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09-18-2004, 05:04 PM
sqeemish might not want to look



Hammer trx450r
09-18-2004, 05:07 PM
Good post Tman

09-18-2004, 05:12 PM
u said it hammer:(

09-18-2004, 05:14 PM
I just saw that over at Bluetraxx... very sad, almost brought a tear to my eyes...:(

09-18-2004, 05:14 PM
Thats pretty gruesome and sad to see :(

Ill pass it on :(

09-18-2004, 05:17 PM

09-18-2004, 05:18 PM
ive passed that to 6 people so far...thats one of the sadest stories ive ever heard

09-18-2004, 05:29 PM
man thats nuts, poor girl:(

09-18-2004, 05:34 PM
thats sad, i'm glad i don't drink

09-18-2004, 06:14 PM
u can drink u jus have to be responsible

09-18-2004, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by 300extreme#8
thats sad, i'm glad i don't drink

And neither was she when that happened.

Thats really terrible :(

09-18-2004, 06:24 PM
Tears in my eyes.:( How very sad.:(

09-18-2004, 07:18 PM
My Goodness that gave me goosebumps. Well I would like to take some time to share my story with all of you. Back in December of 1996, My sister, Jenny lynn Morris, decided to go out and have some fun with her friends. Late afternoon December 2nd, my sister called home and I answered the phone. I could sense the excitement in her voice as she was telling me to let mom know she was out with some friends and she would be home shortly. My sister wasn't the type to say " i love you" but that night when she called me, she paused for a brief second and said, " hey britt? I love you." It almost bought tears to my eyes. I told her to be careful and that I loved her too. I was the last person to hear from my sister alive that night. About 4 A.M. the phone rang. I was extremely startled because everyone knows not to call the house after 9, so I jumped out of bed and grabbed the telephone. A police officer asked for a Miss Morris. I said "I'll get her who is this?" They explained it was the police department. I knew Jenny was in trouble! When mom came to the phone she was a little out of it from sleeping. As the officer began to talk I could see the fear in her eyes. As the tears starting rolling down her cheeks I knew the some kind of shock had set it. Then everything happened in slow motion. The phone began to slip from her hand and I caught it before it hit the floor. I picked it up to hear the officer say "we'll be there in about an hour." and hung up. My mom laid on the floor for over an hour. The police came and helped us into the car. Being only 12 years old I had no idea what was going on. My heart was telling me it's better that I don't ask. We made our way to U of M hospital and that's when my heart sank. It seemed like hours before we got there. I knew my sissy was in trouble but I didn't think it was this kind of trouble. The officer helped my mom from the car and we walked up to the building. We sat in a cold dark room for what seemed like an eternity. The doctor then came and got us and lead us into a room. There he sat us down and slowly explained the tragic news. " I'm sorry Miss Morris but Jenny was involved in a drunk driving accident. She didn't make it. She passed on about 30 mins before you got here." My mind was shot. I've never heard mom scream like that. Her baby was gone, and god had taken my sister. I could feel her pain. That was MY sissy, I never even got to say goodbye. The hardest part was hearing the hospital tell us they decided to pull the plugs because if she would have made it, she would have been a vegtiable. If they would have kept the machine going, I could've said goodbye. It was so unfair. It was not their position to decide if my sister lives or not! He lead us into the room in which my sister was. I ran to her bedside and shook her exclaiming " sissy come on moms here your in trouble please sissy wake up! PLEASE!!!" And that's when my tears started to flow. My sissy just laid there without saying a word. I held her hand for a little while and stroked her hair. I wanted so bad for her to get up and hug me and tell me everything was going to be alright, but I knew it wasn't going to end like that. Confused I ran out of the room. I kept running and running until my feet felt they couldn't go any farther, and I collapsed. I woke up with a doctor over me saying I had to get up and go back to my mom. After that, I don't really remember much. After the shock began to set in, my mother and I were almost like robots. I couldn't imagine life with out my sister. I began to sink into a deep depression and I didn't want anyone near me. I began thinking about that past christmas she filled our christmas bulbs up with beer and broke all our kitchen chairs, she was such a trouble maker! She even dressed me up and tried to sell me to some guy because she needed gas money. She even divided our room in half and she got the side with the door so my door was a window! I loved my sister so much, and it didn't matter how stupid she was to me I wanted her back. At the funeral I lied by her side, and no one could pry me away for anything. I ran to my daddy and told him I loved him and tried to comfort him. I told him its alright, he stills has me. He looked into my eyes and said, " I don't want you brittany, I want my Baby!" That day not only did I lose my sissy, but i also lost my father. We later moved From Brighton to Carleton. I was downstairs a couple of months ago and I stumbled across a binder filled with papers. When I opened it I realized it was the accident report from my sister's accident so I began to read it. It was over 200 pages long. On December 2nd, my sister was at a party drinking with some friends when she decided she wanted to come home. Being the tender age of 17 she knew she would get int trouble if she stayed out too late so she began to look for a ride. She came across a guy by the name of Darren, and he agreed to take her home. They began their drunken journey and ended up on Clyde road. My sister said something about them going the wrong way. Darren was driving way too fast around a corner and lost control of the vehicle. The vehicle then struck a driveway, became airborn, and my sister was ejected from the vehicle. She landed in a ditch and the car landed on top of her. She sat pinned under the vehicle for over two hours, drowning in a puddle that had only a inch of water. The driver was fine and climbed from the vehicle and sat on the side of the road for over two hours before someone found him and called for help. He left my sissy there to die, and did nothing to help. Needless to say my sister died from ingesting too much water and internal bleeding. She was only 17 years old. The guy got 6 years in prison. I believe if you kill someone you should get the death penalty. Now I had to grow up without my sister. I seen other girls go shopping with their sisters and learn how to put make up on from their sisters and do a lot of fun things with their sisters, but I was forced to sit alone without my sister. This guy not only stole Jenny from me, but he took my best friend from me. A bond between sisters is an amazing thing and once its taken from you, that hole in your heart can't ever be filled. It's hard not having my sister around to toture me and to teach me new things and every day I wish I could've told her not to come home that one day. I knew she loved me and I feel special that I was the last one to talk to her. I also take some blame for not trying to stop her from coming home. God do I miss her. I tried writing poems and stories about her thinking that would help. It's now been over 8 years and I still have a hole in my heart. Now instead of going shopping with my sister, I drive myself to the cemetary and sit by her grave side and tell her about how my life is going. I could sit there for hours staring at the picture on her headstone and talk to her. I think deep in my heart she can hear me. I hope she was in no pain. The worse part is she was not able to live her life. She was only 17 years old when her life was ripped away from her. I don't take thing for granted anymore and the littlest things make me happy because I know she wasn't able to go through some of the experiences I have. She always wanted to go to California and I recented traveled there in her rememberance. I love you Jenny Lynn.

