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View Full Version : PayPal Email Scam

09-23-2004, 06:23 PM
It was just on our local news , that someone caught a new email scam going around . It involves a site that many people use .... PayPal . When you get the email , theres a link to the "PayPal" site .... but you are actually diverted to a different look-alike site . They will tell you that they have lost all your information , and they ask you to re-enter it ... including your Credit Card number again . One way to amke sure you are on the correct Pay Pal site , is to look at the adress in the Address bar ..... it should read https://paypal.com ........ make sure it is HTTPS not just HTTP . Also keep a look out for the little lock in the bottom corner of the screen to insure you are on a secure site .

Just thought I'd let you guys know before someone get's taken out of a lot of money !!!!!!

09-23-2004, 07:43 PM
Yup, I have investigated a number of internet fraud cases in the last year. EBay, and PayPal will not solicit any personal information via email. If they have a problem with your account, they will send you an email telling you to contact them at their customer service center by phone. If you are ever in doubt of an email like that, open up a seperate window for the the company (i.e. EBay or PayPal, or whoever) and locate their customer service number, or fraud dept. number to verify the validity of an email. NEVER click on the link in the email !!!!!

09-23-2004, 08:24 PM
Thank you for the info.