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View Full Version : former high school counsler charged with disorderly conduct

10-06-2004, 06:43 PM
last year our high school counsler got fired and nobody knew why, he was there one day and gone the next. Well today in our local paper, right on the front page it says he was charged with 3 counts of disordely conduct. It says he innapropretly (sp?) touched 3 girls on diffrent occasions. Things like rubbing their backs, touching or slapping their butts, and pointing at or touching their brests.

I always thought this guy was a weirdo when i was in school. I hope he doesnt get just a slap on the wrist, i hope he gets the whole book thrown at him.

10-06-2004, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by JUSTINcredible
last year our high school counsler got fired and nobody knew why, he was there one day and gone the next. Well today in our local paper, right on the front page it says he was charged with 3 counts of disordely conduct. It says he innapropretly (sp?) touched 3 girls on diffrent occasions. Things like rubbing their backs, touching or slapping their butts, and pointing at or touching their brests.

I always thought this guy was a weirdo when i was in school. I hope he doesnt get just a slap on the wrist, i hope he gets the whole book thrown at him.


nah just kidding perverts likehim should be locked away

10-06-2004, 08:39 PM
similar thing happened 2 years ago in 8th grade some weirdo band teacher was there one day and gone the next i really didnt care but it turns out he sent like 10 boys porn through email and offered to have sex with them and the school never said anything about it you got in trouble for talking about it and i found out everything i knew through the news on tv

10-06-2004, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by hessianmx111
similar thing happened 2 years ago in 8th grade some weirdo band teacher was there one day and gone the next i really didnt care but it turns out he sent like 10 boys porn through email and offered to have sex with them and the school never said anything about it you got in trouble for talking about it and i found out everything i knew through the news on tv

We had a gay band teacher too and he was only here for 1 year until he got the boot. Also recently one of our teachers got fired because she was just a horrible teacher. On bad days she would just disipline random kids and give different amout of homework to kids. She was just an idiot. She filed a law suit against the school saying it was racist and they fired her because she is black :rolleyes: but she lost so that was good.

10-06-2004, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by sEX

nah just kidding perverts likehim should be locked away

This is comeing from a man with the user name "sEX" lmao jp your right

10-06-2004, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by Punk'd
This is comeing from a man with the user name "sEX" lmao jp your right

u got a problem with my name beotch lol j/p

10-07-2004, 01:26 AM
back in the 6th grade we had a teacher get arrested for melesting a kid. one of my best friends allways use to stay after school for her class, so i asked him if he would know who the kid was. well, it was him! there was like 6 acounts of melestation on her with my best friend back in 6th grade. she just got out of jail like a year ago. it was like 7 years in prison.

me and one other friend were the only ones that knew it was him, and we use to say to each other how gross it was. but then later in life we figured out that he was a pimp!

10-07-2004, 07:53 AM
Get this...

This teacher at my school was "suspended" I guess you could say for touching these girls. Well he came back last year and now my girlfriend is in his class and she says he always flirts with her and her friend, and all the other girls in the class. He also makes comments in front of the class about guys and girls in the class... Like one time he picked up a piece of paper in the floor beside my girls class and acted like it was a note and read it aloud and he said "Dear Doug, You look cute in those pants today, can't wait to see you after class. Bye Stud, Dana" when actually it was nothing but gum in the paper.

First of all I think he should have been FIRED when those incidents happened. Second of all he should have enough respect for himself not to come back to the SAME school when all the teachers and kids know what all went on.

All I know is that if he lays a hand on my girl yall are gonna be seeing me on the news -- "Today at a high school in North Carolina, there was a conflict between a senior and a teacher. The student reportedly KICKED HIS ***"

But seriously, What is the world coming too when it's not even safe to send your kids to school?? One reason I don't plan on having children.

10-07-2004, 08:55 AM
we had a football coach here molest 3 or 4 guys and he went to jail. we all knew he was strange but didnt know he was that bad. the real funny part is the guys he molested was on the rootball team, starters. these guys trained, worked out and played football, you know they were stronger then he was, and they didnt force him off of them. :rolleyes: one of my friends went fishing with the coach one time, well the coach tried to grab his nuts well he tried to tell eveyone but noone believed this happened.
the one guy who brought it all out, goes around and remineds people who he was( like "hi, im _____ remember me i was molested by coach ______" , one guy killed himself and the others stay out of sight i think. they could have easly put a stop to it but i guess they liked it.

10-07-2004, 09:01 AM
Originally posted by quadrcr161
we had a football coach here molest 3 or 4 guys and he went to jail. we all knew he was strange but didnt know he was that bad. the real funny part is the guys he molested was on the rootball team, starters. these guys trained, worked out and played football, you know they were stronger then he was, and they didnt force him off of them. :rolleyes: one of my friends went fishing with the coach one time, well the coach tried to grab his nuts well he tried to tell eveyone but noone believed this happened.
the one guy who brought it all out, goes around and remineds people who he was( like "hi, im _____ remember me i was molested by coach ______" , one guy killed himself and the others stay out of sight i think. they could have easly put a stop to it but i guess they liked it.

now thats just plain sic, he should burn in HELL

10-07-2004, 09:15 AM
he is out of jail and living with his parrents now. this was back in 95, 96 maybe? i graduated in 97 i think.
you know, if somone is usually molested, they will try to avoid the person as much as possible. these guys hung out with the coach, even after school and did other things that all added up after it came out. the guy had a wife and a few kids. one funny thing i remember is they put on a womanless pagent, where guys dressed up like girls and this coach was the announcer. the guys who were molested were all in the pagent, and would grab his *** as they walked by or do something to mess with him. they wernt afraid of him. so who knows.

10-07-2004, 05:52 PM
i graduated in 97 i think.

you dont know when you graduated? thats funny!!!!

we had a band teacher that would hit on the girls and stuff. and an english teacher (male) who molested 2 boys. he went for 15 years i think then moved to mississippi and his boyfriend killed him. yeh he deserved it i guess

10-07-2004, 06:16 PM
I don't understand how you can let a teacher or someone molest you .. I mean .. aren't they able to defend themselves?