives"... keep your candadian bullchit up there. Just remember who will come bail your sorry arse out when you guys get in trouble. :rolleyes: Since you said nothing has been gained out of what President Bush has done, you clearly show your ignorance.

10-30-2004, 08:21 AM
Originally posted by MOFO
so in your eyes, we should have waited until he attacked us directly, then take action? Sorry, but its well known he is a BIG supporter of terrorism and action against americans. Personally I'd rather see him out now.

Are you trying to say Saddam should still be in power and when we took him out of power, it was a bad thing?

And to answer your point you will probably rebut with (but I doubt you even know that much), we did NOT take away any forces from the hunt for Bin Laden, actually we increased our forces, but the media was FOCUSED only on Iraq, so the uninformed general public thinks we just gave up on Bin Laden. NOT TRUE!

What was he going to attack the us with?
Weapons that weren't there?
So to get Saddam out of Iraq you had to go over , bomb their country , killing thousands of innocent people for one person?
Doesn't make sence to me.
I don't think you guys gave up looking for bin laden .. I just think you wasted alot of money and forces going to Iraq when there is no solid proof he had any ties with the 911 attacks.
I don't recall Saddam ever attacking the Us before , or really even threatening to.
Where as Bin laden and alqueda or however the hell you spell it, has.

10-30-2004, 08:32 AM


10-30-2004, 08:54 AM
Originally posted by racinggrl5


Yeah , lets just vote for him because he supports off roading , forget about everything else he lacks.

10-30-2004, 09:13 AM
Originally posted by DEAL
Yeah , lets just vote for him because he supports off roading , forget about everything else he lacks.

hey screw u bud, dont' even get me started.....b/c i will blow this outta the water!

10-30-2004, 09:14 AM
bush is benefiting from high oil prices because now he can sell his oil easier...and cheney's construction companies are over there rebuilding the country as we blow it up, there over there making money off it i dont blame the people there being pissed

bush started a whole bunch of crap that didnt need to be started,saddam tried to kill his dad and he used 9 11 as an excuse because he had the moral behind him to go find him, and bush would benefit from it in almost every way

but ya know lets vote for him because he wants to open up trails in east jahaialijshdgfd where most of us will never ride anyway

10-30-2004, 09:15 AM
Originally posted by racinggrl5
hey screw u bud, dont' even get me started.....b/c i will blow this outta the water!

Do it then.

10-30-2004, 09:19 AM
Clinton handed Bush a huge mess to clean up.

im sorry, but no matter wheter you are a democrat or republican, that has to be the most ignorant excuse about bush's failure in economic issues i have heard. clinton had almost completed getting rid of our countries debt. now...in 4 years, bush has placed the country in more debt than all the presidents from GEORGE WASHINTON all the way up to Clinton. STOP and think about that a second. thats not in billions of dollars of debt, but around 3 TRILLION! and about terrorism and fighting it....there is NO way to fight it. thats what makes it so bad. are not our gangs in the united states doing the same thing, except killing more americans than bin ladins group and staying in our country, attacking their fellow citizens. we should stop and take a look at what other countries do. turkey is attacked very frequently by terrorists, but being experienced in the matter, they know that trying to fight it will only make matters worse. i know its not fun dealing with the fact, but there are alot of things in life not enjoyable. personally i never worry about terrrorist, you have far more likely chances of being shot because some guy who has lost his job is trying to rob your house for money, or wrecking your car on some crappy road that we dont have the money to fix. i know those are unlikely scenarios, but so is a terrorist attack

Kerry may not be the best guy, but certainly he is of the two. if people would actually listen to him in the debates, you would see that he is far more educated,...maybe people dont see that because the majority of american is too stupid to understand the words he is saying, or too ignorant to care

10-30-2004, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by 440exnacsracer
im sorry, but no matter wheter you are a democrat or republican, that has to be the most ignorant excuse about bush's failure in economic issues i have heard. clinton had almost completed getting rid of our countries debt. now...in 4 years, bush has placed the country in more debt than all the presidents from GEORGE WASHINTON all the way up to Clinton. STOP and think about that a second. thats not in billions of dollars of debt, but around 3 TRILLION! and about terrorism and fighting it....there is NO way to fight it. thats what makes it so bad. are not our gangs in the united states doing the same thing, except killing more americans than bin ladins group and staying in our country, attacking their fellow citizens. we should stop and take a look at what other countries do. turkey is attacked very frequently by terrorists, but being experienced in the matter, they know that trying to fight it will only make matters worse. i know its not fun dealing with the fact, but there are alot of things in life not enjoyable. personally i never worry about terrrorist, you have far more likely chances of being shot because some guy who has lost his job is trying to rob your house for money, or wrecking your car on some crappy road that we dont have the money to fix. i know those are unlikely scenarios, but so is a terrorist attack

Kerry may not be the best guy, but certainly he is of the two. if people would actually listen to him in the debates, you would see that he is far more educated,...maybe people dont see that because the majority of american is too stupid to understand the words he is saying, or too ignorant to care

Isn't that what Binladen says in the new tape they found, Something about you can't fight it but you need to learn to deal with it, which is why he attacked the united states?

10-30-2004, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by 440ex2001
Clinton handed Bush a huge mess to clean up. I dont think that Bush screwed up the economy it might have had something to do with those SOB's that crashed those jets at the beginning of his term. We have been recovering since then very well I might add. Whats wrong with liberals you ask? I dont have enough room here to tell you. Oh and I wonder how liberal you'll be when they pass a law that says you cant trail ride anymore cause its bad for the enviroment and its dangerous for trees. You might hit one and damage it you know :rolleyes: I looked at this election from an on the fence point of view but all the blatent flip-floping that Kerry does has made my decision for me. That sound byte just solidified it for me. People keep saying Bush lied to us about Iraq. He was making a decision based off information collected by the CIA thats all he can do. He himslef cant fly over Iraq and look to see if he can find WOMD. He acted to save our lives based off information that he was given Oh and Kerry agreed with it!The prsident cant go to war with out permision from the senate. They voted for war! Kerry was provided he same info he would have made the same decision if he was president. Bush took sadam out for our safety not to mention the millions of people he freed over there. Bush is a no nonsense kinda guy. He's a southerner we arent the best at speaking so people think he's a dumbass. He went to an Ivy League College and Is the freakin president! You guys that say he's stupid what are you doing for a living?

bush took advantage of the situation we were in and saw his oppurtunity to do something he would of liked to, his family has tons of money they could buy there way into any college,and bush can be book smart without having common sense, but he appears to have neither, just a clan of people guiding him what to do and say, whenever asked a question he wasnt told the answer for he just sits there uhhhhh witha dumb look on his face and things were better for iraqs people when saddam was there, the people there hate americans and want them to leave the lil kids throw rocks at the soldiers when saddams statue was being torn down and stuff the iraqis might of been happy but i think they expected things to be better, not what there dealing with now

you can think what you want and buy into every lil thing they feed you but just look at whats going on and do some thinking for yourself.....sheesh

10-30-2004, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by DEAL
Yeah , lets just vote for him because he supports off roading , forget about everything else he lacks.

yeah, lets just vote for kerry cuz je lies out his ***......or maybe cuz the only reason he looks good is cuz every body is pickin bush apart...i would love to szeee anyone on here do better bush is a down to earth guy

10-30-2004, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by DEAL
So he took out Saddam for your safety... but where was the threat?
Where were those weapons?
Bush wasted millions going over seas to fight , many lives were lost and he has gained nothing out of it, other than looking like a complete moron to anyone with common sence.

He hates america and has the money to try to hurt us.

Thats good enough reason for me and millions of other americans.

10-30-2004, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by Rm_rida102
yeah, lets just vote for kerry cuz je lies out his ***......or maybe cuz the only reason he looks good is cuz every body is pickin bush apart...i would love to szeee anyone on here do better bush is a down to earth guy


godamn maybe you support bush because you guys speak the same language:eek2:


10-30-2004, 09:38 AM
Originally posted by bandit390
He hates america and has the money to try to hurt us.

Thats good enough reason for me and millions of other americans.

true and i agree , but i think bin laden and others think the same about bush, whos right and whos not i dont know, im not gonna say hell yeah im american were right, but i think we need to do what we need to do to protect ourselves, but that doesnt make me think what bush is doing is right...

10-30-2004, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by Rm_rida102
yeah, lets just vote for kerry cuz je lies out his ***......or maybe cuz the only reason he looks good is cuz every body is pickin bush apart...i would love to szeee anyone on here do better bush is a down to earth guy

I've seen bush's speeches .. he makes americans look like morons when he represents your country.
We wouldn't pick him apart if he didn't make so many stupid mistakes while in office.
Lets see .. he attacked a country that posed no threat to the us.
He wasted trillions doing so.
Killed many innocent people also while doing so, to capture one person who in reality had nothing to do with the attacks.

10-30-2004, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by Rm_rida102
yeah, lets just vote for kerry cuz je lies out his ***......or maybe cuz the only reason he looks good is cuz every body is pickin bush apart...i would love to szeee anyone on here do better bush is a down to earth guy

What has he lied about?

10-30-2004, 09:49 AM
Originally posted by DEAL
What was he going to attack the us with?

Box cutters

Originally posted by DEAL
Weapons that weren't there?

Don't need wmd's.

Originally posted by DEAL

Lets see .. he attacked a country that posed no threat to the us.

And you call bush a moron? lol

10-30-2004, 09:51 AM
Originally posted by bandit390

Box cutters

Don't need wmd's.

And you call bush a moron? lol

Where is the proof saddam was going to attack the Us?

Infact , wheres the proof he had ties in 911?

10-30-2004, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by bandit390

Box cutters

Don't need wmd's.

And you call bush a moron? lol That statement alone, lets me all anyone need to know.

what do you mean? bush only thought the guy posed a threat, well they still do if there going to climb aboard some fighter camels and fly over here and drop rocks on us, that big mean powerful guy who was going to destroy the world cowered in a hole while bush destroyed his country ,....sure sounds like the guy would of used those weapons then if he ever was going to, its not like he didnt know it was coming, im sure he watches the news, i mean he read hot rod mag...so im sure he watches cnn

saddam controled the bunch of animals that live there something bush cant do...

watch out they might cut us with box cutters, better get out some staple guns, why not just have a office party... or they could just use all those weapons bush gave them when he left that bunker unguarded and they came in and stole them all....and this guy is qualified to run are country... i dont see how the soldiers keep going whent hey have a president like this making bad decisions

10-30-2004, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by DEAL
Where is the proof saddam was going to attack the Us?