RIP Jenny Lynn Morris
May 4th, 1979 - Decmeber 3rd, 1996

*~*Did you ever know that you're my hero? Everything I wish I could be. I can fly higher than an eagle. Because you are the wind beneath my wings*~*

Please everyone take responsibiliy when drinking and do not drive. The pain of losing someone to this in unbarable.

09-18-2004, 08:22 PM
wow thats awful, theres no need for drunk driving. if you wanna drink stay home or get a dd. i agree death penalty would be fair because you take the risk of killing someone when you drink and drive, good post btw.

09-18-2004, 08:27 PM
:( yep its very sad

i figured this will make everyone who drinks think twice about driving drunk

09-18-2004, 08:29 PM
I also wanted to add that my sister was indeed drinking too. So I can't just blame him for drinking. There was an older guy there that supplied over 100 minors with liqour and did not get in trouble. I just think if you kill someone, reguardless of the circumstances, you should get the death penalty. It's just not fair letting all these young kids die. Weather its from war ( you pick up the paper and read the ariticles about soldiers that were killed and every single one of them are 25 or younger ) or drunk driving. Even if you think you are capible of driving while impaired, just make good judgement and think of my story. Maybe take a few friends numbers down and give them a call. I am sure someone will be able to come get you. If you live in southern MI, I'll come get you. Just please make good judgement!

09-18-2004, 08:35 PM
Brittany, I'm so sorry for your loss. Nothing in life could be worse than losing someone you love.:( ...in an accident like this. She was way too young!!:( Thinking of you Brittany!

09-18-2004, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by HtFoxChick
Brittany, I'm so sorry for your loss. Nothing in life could be worse than losing someone you love.:( ...in an accident like this. She was way too young!!:( Thinking of you Brittany!

