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ramp rida 55
09-26-2004, 06:37 PM
how did you all do? my first race in ameature #17 i got 5th in the qualifier fs-B division 1 and 15th in the main i went over the berm and got stuck and later there was a line stopped behind a guy who stalled, im glad i moved up its a lot better. i heard justin broke a colarbone that sucks i hope your better soon man

09-26-2004, 06:54 PM
Muff was running a great race and was in 2nd right before the the finish of the Open B he must have crashed because we saw the leader finish then never saw him cross the line :(

Great Fall day for racing, it was a bit warm in the sun though.

09-26-2004, 07:11 PM
6 in first moto in air cooled.

Blew up motor or did somthing to it so it wont start:( < that was in the 2nd moto.

09-26-2004, 07:46 PM
4-stroke B 1st moto... go tangled with a guy 1st lap then the enxt lap in almost the smae spot he slide over a berm and somehow managed to flip my bike:mad: :mad: i ended up with 10th. Didnt race anymore due to my CRACKED FRAME:mad: :mad: :grr: :grr: ahhhhh BTW did anyone else get stuck in that unbelievably long line of traffic on the mass. Pike? what a bad weekend! sucks to see ya get hurt again justin... heal up soon

09-26-2004, 07:46 PM
i had a pretty good day. pulled 3/4 holeshots and won the qualifiers. i got 4 in open c in the main, 2nd in the 4 stroke c main. got 2nd overall in openc and 4 stroke c for the day. overall im pretty happy seeing it my first wick finish out of the whole year. good job every one.

muff - tuff luck bro. :( you were doing awesome all day and looked good. :cool:

09-26-2004, 09:23 PM
1st over all open b and 6th overall 4dtroke b. It was a good day of racing today and some great competition. Good job guys...

EX 80
09-27-2004, 07:41 AM
Originally posted by z838mx
1st over all open b and 6th overall 4dtroke b. It was a good day of racing today and some great competition. Good job guys...

Nice job in open!!

I had a bad day. 1st 4stroke race, i went for a pass on someone off the spectator jump in the air. He was on the left so i went to go pass him on the right. I had the gas pinned all the way on the face so i could get a good quick pass. Well in the air i guess he made my quad get sideways, from him not holding his line!!!:mad: :mad: His front tire hit my rear tire and sent us both tumbling down the hill.

I am going to doctor after, i have a feeling i have a broken neck or something. Tried to sleep it off but its worse.

09-27-2004, 08:55 AM
I was there #165 got 10th in the 1st moto 4 stroke b. Then I went down for the lcq and they never called my # for it. I went over to the guy on the podium and asked if he had my # on the qualifer sheet and he said no. So I said I don't have to qualify and he said no. Went down for the 2nd moto and once again they never called my #. Went back over to the guy and they said well you needed to be in the qualifer, So I said I asked you that and you did not have my # and I did not have to qualify. They said oh well we made a mistake and you can get your money back. I did not drive all they way up here to get my money back I came to race. They said I could line up in the back row and run. Just as I got back there they dropped the gate. Like I was ready. When They posted the points I was not even on the sheet. After arguing with them for a while they said they would fix it. Any body else have any problems there this weekend? Hope all is well justin, Sorry to hear about your crash.

09-27-2004, 09:59 AM
Yeah it was a good day of racing!! I went 1-2 in 4strkeB for 2nd Overall!! Good Job #13 #19 #47 and #112 Nice Racing with ya!!

09-27-2004, 03:15 PM
well my weekend was ok, 4th overall in 4strokeb. open i missed the second moto cause i was helpin josh swap motors and also i honestly would have been able to hang on for the 4 stroke if i went out in open. jim you were truckin man. justin i dont know where the heck you came from to take second away from me in that moto where you stahled on the line, man it sucks to hear you broke a bone or two, tommy feels bad about it.

oh and joshs motor was cranking this weekend out of the hole! crazy starts and motos man you were fliing.

09-27-2004, 03:22 PM
once again my luck is 0...:o in the 1st moto i was rippin in 3rd with 1st place 17secs ahead ( jenn was flyin on her crf!!!!) then my spark plug wire from my coil popped out:rolleyes: who thinks that will happen.. well then i finished 9th... 2nd moto ..the track was completly messed up.. my back end flipped up on me on one of the corners and i endod into a table in the back section.. so i ended up in 4th ... cant wait for jollies sunday:)

09-27-2004, 03:33 PM
Open C qualifier- 6th after almost having the holeshot.
Main-2nd. Ended up third overall

4 stroke C sucked for me big time. I had 7th in the qualifier after smashing thr chit out of number 17 on a 400ex. Dumbarse stopped at the first corner. I was furious with being in last and made it all the way up to 10th and disaster struck. I came out out of the woods corners and friggin flew over the bars after charging to hard to catch the top 5. Not bad after i got back up and charged to 7th place. When i was in 7th, i caught up to the 6th place guy and he was sorta going slow and pulled out in front of me as i was banging off 4th gear, i hit his rear tire and he pulled in front of me and climbed up the tire into a 12 o clock wheelie and ride her out. I have it on video. It was so quick i didn't know what was going on. 20th to 7th that race. The main, i was stuck in 2 bottlenecks and was running top 5 and then all of a sudden. I was stuck behind a few guys and everyone passed. finished 13th.

