View Full Version : help with lights

10-01-2004, 02:02 PM
sry if this is in the wrong forum...no electrical forum

i bought 2 lights at walmart for the 400 but im only gonna use one. so i went out today and found the old wires from the previous stock lights. so i tried every combonation with the wires that i could and nothing worked. HELP!!! how do i make this light work!!!!!!

10-01-2004, 09:12 PM
i just hooked one up on mine. read your owners manual first for lighting output. mine was 55 low beam and 60 high beam. so i bought a 55 watt light and wired it up to the high beam wire. its real easy. just take a 12 volt test light with the key on and your headlight switch on high beam and touch the test light on the wires. mine was blue. once the test light lights up then you know you have the high beam wire. take ur light put the black wire on a peice of metal or undo a bolt and put a round soderless terminal on it and ground the light, then take the wire you found to be the high beam and hook it to the white wire on ur light wala there ya go. hope this helps. the light must be grounded to good paint free metal or itl never work.