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View Full Version : wrecked my YFZ !!!

09-18-2004, 08:58 AM
i was at the dunes this past thursday and we were having a great time jumping and everything(wasnt wearing a helmet).... So there was this nice jump and i had my friend at the top of that jump as a spotter to tell me if there was anything on the other side.. i practised the jump a couple of times on 2nd gear just to get the feel of it and at the 3rd time i just gave it 4th gear pinned ... So while im in the air and gaining nice distance i start to descend and im preparing for the landing when all of a sudden the i see this car crossing infront of me, my first thought was ill probably make it over the car or atleast the guy would speed up and he would get out of the way... But this guy was plain stupid instead of giving it gas he just let go of the gas and was staring at me with his mouth open like in a shock....
Everything happened so fast i slammed into the side of his car, where the side windows were at the back seat(to be exact .. above the rear tire and below the window that was the point of impact) and beleive me i dont know how i didnt slam straight into his car but when i crashed my body just flew at a forward right angle enough to dodge the car, if i had continued forward i wouldve had my head smashed on his car and probably go through his window too(all i can do is thank god!!).... I remember a couple of images while im flipping in the air and then when i landed i just rested there for a minute on the ground and i had people all around me checking up on me and then i got up and all i had was a small cut on my nose i think from cars window when the glass shattered and my right rib slightly bruised, but thats it!!

I went to the doctor just to get a checkup and i turned out fine no broken bones or anything...... I know one thing for sure i aint riding with no helmet again and im gonna buy me a full suit too.. And for my yfz(another miracle too) cause my right tire hit the car first i wrecked my right a-arm and my suspension i dont think im gonna fix it in the next couple of weeks, i feel like i need to mentally rest myself from an incident like this!

09-18-2004, 09:01 AM
Originally posted by effective
I know one thing for sure i aint riding with no helmet again and im gonna buy me a full suit too..


09-18-2004, 09:02 AM
the real question is


09-18-2004, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by effective
i was at the dunes this past thursday and we were having a great time jumping and everything(wasnt wearing a helmet).... So there was this nice jump and i had my friend at the top of that jump as a spotter to tell me if there was anything on the other side.. i practised the jump a couple of times on 2nd gear just to get the feel of it and at the 3rd time i just gave it 4th gear pinned ... So while im in the air and gaining nice distance i start to descend and im preparing for the landing when all of a sudden the i see this car crossing infront of me, my first thought was ill probably make it over the car or atleast the guy would speed up and he would get out of the way... But this guy was plain stupid instead of giving it gas he just let go of the gas and was staring at me with his mouth open like in a shock....
Everything happened so fast i slammed into the side of his car, where the side windows were at the back seat(to be exact .. above the rear tire and below the window that was the point of impact) and beleive me i dont know how i didnt slam straight into his car but when i crashed my body just flew at a forward right angle enough to dodge the car, if i had continued forward i wouldve had my head smashed on his car and probably go through his window too(all i can do is thank god!!).... I remember a couple of images while im flipping in the air and then when i landed i just rested there for a minute on the ground and i had people all around me checking up on me and then i got up and all i had was a small cut on my nose i think from cars window when the glass shattered and my right rib slightly bruised, but thats it!!

I went to the doctor just to get a checkup and i turned out fine no broken bones or anything...... I know one thing for sure i aint riding with no helmet again and im gonna buy me a full suit too.. And for my yfz(another miracle too) cause my right tire hit the car first i wrecked my right a-arm and my suspension i dont think im gonna fix it in the next couple of weeks, i feel like i need to mentally rest myself from an incident like this!

Howd your slippers work in this whole incident?? But seriously man....The only person to blame is you for your own stupidity. If you had of taken the extra 30 seconds to strap on a helmet before you went out... the guy would have passed your landing already....:blah: ....

If you were serious about wearing slippers and you arent just lookin for attention.... your lucky you can still walk because if you landed the wrong way... the only thing holding your feet and legs together would be the skin and muscle.... :huh

09-18-2004, 09:32 AM
if this story is true

all i have to say is your an idiot sell your quad and ride a bicycle

09-18-2004, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by effective
(wasnt wearing a helmet)

so you probably deserved a nice beating;)

09-18-2004, 10:49 AM
Your lucky your alive, stick to your guns on wearing the helmet and full riding gear. I deck out completely, even in the hot summer sun. People probably think I look pretty silly in the dunes with boots, a chest protector and full riding gear, but it's not worth the risk otherwise. IMO

Hammer trx450r
09-18-2004, 11:03 AM
pics please of a quad that hit a car doing around 40 or 50 mph

09-18-2004, 11:23 AM
pics or stfu

09-18-2004, 12:17 PM
actually i wasnt wearing slippers that time.. was wearing shoes

09-18-2004, 12:27 PM
i may only be able to get pics of the bike but not the car but beleive me the damage done to my bike was nothing to that happened to the car..that car was totally caved in at the passengers side at the rear, and woudve caused serious injury to anyone sitting there... and all that happened to my bike was a broken a arm and suspension and the chassis is perfect......

09-18-2004, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by effective
i may only be able to get pics of the bike but not the car but beleive me the damage done to my bike was nothing to that happened to the car..that car was totally caved in at the passengers side at the rear, and woudve caused serious injury to anyone sitting there... and all that happened to my bike was a broken a arm and suspension and the chassis is perfect......

I feel bad for the poor guys car that is now ruined :eek:

09-18-2004, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by roostin_dale
so you probably deserved a nice beating;)

09-18-2004, 12:42 PM
haha i agree I-7

09-18-2004, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by SRH
if this story is true

all i have to say is your an idiot sell your quad and ride a bicycle

or a tricycle....

dude your a moron for not wearing a helmet, call me overprotective but i have crashed 3 times pretty bad and even when i just put around my track i wear a helmet...

09-18-2004, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by khen
Your lucky your alive, stick to your guns on wearing the helmet and full riding gear. I deck out completely, even in the hot summer sun. People probably think I look pretty silly in the dunes with boots, a chest protector and full riding gear, but it's not worth the risk otherwise. IMO


Hammer trx450r
09-18-2004, 01:37 PM
better trade in the slippers for boots cause its getting deep in here

Hammer trx450r
09-18-2004, 05:53 PM
Sounds like someone went over backwards in a wheelie and broke an a-arm:p :p :p

09-18-2004, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by Hammer trx450r
Sounds like someone went over backwards in a wheelie and broke an a-arm:p :p :p

haha.... yea im willin to bet, if he did hit a car he was goin 10-15, if he was doin what he said he would have been launched into the air and got some serious road rash.

09-18-2004, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by chucked
haha.... yea im willin to bet, if he did hit a car he was goin 10-15, if he was doin what he said he would have been launched into the air and got some serious road rash.

No the sand acted as a nice soft pillow :huh

09-18-2004, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by I-7
No the sand acted as a nice soft pillow :huh

o, my bad, skipped that part of the post.....

09-19-2004, 03:13 PM
i hit a car head on 5th gear pinned and never got a scratch on me. Bent the front bumper and cracked the plastics to s**** :macho