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Martin Blair
10-06-2004, 09:47 PM
I want more power but cant decide weather I should buy a cam before we go to the dunes in 2 weeks or wait till later and put it in this winter, my 450 is only 2 months old from the dealer, should I just wait till It has a bit more time on it?

10-06-2004, 09:54 PM
If I can go put one in so I can see the difference please :) Heck if it was me I would put it in ASAP. If I can go I hope to have my HRC kit in then. GL

10-06-2004, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by HN400exracer
I want more power but cant decide weather I should buy a cam before we go to the dunes in 2 weeks or wait till later and put it in this winter, my 450 is only 2 months old from the dealer, should I just wait till It has a bit more time on it?
i would just wait and break it in slow. just my opinion.

Martin Blair
10-06-2004, 10:01 PM
yeah im leaning towards some skids instead of cam, how much is just the hrc cam and i know its hurts the bottom, but I have the BB pipe which helps out the bottom end so if i put in a hrc cam would it still have good bottom end or should i just go with a stage 2 when i get one?

10-06-2004, 10:17 PM
Had my '04 CRF cam in the bike before I ever rode it, no problems here. I say go with a cam, don't need skids for the dunes??

10-06-2004, 10:20 PM
Ya I am going with the HRC kit. I found a good price on it from service honda. I will order it in the next couple of weeks. I think I will sell my BB Hmf carbon pipe and get a rossier. I need more of a MX pipe than a woods one.

Martin Blair
10-06-2004, 10:22 PM
well i race xc over in missouri not real big on mx so i think i will got with a stage 2 since it adds top end but doesnt really hurt bottom, also anyone try this power now valve from DSP?

10-06-2004, 10:24 PM
HN400exracer and Kazpr, check ur PM's.

10-06-2004, 10:26 PM
I met this kid earlier @ a Xc race here in kansas earlier this year. I was told he was the MO state champ last year for harescrambles. He had a white yfz and dang he was FAST!! He is a good friend of a friends :)

10-06-2004, 10:28 PM
Kazpr ur PM box is full, I couldn't send you a message.

Martin Blair
10-06-2004, 10:41 PM
where is the xc series in kansas?

10-06-2004, 10:41 PM
Make that quad faster!! Skids, blah! Heh, more power never hurt anyone.

Ya guys doing down to Little Sahara? When are ya guys going? We're going up on the 22nd of the month more than likely. I'll have my new piston by then, let that ***** rip some sand!

10-06-2004, 10:42 PM
Was @ pamona lake. The KATVA club hosts one every so often. www.katva.com I think is the site. To rocky for me to go there but you MO boys know all about rocks!!

Martin Blair
10-06-2004, 10:50 PM
Ima look into that

RedRacer we are going from the 21st threw the 24th
you guys camping or what?

Looks like im getting the cam and tires prob before ls not skids. what loocktite do you use red? and I am getting a manual for it and did a cam in my 400 but how does the 450 differ?

10-06-2004, 11:30 PM
Oh yeah...we'll be camping. Try to get in the south campground but thats like a madhouse anymore. If not, we'll be in cowboy camp. I got a 17ft enclosed trailer we're going to crash in.....

I didnt do the motor work on my 450R, I had the local quad shop do it. I didnt want to dive into a 4-stroke motor just yet, especially being almost brand new. If it was a 250R, heh...not a problem. But 4-strokes scare me....too many bells and whistles:D

I need to get a manual for mine...they are a real help!

10-06-2004, 11:47 PM
Originally posted by RedRacer44
Oh yeah...we'll be camping. Try to get in the south campground but thats like a madhouse anymore. If not, we'll be in cowboy camp. I got a 17ft enclosed trailer we're going to crash in.....

I didnt do the motor work on my 450R, I had the local quad shop do it. I didnt want to dive into a 4-stroke motor just yet, especially being almost brand new. If it was a 250R, heh...not a problem. But 4-strokes scare me....too many bells and whistles:D

I need to get a manual for mine...they are a real help!
oh yeah. we got the service manual before we even touched mine.
i am accualy living in overland park kansas as of right now, so is there any local places to ride around here in kansas? it seems like everything is on the missouri side.

