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09-20-2004, 06:19 PM
Well time has come, ill be 18 next month and im moving out of my house. I would stay here until i finished school but, my mother is bipolar and one minute shes fine...and the next thing you know shes hitting the roof for something really dumb. I've had to deal with it for 17 years of my life....her biochin at me for some things that shouldnt even matter to some. I love my home no doubt, no bills at all and i come and go as i please, only bill i have is gas bill for my truck.

So its boiled down to this. Ill have to get my GED and get a full time job in which i already am lined up for a full time job at auto zone. Ill get a place of my own and work my *** off, and i dont have to listen to my mothers mouth any more

people are going to say...stay with your mother and finish school but you dont know what its like livin with this beast....1 minute shes fine, and next shes like the exorsist...or people will say your mother is right.

i had to vent tho.

09-20-2004, 06:23 PM
Do what you gotta do, What ever makes your life better for you, do it you cant go back and change what happens or change things in life :(

09-20-2004, 06:27 PM
i mean dude, my mom is bipolar and she hits the roof over the dumbest things...i.e. the dishwasher not being loaded

yes it will make life alot eazier on me...ill get a cheap appartment, pay my own utility bills, and i dont have a truck payment because my truck is paid for

it will be hard but i think i can hack it...i just cant live here anymore shes driving me mentally insane

09-20-2004, 06:34 PM
Best of luck man! What ever you do stick with getting your education one way or the other!!!

09-20-2004, 06:36 PM
ok, far as education...after i do the ged program i was going to enlist in a community college and take up auto body or something to that sort

or if not im going to try and get into nashville auto-diesel college

09-20-2004, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by TCracin440ex
ok, far as education...after i do the ged program i was going to enlist in a community college and take up auto body or something to that sort

or if not im going to try and get into nashville auto-diesel college

best of luck to ya. it is going to be hard tho no doubt, theres alot of little things that really add up...i just turned 18 and graduated so im lookin to get out soon too but dont think its financially possible yet.

09-20-2004, 06:58 PM
ill live in a cardboard box or in my truck before i ever come back here tho...

and besides ive got rich grandparents and if i fall they will pick me back up

but it will be the last option tho i will work for any and everything...i aint gonna mooche off some 1...

i mean if im smack dab on my face and cant get back up, then they will help me until i can get back on my feet and take over again...but i dont think i will have a problem because im willing to work for whatever i want

09-20-2004, 07:10 PM
go pay a recruiter a visit:macho and good luck!

09-20-2004, 07:14 PM
yea october 24th im counting the days....

mom knows that im moving out and ive told her alot here lately.....but she is calling my bluff

and today she offerd to buy me a new truck...like an 02-03 model chevy silverado z71...im like my truck is already paid for why do i want to get another truck that ill have to make payments on when mine is jsut fine

09-20-2004, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by TCracin440ex
i mean dude, my mom is bipolar and she hits the roof over the dumbest things...i.e. the dishwasher not being loaded

yes it will make life alot eazier on me...ill get a cheap appartment, pay my own utility bills, and i dont have a truck payment because my truck is paid for

it will be hard but i think i can hack it...i just cant live here anymore shes driving me mentally insane

Wow dude, i thought i was the only one with this kind of problem, my mom is the exact same as yours, at first i thought it was a PMS problem, but its way more than that, my mom can be the biggest ***** for as long as she wants, and makes my life hell for 95% of the time im around her, we dont get along at all. Ive tried moving out, but since im still in school i usualy end up coming back, but my friends and I have agreed on getting an apartment soon so hopefully my problems will be over with. I cant even start to explain how she is, but i know how u feel, and i know what its like, and it makes life hell. Good luck with it all.

09-20-2004, 07:24 PM
dude i would much rather her take her fist and punch me in my face instead of yell and scream for hours and hours on in...i mean i can stand her gettin mad...venting for about 20 minutes and we be back to normal in no time...but she vents for days at a time

09-20-2004, 07:28 PM
your mother might have the same disease my mother has....bipolar

ive never seen some1 get that bent out of shape because a dishwasher aint loaded or something really really stupid and if mom was a guy she wouldnt even get mad over it...like clothes bein in the bed room floor...

but dude far as school...i havnt told them yet but when i turn 18 next mth im gettin the GED and they cant stop me because when your 18 you can sign for it yourself...

