View Full Version : xc shocks

09-24-2004, 02:33 PM
What is the best xc or hard trail riding shock for a ltz400?

09-27-2004, 03:02 PM
alot of the main shock companies make good shocks for nething, prolly elka though

09-28-2004, 07:28 AM
this thread will probably turn into a flame but i'l tell you what i think. ANY aftermarket shock is beter than stock.

progrssive shocks are stock replacements, no added peformance here

works shocks are agreat shock for the money and are a 100 times better than stock.

a little more expensive are ohlins white power (not sure if they make thses any more, but you can prolly find some on ebay) and tcs, there 100 times better than works

the big three- elka, custom axis and P.E.P. you simply cant go wrong by buying any of these, there pricey but you get what you pay for. at least 75 percnet better than ohlins, tcs or white power

you will be amazed at how well evan works will preform coming off your stockers. as you can see the biggest factor is how uch you want to spend

09-28-2004, 08:49 AM
OK thatnks i guess im just going to go with works triple rates with rezzi and the work rear shock since i dont race and am a little tight in money i will do that thanks....

09-29-2004, 08:24 PM
If I were to do it over again (shocks), I would get a link-less rear setup.
The reason being, by removing the linkage, you eliminate moving parts that hang down under your quad, just begging to be smashed.

I have the Elka long travel rear, and my skid gets boinked up against it, and causes wear. This happens every race lately. I suppose the skid is getting weak from being hammered back. I have heavy duty PRM skids, and I have been happy with them, until this year. Also, the Elka long travel linkage requires shims between the skidplate and the swingarm because the linkage hangs down further than stock. I don't know if anybody makes a skid to fit up with Elka long travel, but it would sure be nice if they did.

09-29-2004, 09:10 PM
just cut your skid and let the linkage hang down, if yokely's inkage can hold up like that (wich it does) you shouldnt have any problems

09-30-2004, 08:56 AM
It won't hold up. I can't have sharp rocks smashing into a $225 aluminum piece. It it gets broken, the race is over. I like to finish. I am going to reinforce my PRM, and if that does not work I will have to try a new skid.

I am a novice racer, and apparently don't know how to dodge rocks yet. It was fine when I just trail rode, but this is my second year doing XC and I am finding what works and what does not.

10-02-2004, 11:03 AM
i've got my linkage just hanging down below the skid plate and it has taken on hell of a beating this past year, she's scuffed up real bad but is still solid, but i'm running the gt thunder linkage rather than elkas, maybe that's the difference, little better quality in the gt thunder link :D

10-02-2004, 12:08 PM
Does the GT Thunder come with bearings?

The Elka unit comes with some lame poly bushings. I ran them up until last month, and got sick of the squeak. (Yes, I lubed them). Thankfully Elka had the foresight to make the mounting holes the right size to fit stock linkage bearings. So, about $96 in parts later, I have bearings in there now and it works well. All I can say is, if that linkage ever breaks, I will use it as an excuse to go to a link-less setup, if I am still trying to race that is.

10-02-2004, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by PhilMoore
Does the GT Thunder come with bearings?

yup uses the bearings from the stock linkage

here a pic of how far the linkage hangs down, it's been hammered has some nasty gouges in it, but yet it structurally sound, looks alot beefier than elkas linkage


10-02-2004, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by bradley300
this thread will probably turn into a flame but i'l tell you what i think. ANY aftermarket shock is beter than stock.

progrssive shocks are stock replacements, no added peformance here

works shocks are agreat shock for the money and are a 100 times better than stock.

a little more expensive are ohlins white power (not sure if they make thses any more, but you can prolly find some on ebay) and tcs, there 100 times better than works

the big three- elka, custom axis and P.E.P. you simply cant go wrong by buying any of these, there pricey but you get what you pay for. at least 75 percnet better than ohlins, tcs or white power

you will be amazed at how well evan works will preform coming off your stockers. as you can see the biggest factor is how uch you want to spend

How can you even group TCS and Ohlins in the same category?? TCS is right up there with elka pep and axis, it's all about having the shock set-up right for you. personally, I like the TCS's because they are quite cheaper then elka, come with compression adjustment, they work great, and they use the same size shaft as elka axis and pep. In fact, when I had my TCS's serviced, they even used elka seals cause thats all they had in stock :blah: