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View Full Version : FCR or EDELBROCK?

09-21-2004, 08:34 PM
What are the differences between the FCR and the edelbrock carbs? One cost 400+ and one i can get for about 325 new? Wat are the difference and what performs better? ( this question could go both ways i guess, like another pipe question.)

Your replies are highly appreciated


09-21-2004, 09:39 PM
The 400ex with the FCR carb I rode tended to studder and loose a little throttle response. It could have just been jetted poorly though, and I only rode it once, The edelbrock I rode I liked a lot though and didn't find a studder or lack of response. Both were highly modded machines as well, i don't know how it would perform on yours the way it is now.

09-22-2004, 01:49 PM
buy the fcr


all pros run fcr's

doug eichner is the only one who runs quicksilver

looks pretty obvious to me