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View Full Version : need some help deciding?

10-11-2004, 08:33 PM
i had an 03 400ex about a year ago and it got stolen i had alot of money in it had a good amount of power and all but i just dont know any more its been awhile. i want another 4 wheeler but dont know what to buy. the 400 i had packed a punch that every 1 still talks about about but it wasnt big enough i like to rip hard and fast. the 400 was good in the woods and with my set up i was un stopable but when it came to ridin woods and then id hit like a feild or in the winter the lake i am for ever gettin eatin buy like banshees and raptors. im not 1 to shut down other riders and other quads and companies just becasue every 1 rides different and different quads fit different needs 1 isnt better than another its all in the way u ride it and know that machine. i am writing this here because i have been here for over 2 years now and its pretty much my home. i have been lookin into banshee's and such. its just that i loved my 400ex so much and then i lost it all i really dont and dont think i can replace it with another 1, every 1 that rode mine that had 1 also said that mine was the best of the bunch from stock to done up for some reason i could work that motor like it was my job. and i just dont want all that to come back and loose it all again. in the last 8-12 months there have been about 18 quads stolin in my area 16 of them were 400ex's and i really dont wanna push my luck. so what do u think i ride woods fields lakes snow i ride it all and wanna do it all again. what is a good recomendation. i will prolly buy a used 1 becasue i am still a lil hurt from my 400ex so 450r and yzf450 is out. and remember i i dont hate honda im just lookin to see what my best bet is right now im leaning tords the banshee just cuz they are retardedly powerfull and it would be a challange to contain it and use it. can ya help me out?