10-07-2004, 05:47 AM
Mixed we have a couple of private MX tracks down in Emporia. We try to ride every sunday atleast. Maybe we can set something up sometime if you like to ride MX.

Martin Blair
10-07-2004, 10:12 AM
perry lake in a little town north of lawerence in about 160acres its small but fun and only like 30 mintues away from us.

We always camp in south camp so much more fun, I will look for you guys, We have a 19ft Weekend Warrior and the 450r is red, and my parents have a yellow and green rancher.

You know the dunes pretty well? we could meet like buy that big hill on the north east side of the park, like buy the south gate stright north of there up the fence line theres a big hill with 2 nice trees on top.

As far as the cam goes I have decided to hold off till I get back for te dunes, the 450 is a big improvemnet over the 400 anyway. I dont want to rush it either, or try to jury rig it because my dealer probably wont have the right shimes knowing them so It will be apart and I will have to throw the stocker back in just to be able to go. I decided on getting a vortex cdi and paddle instead I race woods and from what I have heard the vortex has good gains all arround with all the settings.

10-07-2004, 12:10 PM
is your track in emporia right off I-35. cause every time we go to the dunes i see a track right off the highway that looks really awsome. its a very very nice mx track from what i can see!

and if i make it to the dunes that weekend i will be with a whole bunch of banshees.:rolleyes: im the only 4-stroker in the group thats going. we will be in the south camp ground if its not full, which i dont think it would be. we are going down thursday night i think and coming back sunday. hope to see you guys down there. and if you see a red 450r with the number 311 on it and its surrounded by banshees just stop and say helo!

10-07-2004, 02:55 PM
Mixed yes that is one of them. That one is kinda tough the other one is ALOT more rideable. They just added a 64ft triple that no one has done yet. It is SCARY!!

Martin Blair
10-07-2004, 03:33 PM
Alright that is when we are headed down, you should just ride with the rest of us, no damn shees

10-07-2004, 06:33 PM
Sweet! Good to hear some of the local EXRiders are going to the dunes at the same time we are. Like I said, we're going to try to stay in the south campground, if not, we'll be in cowboy camp. You cant miss my trailer...its got my name Chance Maxville #44 on the side of it with some other big stickers down the side. There will be a couple of red 450Rs, a black 450R, yellow Z400, and a white 440EX. You probably wont miss us if we are all in a pack, we're all MX setup and wide as hell except for the black 450R, he just got it! Might be a dune buggy with us too if my buddies bro-in-law gets it put back together.

Ya guys have seen my quad on here, i'm sure...you cant miss it though. I've got 44 all over the quad and a JH Racing decal down the gas tank so if ya see me at camp or on the dunes, swing in and we'll bull****.

10-07-2004, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by kazpr
Mixed yes that is one of them. That one is kinda tough the other one is ALOT more rideable. They just added a 64ft triple that no one has done yet. It is SCARY!!
chit, i'll jump it. i might double it the first time, but the second time i will clear the whole thing. whats the worst that could happen, wreck?:blah:

hey red racer, if i see ya down there i will for sure say whats up. and if you wouldnt mind, i would like to maybe take your quad for a spin after seeing all that stuff in your sig?:D

Power Stroker
10-07-2004, 08:30 PM
I would go with a Hotcams stage 1, because the 450R could use a little more on the bottom IMO.

10-07-2004, 10:02 PM
Alright sounds good....

By the way, so we dont have to feel awkward about names n' such...the name is Chance.

I'd rather ya know my name rather be like "Hey are you redracer44 or whatever?" Heh, i'd feel dumb. haha!

Martin Blair
10-07-2004, 10:13 PM
sounds good my name is Martin so just say hey or you want to meet at like the Oasis or something arround 1-2 friday?

