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View Full Version : Networking and Routers

10-24-2004, 11:08 PM
Ok heres the deal, I would like to connect my Xbpx up the the internet.

I did this before with a Linksys router, which was easy I just ran the lines from the router to the computer and xbox.

Now my xbox is to far for me to run a wire so I want wireless. It has to be fast wireless too.

So I bought this wireless Nyko product. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=5723782822&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT But basically its just a switch, so when I go to use it I have to cycle the modem, and I cannot use the computer the same time as the xbox and vice versa. Which is something I need.

So... I need a router..... I'm sure I could use the router and this Nyko product and it would work great. But was wondering what my other options are....

Wireless routers, does that come with a few recievers so I can just plug into the back of my xbox and be ready to go, or is it something else?

I see routers for sale on Ebay $10, wireless for about $30 (don't know if this comes with recievers or whats wireless about em)

So help me out and give soem advice please.

*** I was just looking up the wireless routers and apperantly I would need to buy a gaming adapter and the one I looked at cost an additional $80:scary: .. looks like I'm going with a standard cheap router and the Nyko device.

10-24-2004, 11:55 PM
First of all. That isn't that fast. It is only 1.5Mbps. That is really slow, even in the wireless world. The best way to do it is go buy an 802.11g wireless router and then an ethernet coverter, that works under the 802.11g standard. If you need help finding this stuff let me know and I can point out some examples. Wal-mart actually carries all of this, although they seem a little pricey on it.

10-25-2004, 06:58 AM
you can use wireless routers with an xbox? how about that...i always thought you were limited to a cable...if you dont wanna spend the money nakomis...id jsut stick with a normal router, and unplug it whenever your not palying...or buy a 150ft cord, run along the walls...tuck it in next to the carpet

10-25-2004, 07:46 AM
xbox sells a special wireless adapter that plug into the back of the xbox all you need is a wireless router and your modem
XBOX Wireless Adapter (http://www.xbox.com/en-US/hardware/xboxwirelessadapter.htm) why cant you run a cable from your modem to the xbox? I have a 150 cable that I got off ebay for real cheap. These xbox wirless cards are kinda pricey. :ermm:

10-25-2004, 07:59 AM
Wireless B is plenty fast enough for gaming and cheaper. Unless you Plan on transfering alot of big files wirelessly stick with B. I'd go with Linksys products personally. Also you can go up to 100m with Ethernet cable. If you need a custom length cable lemme know and I'll see if I can hook you up.

10-25-2004, 08:50 AM
Originally posted by Taco
Wireless B is plenty fast enough for gaming and cheaper. Unless you Plan on transfering alot of big files wirelessly stick with B. I'd go with Linksys products personally. Also you can go up to 100m with Ethernet cable. If you need a custom length cable lemme know and I'll see if I can hook you up.

I dunno bout the rest of ya'll but it's a little freaky when stuff like this just rolls outta the guys mouth............ i'm speechless :huh

10-25-2004, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by UglyMotha�
I dunno bout the rest of ya'll but it's a little freaky when stuff like this just rolls outta the guys mouth............ i'm speechless :huh Are you hitting on me again:confused: I told ya I'm not like that:macho

10-25-2004, 06:21 PM
Goto Lowes you can buy ethernet cable as long as u need;)

10-26-2004, 08:44 PM
Thanks for the replies guys, I dont know alot about this stuff.

But I'm am not interested in spending alot to play games online .. so I think I'll just get a router and a long cable.

I like Linksys, (only owned 1 router before and that was it, never had no probs so I guess I like em.).

Any recommendations on what Router I should get, keep price in mind. I would like it to have a firewall that can turned on or off, or possible just off on the xbox.

btw, this was funny...
"I dunno bout the rest of ya'll but it's a little freaky when stuff like this just rolls outta the guys mouth............ i'm speechless"

10-27-2004, 06:36 AM
ebay has some good deals on cheap linksys routers