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View Full Version : bead wont seat

09-22-2004, 02:49 PM
i have a set of new burgard beadlocks with razrmx tires and everything is bolted on and good but i cant get the friggen bead to seat on. i put alott of air in it and i do not want to blow the tire apart. ive tried standing on the tire while putting air in it and it didnt work. are tires pretty strong? i mean it probly will go alittle more and will work but im afraid of it blowing up. its just the little lip that it wont go over, the side without the ring


09-22-2004, 02:59 PM
Put dishwasher soap all over the lip on the rim and on the bead of the tire then just keep putting air in it. The tire won't blow up, I had a tire with so much air in it it was twice the size.:D

09-22-2004, 03:00 PM
I sprayed around the bead with wd40, then air them up to 25-30 lbs. Should pop right in! Just be sure to keep your fingers out of the way!

How much air were you putting in them?

09-22-2004, 04:13 PM
im so stupid, as soon as i made the post i went out and said screw it and put about 5-10 more psi in each and they popped right in. but man i just took it for a quick ride and the razrs are such an awsome tire

sam the brave
09-22-2004, 07:34 PM
u could aslo of used gas put a very small amout of gas in the tire and drop a match

09-23-2004, 07:35 AM
i think we are gonna try and put my razr2 front tires on our sevles this weekend any tips to get them on right and set the bead good they are on stock rims Im pretty sure its gonna be a pain :(

09-23-2004, 08:51 AM
Originally posted by Rootar
i think we are gonna try and put my razr2 front tires on our sevles this weekend any tips to get them on right and set the bead good they are on stock rims Im pretty sure its gonna be a pain :(

it might be a pain getting the stock tires off the rims (normally is) but once that is done should be a breeze from their just make sure you lube the bead and rim well so it slides on when you set the bead.

09-23-2004, 09:10 AM
Originally posted by MXRACER86
Put dishwasher soap all over the lip on the rim and on the bead of the tire then just keep putting air in it. The tire won't blow up, I had a tire with so much air in it it was twice the size.:D WRONG!!!! The tire can and will blow up and when it does, it will take your arm along with it.

NEVER NEVER put more than the recommended maximum psi stated on the tire. If it doesn't say then don't go over 40psi. If it won't pop on with 40psi then take it to a dealer and let them do it.

Also never put gasoline or any flamible substance in your tire to seat the bead. Its not worth getting seriously injured over!

09-23-2004, 05:05 PM
Actually alot of people I talked to use starter fluid. Spray it around the bead and make a trail about 2 feet from tire light and just stand back. Ive tried it and it works great just got to be careful.:devil:

09-23-2004, 05:05 PM
Actually alot of people I talked to use starter fluid. Spray it around the bead and make a trail about 2 feet from tire light and just stand back. Ive tried it and it works great just got to be careful.:devil:

09-23-2004, 06:40 PM
^^ yea i seen that on the discovery channel once some show on like exploring the alaskan wilderness and they need to put a new tire on,they sprayed some chit on and lite it up,but im not going to do that,ill just find out some other way...are beadbreakers really that narly?

09-23-2004, 08:32 PM
Jeff is right, It not worth losing an arm, or fingers or anything, if u cant get it with a little over the max preasure, take it somwhere , where a profesional can use a cage around the tire, Just about 2 years ago now, there was a guy from okaville illinois who had a tire blow up on him, and was killed instantly, Just be carfull!!!!!!!

09-24-2004, 12:13 AM
Another way to do it is if you have a ratchet tie down strap.... wrap it around the circumfrence of the tire...and tighten it down...then when you air it up it puts more pressure to the sides of the tire to seat the bead better!

09-24-2004, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by LazeR
Another way to do it is if you have a ratchet tie down strap.... wrap it around the circumfrence of the tire...and tighten it down...then when you air it up it puts more pressure to the sides of the tire to seat the bead better!
absolutly correct but ive also used starting fluid and it works great especially on dump truck tires
now the locking rims on trucks holy chit ive seen a locking ring go through a roof of someones garage because he didnt put a chain around it