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View Full Version : decent low budget suspension

10-21-2004, 11:19 PM
whats a decent low budget suspension for my EX. Works, or should I be looking for some used shocks. Whats a good price to pay. reason being is im a trail dune rider and high end elkas would be a waist of money for me.

10-22-2004, 12:25 AM
You can find a whole front end on e-bay somtimes with Elkas for cheaper than a new pair of works. Just keep an eye on e-bay, and post somthing here in the wanted section and you will find somthing. Go with Elkas over works if you can man, you will be much more happy;)

10-22-2004, 08:35 AM
any other idea. kinda wanna keep it stock width cause I ride trails and theres no point spending money on a-arms unless theu are wider.

10-22-2004, 11:31 AM
you can get elkas for stock arms.

10-22-2004, 11:38 AM
Here are some works for pretty cheap;)


10-22-2004, 12:54 PM
all at the same time should I even be looking for shocks with rezzies or should I buy some elkas without them and add later? How much are they to add later? and can you add piggyback or just rezzie?

10-22-2004, 01:20 PM
I am in the same boat as you. I want a good suspension but I don't race so I don't need the best out there. I am going to save the extra money and rebuild my rear shock.

Here is an analogy: If you like to snow board about 5 to 10 times a year, are you going to spend $400-500 on just a board? It would be nice to have the board and it will probably perform better, but it's more logical to buy a $200 board(unless you just have plenty of money to blow).

Hope this helps.

10-22-2004, 01:25 PM
what do I need to do to have my rear shock redone by one of the better companys. how much better will the shock be and would it be worth just replacing with aftermarket shock??

10-22-2004, 01:30 PM
I agree, but I have had stock shocks, WB shocks, Works tripple rates with rezzies, Elkas Dual rates with Piggybacks and now have Elka Elite tripple rates with piggyback..I dont race, I mostly ride dunes and trails, but when buying shocks you get what you pay for..My dual rate elkas were 100 times better than my Works tripples. Dont waste your money trying to go cheap on shocks..will will regret it in the long run..no matter what you are using them for you will be much happier if put down a few extra $$ when you do get some..In my opinion Works are a huge waste of money and have had nothing but good luck from Elka..They are a little more expensive, but believe me you will be 10 times happier with them and will be glad you spent a little extra $$ to make things right the first time..otherwise you will be pissed off that you wasted money trying to save money..This is all just my opinion though!!

10-22-2004, 01:39 PM
what do you think about doing the tripple elkas up front with no rezzies then adding them later. How much is it to add?

10-22-2004, 02:20 PM
That would be a good idea, but for the kind of riding that you do you may not even want to add rezzies later..It just depeneds..If you feel the shock is deteriorating too fast then on the next service have them add the rezzies. I dont know how much it would cost to get them added though..If you are concerened about the rezzies now just get the piggyback style or rezzie style now, but just try the non rezzie version first and as you know you can always add the remote rezzie later if needed. I promise you will be more than happy with your purchase no matter which style to decide to go with!!

10-22-2004, 02:22 PM
here is some info I got when I was debating ressies or no ressies

The shock with rezzie is a significantly better shock. It's not just the extra oil that makes a difference. The version without the reservoir is called an emulsion type shock. There is always a small amount of air that is mixed with the oil. This trapped air produces a less consistant action. The reservoir style allows all the air to be removed from the oil, providing a more consistant, effective and predictable shock.

10-22-2004, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by nemesis
here is some info I got when I was debating ressies or no ressies

The shock with rezzie is a significantly better shock. It's not just the extra oil that makes a difference. The version without the reservoir is called an emulsion type shock. There is always a small amount of air that is mixed with the oil. This trapped air produces a less consistant action. The reservoir style allows all the air to be removed from the oil, providing a more consistant, effective and predictable shock.

True, but at a higher price as well and with him being on a budget it is really all depending on what style of riding and how hard you ride to determine if a rezzie style shock is what is needed..That is why he should probably try non-rezzie first and then if he needs them better he can always add them. That is another advantage of buying a quality shock..it can be Upgraded!! If you didnt want to worry about spending an few extra $$ just get the piggyback or remote style first..Saves alot of trouble later..

10-22-2004, 08:27 PM
Buy shocks that will last. TCS are good low budget shocks, also PEP race shocks are pretty cheap and you can find limited mass for pretty cheap used on ebay or this very site.

10-22-2004, 10:44 PM
whats it cost to have a stock 400ex rear shock revalved and upgraded by one of the better company. Who would you use? would it be worth just buying a new aftermarket instead of rebuild stock? What all will they do when they change it over? sorry to bepersitant just trying to find all the options I have before I do anything. Thanks for all the input already though.

10-23-2004, 11:20 AM
A TCS rear rebuild cost about $400.

10-23-2004, 03:27 PM
hmmmm, not really worth it. Or is it? I dont know what to expect if i were to do this. Probably be better of buying new one, or used elka huh?thanks, for all the input.

10-23-2004, 08:20 PM
From past experience, try to shy away from used parts, as they have the tendency to be damaged, or warn out. You can get Elka front shocks without ressies, that I know you should be happy with for like $480, from the site sponser, c&d racing. As for the back shock, you can either go with the elka rear conversion for $350, or have derisi from www.derisiracing.com redo you back shock which will probaly be better then the elka conversion for the same price.In the end, you will spend around $850, and have an awsome riding quad. Your riding fatigue will go way down, while riding speed doubles.

10-24-2004, 10:34 AM
does the triple rate, non rezzie, elka front's have ssd?