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View Full Version : bad news need help (lots of help)

10-16-2004, 12:48 PM
this mourning i went riding and went down an old trail and came around a curve and some one had put HUGE rocks out in the middle on the trails and i nailed one with my left fornt lower arm and well it crushed top and bottom a arm beraings and the bottom arm has bigg dent and look like an arsfx arm on the back tube the front it didnt hit just the bakc well i took the shock off and stuff when i got back and it still articulates and everything nothing is binding:huh but now im skerd to get it off the ground any more and i have hardly any money i could get enuff for soem houser standard arms what shoul i do (it didnt tweak the frame or anything just the arms and stuff) i havent told the rents but htey are gonna tell me that i have to pay for it so some one help

10-16-2004, 02:19 PM
try to stay off it as much as possible, and if you ride it...do what you said your comfortable with..dont take it off the ground....you never know when one could go pop. just start saving now...search around in the for sale section and look on ebay..always see good deals going through

10-16-2004, 03:12 PM
ok i just got done taking off the arms on the bad side and showed my dad every thing surprisingly the bearings were not chrushed:eek2: they were just kinda wedged side ways and looked like they were so i imprvised on the a arm and kinda tweaked the mount back straight (not the arm just the end)so that the bearing wouldnt fall apart and it doesnt seem as bad as i thought i do believe i could make this work for a few months till right after my birthday in january then get some arms then im so lucky that the bearing are still good man makes me feel alot better knowing i can ride it with out worrying that something might give and i me go otb looks as if ill be ordering my prm desert bumper after all and ill be purchasing a prm .190 frame skid to protect my frame from some big stupid rocks in the trail then housers will be coming late january unless yall really advise aginist it or somethin

10-16-2004, 08:40 PM
you're going to ride with a bent aarm? :huh :huh your bearings will go out pretty quick prob...look on ebay for a cheap used set

10-17-2004, 08:06 PM
somebody did the same on a trail i ride, i smoked a big rock right when i was shifting into 5th, luckily it just bent the hell out of a steel wheel.

sorry to hear about that man, there is somebody selling 400 arms in the forsale section for like $50 for stockers. check it out

10-18-2004, 07:05 AM
im gonna replace the arms on the left side as soon as possible but i went jumping yesterday over my little 30 footer and it held up fine always landed real wheels first of course but it was good yea im looking for arms if any one has there stockers

10-18-2004, 09:49 AM
i started to try and decipher what you said but its to tough. try using some periods... these things "."

10-18-2004, 11:16 AM
i was trying also but gave up

10-18-2004, 08:44 PM
yea sry bout that. ill start using more"." cause alot of times i confused my self.

10-19-2004, 10:40 PM
ya that happend to me buy strong-arms they have lil canada flag on them u came adjudt them thats what i have there very very nice and worth the extra money:)

10-20-2004, 06:58 AM
i went out and rode agian hit my jumps and everything i usally do but not quite as hard it works still not sloppy or wobbly but i am lookin for a replacements