09-20-2004, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by TCracin440ex
your mother might have the same disease my mother has....bipolar

ive never seen some1 get that bent out of shape because a dishwasher aint loaded or something really really stupid and if mom was a guy she wouldnt even get mad over it...like clothes bein in the bed room floor...

but dude far as school...i havnt told them yet but when i turn 18 next mth im gettin the GED and they cant stop me because when your 18 you can sign for it yourself...

I still cant belive how simular this sounds, my mom is also a neat freak, so leaving clothes on my bed room floor makes her freak out just like yours, im going to talk to the doctor next time im in there to him about my mom and bipolar. Thanks for the info

09-20-2004, 07:35 PM
My mom is exactly the same, one minute she's actually normal and I can be around her, she even laughs once in awhile! But the next minute I SWEAR it's Satan taking over!

I would move out...but I'm making payments on two quads and a truck while paying for my own gas, maintainence, and other stuff I need for life.

09-20-2004, 07:39 PM
dude i guess im the lucky 1 im not really strapped down....my truck is paid for, everything i own is paid for....only thing id have to do is when i move out get my own insurance, for my vehicle and pay for my tags

then ill get a appartment, and pay my own utility bills...i think what ill do since my grandmother is very good at managing money i will give her like half of my check to pay my bills...and ill keep the other half for w/e else comes along

09-20-2004, 07:44 PM
my mother aint a neat freak....she just looks for anything and everything she can to bytch about....me and her would get along alot better if she talked to me decent

she calls me lazy and stuff...but only reason i dont help her out arround the house is due to the fact that she doesnt respect me...or treat me like she wants to be treated

i believe respect goes both ways....if you give respect then you shall get it in return, and i believe if you want to be treated good treat others good

i told mom she would get alot more out of me if she simply asked nicely or said it with a calm tone instead of having it on blast at all times. but she cant ask nicely all she does is yell

09-20-2004, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by TCracin440ex
my mother aint a neat freak....she just looks for anything and everything she can to bytch about....me and her would get along alot better if she talked to me decent

she calls me lazy and stuff...but only reason i dont help her out arround the house is due to the fact that she doesnt respect me...or treat me like she wants to be treated

i believe respect goes both ways....if you give respect then you shall get it in return, and i believe if you want to be treated good treat others good

i told mom she would get alot more out of me if she simply asked nicely or said it with a calm tone instead of having it on blast at all times. but she cant ask nicely all she does is yell

This sounds like you have been watching my life for the last 17 years, my mother is the same as yours, if not worse. If u think ur moms possibly worse i feel very bad for you, cause my mom is the worst ever recorded in history. I have the the same issue about the respect problem, she yells at me even when shes asking a simple question, or if i do something wrong, or... lets just put it this way, she yells about everything. Ive told her she has mental issues and i wanted her to seek help, but she just thinks its a joke.

We've become to the point where i stay as far away from her as possible, and talk to her only if needed, i dont even say Hi or Bye anymore, its sad i know, but you would do the samething if u saw how it really is. Now ive become a pot head, just to escape the feelings i get because of her, she makes me angry as soon as i start talking to her, Fights after fights, it never ends. I hope something can be done for ppl in the future cause if anyone else grows up with a mother or farther like my mother, i hope they dont have to live with them for long, its the worst thing to grow up with in the world.

09-20-2004, 08:06 PM
my mom i think has yours beat bro....like my mom is so quick to loose her temper with me that i had to adjust my life to go on the defensive really quick to defend my self against her attacks against me...and its gotten so bad where people like my girl friend or my step dad, or anyone says something wrong to me im quick to go on the defensive....at one time i just ignored her but now its a pain in the ***...i used to be where it would take me forever to loose my temper but now i loose it quick due to the fact that ive got to get 1 back with her just to get her to shut up...because if i dont argue back at her she will sit there and bash and bash me dude....

one time i gave her the silent treatment for 3 days....and i swear to god dude she tried EVERY last tactic she could to get a reaction out of me she wanted me to yell or talk to her so bad...that drove her fuggin ape nuts

my mom yells about everything as well dude...but next time your mother treats you like ****...give her the silent treatment for however long it takes....but you cant only give her the silent treatment....you have to give everyone in the house the silent treatment....its the way its gotta be done...only people i communicated with during those 3 days were my internet friends and friends at school....when i got home i didnt part my lips for anything

09-20-2004, 08:20 PM
dude ive tried everythign to cope with my mom it just cant be done, i get bytched at no matter how right i am...