10-07-2004, 11:02 PM
Ehh, not sure if i'll be down yet. There's several factors riding on when we are going to get to leave.....if my cousin goes, we have to wait till he gets off of work on Friday at 5:00 is the main factor.

My buddy Mark and me might go up on Thursday evening and then my other 2 buddies are going to drive up on friday. I dont know yet....we're going to work that out later on. It takes us a little over 3 hours to get to Sahara too.

Kazpr, are you guys going up that weekend too right? We need to all meet up sometime that weekend, get a big group ride going possibly. Do ya guys like just cruising the dunes, hitting the trails or finding a good dune to jump? We do a little bit of everything along with hitting the drag strip up a little bit.....

10-07-2004, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by RedRacer44
Kazpr, are you guys going up that weekend too right? We need to all meet up sometime that weekend, get a big group ride going possibly. Do ya guys like just cruising the dunes, hitting the trails or finding a good dune to jump? We do a little bit of everything along with hitting the drag strip up a little bit.....
thats pretty much how i am. i like hitting all the stuff the dunes have to offer.
and by the way my name is Chris.
heres a pic of a YFZ that might be going with us now.

10-07-2004, 11:37 PM
heh, thats sick. he needs to lay off the burn outs it looks like? thats ridiculous....

10-07-2004, 11:39 PM
Originally posted by RedRacer44
heh, thats sick. he needs to lay off the burn outs it looks like? thats ridiculous....
yeah, that garage is 75ft by 200ft and we set up a flat track in it. those are his "street slicks":rolleyes:

10-07-2004, 11:46 PM
heh, that is ridiculous....i'd take out a wall. too much throttle, not enough brake! heh...

man, we got a TQRA race in Texas at Caddo Point this weekend.....and i cant go because I got an accounting mid-term on monday, have to study all weekend to even pass this *****. College is the ****s....

OH well...fall break is in 2 weeks and its dune time! haha!

10-07-2004, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by RedRacer44
heh, that is ridiculous....i'd take out a wall. too much throttle, not enough brake! heh...

man, we got a TQRA race in Texas at Caddo Point this weekend.....and i cant go because I got an accounting mid-term on monday, have to study all weekend to even pass this *****. College is the ****s....

OH well...fall break is in 2 weeks and its dune time! haha!
so are you going to be able to make it to oklahoma that weekend?
and i know what you mean, college sucks, we have midterm tests to do next week!:grr:

10-08-2004, 12:03 AM
heh, I live in Bristow, Oklahoma dude. We just travel to Texas for TQRA races because its ALL quads and the competition is awesome! But I'll be missing that last TQRA, dammit!

Oh yeah, we'll be at sahara for fall break for sure. I think we're goign to leave on thursday sometime...maybe early in the morning. Then my buddies will drive up on fri. night....but I'll haul the quads. We need a break from racing anyways....heh, need to have some free-ride time. We raced damn near every weekend this summer somewhere....even went to Loretta Lynns for the MX national. We're going to take a long overdue break....

10-08-2004, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by RedRacer44
heh, I live in Bristow, Oklahoma dude. We just travel to Texas for TQRA races because its ALL quads and the competition is awesome! But I'll be missing that last TQRA, dammit!

Oh yeah, we'll be at sahara for fall break for sure. I think we're goign to leave on thursday sometime...maybe early in the morning. Then my buddies will drive up on fri. night....but I'll haul the quads. We need a break from racing anyways....heh, need to have some free-ride time. We raced damn near every weekend this summer somewhere....even went to Loretta Lynns for the MX national. We're going to take a long overdue break....
thats good.
im moving to arizona in january for school..........glamis is a short 3 hour drive!!!:macho so for a year and a half probable all my quad ridding will be recreational. but they do have the worcs and the itp quadcross series down there. i might be able to hit a few of them.:macho

10-08-2004, 12:12 AM
and oh yeah, is that a kill switch engage avatar? because they are badass, i just got there cd again after losing every one of my cd's the night of the 311 concert.:mad:

10-08-2004, 12:16 AM
yeah, WORCS series came out to Stillwater, Oklahoma at Cooperland....it was awesome. Our local Pro Johnny Hale handed Doug Eichner his ***, hehe!