Infact , wheres the proof he had ties in 911?

So in order for the US to attack someone, we have to sit back and wait for terrorists to already have their planned mapped out, ready to attack?

Nobody needs proof he had ties to 911. He has money, he's a terrorists and hates america. Thats enough proof for millions of americans.

10-30-2004, 10:02 AM
Originally posted by bandit390
So in order for the US to attack someone, we have to sit back and wait for terrorists to already have their planned mapped out, ready to attack?

Nobody needs proof he had ties to 911. He has money, he's a terrorists and hates america. Thats enough proof for millions of americans.

Well it seems thats what happends with 911.
Hes had years to attack america.. why didn't he do it?

10-30-2004, 10:02 AM
Originally posted by SRH
what do you mean? bush only thought the guy posed a threat, well they still do if there going to climb aboard some fighter camels and fly over here and drop rocks on us, that big mean powerful guy who was going to destroy the world cowered in a hole while bush destroyed his country ,....sure sounds like the guy would of used those weapons then if he ever was going to, its not like he didnt know it was coming, im sure he watches the news, i mean he read hot rod mag...so im sure he watches cnn

saddam controled the bunch of animals that live there something bush cant do...

watch out they might cut us with box cutters, better get out some staple guns, why not just have a office party... or they could just use all those weapons bush gave them when he left that bunker unguarded and they came in and stole them all....and this guy is qualified to run are country... i dont see how the soldiers keep going whent hey have a president like this making bad decisions

Yawn... Let me know when you return for happy gay land. Until then you and your flying fighter camels can shut up.

10-30-2004, 10:04 AM
Originally posted by DEAL
Well it seems thats what happends with 911.
Hes had years to attack america.. why didn't he do it?

No ****? Now we are attacking first, so something like that never happens again. Thanks for proving my point.

10-30-2004, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by bandit390
No ****? Now we are attacking first, so something like that never happens again. Thanks for proving my point.

So bush wasn't smart enough to figure it out in the first place, so it took hundreds of innocent people getting killed to wake his advisors up and tell him to attack Iraq even though they didn't have any plans to attack the Us.

10-30-2004, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by bandit390
Yawn... Let me know when you return for happy gay land. Untill then you and your flying fighter camels can shut up.

that made no sense, i feel i making some, somewhat valid points and your reply which makes no sense is "you return FOR happy gay land" yeah im poking some fun at some of your replys but im yet to hear anything thats reasonable just what ive heard a million times before, they couldnt of had too hard of evidence to go over there and find nothing

10-30-2004, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by bandit390
Yawn... Let me know when you return for happy gay land. Until then you and your flying fighter camels can shut up.

Lol .. and you call me a moron.

10-30-2004, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by bandit390
No ****? Now we are attacking first, so something like that never happens again. Thanks for proving my point.

what thats the most moronic statement ever made, wheres the terrorist threat that were attacking first? we cant just kill everyone we think might do something so nothing ever happens again thats like killing every gun owner in america because they might shoot someone.... were simply still dragging out our "war in iraq" which is benefiting the president and vp

10-30-2004, 10:16 AM
Originally posted by DEAL
So bush wasn't smart enough to figure it out in the first place, so it took hundreds of innocent people getting killed to wake his advisors up and tell him to attack Iraq even though they didn't have any plans to attack the Us.

Same questions gets the same answer. He's a terrorists, rich, and hates america.

But of course if clinton would have done what bush is doing now, when they bombed the world trade center. Thousands of people wouldn't have died on 9/11. Thanks to bush there no telling how many lives he is saving now.

10-30-2004, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by DEAL
Lol .. and you call me a moron.

Looks like you didn't read his post and since you lost this fight before you even made your first post. Now you have to resort to name calling. Im done with you since you're blinded by your ignorance.

10-30-2004, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by bandit390
Same questions gets the same answer. He's a terrorists, rich, and hates america.

But of course if clinton would have done what bush is doing now, when they bombed the world trade center. Thousands of people wouldn't have died on 9/11. Thanks to bush there no telling how many lives he is saving now.

why are you bringing clinton into it hes not up for election bush is

please tell me how bush is saving lives....what terrorist attack is he preventing...

10-30-2004, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by SRH
what thats the most moronic statement ever made, wheres the terrorist threat that were attacking first? we cant just kill everyone we think might do something so nothing ever happens again thats like killing every gun owner in america because they might shoot someone.... were simply still dragging out our "war in iraq" which is benefiting the president and vp

No one said anything about killing every gun owner. Since obviously not every gun owner is a terrorists. Next time, think before you post and you will answer your own question.

10-30-2004, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by bandit390
Looks like you didn't read his post and since you lost this fight before you even made your first post. Now you have to resort to name calling. Im done with you since you're blinded by your ignorance.

:huh is that what you did with me when you call me something like a " gay camel fighting liazard shut the **** uper "

10-30-2004, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by SRH
why are you bringing clinton into it hes not up for election bush is

please tell me how bush is saving lives....what terrorist attack is he preventing...

Who said clinton is up for election? I said if he would have attacked like bush is doing now, thousands wouldn't have died on 9/11

You would be saying the same thing four years ago, if bush would have attacked before 9/11 happened. Can't have it both ways.

10-30-2004, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by bandit390
No one said anything about killing every gun owner. Since obviously not every gun owner is a terrorists. Next time, think before you post and you will answer your own question.

no that was an analogy...god..how old are you?

now re read your post, you just made the point i was making in my post... think about this " not every gun owner is a terrorist" then think "not every iraqi..arab or whatever is a terrorist or planning attacks on the us" see ?

Think before you post and you answer your own question


10-30-2004, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by SRH
no that was an analogy...god..how old are you?

now re read your post, you just made the point i was making in my post... think about this " not every gun owner is a terrorist" then think "not every iraqi..arab or whatever is a terrorist or planning attacks on the us" see ?

Think before you post and you answer your own question


You forgot to do that thinking thing again. Show me where bush, me or anyone said every iraqi is a terrorist?


10-30-2004, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by SRH
no that was an analogy...god..how old are you?

now re read your post, you just made the point i was making in my post... think about this " not every gun owner is a terrorist" then think "not every iraqi..arab or whatever is a terrorist or planning attacks on the us" see ?

Think before you post and you answer your own question


But owning a gun makes them a potential threat since they have the resources to kill someone.

10-30-2004, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by bandit390
Who said clinton is up for election? I said if he would have attacked like bush is doing now, thousands wouldn't have died on 9/11

You would be saying the same thing four years ago, if bush would have attacked before 9/11 happened. Can't have it both ways.

then why are you bringing clinton up? its unrelated to this argument its just alot of if's an's and but's

10-30-2004, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by bandit390
You forgot to do that thinking thing again. Show me where bush, me or anyone said every iraqi is a terrorist?


:huh are you serious? you just said we were over there preventing an attack....what do you think were doing over there? we're fighting the iraqi people... put 2 and 2 together...

10-30-2004, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by SRH
:huh are you serious? you just said we were over there preventing an attack....what do you think were doing over there? we're fighting the iraqi people... put 2 and 2 together...

You're more mixed up than John Kerry.

10-30-2004, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by bandit390
Your more mixed up than John Kerry.

what ?explain please i would love to hear your explanation, chances are you cannot come up with one...

Bad Habit
10-30-2004, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by SRH
....what do you think were doing over there? we're fighting the iraqi people... put 2 and 2 together...

We're fighting the Iraqi people??????????????
And as to your comment about telling you what terrorist attacks Bush is preventing.......do you really think that we hear about everything that goes on? Believe it or not, there are alot of things you don't know about outside of your little world and the things that you see when you watch you evening news.

Get a clue, get a grip, and most importantly, get informed before you make irrational statements.

This thread needs to stop, it's a waste of space.

10-30-2004, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by Bad Habit
We're fighting the Iraqi people??????????????
And as to your comment about telling you what terrorist attacks Bush is preventing.......do you really think that we hear about everything that goes on? Believe it or not, there are alot of things you don't know about outside of your little world and the things that you see when you watch you evening news.

Get a clue, get a grip, and most importantly, get informed before you make irrational statements.

This thread needs to stop, it's a waste of space.

sorry then, a soldier who returned from there told me alot of stuff that really swayed my opinion on this war and it turned him sour on it and our country as well...

10-30-2004, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by Bad Habit
We're fighting the Iraqi people??????????????
And as to your comment about telling you what terrorist attacks Bush is preventing.......do you really think that we hear about everything that goes on? Believe it or not, there are alot of things you don't know about outside of your little world and the things that you see when you watch you evening news.

Get a clue, get a grip, and most importantly, get informed before you make irrational statements.

This thread needs to stop, it's a waste of space.

Well since no one understands why he went to war against iraq , I think it would make sence for him to reviel these "plans to attack the us" to the public to avoid confusion and save him from looking like an idiot.
but he can't do that because there was none.
Its only a waste of space because it doesn't seem to be going in your favor.

10-30-2004, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by SRH
sorry then, a soldier who returned from there told me alot of stuff that really swayed my opinion on this war and it turned him sour on it and our country as well...

I believe there was more than one soldier that came back with that opinion.

Bad Habit
10-30-2004, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by SRH
sorry then, a soldier who returned from there told me alot of stuff that really swayed my opinion on this war and it turned him sour on it and our country as well...

Well, I can empathize with your solider buddy. I'm sure that he has seen some horrible things. It's called war. Gone are the days of ticker tape parades down main street for our soliders, the terrible reality of war is open for public view, and most people cannot stomach it. Previous wars were considered just and right. Why? Because the reality of war was not revealed to the masses, and the end result was in fact a good reason for becoming involved.
Nowadays, it doesn't surprise me that war is looked upon so baddly. Christ, there are people that have passed laws to protect "prehistoric dirt", so it's not any wonder that if so much as a single camel was killed, the reason for doing it would never be justifiable.
War happens, and frankly, sometimes is HAS to happen, whether you like it or not.

10-30-2004, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by DEAL
Well since no one understands why he went to war against iraq think it would make sence for him to reviel these "plans to attack the us" to the public to avoid confusion and save him from looking like an idiot.
but he can't do that because there was none.
Its only a waste of space because it doesn't seem to be going in your favor.

I understand why we are in war. So does millions of other people. Maybe you should stop posting your lies and save yourself from looking like an idiot.

10-30-2004, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by bandit390
I understand why we are in war. So does millions of other people. Maybe you should stop posting your lies and save yourself from looking like an idiot.

