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09-22-2004, 09:40 PM
alright guys i need some help concerning the war in iraq, tomorow i have to do a debate about the war against someone. my topic is- Is the war in Iraq worth it to the US? i basically need to ask my opponent some questions but i cant think of any good ones. someone help plz

09-22-2004, 09:43 PM
oh yea im agaiinst it

09-22-2004, 09:55 PM
Im pretty sure most people at exriders are for it...

09-22-2004, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by 350Xrider
oh yea im agaiinst it

hippie :blah:

09-22-2004, 10:04 PM
i aint no hippie, i support the soldiers but i just dont think we need to be over there, im afraid it might end like the vietnam war did.

09-22-2004, 10:37 PM
Oil is expensive.

09-22-2004, 10:39 PM
Haha, if your opponent is a good debater, prepare to get wasted.

But the best way to prepare for a debate, is think about what GOOD points he is going to bring up, and try and prepare attacks on them.

Also, opinions dont matter in debates, so dont use a phrase, well I believe....or i think....

also, i am feeling very helpful, here is a 10 page article entitled Why the United States should not Attack Iraq (it was written in 2002 though) still good info.


09-22-2004, 11:20 PM
thanks man you helped me alot, cmon guys i need to have alot of questions just incase.

09-22-2004, 11:38 PM
i love doing other peoples homework for them

Your side should focus on Cost of the War, bush going against the UN's wishes and leading the "coalition" alone, and the death of american soldiers now being over 1000.

09-22-2004, 11:43 PM
just make sure everything they bring up are facts or object saying it is speculation. if whatever is brought up cant be backed up you will win. if you can make ur point. just say bout the wmd, loss of lives, the hell thats going on over there now, but yea main points are cost, un, and the plan.

09-23-2004, 09:50 PM
The war in Iraq is nothing like what happened in Vietnam. Period. In Vietnam we were fighting with the North Vietnamese. In Iraq we are chiefly fighting with insurgents from Jordan, Syria, Iran, etc. The north Vietnamese at least had some what of a noble cause, which was to unite there country as a whole and sustain their way of life. The insurgents only have one goal, to kill americans and disrupt the rebuilding effort. Also, we lost around 58,000 troops over ten years in vietnam. After a year and a half in Iraq we have only lost about 1,000 troops (750 of which died in combat related deaths). Clearly, I'm not saying that's a good thing, but in comparision to Vietnam we have lost a significantly less amount of troops so far. See the problem in Vietnam is that we weren't trying to invade the North and make it a democracy. We were only trying to help the people in the south make their own democracy. The southern Vietnamese people started it, we just went to help. The U.S. knew that China would only tolerate two outcomes to the conflict in Vietnam. The first would be ideal (to china), the north defeats the south reuniting the country as a whole and repelling the U.S. The second would be that the U.S. and South Vietamese are victorious in forming a democratic South Vietnam but there is still a North Vietnam. Bottom line we went there to help the people in the south form their own government and that's it. We had no intentions of defeating the Viet Kong because if we did that and made all of vietnam a democratic country China would have just swept down and wiped us right off the continent. Don't forget what happened in the korean war when we got a little to close for China's comfort. In Iraq we are not trying to form a new country that was not previously there. We just wanted to remove a potential threat to not only us but to the world and replace that threat with a democratic government that is chosen by the Iraqi people. Yes, I know we chose the interim government and the interim government chose the present prime minister, but come january the people of Iraq themselves will, for the first time in a very long time, be able to choose who they want as their leader. As far as our plan, we need to get more Iraqis trained as soldiers and policemen. We need to get their economy back on its feet and we need to completley rebuild Iraqs infrastructure. All of this is well under way. The Iraqi Government has already started to take the lead from us in fighting the insurgents and as their power grows the need for ours lessens. Plus, when Iraqis see that it's there own troops who are starting to take the lead in the fighting they will regain confidence in their own government and eventually come to realize that we are not trying to control their country, we're trying to help their county. This in and of itself will reduce support any Iraqis have of the insurgents. It's going to take some time, but it's not going to take 10 years and it's not going to cost us 58,000 lives. So if anyone thinks the Iraq war is like Vietnam, they are not only wrong, but uneducated as well. Also, what we are doing in Iraq should proove to the world that we are not a war mongering nation. Because if we were we would simply flatten cities like fallujah and najaf and anywhere else there was resistence completley ahnilating the insurgency. Ofcourse this would cause thousands of innocent deaths, but it would put an end to any conflict over there real fast. No, we are not war mongering we are peaceful. And we are trying to help the Iraqi people build a peaceful nation.

09-23-2004, 10:27 PM
That was well said and since I am Baghdad as I type this I can tell you that this place is changing for the better and alot of the Iraqis support that. Well cant rebuild the entire country overnight and that pisses the people in crappy neighborhoods off. Things are getting better and as a person drives around the city over the last 6 months the improvements are very noticeable.

09-24-2004, 05:16 AM
Originally posted by tp450
That was well said and since I am Baghdad as I type this I can tell you that this place is changing for the better and alot of the Iraqis support that. Well cant rebuild the entire country overnight and that pisses the people in crappy neighborhoods off. Things are getting better and as a person drives around the city over the last 6 months the improvements are very noticeable.

First, thanks for serving our country!

Second, I could only wish the liberal left would focus on things like this... instead they only focus on the negative points of what we are doing in Iraq. I'll believe a first hand opinion over the news ANY DAY OF THE WEEK!