ive cussed at her, ive ran away, ive done did everything....she treats me like i asked to be brought into this world...of all the things ive done to cope with this or to strike back against her....ive never ever raised my hand to hit her no matter how pissed off ive been at her....ive been nose to nose with her and i never once hit her...ive told her many of times i love her because shes my mother, but as a person i hate her...and if she wont my mother i wouldnt even be her friend.

the only method of rebelling against her that ever worked was the silent treatment....take my advice....sit on the computer, dont talk to anyone in the house, dont even communicate nonverbally, if they ask you something pretend like you didnt hear it...eventually it will drive her crazy...mom played like it didnt bother her at first...but after about half way thru the 2nd day she snapped and was trying everything to get me to speak...she cussed, yelled, threatened me with everything...try this method....it straightened my mom out for a few days or so and she didnt yell anymore for a few days, but after about a few days it was back to normal. i mean i atleast enjoyed those few days of not bein yelled at

09-20-2004, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by TCracin440ex
my mom i think has yours beat bro....like my mom is so quick to loose her temper with me that i had to adjust my life to go on the defensive really quick to defend my self against her attacks against me...and its gotten so bad where people like my girl friend or my step dad, or anyone says something wrong to me im quick to go on the defensive....at one time i just ignored her but now its a pain in the ***...i used to be where it would take me forever to loose my temper but now i loose it quick due to the fact that ive got to get 1 back with her just to get her to shut up...because if i dont argue back at her she will sit there and bash and bash me dude....

one time i gave her the silent treatment for 3 days....and i swear to god dude she tried EVERY last tactic she could to get a reaction out of me she wanted me to yell or talk to her so bad...that drove her fuggin ape nuts

my mom yells about everything as well dude...but next time your mother treats you like ****...give her the silent treatment for however long it takes....but you cant only give her the silent treatment....you have to give everyone in the house the silent treatment....its the way its gotta be done...only people i communicated with during those 3 days were my internet friends and friends at school....when i got home i didnt part my lips for anything

lol been there.. tried that :grr: It doesnt work, my mom talks to herself when shes pissed at me... like if im downstairs and shes upstairs pissed off at me for something dumb and simple as using to many dishes :confused: I can hear her talking away to herself just to annoying me "lazy ***, doesnt do anything, and he wonders why I am like this blah blah blah" always something like that, she goes on and on for hours to herself, but says it loud enough so i can hear her. The silent treatment wont solve anything, just makes matter worse for me :(

Just a second ago she came down and amped out on me because i was listening to Dr.dre and he apparently says the "F-word to much" and now we just got into another fight about something as dumb as that, i can actually hear her yelling still about it upstairs... She cant get over things, she drags it on untill someone scream in agony about how annoying it is.

09-20-2004, 08:33 PM
im not gonna sit here and make my mom out to be the grimmest person in the world, but she has her moments very rarely here lately where shes the coolest parent in the world and couldnt ask for better, but here lately...shes just apeshyt

another reason alot of arguements get started in my house is because i have 2 brothers and they run over top of her and shes scared to bytch at them because they will physically abuse her or cuss at her...i think this is why im victomized so much because she knows i wont hit her...my other 2 brothers has hit her....one of my brothers dont live here anymore due to him and her faught so much that it wont even funny...my littlest brother is dressign like a gothic with a mohawk and walks arround 24/7 talking about f-ck cops, and looking like a bum

and most of it gets taken out on me

09-20-2004, 08:40 PM
Well its nice to know you and your mom havent got the point where u cant go back anymore, i wish i could, but things just wont work, we've tried, it just isnt ment to be, im very close with my dad, and he knows how much **** i take from her and is really good to me. Hopefully you and your mom can move on in life and have something good you guys never had before. Im fine the way things are, ive lived with it for 17 years, im used to it, and im doing fine myself the way things are... except the stress levels she gives me, but im used to it, and can hadle it now.

Id like to say my mom is an amazing person, but u know what, she can be, but she isnt. I know i made my mother sound like the "grimmiest" person ever, but its the truth, and i dont like to admit it.