Please explain to me in DETAIL using valid points and backing them up would you?

Bad Habit
10-30-2004, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by DEAL
I believe there was more than one soldier that came back with that opinion.

And you know this how? Were any of them Canadian? Probably not, because as the great and wise Mr Kerry states, we are 90% of the force over there.

Had you been able to talk to some WWII veterans after they got back, you would find just as many of them that totally disagreed with what they were subjected to. But with the mood today, when you find a solider upset about what went on, the liberal media jumps all over it and claims everything is unjust.

10-30-2004, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by DEAL
Please explain to me in DETAIL using valid points and backing them up would you?

Same question gets the same answer. We already know you don't agree with it and are wrong. Point noted.

Bad Habit
10-30-2004, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by DEAL
Please explain to me in DETAIL using valid points and backing them up would you?

Quite frankly DEAL, he doesn't need to explain anything to you.

I'm gonna get flamed for this, but I have a big problem with someone from another country demanding that we justify ourselves in this. We don't owe an explanation to anyone. We don't owe anyone chit. Nobody wanted to get involved with us when it started, so don't try to butt into it now.

10-30-2004, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by Bad Habit
Quite frankly DEAL, he doesn't need to explain anything to you.

I'm gonna get flamed for this, but I have a big problem with someone from another country demanding that we justify ourselves in this. We don't owe an explanation to anyone. We don't owe anyone chit. Nobody wanted to get involved with us when it started, so don't try to butt into it now.

its good to see your not just calling me a gay camel man...lol

but i have to disagree with the last part of your statement, the us doesnt own the world and we do owe and explanation to everyone i think, perhaps there is a reason no one wanted to get involved and if you ask me it keeps becoming more and more apparent

10-30-2004, 11:17 AM
Had you been able to talk to some WWII veterans after they got back, you would find just as many of them that totally disagreed with what they were subjected to. But with the mood today, when you find a solider upset about what went on, the liberal media jumps all over it and claims everything is unjust. \

and i guess you got to talk to some when they got back. ww11 was a completely different scenario, there is no relationship between the two other than war. on the pacific side, japan obviously attacked, and there was a COUNTRY we could actually attack, not all the terrorists in the world that there is no chance to fighting, and hitler, well, he was taking over the world, you may say that saddam wanted to, but the only thing he did was take over a little small country below him called kuwait FYI for oil.....is that not what bush is doing now???

and for anyone saying kerry is going to take away riding areas and atv's....youre an idiot. for one, there is no way he could do that....two, think of the millions of dollars they get in taxes from atv sales.....hmmmmm let that sink in:eek2:

War happens, and frankly, sometimes is HAS to happen, whether you like it or not.

relax for a second and think....did this war HAVE to happen? was it necessary? was it worth the billions of dollars of your hard earned tax money? with the money of your taxes alone, you could have bought a safer vehicle, for example if you wanted to increase your "saftey". terrorists attacked us, then we attack a country,...it makes no scence. we have thousands of special forces troops that could have been stratigically used to take out bin laden

10-30-2004, 11:20 AM
and one more thing,...i would like someone to tell me a specific example of kerry flip-flopping on his subject, chances are you saw the examples on a republican commercial of which have been proven misleading.

10-30-2004, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by 440exnacsracer
and one more thing,...i would like someone to tell me a specific example of kerry flip-flopping on his subject, chances are you saw the examples on a republican commercial of which have been proven misleading.

Obviously you didn't download what was on the first post.

Since you say "examples on a republican commercial of which have been proven misleading". I don't see any proof. What proof?

Bad Habit
10-30-2004, 11:28 AM
LMAO, 440exnacs, you are so far off from center, it's not even worth getting into it with you. If you are that engrained in your views, discussing it would be a waste of time.

Good luck to you.

10-30-2004, 11:30 AM
Since you say "examples on a republican commercial of which have been proven misleading". I don't see any proof. What proof?

the quotes on commercials were obviously taken from his speeched/interviews, they would take small segments out of his speeches and make them appear to be flip-flopping.....guess you couldnt come up with an example, huh, :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

10-30-2004, 11:35 AM
LMAO, 440exnacs, you are so far off from center, it's not even worth getting into it with you. If you are that engrained in your views, discussing it would be a waste of time.

how am i "so far off from the center"? everything i have said is pertaining to the topic and previous quotes...and good luck for what?:huh

10-30-2004, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by 440exnacsracer
how am i "so far off from the center"? everything i have said is pertaining to the topic and previous quotes...and good luck for what?:huh

Good luck for being an idiot. If you watched any of the 3 presidential debates, you would know yourself that Kerry cant keep his mind in one direction. And besides that, after coming home from Vietnam, he was a hippy...and I hate hippy's...he probably had a flowered VW Eurovan with rainbows on the windows, too.

10-30-2004, 12:00 PM
Deal and SRH thank you for putting your lefty ignorance on display for everyone to see. Deal I really dont know what to say to you. You keep asking why bush went to war for no reason. I guess in your eyes the reason Bush went to war is becasue he woke up one day and said "hey I think I'll attack Iraq today cause they tried to kill my Dad". That is just childish banter. Really c'mon man what do you think we are down here. Maybe you dont remember all those photos and intelligence that the CIA came up with saying that Sadamm had WOMD and had mobile labs building them and when NATO inspectors came around he just moved them. You can call bull chit all you want but if you pay attention to the media and dont have selected memories like most democrats and liberals you will remember this. My president went to war based off of information that was given to him by the CIA. Guess what he isnt allowed to go to ws with out permission from the senate. Guess what else, John Kerry is a Senator, oh and go figure he VOTED FOR THE war. So all the crap you keep giving Bush for going to war is very Hipocritical ( just like a democrat) becasue your boy Kerry agreed with BUsh! He is now flip floping and saying its a bad idea. SRH all your doing is making up a bunch of crap that YOU think is happening. Its really silly. When you talk to a republican you get statements backed with facts. The democrats have the balls to nit pic the facts and speculate things that vary from person to person. You guys need to catch up with reality and stop being silly. Make up your mind for yourself and not from what your friends and family lead you to believe.

10-30-2004, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by 440exnacsracer
the quotes on commercials were obviously taken from his speeched/interviews, they would take small segments out of his speeches and make them appear to be flip-flopping.....guess you couldnt come up with an example, huh, :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Listen to the sound byte at the top of this thread. Look up his history of voting and count how many times he changed he mind. yeah he'll make a great prez hahaha

10-30-2004, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by 440ex2001
Deal and SRH thank you for putting your lefty ignorance on display for everyone to see. Deal I really dont know what to say to you. You keep asking why bush went to war for no reason. I guess in your eyes the reason Bush went to war is becasue he woke up one day and said "hey I think I'll attack Iraq today cause they tried to kill my Dad". That is just childish banter. Really c'mon man what do you think we are down here. Maybe you dont remember all those photos and intelligence that the CIA came up with saying that Sadamm had WOMD and had mobile labs building them and when NATO inspectors came around he just moved them. You can call bull chit all you want but if you pay attention to the media and dont have selected memories like most democrats and liberals you will remember this. My president went to war based off of information that was given to him by the CIA. Guess what he isnt allowed to go to ws with out permission from the senate. Guess what else, John Kerry is a Senator, oh and go figure he VOTED FOR THE war. So all the crap you keep giving Bush for going to war is very Hipocritical ( just like a democrat) becasue your boy Kerry agreed with BUsh! He is now flip floping and saying its a bad idea. SRH all your doing is making up a bunch of crap that YOU think is happening. Its really silly. When you talk to a republican you get statements backed with facts. The democrats have the balls to nit pic the facts and speculate things that vary from person to person. You guys need to catch up with reality and stop being silly. Make up your mind for yourself and not from what your friends and family lead you to believe.

Yes, hes had a problem with iraq long before the 911 attacks , he just used them as an excuse to take care of a grudge he has had for years against saddam, and the 911 attacks had every american pissed off at the middle east so he figured people were stupid enough to fall for it and it seems like it worked.
And as for Cia evidence , all I have seen is a bunch of blurry photos taken from satelites that show the tops of buildings that could be anything , but ofcourse they held "weapons of mass destruction".

10-30-2004, 12:31 PM
Deal thanks again! Seems like your selective memory is well intact. "blurry photos I dont remember" haha what ever man.
Oh and my other point you just made for me about making crap up that YOU belive in with no fact to support them like Bush went to war becasue sadamm tried to kill his dad. Thanks man you helped every one else on the site see how bush haters democrats and liberals work first hand.

Bad Habit
10-30-2004, 12:34 PM

What do you say about the 16 UN resolutions that were issued to Iraq because the UN had information that Saddam was aquiring materials that could be used to produce WMD? Also, what do you say about Saddam not complying with ANY of the resolutions? If he had nothing to hide, why would he not immediately let UN inspectors in? Why would he only allow inspectors in after many months and only after they agreed to only inspect areas that he allowed?

10-30-2004, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by DEAL
So he took out Saddam for your safety... but where was the threat?
Where were those weapons?
Bush wasted millions going over seas to fight , many lives were lost and he has gained nothing out of it, other than looking like a complete moron to anyone with common sence.

OK SADDAM (aka hitler) does not have ANY weapons? YA RIGHT he has them thats not the question.. the question is were. You know how many places they could be hidden? I bet we havent even looked threw 1/4 of the places they could be. Moral or the story (not bushes fault for trying to keep us safe)

But go and vote for someone that agrees wit you no matter what

just my 2cents:rolleyes:

10-30-2004, 12:36 PM
Good Point Bad Habit. Go ahead try to answer that one guys

10-30-2004, 12:38 PM
They actually did find a huge amount of weapons the other day. Look it up. Kinda got swept under the rug by the Liberal Media but they di have a huge find.

Bad Habit
10-30-2004, 12:40 PM
Man, I can't believe that I am allowing myself to get pulled into this debate/thread. I just can't fathom how closed minded some people can be when issues are laid out in front of them.

I feel ashamed for perpetuating this thread.

10-30-2004, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by 440exnacsracer
the quotes on commercials were obviously taken from his speeched/interviews, they would take small segments out of his speeches and make them appear to be flip-flopping.....guess you couldnt come up with an example, huh, :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Obviouly they are his words and the commercials only prove he is a flip flopper. its a fact he's against it one day and with it the next. I have never seen the commericals and can tell you that. Thanks for proving my point.