Tony, good battle out there man. Running ride by side and stuff in the Open C main. I did not mean to cut you that bad:eek:

09-27-2004, 03:37 PM
anyone have any info on that indoor mini racen they talked about at the riders meeting???? i didn't get to talk to the guy in charge and would like to get my kids in it!!! thanx:D

09-27-2004, 03:39 PM
He said to go to some bmx site. Did not catch the site though. Try searching indoor bmx sites. If not e-mail howard or jason

09-27-2004, 06:21 PM
I did all right. 4stkb moto 1 I almost got the holeshot second to #19, Kept second for a little while but I tired out and faded back to 5th. In moto 2 got a terrible start got up to maybe 4th or 5th, then had to go around one of the jumps when a rider in front of me spun out, I lost a bunch of positions. Ended up with a 7th I think (didn't stay to find out). So I didn't crash at all so it was a good day.

09-27-2004, 06:48 PM
911, Hey saw your post, the guys name is Todd Bard. I have his home phone # 413-786-4847. If that isnt right let me know , Hes really interested in doing this and if he gets enough riders has every intention of doing it so give him a ring.

The points and computers were completely screwed up at Southwick this week.....I apologize guys for that..they had some glitch in the Trackside Software so if you had a serious problem( ie didnt get scored etc. drop Howard an e-mail AND call him .

Also I apologize to those of you who were there during my outburst .....sincerely. That is not usually like me to do that ..but I have been sick and runnig myself ragged at work and at home for the last few weeks ..so again I'm sorry for my unprofessional outburst. I try to be as faor as I can to the majority so every now and then somebodys gonna get screwed and unfortunatley it happens but theres NO way I can please all of you..but I will work my *** off trying !!!!!

Take care guys...and see you at Jolly!!

P.S. anybody got a YFZ they would let me try out at Jolly? I'm thinking of buying one but would like to try one our first?

Thanks Guys and see you Sunday!!!!!


09-27-2004, 07:04 PM
I saw the arguement Jason. I thought it was unecessary. I made a comment to you when i saw you riding around in so many different machines. I don't know if you remember that. You can try my yfz if you would like at Jolly. #388. Just let me know

ramp rida 55
09-27-2004, 07:11 PM
yea i guess the computer did mess up because i was looking at the schedule befoe my qualifier and it had me racing in 30+ open B so i had to change that because im a little over half old enough to be racing that class;)

09-27-2004, 07:24 PM
Ctmx YFz, I may take you up on that offer, as a matter of fact I'll say sure. I dont plan on going out there and trying to win(although that would be nice) Just want to see how the YFZ feels and see if its what im looking for. If I break anything I'll fix it...even if its the whole darn thing .

Again I apologizr for my outburst I realize it wasnt called for and its not like me!! Wont happen again !!!

Yes I do remeber you also when you said that you like that multi machines ......heheheh of course I would have rather had mine there!!! Well Ill see you at Jolly and thanks for the offer!


09-27-2004, 07:27 PM
Yeah I have been hearing alot of the guy you have been having problems with, he should have handled it alot differently than he did. If he would have just chilled out a bit instead of threatening to do all the stuff he said he would do, you guys may have let him back in and keep his points. But he blew that.

09-27-2004, 07:51 PM
Ya, that guy, just did some very childish stuff . He called Howard and told him he was glad his dad passed away......really grown up isnt it?

He's gone because he was warned, given a second chance by Howard( because I wanted him gone after trying to start a fight at jolly's the first time), and after his second chance acted like a child, and then lied to Howard about what he did...bad thing for him is what he was lying about Howard was right there to see it happen.....ooops someone got caught with there hand in the cookie jar!

After his last stunt of calling Howard and threatening him, and then belittling the death of Howards dad...he just earned the I am a 30+ year old that acts like a 14 year old dumba s s award.

Actually though the incident I was referring to was at the staging area when i lost my cool, I swore and yelled at guys who even though they were back talking me I shouldnt have yelled at. I dont like to lose my cool but look at my last post and you'll see why I did , but it wont happen again!

see ya guys!!!


