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View Full Version : Tell me if u think this is stupid 2?

09-27-2004, 02:25 PM
Ok this saturday at a Marion Center Speedway they held ATV drag races i decided 2 go and give er a shot and heres the thing the classes go like this


Ok ya so thats all good but they don't take into consideration 4stroke vs 2stroke exceptially in the 100-300 class so ok theres like a bunch of trailblazers, my 250x, a mojave, and one blaster. That would have made the racing great and would've been fun but then since 250r's r 250cc's were stuck with 6 250r's in our class....This as u know killed us so, anyhow i killed a moto-4 but then when i got beside a 250r i was dead ya know...... I mean theres no way!!!!!!! Funny thing is as u all know the 250rs ran with the 400's and were neck 2 neck with them....So hows it fair 2 have them in our class lol The ppl runnin it didn't know any better though cuz the one official after a R toasted my *** he told me i better give it hell next time I was like ya i could but i'm still toast lol........Anyhow i just needed 2 vent a little and c what u guys thought lol Of course though i went to have fun and I did so i'm still happy. :devil:

09-27-2004, 02:32 PM
They should have a 250cc 2 stroke class... :bandit:

How did you do agaisnt the other competition? Did you spank the Blaster?

09-27-2004, 02:34 PM
was this the first time they had a race there? maybe they are really new to the sport and don't know any better. oh well maybe next time they will get it right ;)

09-27-2004, 02:42 PM
Neither the blaster or i got a chance 2 race each other.....If it wasn't for the 250r's I reckon i coulda grabbed the blaster but if not i know i woulda got second but we didn't get a chance 2 race each other....It sux cuz the 250rs just killed us.....But of course there going 2 there 250r's!!!!!!!!! lol most of them were built 250r's as about all 250rs are....but ya it was there first race so thats why i understand what happened but i'm def gonna give them advice before they do another one...... this is a clay oval track for cars and its a nicely ran track but they just don't know bout quads but well fill them in lol.... Like i said i went 2 have fun so its all good!!!!! :blah:

09-27-2004, 02:54 PM

theres a link that has results and the pics.... the finish line up for our class was 250r, 250r, 250r, 250r, so on and so on..........:(

09-28-2004, 02:37 AM
Anymore it's run what ya brung here. There isn't enough quad entries most of the time to warrant cc classes. Just whatever experience level you are. Begginer, Novice and Pro. It's getting better though. More 450r's out there then anything else up here.

09-28-2004, 12:52 PM
yeah its dumb