10-30-2004, 12:43 PM
nah its fun to make liberals look like idiots when ever you can :)

10-30-2004, 01:00 PM
ok all those who are arguing, who is an american citizen, registered to vote and actually 18 years or older? it seems that all of the kerry supporters are young children or canadians who only watch the biased news and form opinions. get to know the facts of both sides and a little history before ya start fighting and making yourself look like a moron ;)

Bad Habit
10-30-2004, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by bansheeguy77
ok all those who are arguing, who is an american citizen, registered to vote and actually 18 years or older? it seems that all of the kerry supporters are young children or canadians who only watch the biased news and form opinions. get to know the facts of both sides and a little history before ya start fighting and making yourself look like a moron ;)

Wow, a post that makes ALOT of sense.

I bow to your wisdom. ;)

10-30-2004, 01:38 PM
The only thing that miffs me. Lets put Iraq on the side for awhile and go sweep Afganastan for that piece of crap Bin Lindan and hang his *** in public like they did in the old days.

Too many 911 family members still need closure and by capturing him would be great.

10-30-2004, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by popo
The only thing that miffs me. Lets put Iraq on the side for awhile and go sweep Afganastan for that piece of crap Bin Lindan and hang his *** in public like they did in the old days.

Too many 911 family members still need closure and by capturing him would be great.

POPO .... you nailed it right on . One day it's about the war in Afgahnistan ... the next it's like someone turns a switch on and it's about the war in Iraq and everyone seems to forget about what happened before the Iraq war.

As far as whoever said something about who's gunan come rescue my Canadian *** when we are attacked ... read this ... directly from Osama's mouth .

"Any state that does not mess with our security has naturally guaranteed its own security. "

We as Canadians have not attacked any countries . We have not forced our way into someone elses land .

You want to know why afghans and Iraqies are pissed off?? Your Government FORCED itself into THEIR land ... destroyed THEIR homes , THEIR Buildings . Would you be pissed off at me if I went into your home ... wrecked the damn place .... woke you up at 3 in the morning at gun point to do a random inspection? I destroyed your car , I killed your wife , father , son , daughter etc? Yeah I think I'd be just a little pissed off .... don't you think?

You want to know why 90% of the world does not support the actions taken by the United States?? Show me hard fawking facts that say ... Saddam has a nuke sitting in this building .... he's got bio weapons sitting in this area .... THEN I think you'll have backing from the rest of the world . Not barge into a country saying " Yeah they got weapons here somewhere ..." and turn up months later saying " Well we took Saddam off his throne ... but uhhhh ... yaaaaa... those weapons we told the world about .... we haven't found them " .

I have nothing against Americans ..... I have a problem about the way the Actions were taken by the American Government . YOUR Government doesn't want ANYONE in this world to have Nuclear weapons or Bio weapons .... but they some how feels it's alright for them to have them .

To whoever said that people from other countries shouldn't have a say in this .... get your head out of your ***. Open up your eyes and see how the actions from your government affect the rest of the world . Remember that when you have someone in the Oval Office that is so pissed off at the rest of the world that he unleashes those nukes or biological weapons and it affects the REST of the people living in the world .

To MOFO ... quoted from yourself .
"keep your candadian bullchit up there. Just remember who will come bail your sorry arse out when you guys get in trouble."

Is Candadia a new country or something??? Ohhh wait you mean Canadians ..... wow are you that unintelligent that you can't even spell the name of a neighbouring country? And if we get in trouble ... I sure as hope they don't send your sorry arse to help me

President Bush is the ONLY president in the history to not want to come and visit with a neighbouring country . Talk about a SHADDY President !!!

10-30-2004, 03:31 PM
Just wanted to add something about a comment that someone made on here . Someone said something about how many troops are Canadians fighting overseas .

We sent a few over there ..... but why should other countries send their troops to fight a battle that the United STates started ??? I can guarantee on my life , that if the United States government would have went about this war with the support of the UN , which they clearly chose to go against, there WOULD me a LOT more countries backing this war and a LOT more men helping fight the battle .

10-30-2004, 04:10 PM
Quad18star- The UN is a joke. Who cares if they don't support the war. We need to get out of the UN and get the UN out of the US.

I can not belive that anyone with half a brain could support Kerry. If kerry were to win, America would never be the same ever again. We will loose our guns. Turn into a socialist country and proably become part of a new 'Global Goverment'


10-30-2004, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by mrusk
Quad18star- The UN is a joke. Who cares if they don't support the war. We need to get out of the UN and get the UN out of the US.

I can not belive that anyone with half a brain could support Kerry. If kerry were to win, America would never be the same ever again. We will loose our guns. Turn into a socialist country and proably become part of a new 'Global Goverment'


The UN is in place to help countries with the many issues going on in this world . UNITED NATIONS .... same as the UNITED STATES . It's to bring nations together and resolve problems without having to go to war and spend billions and trillions of dollars . Spending this money to rebuild countries destroyed by the wars . No one is forcing the United States Government to be part of the United Nations .... they can leave whenever they want . But if you are going to be a part of it .... why not follow the rules set in place . These rules were voted in by the many nations that are part of the organization , if you don't like the rules .... pack your bags and leave .... but don't go along breaking the rules .

You say that you cannot believe that anyone with half a brain would support Kerry and that America would never be the same .... I think that if Bush gets voted in once again .... the WORLD will never be the same .

It's no secret that the United States of America is the most powerful force in this world .... and the way it goes about conducting it's business affects not just the people of the USA but people around the world .

Bad Habit
10-30-2004, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
The UN is in place to help countries with the many issues going on in this world . UNITED NATIONS .... same as the UNITED STATES . It's to bring nations together and resolve problems without having to go to war and spend billions and trillions of dollars .

The UN had 10 years of resolutions that they "enforced" on Iraq, and what problems got resolved there? NONE. It is utterly inaffective.

And please do not compare the way the United Nations wants to govern it's member nations with the way the United States governs is states. Totally different concept.

10-30-2004, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by Bad Habit
The UN had 10 years of resolutions that they "enforced" on Iraq, and what problems got resolved there? NONE. It is utterly inaffective.

And please do not compare the way the United Nations wants to govern it's member nations with the way the United States governs is states. Totally different concept.

Tell me what your definition of UNITED means .

I compared the UNITEd nations to the UNITED states . It means to come together and help eachother out .

Don't you think that if the United Nations and most of it's members would have seen a threat to the world or anyone of its membering nations from Iraq , that it would have stepped in to help? No .... cuz there was no damn facts to say Iraq was gunna mass muder people . The USA's "intelligence" seen there was a threat .... where did they get this "intelligence" cuz nothing has been found to date . I know if I was running a country ... the people that provided this intelligence would sure as hell be out of a job in no time .

10-30-2004, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
there was no damn facts to say Iraq was gunna mass muder people .

hussein had already killed MILLIONS of iraqs before desert storm, and when it was over they figure he killed a few hundred thousand more. mind you this is while he was back under the watchful eye of the UN.

the united states has no business in the UN...period

10-30-2004, 05:03 PM
if he gets elected, were all screwed

10-30-2004, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by Pappy

the united states has no business in the UN...period

well said...who is the united nations without us? we shouldnt have to answer to anyone to protect our own country. canada does nothing you guys sit up there with your nice scenery and be all nice and polite to everyone. see us in the other hand somehow got drug into doing everything for everyone else and everyone has to have their nose in our business. which is wrong but what can ya do. and quadstar and all other canadians can argue till your blue in the face but bottom line is you guys will have no say in the next election :blah:

10-30-2004, 10:18 PM
All you liberals listen up.

Clinton awarded Haliburton a no bid contract when he was bombing Kosovo and in the middle east. Everyone forgets that because Clinton has no ties.

That FACT is that Haliburton is the ONLY company with the financial resources and man power to do what they do and the only AMERICAN company. Why award the French or German companies with lucrative contracts when they did not sacrifice ****? If Americans make the sacrifices AMericans reap the benefits.

The economy was doing so great under Clinton, yes it was. Now give bush credit for the fastest economic turn around ever recorded. The most homeowners EVER under BUsh, unemployment is at 5.4%, same rate when Clinton left office. ALso, Clinton is techincally a NEO Liberal, meaning he is conservative on economic policies but liberal on social and foreign, IE NAFTA, which is the reason for outsourcing jobs.

Yea Kerry has wonder full plans, but the REALITY is they will not work. YOu have to look at the BIG picture and the effects.

For example, raise minimum wage. That sounds like a great idea, do you know what happens then?
MORE companies go overseas for CHEAPER labor. YOU HAVE TO LOOK AT THE EFFECTS, not just how good it sounds.

We are not in TRILLION dollar debt, the debt is 416 BILLION, there is ALWAYS a defecit during war. Clinton would not of mae a surepless if he had any real FP threats.

Ok, complain we took out a brutal evil dictator. Do you know what would happen if he let saddam be saddam, who was giving 25k to ever Suicide bomber family, they turn into NORTH KOREA which all you are *****ing about now. We take them out BEFORE he gets nukes, not AFTER.

ALl you liberals ***** about taking out evil dictators, then they get Nukes and you ***** WE DID NOT TAKE THEM OUT. OPEN YOUR EYES and be REALISTIC for once, get down from your clouds.

It would be nice if the world was as simple as Kerry makes it sound, but the fact of the matter is we dont. You have to look at he effects of policies, not how they sound.

John Kerry blames us for not using allies, then he blames us for using Afghanistan(ally) to rid Bin ladin, and he wants UNILATERAL discussion with North Korea, after he got done preaching that Bush wants to do it alone.

10-30-2004, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Tell me what your definition of UNITED means .

I compared the UNITEd nations to the UNITED states . It means to come together and help eachother out .

Don't you think that if the United Nations and most of it's members would have seen a threat to the world or anyone of its membering nations from Iraq , that it would have stepped in to help? No .... cuz there was no damn facts to say Iraq was gunna mass muder people . The USA's "intelligence" seen there was a threat .... where did they get this "intelligence" cuz nothing has been found to date . I know if I was running a country ... the people that provided this intelligence would sure as hell be out of a job in no time .

LOL, the UN did not want to do anything becasue they did not see a threat. LOL

Do you know anything about the Oil for Food Scandel?


The UN did not watn to take out Saddam because they were making MILLIONS of dollars off of him. Why remove a guy who is making you rich?

Go pick up a book and do some research, dont listen to waht the damn French are spewing in Canada.