09-20-2004, 08:45 PM
listen to lil eminem:p

ahh yes the idea of getting a ged which most employers see as joke...as bad as just quiting...never being able to go back in time and fix that major **** up....then the thought that working fulltiime and taking care of yourself totally and completely....which is way more than hard.....your 18 how much more school could you have...

my advice is finish school, get a job, do your deisel thing and move out a ged is worthless nowadays....

stop being such a sissy and deal with your mom, she sounds like an average middle age woman everyone has to deal with that

09-20-2004, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by SRH
listen to lil eminem:p

ahh yes the idea of getting a ged which most employers see as joke...as bad as just quiting...never being able to go back in time and fix that major **** up....then the thought that working fulltiime and taking care of yourself totally and completely....which is way more than hard.....your 18 how much more school could you have...

my advice is finish school, get a job, do your deisel thing and move out a ged is worthless nowadays....

stop being such a sissy and deal with your mom, she sounds like an average middle age woman everyone has to deal with that

Dude please... u dont understand, dont even try to. And u dont think ive tried to deal with my mom after 17 years of this bs ? HAH

09-20-2004, 08:57 PM
syrus i dont think he will ever understand....anyways far as ged...its her fault i cant take it anymore im at my witts end

syrus...all ive got to say dude is finish your schooling, then get out asap...

asap for me is next month.....and far as the diesel fuel college...they accept ged students...

me and my mom are getting to the point where there will be no turning back....im giving her from now till october 24th to wise up and realize that i aint the baddest kid in the world like she thinks i am, and to start treating me better....if not when october 24th comes oddey ose amigo thats all im going to say to her because her mouth is continual...non stop day in and day out...ive gotten where i dont want to come home anymore because i dont know what to expect...

see what makes my life harder on me is because one minute my mom is nice as hell...and we are getting along fine...then the next thing you know shes putting a new meaning to the phrase raise the roof because thats what she does when shes pissed

so its like fuggin with my mind....commin in from day to day not knowing what to expect...kinda will catch you off guard...school is becoming a serious burden in my life due to i cant concentrate anymore, i dont sleep good at nights, my nerves are completely tore up from the floor up.

srh ill trade my life with yours anyday....

09-20-2004, 09:01 PM
2003 Honda Rubicon (red)
2002 Honda 450es (yellow)
2002 Oryx t-line equipe 125
1974 Yamaha KX 125 (MINT)
Many many dirtbikes... to many..

2001 250ex - SOLD

look at what you have, it could be worse.
my mom does the same thing. she will be fine with something one day and totaly flip out about it the next. but she is my whole world and i dont know what i would do without her. dont piss her off now by moving out, dont you want to have kids one day and dont you want them to have a good grandparent relationship. plus they are the free babysiter.

09-20-2004, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by Syrus
Dude please... u dont understand, dont even try to. And u dont think ive tried to deal with my mom after 17 years of this bs ? HAH

yeah well suck it up when you go out and get a job and provide for yourself, and stuff then you can criticize your mom i dont think youll realize till you get a job and see how much just stupid stuff costs like food and the lil stuff you dont even think about

whining just makes u sound like a baby

09-20-2004, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by allmixedup047
2003 Honda Rubicon (red)
2002 Honda 450es (yellow)
2002 Oryx t-line equipe 125
1974 Yamaha KX 125 (MINT)
Many many dirtbikes... to many..

2001 250ex - SOLD

look at what you have, it could be worse.
my mom does the same thing. she will be fine with something one day and totaly flip out about it the next. but she is my whole world and i dont know what i would do without her. dont piss her off now by moving out, dont you want to have kids one day and dont you want them to have a good grandparent relationship. plus they are the free babysiter.

Sigh... once again u dont understand. My dad and I started out buying old dirtbikes, fixing them up, and selling them, did that for about 4 years, bought over 70 bikes an completly restored them, made money from it, and bought what we have now. My mom has nothing to do with it, im a single child, i work for a lot that i have, sure my dad gives me a lot, but there only so much he can do for me.

Thanks TCracin440ex for chattin bout this, first time ive really talked to anyone about these problems, feels good that im not the only one :)

yeah well suck it up when you go out and get a job and provide for yourself, and stuff then you can criticize your mom i dont think youll realize till you get a job and see how much just stupid stuff costs like food and the lil stuff you dont even think about

whining just makes u sound like a baby

I have a job moron, i work as a butcher, and provide myself with everything i need, but u seem to think u know me, u dont, now shut your ugly face and move on, your not wanted in this thread, find someone else to bother u annoying child.

09-20-2004, 09:09 PM
srh dont sound to me like he his bein a cry baby....hes just venting like i was doing....im moving out....yes it will be hard, but anything is better than living in hell....and not only that i dont need a free babysitter cuz im not having kids...period bottom line.

