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View Full Version : Watch for Wacky Table Tops

10-14-2004, 09:55 AM
If you are inexperienced on the track, when you go and try to clear the big table tops for the first time, LOOK AT THEM FIRST! Ive noticed a trend at every race track ive been to: MX Landing (MD Eastern Shore), SMDR (private track), and Budds Creek MX (southern MD) all have 1 or 2 large table tops that look completely normal, BUT HAVE OFFSET LANDINGS! Now, some of you guys probably have known about these forever, but it sure surprised the hell out of me when I figured it out (the hard way). AT mx landing I pinned it in 4th gear right up the center of a 40' table top and at the other end I basically cased it (How on a table top?) Well the corners were clean cut and the bottom of my frame landed on the edge and grinded all the way down (I almost flew completely off this thing). I was perplexed and rode to the face and my tire markes were DEAD CENTER! I rode to the top and after close examination noticed that the table top had a slight U shape to it. After this I started noticing this everywhere. My racing buddy was like, Oh, you didnt know that? I was like of course the hell not! So to clear some of these I have to eiher go up the face in a diagnal or learn to turn the bike in the air (not good at that yet). Anyway, hope im not crazy and this helps someone out!

10-16-2004, 04:17 PM
May I ask why this is in the TRX450R Information forum

10-16-2004, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by CannondaleRider
May I ask why this is in the TRX450R Information forum


:wondering the same exact thing: :huh