10-30-2004, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by bansheeguy77
well said...who is the united nations without us? we shouldnt have to answer to anyone to protect our own country. canada does nothing you guys sit up there with your nice scenery and be all nice and polite to everyone. see us in the other hand somehow got drug into doing everything for everyone else and everyone has to have their nose in our business. which is wrong but what can ya do. and quadstar and all other canadians can argue till your blue in the face but bottom line is you guys will have no say in the next election :blah:

Well atleast you got one thing right out of all of that .... I don't have a say in the election .

Don't worry ... I will sit up here with my nice scenery and I'll be all nice and polite to others .... it's what makes us welcomed around the world .

What is the UN without the USA?? It's one organization with one less member ... thats what it is .

You got drug into everyone elses problems??? Sorry ... it's more like your Government officials stuck their nose in someone elses problem thinking they are going to be the ones to solve it .

But you're right .... myself and others will argue till we're blue in the face .... but it's fun to get you guys going .... it usually doesn't take much . Lighten up a little . A few more days and all the BS will be over with , and you'll be argueing about how you got lied to and we'll see threads about broken promises for the next 4 years . It's the way politics work.

Bad Habit
10-30-2004, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
A few more days and all the BS will be over with

AMEN TO THAT. This has been a helluva campaign season. Thank God it's almost over.

BTW, you mentioned in a post about not being liked on here for what you were saying. Don't sweat it bro. Despite differences, we still have some common ground, QUADS. And I'd still ride with ya. That is, I'd ride with ya if you had two good legs. :blah:

10-30-2004, 10:30 PM
Originally posted by Cron
LOL, the UN did not want to do anything becasue they did not see a threat. LOL

Do you know anything about the Oil for Food Scandel?


The UN did not watn to take out Saddam because they were making MILLIONS of dollars off of him. Why remove a guy who is making you rich?

Go pick up a book and do some research, dont listen to waht the damn French are spewing in Canada.

LMAO ... it always comes back to the french with a lot of you people . I'm guessing you think that any french person is uneducated ... that we believe whatever we hear?? You think France sends us their media coverage for us Canadians to listen to?? Dude open your eyes and see what is going on in the world .... and don't listen to everything your government is telling they are doing is right . What ive seen from some of you guys , is that you think there isn't a world outside of the United States and that because your government says it's right ... than that means it must be right .

And if you need to really know , I ain't a Liberal . I voted NDP in our last election . New Democratic Party . Yes I speak both English and French .... I Have both native and french backgrounds and you know what ??? I'm really proud of my backgrounds . So before you go running your mouth about what the French are telling us .... what the Italiens are telling us ... What the germans are telling us .... open your eyes and see what the rest of the WORLD is telling you .

10-30-2004, 10:33 PM
Originally posted by Bad Habit
AMEN TO THAT. This has been a helluva campaign season. Thank God it's almost over.

BTW, you mentioned in a post about not being liked on here for what you were saying. Don't sweat it bro. Despite differences, we still have some common ground, QUADS. And I'd still ride with ya. That is, I'd ride with ya if you had two good legs. :blah:

HAHAHA .... yeah I'd ride with ya also . I'm not sure if i'll wanna be going down to the Hatfield ride though ... with a few heated comments here and there , I might have to sleep with one eye open and a hand on my sling shot . ;)

I just love political debates ..... they were always fun in highschool . It's one of the few times where you can have fun trying to change someones opinions and it's always a challenge to do so .

I just hope no one takes all this stuff to close to heart... and let it be known , that I'd ride with any of you guys or girls anyday !!!

10-30-2004, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
LMAO ... it always comes back to the french with a lot of you people . I'm guessing you think that any french person is uneducated ... that we believe whatever we hear?? You think France sends us their media coverage for us Canadians to listen to?? Dude open your eyes and see what is going on in the world .... and don't listen to everything your government is telling they are doing is right . What ive seen from some of you guys , is that you think there isn't a world outside of the United States and that because your government says it's right ... than that means it must be right .

And if you need to really know , I ain't a Liberal . I voted NDP in our last election . New Democratic Party . Yes I speak both English and French .... I Have both native and french backgrounds and you know what ??? I'm really proud of my backgrounds . So before you go running your mouth about what the French are telling us .... what the Italiens are telling us ... What the germans are telling us .... open your eyes and see what the rest of the WORLD is telling you .

LOL, if we would have listened to the rest of the world you'd be speaking GERMAN, not French.

The French are socialist and obviosuly the French have an influence in Canada, considering you all know French so well. Your government will not let Fox News in. When I was saying educate yourself Liberal, which you are, I meant find other means of information besides the CANADIAN BIASED SOCIALEST MEDIA!

If we listened to other countries we would not be the strongest country in the world.

10-30-2004, 11:04 PM
Originally posted by Cron
LOL, if we would have listened to the rest of the world you'd be speaking GERMAN, not French.

The French are socialist and obviosuly the French have an influence in Canada, considering you all know French so well. Your government will not let Fox News in. When I was saying educate yourself Liberal, which you are, I meant find other means of information besides the CANADIAN BIASED SOCIALEST MEDIA!

If we listened to other countries we would not be the strongest country in the world.

We all know french well , because it is our second language . It could very well be spanish , german , fin , etc . Besides english ... what other language do you know?? If you speak spanish .... does that mean mexico has an influence on you?? NO !!!

ROFLMAO .... as far as our Government not letting Fox News into this country ..... you get this information from where??? I'm sorry ... but I can turn my television on right now and flip to the Fox station . So get your facts straight before you open your mouth to it .

And once again ... I didn't get my information that I quoted in earlier posts from a "Canadian Biased Socialists Media " I got it from the Washington Post .... From New York Times ... from sources other than Canadian media .

Anything else that you would like me to clarify for you??

Oh and also if you really need to know .... Canada is not run by France .... we were a part of the British Empire governed by The Queen and we became our own country in 1867 !!!!Just to let you know in case you get Canada mixed up with France .

10-30-2004, 11:27 PM
Originally posted by bandit390
He hates america and has the money to try to hurt us. (SADAAM)

Thats good enough reason for me and millions of other

Wow, now we want to attack any country that hates us? Or just the ones with money that hates us?.....

Well Dipchit That sounds like fun!!!

First we go fight
(1)N. Korea
(4) Oh and dont forget that we are already in Afghanastan,Iraq, and dozens of other countries right now keeping the peace.

So......who is left to fight these new wars...........

I think Bushes No Child Left behind Act would have helped quite a few people posting on this board!

Are all of us Americans really this Damnnn DUMB?....
Kerry may not be the Ideal choice for President ....BUT...



10-30-2004, 11:30 PM
Originally posted by DEAL
Yes, hes had a problem with iraq long before the 911 attacks , he just used them as an excuse to take care of a grudge he has had for years against saddam, and the 911 attacks had every american pissed off at the middle east so he figured people were stupid enough to fall for it and it seems like it worked.
And as for Cia evidence , all I have seen is a bunch of blurry photos taken from satelites that show the tops of buildings that could be anything , but ofcourse they held "weapons of mass destruction".





10-30-2004, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by mrusk
The UN is a joke. Who cares if they don't support the war. We need to get out of the UN and get the UN out of the US.


What ever happened to checks and Ballances?....

So what is good for the USA is good for the world?

Or in your opinion:

What is good for the USA is Good for the USA and .:scary: the rest of the World!

We are in Trouble now guys!!! This is the Attitude that turns allies and friends into enemies!!! Enemies are good ???


10-30-2004, 11:38 PM
the friend of your enemy is not your friend:chinese:

10-31-2004, 12:04 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Quad18star
[B]POPO .... you nailed it right on . One day it's about the war in Afgahnistan ... the next it's like someone turns a switch on and it's about the war in Iraq and everyone seems to forget about what happened before the Iraq war.

As far as whoever said something about who's gunan come rescue my Canadian *** when we are attacked ... read this ... directly from Osama's mouth .

"Any state that does not mess with our security has naturally guaranteed its own security. "

We as Canadians have not attacked any countries . We have not forced our way into someone elses land .

You want to know why afghans and Iraqies are pissed off?? Your Government FORCED itself into THEIR land ... destroyed THEIR homes , THEIR Buildings . Would you be pissed off at me if I went into your home ... wrecked the damn place .... woke you up at 3 in the morning at gun point to do a random inspection? I destroyed your car , I killed your wife , father , son , daughter etc? Yeah I think I'd be just a little pissed off .... don't you think?

The reason why they hate us is becaus they are muslim and we are Christian/Catholic/Jewish. Ever heard them use the word Jihad? That means holy war. Ever read ther Koran? Do some research on it. It will give you some FACTS to go by.I'm so tired of people spouting out a bunch of crap that cant be backed up by facts. If you have this opinion americans quadstar I wish I could say this directly to your face F--- ---. I am so sick of people like you telling me what my government "really does" and why everyone hates us. Imagine this, America stops concerning itself with foriegn policies. We tap into out own oil reserves in alaska and start minding our own business. We dont help any country out when countries are invaded or when there is genocide going on in a 3rd world country.We just sit here and do nothing. Sooner or later another Hitler or Sadamm is going to pop up. He starts invading countries and gaining power. Sooner or later He has control over all the oil in the world then before you know it he has nuclear capabilities. What do we do then? To late. Thier are evil people in the world. We protect you from them. Then you have the nerve to criticize us. Look what happened with Hitler he killed millions upon millions upon millions of people and was months away from taking over the entire world. Hitler was one of Sadamm Hussiens Idols. I wonder if he had dreams of following in his footsteps. He was already attempting to gain control over the entire middle east. But when we went to saudi arabia and pushed sadamm out of Kuwait to keep him from doing so we were just forcing ourselves into there country and killing innocent people and destroying buildings blah blah blah. You dont know anything about my country man. All we do is help people out and do whats right for the world. I'm sorry you werent born here but jealousy is no reason to say insulting things about my country.

10-31-2004, 12:09 AM
so using your logic and osama's, the USA pulls out of everywhere and thats it:confused: does anyone read a history book anymore or just watch NBC.

man, i am really skeert for the way our country will be run by the next few generations.

and whats with the canadian bashing? america is based on freedoms, and it doesnt matter where you come from your free to speak your opnions on any matter. i reckon this is what happens in peace talks:p

10-31-2004, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Tell me what your definition of UNITED means .

I compared the UNITEd nations to the UNITED states . It means to come together and help eachother out .

Don't you think that if the United Nations and most of it's members would have seen a threat to the world or anyone of its membering nations from Iraq , that it would have stepped in to help? No .... cuz there was no damn facts to say Iraq was gunna mass muder people . The USA's "intelligence" seen there was a threat .... where did they get this "intelligence" cuz nothing has been found to date . I know if I was running a country ... the people that provided this intelligence would sure as hell be out of a job in no time .

