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View Full Version : Wtf?!?!?!

10-08-2004, 07:57 PM
today in school at lunch, i'm standin in line waiting for my food. every day about 10 blacks stand outside of the cafeteria and yell, scream, swear, run, hit, etc... i was in a bad mood today, and they were like right next to me yelling their heads off. so i screamed at the loudest girl to shut up (thats right, a girl)...
guess what she says to me?!?!?!?!

"shut up nig*er!!!!"

thats right! a black girl calling a white guy that. boy did that piss me off bad. i just shut up because i knew that if i said anything back someone would either get in trouble or start swinging.
i just don't get it. they want (by they, i mean a select few. most blacks are great people. i sit with one at lunch, and we get along great, always busting on each other and havin a good time. he calls me "whitey" and i call him "darky". it's meant in good fun though. but there are always a few that need to buck the system. same goes for any other race, including whites.) they seem to be allowed to do, say, act any way they want, without consequence. if they are confronted about something, they immediately say that they are being singled out because they are black. but then they turn around cussing us out, calling us racial names, and raising he!!. we can't do jack chit about it. but AS SOON AS someone says something bad about them, suddenly THEY are being attacked. and WE are being racist ba$tard$, as i've been called.
sorry if i've offended anyone or made any enemies by this post. my intention is not to point out the blacks or say how much better i am then they are.im not. i just need to vent a bit. know what i mean?

10-08-2004, 08:02 PM
my boy welcome to America as we know it, you gotta love it:o

10-08-2004, 08:04 PM
they can call us all kind of names once u drop the n bomb thoe chit hits the fan its jus stupid i thought they wanted to be treated equal but they always play the race card

10-08-2004, 08:06 PM
yeah that does suck for you.....

but i can see alot of comments coming to this thread that will not be very good for anyone invoved.