09-27-2004, 07:59 PM
We all lose it once in a while. We won't hold it against ya this time. :D . All in all you guys do a hell of a job! Can't wait to ride some of the new tracks your trying to get next year.

09-28-2004, 08:09 AM
Just want to say C O N G R A T S to #4 Jenn Wood on her Walsh/Sheridan Race Products CRF450 and her 1-1 win(first ever!).
She was amazing all that hard work, determination and PRACTICE pays off....can't say enough about "seat time". Great job in the womens class..it was great to see you pull your helmet off and say that " that was awesome!!..I wish we had a few more laps!" can we say FUN?!

Josh ......as usual great FAST job! Tony B...Great work!! and glad to see Nate getting back into the swing of things...Next year will be great!


Lynn Sheridan
Sheridan Race Products

09-28-2004, 10:12 AM
i had a blast, really felt good out there to.

got first in open b moto 1, and got 2nd in 4stk b division 2 after stalling on the line and coming back. moto 2 for open b i was rockin house and was either battleing tommy for first or second, on the last lap, last turn before the finish line, we were both hammerdown, i took the outside for the pass, he drifted up and flipped me off the track....

broken left collarbone, not sure how the quads doin, will probably check it out after i get home fro the doctors tonight.

so i'll be startin the winter rebuild a little earlier than most, might have a good run for exriders builder of the year :cool:

atvmx14, i was right behind you, and catchin up fast in the 4stk b qualifier, i was wondering who it was.

btw, if any of you guys are gonna be at jollys, post up your numbers and i'll see if i can snap some pics of ya. since i wont be racin i gotta do somethin!!

09-28-2004, 10:25 AM
4 stroke c and open c blue walsh yfz #97:cool:

09-28-2004, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by muff
atvmx14, i was right behind you, and catchin up fast in the 4stk b qualifier, i was wondering who it was.

Yeah i looked back and saw you coming i'd never been so happy to come around that last turn and see the checkered flag out!!
Your Going to stay in the B class next year right :devil: jk
Good Racin!!

09-28-2004, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by atvmx14
Yeah i looked back and saw you coming i'd never been so happy to come around that last turn and see the checkered flag out!!
Your Going to stay in the B class next year right :devil: jk
Good Racin!!

yup :p

09-28-2004, 01:29 PM
My little on ewent 2-2 in the fifty class just can't catch that 45x Muff tuff break your bike looked ok when I rode it over for you take pictures of #420 in the fifty class for me

09-28-2004, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by muff
ibtw, if any of you guys are gonna be at jollys, post up your numbers and i'll see if i can snap some pics of ya. since i wont be racin i gotta do somethin!! hey sorry to hear about that colarbone THAT FKN SUCKS!! at least now you'll be pst off enough to go all out on the ride for next year.....;) hey if you get the chance i'll be in the 30+b battlin for pts, and prob openb to stay on my toes (R # 911) hope you got the goods from yr doc. good luck, see ya at jolly :macho Jay:cool: :D

09-28-2004, 03:27 PM
Hey muff # 165 4stkB.

09-28-2004, 05:24 PM
#19 4stroke ::blah: think youll be able to find me?

09-28-2004, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by NTPRacing#19
#19 4stroke ::blah: think youll be able to find me? find the ds then look behind it:D /jk

09-28-2004, 05:59 PM
Just about everyone had some bad luck this weekend it sounds like, including me. :( I snapped a ball joint in the first 4-stroke A moto and DNFed. Couldn't find anyone with parts so I missed bolth 4-stroke Pro-Am motos. I was able to borrow a bike and got second in 2nd 4-stroke A moto. (Still can't catch Josh!)
Special Thanks to EX80 for letting me use his SICK YFZ. That thing is so nice compared to the P.O.S. that I usually ride. EX80 and Bigbore81 had some horrible luck as well and I hope you guys heal up quickly.

See everyone at Jolly this weekend!

09-28-2004, 07:01 PM
hahaha chris

09-28-2004, 07:02 PM

09-28-2004, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by Tuff4stroke
Eldon YOU ROCK:D http://********.com/forums/images/avatars/gallery/thugs/avatar-168.gif

09-29-2004, 02:20 PM
hey muff im #713 in the 90 modified class

09-29-2004, 03:47 PM
rock out with the sock out baby!:confused:

09-29-2004, 04:43 PM
hang out with my wang out:D

09-30-2004, 07:42 PM
fast300e59tim, you keep trying to reply to this thread but you're hitting the "Report post to a moderator" link. Hit the rectangular "POST REPLY" button.

09-30-2004, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by Guy400
fast300e59tim, you keep trying to reply to this thread but you're hitting the "Report post to a moderator" link. Hit the rectangular "POST REPLY" button.

i think you just gave away a secret on how to piss the mods off :p