Once again read up and learn something backed by facts. No proof that Iraq was going to mass murder anyone? What about all the turks and kurds what about all the mass graves they have found over there. Sadamm Hussien Was a mass murderer.You guys dont really make much sence. We got rid of a man that murdered people by the 100's every day but you criticize us for doing so becasue it wasnt for the reason that we orginaly. Who cares if a serial killer gets caught after getting pulled over for speeding as long as he gets caught. (thats an analogy in case you were wondering)

10-31-2004, 06:14 AM
I'm voting for Kerry. Why, because I work in a Union. Screw stem cells, screw abortion, screw all these secondary issues that despite all the campain promises will change very little if at all! I'm voting based on my pocket book!!! Think people, think. What affects you most? Changes in pay/ benefits. Hearing your job is going overseas? Our standard of living is greatly affected by our income. Bush is slowly squeezing us! Right where it hurts! Think about it. What's most important to YOU, FIRST, BEFORE EVERYTHING ELSE!!!

10-31-2004, 10:18 AM
440ex2001 - When I make it down to one of the Hatfield/Exriders rides ( when I'm all healed up) .... you can gladly tell me to my face to go Fawk myself . I'll take it with a smile , a chuckle and I'll still offer you a beer .

So anyways ..... a few mores days left till all this stuff is over . When exactly is the vote ?? November 2nd?? But I'm done with the bickering back and forth .

Who's gunna watch the NASCAR race this afternoon ??I'm figuring they'll have a ceremony and a moment of silence for the Hendricks team .
Oh and did you remember to set your clocks back an hour ( I know I forgot) and did you get any candies for those rugrats that are gunna be terrorising the neighbourhoods tonight?

10-31-2004, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by MA-KAN-IK
Wow, now we want to attack any country that hates us? Or just the ones with money that hates us?.....

Well Dipchit That sounds like fun!!!

First we go fight
(1)N. Korea
(4) Oh and dont forget that we are already in Afghanastan,Iraq, and dozens of other countries right now keeping the peace.

So......who is left to fight these new wars...........

Who said anything about attacking every country that hates us?

Im for killing all terrorists. Same thing bush has been saying all along. Maybe you should should learn to listen.

10-31-2004, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by Bad Habit
The UN had 10 years of resolutions that they "enforced" on Iraq, and what problems got resolved there? NONE. It is utterly inaffective.

If this bold statment that you made it true. We would have found all the plans and the WMD !

Obviously the sanctions were working becuase we found NOTHING !!

10-31-2004, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by MA-KAN-IK

We are in Trouble now guys!!! This is the Attitude that turns allies and friends into enemies!!! Enemies are good ???

I rather know our true enemies and allies. Or we could all not use our brain like you and pretend everything is fine, when its not.

10-31-2004, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by honda350r
If this bold statment that you made it true. We would have found all the plans and the WMD !

Obviously the sanctions were working becuase we found NOTHING !!

WMD's or not. He's still a threat. Now he's not. No thanks to those broken sanctions and useless UN.

10-31-2004, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Well atleast you got one thing right out of all of that .... I don't have a say in the election .

Don't worry ... I will sit up here with my nice scenery and I'll be all nice and polite to others .... it's what makes us welcomed around the world .

What is the UN without the USA?? It's one organization with one less member ... thats what it is .

You got drug into everyone elses problems??? Sorry ... it's more like your Government officials stuck their nose in someone elses problem thinking they are going to be the ones to solve it .

But you're right .... myself and others will argue till we're blue in the face .... but it's fun to get you guys going .... it usually doesn't take much . Lighten up a little . A few more days and all the BS will be over with , and you'll be argueing about how you got lied to and we'll see threads about broken promises for the next 4 years . It's the way politics work.

its good to be polite to people. some americans are like that, but just dont go to nyc almost everyone there are *******s. but name some powerful nations in the united nations. there are none, we could destroy the united nations by ourselves. and about the government thing, that is true to an extent. we do stick our noses in alot i agree which is wrong. if it were up to me we would not get involved in any other countries problems, and deport all the ILLEGAL immigrants (dont start crying ralph).
but it doesnt get me going i dont really care and im not going to fight or argue about this topic. for the most part what i say will make absolutely no impact eccept my vote, which i doubt the election will be won by my one vote. so i will sit here and watch the news and read all the **** that goes on and just think of how i would do things differently but in the end the only progress you get in arguing politics is you got pissed off at somebody by arguing politics.

Bad Habit
10-31-2004, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by honda350r
If this bold statment that you made it true. We would have found all the plans and the WMD !

Obviously the sanctions were working becuase we found NOTHING !!

Are you serious? He put off letting anyone in the country for 10 years and even then, he dictated where the inspectors could go! Don't you think that it might be possible that he could of moved everything when he had 10 years to do it? Intelligence agencies have stated that they observed lines of trucks going into Syria for months. But we can't go barging into Syria to find the weapons, because then we would hear even more of how we are just big bullies and "invade" every country we see fit.

10-31-2004, 06:04 PM
QUOTE]Kerry may not be the Ideal choice for President ....BUT...BUSH HAS GOT TO GO[/QUOTE]

WELL said!!!!

10-31-2004, 06:06 PM
the friend of your enemy is not your friend

hmmm china backs n korea, sooo:eek: i sure hope we dont make enemies with china:chinese: :rolleyes:

11-01-2004, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by DEAL
Yeah , lets just vote for him because he supports off roading , forget about everything else he lacks.

UMMM YEA B/C MY LIFE DOES REVOLE AROUND RACING and if urs doesn't maybe you should get off this site!.......and plus he's a strong president, if kerry gets into office we will def. be in trouble...."LETS LET HOMOSEXUALS GET MARRIED AND HAVE ALL KINDS OF ABORTIONS!" ....LETS TAX THE SMALL BUSINESSES EVEN MORE!.....I MEAN COME ON....GET REAL!!!!!!!. :eek2:


11-01-2004, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by racinggrl5
UMMM YEA B/C MY LIFE DOES REVOLE AROUND RACING and if urs doesn't maybe you should get off this site!.......and plus he's a strong president, if kerry gets into office we will def. be in trouble...."LETS LET HOMOSEXUALS GET MARRIED AND HAVE ALL KINDS OF ABORTIONS!" ....LETS TAX THE SMALL BUSINESSES EVEN MORE!.....I MEAN COME ON....GET REAL!!!!!!!. :eek2:


Does letting homosexuals get married really affect you?? Why should you care if 2 guys or 2 girls wanna get married ..... is it really gunna affect you THAT much ?? If so you got REALLY big issues that you need to deal with .

Everyone has different views on abortions also ... it's a touchy subject for some .... but don't you think that 16 year old mother that accidently got pregnant when the condom broke shouldn't be allowed to make the decision to have an abortion or not? She's maybe still in school , most likely still living at home , and doesn't have a good enough paying job to support the child . Don't you think an abortion is better off , than having a child live in below ideal condition , maybe in poverty ??

Also not everyone's life revolves around racing .... my life doesn't revolve around it , but I visit this site . And if you vote for someone JUST because they won't close trails , then you're making a big mistake or maybe you haven't grown up enough yet to realize that besides racing and ridding .... theres a WHOLE lot more to the world. Theres friends , a career , and most importantly family . Im sure if you ask anyone on here that has kids .... would they give up their childs health , or give up a ridding area .... I'll bet everything I have that I can tell you which one would be the first to go .

11-01-2004, 02:21 PM
Who does everybody here think the Muslim Extremeists want in office?

They sure don't want Bush in there do they.

Anyone hear the 75 minute tape of the psycho Muslims telling us how "our streets are going to run red with blood" and that "911 was only the begining" and they are devoting their whole lives to killing Americans? YES THAT MEANS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. THEY WOULD LIKE NOTHING MORE THAN TO KILL YOU. IT IS A FACT! It is no accident that the tape is coming out so close to election time.

The Muslims don't want Bush back in office.

Putting Bush back in office is like giving the Middle East the finger and saying "C'mon you cowardly worms! Bring it on!"

I am voting for Bush because it will piss them off. (And it will piss off all the stupid, middle aged, liberal, spoiled, domestic short haired women in my office who think they know everything.:D )

But most of all I'm voting for Bush because I love my country!

What good is the stupid economy going to do when you have Hassan Al_Abdullah setting off a nuclear device in his backpack in downtown U.S.A.? Now that would be bad for the economy. (Yes, sometimes there are more important issues than the economy or the environment or healthcare!).

And if you are offended I called you a liberal, too bad. Extreme Liberalism is a mental disease! Hey! It's just like Communism! What a coincidence!:rolleyes:


11-01-2004, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Does letting homosexuals get married really affect you?? Why should you care if 2 guys or 2 girls wanna get married ..... is it really gunna affect you THAT much ?? If so you got REALLY big issues that you need to deal with .

Everyone has different views on abortions also ... it's a touchy subject for some .... but don't you think that 16 year old mother that accidently got pregnant when the condom broke shouldn't be allowed to make the decision to have an abortion or not? She's maybe still in school , most likely still living at home , and doesn't have a good enough paying job to support the child . Don't you think an abortion is better off , than having a child live in below ideal condition , maybe in poverty ??

Also not everyone's life revolves around racing .... my life doesn't revolve around it , but I visit this site . And if you vote for someone JUST because they won't close trails , then you're making a big mistake or maybe you haven't grown up enough yet to realize that besides racing and ridding .... theres a WHOLE lot more to the world. Theres friends , a career , and most importantly family . Im sure if you ask anyone on here that has kids .... would they give up their childs health , or give up a ridding area .... I'll bet everything I have that I can tell you which one would be the first to go .

ummm ever heard of the BIBLE? and yea its a big deal to me and if the 16 year old girl wants to have sex at 16 she needs to deal with the consequences! Its called responsibility. I'm sorry i dont' think its right killing a child/fetus...its murder, alot of people in the world can't have children...and you will go to hell for killing it.....ever think of that, they would be gladly to adopt...so ur telling me if you couldn't support ur child you'd rather have it killed?....u know the GOVERNMENT helps you with that kind of stuff.....

11-01-2004, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by racinggrl5
ummm ever heard of the BIBLE? and yea its a big deal to me and if the 16 year old girl wants to have sex at 16 she needs to deal with the consequences! Its called responsibility. I'm sorry i dont' think its right killing a child/fetus...its murder, alot of people in the world can't have children...and you will go to hell for killing it.....ever think of that, they would be gladly to adopt...so ur telling me if you couldn't support ur child you'd rather have it killed?....u know the GOVERNMENT helps you with that kind of stuff.....