09-20-2004, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by TCracin440ex
syrus i dont think he will ever understand....anyways far as ged...its her fault i cant take it anymore im at my witts end

syrus...all ive got to say dude is finish your schooling, then get out asap...

asap for me is next month.....and far as the diesel fuel college...they accept ged students...

me and my mom are getting to the point where there will be no turning back....im giving her from now till october 24th to wise up and realize that i aint the baddest kid in the world like she thinks i am, and to start treating me better....if not when october 24th comes oddey ose amigo thats all im going to say to her because her mouth is continual...non stop day in and day out...ive gotten where i dont want to come home anymore because i dont know what to expect...

see what makes my life harder on me is because one minute my mom is nice as hell...and we are getting along fine...then the next thing you know shes putting a new meaning to the phrase raise the roof because thats what she does when shes pissed

so its like fuggin with my mind....commin in from day to day not knowing what to expect...kinda will catch you off guard...school is becoming a serious burden in my life due to i cant concentrate anymore, i dont sleep good at nights, my nerves are completely tore up from the floor up.

srh ill trade my life with yours anyday....

" ....anyways far as ged...its her fault i cant take it anymore im at my witts "

that says it all...its her fault...hmm no its not do something about it some people sit around and feel sorry for themselves others work there *** off and make the best of things

and when you get older youll realize how immature and dumb ending your realationship with your mother was amd youll regret it

your taking the loser way out the i cants and the her faults and she does this and im this...it all shows your a quitter

09-20-2004, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by SRH
" ....anyways far as ged...its her fault i cant take it anymore im at my witts "

that says it all...its her fault...hmm no its not do something about it some people sit around and feel sorry for themselves others work there *** off and make the best of things

and when you get older youll realize how immature and dumb ending your realationship with your mother was amd youll regret it

your taking the loser way out the i cants and the her faults and she does this and im this...it all shows your a quitter

lol... id argue but u know what ? You just cant possibly understand, i could spend hours explaining it, but you would have to come live here to see what hell is really like. Please.. just dont try and call me or anyone quitters, if i was a quitter i would of cut my wrist long before.

09-20-2004, 09:14 PM
dude ill never regret anything i do because i kno that ive never abused my mom she was the abuser here...not me....so until youve walked a mile in my shoes be gone off my thread...and so what if i cant take it anymore...ive delt with it for 17 years of my life, its either im moving out or ill be 6 feet under because u dont know how bad these things tear my nerves up

09-20-2004, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by Syrus
Sigh... once again u dont understand. My dad and I started out buying old dirtbikes, fixing them up, and selling them, did that for about 4 years, bought over 70 bikes an completly restored them, made money from it, and bought what we have now. My mom has nothing to do with it, im a single child, i work for a lot that i have, sure my dad gives me a lot, but there only so much he can do for me.

Thanks TCracin440ex for chattin bout this, first time ive really talked to anyone about these problems, feels good that im not the only one :)


I have a job moron, i work as a butcher, and provide myself with everything i need, but u seem to think u know me, u dont, now shut your ugly face and move on, your not wanted in this thread, find someone else to bother u annoying child.

you seem to think you know me since you think i have a ugly face, and im annoying child? im almost 20 years old now... but i guess i am a child since im the one crying on the internet that my mother yells to much, i guess im not wanted on this thread since its childish sob stories about mothers yelling too much

one day maybe youll realize i had a few points

carry on, i wont post anymore ill just read and laugh

09-20-2004, 09:18 PM
syrus just ignore him because apparently he aint never had it rough like we have had it

like i said before id rather be punched in the face instead of bein yelled at...

and i dont want sympathy from anyone, i just had to vent...so dont hand me that i just wanted symphathy and i sit arround feelin sorry for myself...alot of people i kno have a GED and still made the best of their life...and living happy...not every body has to have a advanced diploma from high school, and spend 5 years in a expensive *** college

i kno what im into and it doesnt take a masters degree in rocketry to do it...

09-20-2004, 09:22 PM
o yea and srh...kiss my grits....like i said im not crying....im venting....im moving out, no 1 can change my mind....yep might be hard...but you kno what...ill never have to listen to her yap again b ecause ill never come back here...not for birthdays, funerals, or holidays....

and not only that....my mom is bipolar....just incase you dont know what that means look it up she was diagnosed with it....you try to live with her for a year or more....listen to nothin but bytchen all day no matter if your right wrong, or left....Ive tried everything to please her it cant be done....ive tried making the highest grades in school, ive tried EVERYTHING possible...

living with some 1 with bipolar is like living with some 1 that has split personalitys....