That'd be sick to go to Glamis, lucky lucky. Yeah that is a Killswitch Engage avatar, ya like? Heh, they are bad ***....both of their albums are amazing. I have a burnt CD of mixed tracks...thats my "pre-riding mix"....heh has a lot of KSE, Ill Nino, CKY, 36 Crazyfists, Atreyu, and some others...

10-08-2004, 12:22 AM
yeah my favorite song would have to be the end of heartache. that guy can sing.
well maybe we will have to chill and listen to some KSE when we arnt riding at the dunes in camp.:blah:

Martin Blair
10-08-2004, 02:32 PM
So who is still going we can get a group ride meet somewhere saturday instead of fri.

10-10-2004, 12:24 AM
Originally posted by HN400exracer
So who is still going we can get a group ride meet somewhere saturday instead of fri.
me and some friends for sure. i say we all meet at were everyone drags right out in front of the south camp ground sometime saturday.

10-11-2004, 12:05 AM
We can meet sometime on Saturday at the strip if ya guys want....anytime works for me. Should be for a good weekend....I know i'm looking forward to it! Gettin' the 13:1 JE piston put in tomorrow to replace my 11.5:1 JE....hopefully this thing will rip now!! Heh, YFZs beware!

10-11-2004, 12:24 AM
Originally posted by Power Stroker
I would go with a Hotcams stage 1, because the 450R could use a little more on the bottom IMO.

There's nothing wrong with a little more bottom end but this cam signs off well before the rev limiter, which is not what you want at the dunes.

10-11-2004, 11:33 AM
Hey luke....how is that vortex ignition working for ya? how does the whole power curve selection work out on the TRX? I'm looking at either doing the CRF ignition mod/lightened flywheel or just get that ignition later on this winter.

Luke is right....if you are racing XC or something, the stage I might be pretty nice but I think the Stage II cam is the better all-around cam outta the 2.

I think the 450R has plenty of power on the bottom once you add a pipe/filter/jetting....if anything it needs a good hit in the midrange which is what the Stage II, HRC, and Sparks cam gives the motor if i'm not mistaken. I think if you want more bottom end, you best bet would be with a hi-comp piston which is what I'm going for.

I'm happy with my Stage II cam, I have good usable power at all RPM levels with a nice dose of added midrange/top end. This is extremely nice on the MX track and at the dunes where I'm in 3rd/4th gear most of the time.

10-11-2004, 03:25 PM
Any of you guys going to be there walloween weekend? That will be my only prayer of going this year again :( Later

10-11-2004, 03:29 PM
Megacycle cam is most radical cam available.



Martin Blair
10-11-2004, 04:45 PM
alright start posting dune stuff in the ls group ride in the dunes forum, but sat buy the gat is cool, what time like morning of after lunch?

10-11-2004, 09:05 PM
I really like the vortex ignition so far, Its really nice the way the different power settings work to create more traction or add more power ect ect. It should be really great when I recieve my lightened flywheel from trailtech this week.:D

10-11-2004, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by lukester720
I really like the vortex ignition so far, Its really nice the way the different power settings work to create more traction or add more power ect ect. It should be really great when I recieve my lightened flywheel from trailtech this week.:D
does it have a switch that you put on your bars for different settings? i know FMF had one for bikes. it had a low end setting and a top end setting that you could hit on the holeshot and then switch it over on a straight away.

Martin Blair
10-11-2004, 09:30 PM
im getting the vortex after sand dunes, which sucks wanted extra power for sand but o well. It has a hadlebar switch but has 10 different curves to choose from with a little clicker on the box. The hadlebar switch lets you go between two you like. I have heard it adds alot of bottom on up.