Yeah I've heard of the Bible .... I went to Catholic school all my life .... I'm a Christian also. I've read the Bible ... have you?? If you have , you'll notice that there are MANY things in there that most that follow this religion do not agree with . You'll also notice , if you read the Bible that it says that the Holy Spirit is not granted to the person until they are Baptized and that feutus is not technically a person , until it is born . Now yes there is a lot of controversy about this ... people have different views on this ..... but I believe the mother should have the choice . If she knows that the child will grow up without the basics in life , not living within standards , then I think using her best judgment and having an abortion should be totally up to her . Kerry is a catholic himself from what I recall ..... and even though he is one , I think he sees that the times have changed . The Bible was written centuries ago .... when women had no rights , when it was OK for men to beat their wives , OK for men to have more than one wife ( this still goes on in different religions) . Many things have changed in the last 2000-2500 years .

11-01-2004, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Yeah I've heard of the Bible .... I went to Catholic school all my life .... I'm a Christian also. I've read the Bible ... have you?? If you have , you'll notice that there are MANY things in there that most that follow this religion do not agree with . You'll also notice , if you read the Bible that it says that the Holy Spirit is not granted to the person until they are Baptized and that feutus is not technically a person , until it is born . Now yes there is a lot of controversy about this ... people have different views on this ..... but I believe the mother should have the choice . If she knows that the child will grow up without the basics in life , not living within standards , then I think using her best judgment and having an abortion should be totally up to her . Kerry is a catholic himself from what I recall ..... and even though he is one , I think he sees that the times have changed . The Bible was written centuries ago .... when women had no rights , when it was OK for men to beat their wives , OK for men to have more than one wife ( this still goes on in different religions) . Many things have changed in the last 2000-2500 years .

What is wrong with adoption? Why kill the baby? Whats wrong with adoption?

All you libs overlooked my facts on Pres Bush on another page and change the subject like always to dodge the real issues.

Someone tell me what Kerry will do as President that Bush will/can not? I have not seen one thing besides be weaker in the face of terrorism.

Why does anyone want to give terrorists what they want and vote for kerry?

11-01-2004, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by Cron
What is wrong with adoption? Why kill the baby? Whats wrong with adoption?

All you libs overlooked my facts on Pres Bush on another page and change the subject like always to dodge the real issues.

Someone tell me what Kerry will do as President that Bush will/can not? I have not seen one thing besides be weaker in the face of terrorism.

Why does anyone want to give terrorists what they want and vote for kerry?

Not everyone wants to put a child up for adoption and 15 or 20 years down the road , have someone knocking at their door. It's personal choices . You don't live in such a free country , if you have your government telling you you can't have an abortion .... telling you , you can't make your own choices . You also don't live in a free society , if you have your Government telling you , you can't marry the one you love . Maybe for you and I , the one's we love are of the opposite sex , but maybe to your neighbour or someone down the street , they love someone of the same sex .

So do you really live in a free society if you have your Government telling you what to do?? Or is that really a Dictatorship??

As far as the facts that you asked why I didn't comment on , its because I don't know enough about the subjects . I don't know the whole story behind the Haliburton thing .... I don't know what kind of issues you face regarding wages and whatever else you mentioned .

I will comment on health care .... because I beleive everyone should have the right to free health care no matter where in the world you live . If you get sick ,hurt , or dieing , I don't believe you should come out of the hospital with a $50 000 bill which then makes you go bankrupt .

I know if I had the right to vote , I would be basing my vote on issues other than the war . From what I've seen from all the debates , media , ad campaigns , it seems that this is a vote to see whos going to lead the war .... not who's going to lead your country . Where are the priorities ???

11-01-2004, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by racinggrl5
ummm ever heard of the BIBLE? and yea its a big deal to me and if the 16 year old girl wants to have sex at 16 she needs to deal with the consequences! Its called responsibility. I'm sorry i dont' think its right killing a child/fetus...its murder, alot of people in the world can't have children...and you will go to hell for killing it.....ever think of that, they would be gladly to adopt...so ur telling me if you couldn't support ur child you'd rather have it killed?....u know the GOVERNMENT helps you with that kind of stuff.....

thats your beleif if someone else wants to do get an abortion thats there decision as a human being not yours, i dont understand how people who beleive something thats not even definite feel they can tell you your wrong there right and your going to hell, and if the bible and all that is etc and your beliefs are true then let god do his job and shut up about it, if people just kept to themselves and respected others freedoms it would cut half the problems in the world down...its such an annoyance to read a ignorant statement like that

11-01-2004, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by racinggrl5
UMMM YEA B/C MY LIFE DOES REVOLE AROUND RACING and if urs doesn't maybe you should get off this site!.......and plus he's a strong president, if kerry gets into office we will def. be in trouble...."LETS LET HOMOSEXUALS GET MARRIED AND HAVE ALL KINDS OF ABORTIONS!" ....LETS TAX THE SMALL BUSINESSES EVEN MORE!.....I MEAN COME ON....GET REAL!!!!!!!. :eek2:


southern folk i reckon

11-01-2004, 05:11 PM
I think they fact that you have a problem with gay marrage is childish. I'm not defending homosexuality but I really don't see what it matters if they get married.

11-01-2004, 05:14 PM
You also have to look at the way some of these kids are brought up by their 16 year old mothers.
Some of them would have been better off if they got the abortion.

11-01-2004, 05:34 PM
Not really gettin into this whole debate n all...I don't follow the politics that much. But I just read the last few posts...

You should have the right to chose wtf ever u want, as long as its within reason. Gay marriage, fine whatever, let the person go on with their life. It may be against that in the bible, but there's still religious gay ppls. They just weight out their sins with what they have done that was good. Doesn't mean their goin to hell. It's the choices they decide to make. Their only human. Homosexuality is found threwout animals too. It's not only humans. All it is, is pheramones that attracts a person to a certain sex, they can't help it. Same as Andy had said though....just because I'm defending it, doesn't mean I personally would. Gay guys honestly make me wanna get sick :huh But I wouldn't really care if they were livin next door to me. I stay outa their biz if they stay outa mine.

And so much as for abortion...again, let the person do what they want. If they don't feel the need for a child, or anything like that...then so be it. It all depends on the situation. Again, it is immoral and against the bible, but it's the person's situation. Like if I were to get pregnant...at my age right now, I probably would get one (and I'm semi religious. I'd rather risk goin to hell then be left with a "burden" and screw up my whole life on earth) I'm not responsible enough to have a kid, I'm too damn young. That's why I don't even risk it. So many teens and pre-teens don't know what their getting into, the teen pregnancy rate in my school is the highest its been in like 10 years right now. 1 of them had a misscarriage. But still...I know for a fact none of them want these babies...and all of the kids are going to grow up in a bad home life (I know the mothers...), honestly, they'd be better off dead most of em. (Thats what I had said about the one who had a misscarriage, I said "Personally, I'd rather DIE then be brought up in that family" and look what happened).

11-01-2004, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by blondie69
Not really gettin into this whole debate n all...I don't follow the politics that much. But I just read the last few posts...

You should have the right to chose wtf ever u want, as long as its within reason. Gay marriage, fine whatever, let the person go on with their life. It may be against that in the bible, but there's still religious gay ppls. They just weight out their sins with what they have done that was good. Doesn't mean their goin to hell. It's the choices they decide to make. Their only human. Homosexuality is found threwout animals too. It's not only humans. All it is, is pheramones that attracts a person to a certain sex, they can't help it. Same as Andy had said though....just because I'm defending it, doesn't mean I personally would. Gay guys honestly make me wanna get sick :huh But I wouldn't really care if they were livin next door to me. I stay outa their biz if they stay outa mine.

And so much as for abortion...again, let the person do what they want. If they don't feel the need for a child, or anything like that...then so be it. It all depends on the situation. Again, it is immoral and against the bible, but it's the person's situation. Like if I were to get pregnant...at my age right now, I probably would get one (and I'm semi religious. I'd rather risk goin to hell then be left with a "burden" and screw up my whole life on earth) I'm not responsible enough to have a kid, I'm too damn young. That's why I don't even risk it. So many teens and pre-teens don't know what their getting into, the teen pregnancy rate in my school is the highest its been in like 10 years right now. 1 of them had a misscarriage. But still...I know for a fact none of them want these babies...and all of the kids are going to grow up in a bad home life (I know the mothers...), honestly, they'd be better off dead most of em. (Thats what I had said about the one who had a misscarriage, I said "Personally, I'd rather DIE then be brought up in that family" and look what happened).

:eek: thats the smartest thing I have ever heard you say.

Got Roost?
11-01-2004, 06:29 PM
flame away, but people doing whatever they want to (within reason) is a big part of what is going wrong with this great nation. "within reason" is a matter of perspective and can be twisted to fit anyones idea of right and wrong. where do you draw the line? what a mass murderer does is not wrong in his own mind, and before you say that murder is obviously wrong, think about this. why is it wrong? because most people think it is? so what happens if most people viewed it as ok? would it then be right? what i'm saying is that this nation was founded on a set of morals/principles and when you attack that you start to chip away at the very foundations of what this nation is built on. if there are no absolutes then how do you base what is right and wrong? that doesn't mean that people cant have differing views, opinions or religions by any means. i'm not trying to force my beliefs/opinions on anyone and i'm not attacking anyone. i am just giving you something to think about, so take this for what its worth.

11-01-2004, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by racinggrl5
ummm ever heard of the BIBLE? and yea its a big deal to me and if the 16 year old girl wants to have sex at 16 she needs to deal with the consequences! Its called responsibility. I'm sorry i dont' think its right killing a child/fetus...its murder, alot of people in the world can't have children...and you will go to hell for killing it.....ever think of that, they would be gladly to adopt...so ur telling me if you couldn't support ur child you'd rather have it killed?....u know the GOVERNMENT helps you with that kind of stuff.....

i agree with everything you said. gay marriage is not right. marriage is between a man and a woman not 2 flamers. and yes i hate homosexuals that might make my opinion biased more. but its just not right, plus god doesnt like it so thats good enough for me.
as for abortion. see i was all anti abortion and all that good stuff. but when you are faced in the situation of it breaking, her being late and still being in high school you panic. luckily we got ahold of the doctor and got an ecp or some pill and it was all good. so i do believe abortion is your choice but there should be a limit or something on it. or maybe we should have a child limit for people on welfare so i dont gotta support their asses.