Thank you jamie, I really appreciate it! I just want everyone to realize what a big deal drinking and driving is! It's alright to have fun, just don't be stupid! Then people wonder why I get all bent out of shape when I get on their case for drinking and actually think I am going to get into the car with them.

09-18-2004, 10:46 PM
i wish there was a way to make people realize the true danger of driving drunk.i know many people that have done it and personally have done it myself.no matter how many stories you hear or videos you saw in school.everyone has that young and dumb stage and seem to ignore the reality of it.i can only thank god i never caused anyone harm while doing so.my wake up call was when i was crusing town one night and heard there was an accident just outside of town.i decided to go check it out. as i arrived at the scene,i saw a friend(fire fighter).after talking to him, i learned that the car had side swiped a pole.unfortunately a girl who was in the passenger side of the vehicle was hanging out of the car vomiting as the driver struck the pole.she was severed in half.i stood there in shock seeing the two white sheets covering her remains.i later learned that she was a very pretty and outgoing girl i went to school with.from that day on,i never drank and drove again.the only time i came remotely close is when i was attending a poker game at a friends house.i drank two beers the whole night.i waited until 2 1/2 hours after i had my last beer before i decided to drive home.i was perfectly sober but it still felt like it was something i should be doing.anymore,i always une a designated driver or just drink at home.i have seen more accidents where people were killed and have met people who had lost friends of family due to the same.most people don't realize that it is not only themselves that they put at risk.it could be their friends and others.you do not only destroy one life,you destroy the lives of the other persons friends and family also.unfortunately,people will read this but will probably not think of this the next time they are out to have fun or they will think of this and just think it won't happen to them.
brittany,i wish there was something i could say to ease the pain of your loss.i am sorry to hear about your your sister.just keep her alive in your heart and know that she is with you every day,watching over to protect you as big sisters do.just keep your head held high and that pretty smile of yours going.i'm sure if you are happy,she is too;)

09-19-2004, 08:59 AM
I'm really sorry to hear about your sister Brittany . I'm sure your reply to this thread will make someone think twice the next time they are faced with the situation about drinking and driving or before getting in with a drunk driver.

I lost 3 friend sin a matter of 5 months to drunk driving .... it was the hardest thing I ever had to go through . 2 of them died in the same accident and I had to say Goodbye to them both in the same day . I often drive by the cemetary and stop in and have a few moments with them .... their graves are beside eachother .

I went to a very small highschool of about 500 people ... so everyone knew eachother ... same as the community we live in ... only about 5000 people . It was the hardest 5 months for us . Going to the church and seeing everyone in tears ... seeing the parents of my friends in tears ... and the mother of one of my buddy's that passed away go over to one of my friends that was on his knees balling his eyes out because he just lost 2 of his bestfriends and her help him up and help him walk beside the casket was the saddest thing Ive ever seen . Three guys that I know , helped carry one of the caskets out .... and they said it was the hardest thing they ever had to do ... they said they don't know how they had the strength to carry it out to the hearst .

I will admit I have had a few too many drinks and got behind the wheel and drove home . I did it once and the next morning when I woke up , It scared me to death . I never did it again after that one time . The thoughts that go through your head ... like how did I get Home? Did I hit anyone? What would have happened if I'd have killed someone ( automatic 25 years in prison) ... What would have happened to my parents and family ( I'm an only child) .

The best advice I ever received from my parents was ... " Sure you'll get in crap for drinking ( when I was underage) .... sure you'll get punished for it , but you can call us at anytime of the night and ask us to go pick you up ... atleast we won't lose our son" ........

Even now at the age of 21 ... when I go out drinking and if I need to get home that night , ... if i don't have a place to sleep or money for a cab , I know I can call my parents at 3am and ask them for a ride home .

One system that we have set up between my buddies , Is that we will always try and have a DD ... one night it will be one friends , the next it will be another . No one complains about it , cuz we all have our turns ..... no big loss in not being able to drink 1 out of the 12 times that you go out ... and you have the satisfaction of knowing you got 11 of your buddies home safely.

09-19-2004, 04:33 PM
brought a tear to my eye...

09-19-2004, 04:40 PM
They have that hanging up in our school...all the pictures are blown up to a full piece of paper...:(

09-19-2004, 04:44 PM
Thats a terrible story, Brittany. Very sorry to hear.

09-19-2004, 05:47 PM
wow thats awfull. I'll make sure to never drink and drive when im older! :(