09-20-2004, 09:26 PM
Im out highschool next year, im grade 12 now, going to take apprenticeship for an Electrician and get onto Ontario Hydro, they currently make anywhere from $25-100+(Canadian) an hour, something id love to do, and something id be good at, if everything goes well life should be getting better, and ive finally found the best gf in the world, so right now im pretty happy and just live my life as it is, except the whole mother issue, but after 17 years of it, its just another everyday thing ive learned to deal with.

Its weird going over to friends houses and seeing there mothers and how they act, and how nice they are, then coming home and seeing how my mom is. Makes me sad.

But ive said enough about my mom and the problems im having, gl with life, and make sure where ever u end up, and whatever u do, just make sure your having fun with life once u get on your own.

09-20-2004, 09:31 PM
oh im going to have fun with my life....i got the best girlfriend in the world right now too...shes there for me all the time...and she really does keep me happy if it wasnt for her id be done went off the deep end, but ive gotten where i wont even bring her down here anymore because my mom is really disfunctional.

i dont like any of my friends comming down here because my mom shows her *** no matter what....and i hate going to peoples houses and seeing how their parents treat them.

o yea and it may be none of my business...but you will never find your answers to your problems in a bag of pot....it only gets rid of the problems for a lil while but then when you sober up they come back

when i get pissed off at the bytch i just go work on my quad or something hands-on and that calms me down pretty much...because my mom will work me up till my blood is boiling and im ready to do some face re arranging(sp)

09-20-2004, 09:54 PM
I know drugs arnt the answer, but its what helps, and now that i moved into the city, i dont have much other choice, 4-wheeling is hard in town, dont go out much anymore as i used to. But ill be changing my ways soon.

09-20-2004, 10:43 PM
Good luck TC. I know its hard dealing with a Bipolar person. My sister had that, she was really bad. Luckily she got the guts to finally move out with her b/f. It has been quiet here since.

Whats weird now is that hole bipolar thing just vanished.She stopped taking all her meds and tranquilizers, and she is just a regular person now. It is actually scary :p .

Good luck though. I know what its like. Get your GED if you really think it is needed.

If you can, keep bugging your mother to seek help and get some medications. She needs more than you telling her to seek help. Sometimes you just have to drag her to the doctors.

09-20-2004, 10:45 PM
I think you both need to take Pappy's advice...

09-21-2004, 08:13 AM
Wow. Don’t know where to begin.

Overall first … finish school. IMO a GED makes you look bad. Makes you look immature. Believe me, get a regular high school diploma. It will pay off in the long run.

Sounds to me like your mom is just plain worn out. No mention of dad in this, I assume he is not around. That means your mom has to handle EVERYTHING. Add to that it sounds like both your brothers are *******s to her too. Can’t say I’d be in a great mood either when I got home after working all day. That must suck for her. She probably gets **** all day at work, only to come home to the same thing. You say she gets mad about nothing. It is true no doubt. What is happening is that the little things are building up until she explodes. Your brother gives her **** in the morning, her boss does it at work, cashier at the supermarket pisses her off, then she gets home and the dishes are still there. Now things have built up all day, and she ends up unloading on you.

Something I have learned over time is that you need to learn how to deal w/ people. PERCEPTION is everything. If you do 10 good things and 2 bad, your mom is still going to be all over you. If she has the idea you’re a retard, then you have to change that.

Now your mom is a woman. They are complicated. Think of your girlfriend. Talking and spending a little time with her is everything. Your mom is no different. You need to talk to her and COMMUNICATE. Keep her informed about your life. Keep her in the loop. A little note here and there on the table will do wonders. Note can let her know what you did around the house without acting like you need a medal for doing it. Say you did it for her and make her feel important (Mom, I did the dishes for you ....).

Help out around the house too. Just do 20 minutes a day helping out. You’d be amazed at the difference it will make. If she’s on you about your room and clothes, then get a couple laundry baskets at Wal-Mart. If it comes off just toss it in the basket. The PERCEPTION is that the room is clean. It takes no more time than tossing it on the floor.