11-01-2004, 09:23 PM
Originally posted by bansheeguy77
i agree with everything you said. gay marriage is not right. marriage is between a man and a woman not 2 flamers. and yes i hate homosexuals that might make my opinion biased more. but its just not right, plus god doesnt like it so thats good enough for me.
as for abortion. see i was all anti abortion and all that good stuff. but when you are faced in the situation of it breaking, her being late and still being in high school you panic. luckily we got ahold of the doctor and got an ecp or some pill and it was all good. so i do believe abortion is your choice but there should be a limit or something on it. or maybe we should have a child limit for people on welfare so i dont gotta support their asses.

Explain how gay marriage is not right ??? A marriage is the joining of two people that love each other , correct? So if a guy loves another guy .... what makes it any different?

You say you hate homosexuals ....for what reason?? What have they done to you , for you to hate them so much ?? Do they make you feel insecure when they are around you?? Also where in the Bible , does it say that God doesn't like them ??

I'm sorry , but if you read the Bible , it says that God loves everyone ... white , black , red, yellow skinned people .People of all different backgrounds . Killers and rapists . I could go on . I don't recall in the Bible it saying that God hates gays . I do know , that it says treat my neighbour with respect , love my neighbour for who he or she is and don't judge others.

Maybe it's because you haven't given a gay person a chance to explain him or her self to you . They aren't all like what you see on TV . I've been hit on at the bar by gay people before .... but usually a simple " Sorry , I'm not gay " makes them stop and they usually appologize . I say let people be with who they are happy to be with . It doesn't affect me what they do and if it really bothers you , you should really get some help !!!!

11-01-2004, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
I've been hit on at the bar by gay people before .... but usually a simple " Sorry , I'm not gay " makes them stop and they usually appologize .


11-01-2004, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star

Maybe it's because you haven't given a gay person a chance to explain him or her self to you . They aren't all like what you see on TV . I've been hit on at the bar by gay people before .... but usually a simple " Sorry , I'm not gay " makes them stop and they usually appologize . I say let people be with who they are happy to be with . It doesn't affect me what they do and if it really bothers you , you should really get some help !!!!

i know gay people, had a few gay teachers, one was the best english teacher ive ever had he was a great guy who helped you with anything. i worked at a restaraunt that had a show with dancers.....so ive worked with about 7 gay guys. ive talked, hung out with them and treated them like anyone else. but i still do not agree with their lifestyle plain and simple. and i feel that marriage should be something only for normal people. so dont go thinking im wanting to kill all gays because im not like that, they know that im cool with them. but i just disagree with their lifestyle.

11-01-2004, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by Pappy

Ya shut up .... I worded that one wrong .:ermm:

So Pappy ... when you comming hunting again???:p

11-01-2004, 09:34 PM
stop hitting on me:mad: :devil:

11-01-2004, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by bansheeguy77
i know gay people, had a few gay teachers, one was the best english teacher ive ever had he was a great guy who helped you with anything. i worked at a restaraunt that had a show with dancers.....so ive worked with about 7 gay guys. ive talked, hung out with them and treated them like anyone else. but i still do not agree with their lifestyle plain and simple. and i feel that marriage should be something only for normal people. so dont go thinking im wanting to kill all gays because im not like that, they know that im cool with them. but i just disagree with their lifestyle.

See now that you explained yourself a little more ... it's a little bit clearer . You don't agree with their lifestyle ... which is alright because its your own opinions . Same with when you say " normal people" .... everyone has a different opinion as to what a normal person or a normal couple is .

When you use the word " HATE" .... thats a strong word . Theres a big difference between dislike and hate !!!!;)

11-01-2004, 09:36 PM
well first off, in Genesis, God created man and woman for each other, hmm theres a hint. Also Sodom and Gomorrah, a city full of homosexuality, was destroyed with fire from heaven. also yes God does love everyone, no matter who or what they are, but he HATES the sin they commit. if you need more try this, Romans 1:26-27 (NLT) "That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned agains the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. (27) And the men, instead of having normal sexual relationships with women,, burned with lust for each other. men did shamful things with other men and, as a result, suffered within them selves the penalty they so richly deserved."

Not meaning to come across wrong or flaming, just make sure you know what your talking about before you go talking about whats in the bible and whats not if your going to accuse someone else of not knowing.

11-01-2004, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
stop hitting on me:mad: :devil:

Ah sorry Pappy . Forgive me !!! ;)

Now where Rico ??? :p

Just playing ...... I don't swing that way !!!!!!!

11-01-2004, 09:53 PM
Do gay people choose to be gay or are they born that way ?

11-01-2004, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by honda350r
Do gay people choose to be gay or are they born that way ?

i have seen good arguements both ways. what do you think?

11-01-2004, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
i have seen good arguements both ways. what do you think?

Yup ... I agree ... Ive seen good arguements both ways also .

Some kids , you can tell at a very young age , that they aren't like the other little girls and boys . They might be a little more feminin or a little more toy boy than most .

But then again , you get men that have been married for years , get devorced and they end up liking men ... and the same goes for women .

11-01-2004, 10:28 PM
this is the way i see it.
do you make yourself feel the atraction to the other sex, or is it just something you cant control? i know its something i cant control. i know there is no way in hell that i could ever feel the attraction to another man, even if i wanted to. its just not possible. and i think its the same way with gay people.

11-01-2004, 10:58 PM
kerry seems to lie about all sorts of stuff..

he wants to tax everyone that makes over 200,000.00 and how do you think he is going to do that? he doesnt have the power he has to convience people in office that makes over 200,000 dollars that its the right thing to do .. lol so how many people do you think is going to vote for that tax??

he was complaining about how cars dont get good fuel mileage, and then he goes and says his wife drives a suv.. ???

the only difference i see between kerry and bush is kerry seemed like he raised decent girls where as bush girls well you know....

i hope bush wins

i hope the fighting will stop with the us troops so the troops can come home safely so they can be with their family, or their kids they never laid eyes on yet..

oh didnt kerry want to send are troops across seas with little support for funding weapons if he becomes president ?? what in the wootering is wrong with him?

11-02-2004, 07:58 AM
If we let gay people get married where then do we draw the line?

Are we going to let people marry animals next?:huh

And do not think that people do not "love" animals.

Let me tell you that farmer truly loves that sheep. Do we let them marry?

11-02-2004, 08:09 AM
Originally posted by SRH
southern folk i reckon

Ha yep southern here! :blah:

11-02-2004, 08:24 AM
i am going to vote for bush

i went on a youth mission to toronto canada and let me tell you.. we all felt unconfortable... that place may have a sweet park where you can see the cn tower, and a lake the size of a ocean.. lol but nothing compared to the UNITED STATES.. we would gt cused out by the "friendly people" for knocking on their door to spread the word about God.. yes their is some nice people up thier, but the whole canada thing about being nice/clean is a bunch of lies.. i was happy when we crossed the border and ended up in new york!

I always been told if you believe in God you wouldnt believe in same sex marriages.... :rolleyes:

you can not make up your own rules on how to live life if you want to make it to Hevean that is why we have the Bible.. I dont remember my sunday school teacher mentioned Adam and Steve?

i havent really cared to much ab0ut politics till this year so i am really foggy on a lot of areas, but i am catching up..

11-02-2004, 08:24 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Quad18star
Yeah I've heard of the Bible .... I went to Catholic school all my life .... I'm a Christian also. I've read the Bible ... have you?? If you have , you'll notice that there are MANY things in there that most that follow this religion do not agree with . You'll also notice , if you read the Bible that it says that the Holy Spirit is not granted to the person until they are Baptized and that feutus is not technically a person , until it is born . Now yes there is a lot of controversy about this ... people have different views on this ..... but I believe the mother should have the choice . If she knows that the child will grow up without the basics in life , not living within standards , then I think using her best judgment and having an abortion should be totally up to her . Kerry is a catholic himself from what I recall ..... and even though he is one , I think he sees that the times have changed . The Bible was written centuries ago .... when women had no rights , when it was OK for men to beat their wives , OK for men to have more than one wife ( this still goes on in different religions) . Many things have changed in the last 2000-2500 years . [/QUOTE

Well I guess thats ur beliefs, because I know what the bible says, it might not seem fair to some people, but its something that we are suppost to follow and yes i'm totally and completely against abortion and homosexuals....and i got many other reasons to vote for bush, we own a business and if kerry gets elected we "small businesses" might as well throw in the towl. As for the terror attack, i think he's doing the right thing...and yes people are getting killed everyday and we should honor the people that are defending our nation. I'm not going to justify this but when they signed up for army/military or whatever....they knew the possibilities of what could happen.

11-02-2004, 08:33 AM
Originally posted by bansheeguy77
i know gay people, had a few gay teachers, one was the best english teacher ive ever had he was a great guy who helped you with anything. i worked at a restaraunt that had a show with dancers.....so ive worked with about 7 gay guys. ive talked, hung out with them and treated them like anyone else. but i still do not agree with their lifestyle plain and simple. and i feel that marriage should be something only for normal people. so dont go thinking im wanting to kill all gays because im not like that, they know that im cool with them. but i just disagree with their lifestyle.

I also know alot of homosexuals, I don't have a problem with any of them, they usually are very nice and yes god loves them all but it still dont' mean its right. I mean, God made Adam and Eve. I don't see 2 guys or 2 girls in this picture. Adam is a man, Eve is a woman.

11-02-2004, 08:34 AM
bush is leading in AOL's exit poll even in Massachusetts:devil:

11-02-2004, 09:04 AM
I'm a christian. I guess I'm not a goos one becasue I keep my faith in god to myself somewhat. I dont go out and grab people at malls and knock on doors to spread the word. I feel that is kinda rude and disrepectful. The people I have spoken to about christianity have always came to me. I have mixed feelings about homosexual marriage becasue I know what the bible says but at the same time it really does not bother me if to homosexuals get married. Why should it? Most christians down south are afraid that if Kerry gets elected he will lead the word to armagedon. I dont understand why if they truly believe in what they say. I'm not afraid because of my faith. I believe everything that happens is gods will so I dont worry about it. If it happens its meant to be.

11-02-2004, 09:05 AM
I dont' support homo's therfor I don't vote for Kerry. He'll agree to anything to get in office, no matter what effect it has on us know or future generations.

11-02-2004, 01:44 PM
my foot agrees with his arse right after i break it off in there