Same w/ the dishes. Once a day load the dishwasher for her. I agree its not really anything to get mad over. Why she gets mad is because its such a simple thing to do. It takes a whole 3 minutes at the most.

Take this situation. She tells you to do the dishes and the laundry in the morning. Simply understand she’s looking for help w/ the daily chores. No problem. Later your girlfriend wants you to take her to the movies. What you need to do is be sure to get home and do the dishes and just start the laundry. Then leave her a note about what you did and where your going. Be sure to mention that the dishes are done and the laundry is started. Do all this before she gets home. This will do many things ….
1) The dishes are done. She will be happy about that. +1 for you ….
2) Laundry is started, a load is in the washer and a load drying, but it is not even finished by any means. She will look at this as an attempt. She will understand that you didn’t ignore her and you made an attempt. Again, the PERCEPTION is that you tried. If its still there when you get home, make an attempt to finish it quick. Do at least one more load or fold some more. If mom is home watching TV or whatever, drag it over by her and do it in front of her. This way she sees you doing it and you can talk a little. Again COMMUNICATION is the key. By all means have some non-argumentative topics in mind.
3) Leave her a note stating the dishes are done and the laundry is started. This lets her know what you did, and what your up to. Mention that you were trying to make the 6:15 show w/ the girlfriend, and thats why you quit doing the chores. This is that COMMUNICATION thing. Plus this is indirect communication, i.e. no arguing. She can’t try to tell you to stay home until the laundry is completely finished. Plus you had a small excuse why stuff isn't finished.

Try to put yourself in her shoes ….. they key to solving all this is Perception and Communication.

09-21-2004, 08:25 AM
Good Luck to you!! It's ok to vent your feelings! Do what you have to do but just make sure you finish school. How does your mom feel about you leaving?

Good Luck in life!

09-21-2004, 01:01 PM
regular joe.....the thing i dont get is i do all this for my mother....well i used to and she was very ungreatful for it....i would bust my *** and clean the entire house for her while she was off at work and i was home...not because there was a catch 22 behind it but because i just got bored and needed something to do...and no matter how hard i worked i never got any appreciation...she would come in and nit pick at things that wont exactly right but i tried my hardest on....so she became so ungreatful here lately i just dont turn my hand to do anything....i will say i clean my room every week or so...but my room doesnt really get messy

09-21-2004, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
go pay a recruiter a visit:macho and good luck! ;)

09-21-2004, 03:29 PM
Take it from me, im 17, my parents are screamers too, there are ways to deal with it though...i got a job and work 45 hrs a week monday and tuesday are the the only times im home after school and i work all weekend 7am-9pm saturday and sunday, i save every penny i get that i dont spend on gas or repairs on my POS ford and other things I need. its a real plus working in a restaurant cuz i dont need to buy food ever but thats besides the point, all im saying is that it could be much much worse, she doesnt hit you, she just yells at you for being irresponible, if u use a plate but the f-ing thing in the dishwasher! thats what its there for! and it takes a whopping 5 seconds. i was gunna move out and get a GED too but i decided to take a precision machining course in school and go from there to college, this way i have enough for a down payment on a house by the time i get a fultime job as a cnc programmer in a few years.

long story short, suck it up and act like a man, ur moms not the first person u wont like, and the rest of the people ya meat wont finanacially support u for anything

09-21-2004, 04:25 PM
did you ever try just to be overly nice? back in the day me and my dad constantly fought, becuase it was right after my mom left and he was all pissed so he took it out on me. and he did the same thing, they say the f word too much in music, using 2 many dishes, hell if there was a crumb on the floor that god forbid my foot drug in he went off the deep end. he tried fighting me, until i broke his hand then he quit. but still continued *****ing. but it was hard but when i did the overly nice thing it usually worked out for a month or so. ya just needa sit down at the table and have an adult convo with her...just u and her and vent and just try to start off on a new slate. so i do know what your going thru, but u just gotta suck it up and try to make the best of it because 5 years down the road you will wish you took some of the older members advice.

09-22-2004, 08:20 AM
boy i wish i had your problems
not to make light of your situation but hell i wish life was that easy all the time
btw dont get married and you'll be just fine

09-30-2004, 01:14 PM
You have put up with it for 17 years you can hang in there 8 more months untill you graduate! Stay in school man. GED's might as well not even exist. They just scream High school drop and employers dont care what explination you have. This is a decision that will effect you for the rest of your life man.