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09-06-2004, 04:27 PM
ok here's the story. me and my family went away for the weekend, when we got home, my mom went upstairs and listened to the answering machine, there was a message from the police department. It was the youth officer, it said tht he needed to talk to to me about some of the kids that i play hockey with, he said that i may have some leads on his issue. We couldnt call him today because he said that he wouldnt be in the office. My mom would call tommorow, i think i know the guys who he was talkin about, they are two of my best friends and i chill with them alot, i think i know what the officer was talking about it has to do with graffiti which i was totally not involved with but i have heard them tal about and i know where they do there graffiti and i have seen it in the town news...does anybody have any ideas what ?'s he might ask.... i really dont want to rat my friends out, what to say:( what to do:(

09-06-2004, 04:42 PM
Well it prob has sumthing 2 do with that then man.. I guess just wait and see..:confused:

09-06-2004, 04:44 PM
If its good friends you dont wanna see get in trouble, id tell the cop i dont know what there talkin about and deny everything, i know its the wrong thing to do, but i dont rat out my buddies. Later on id tell my buddies that the cops are lookin for who did it, and if they still paint on the walls then thats there problem, they will get in **** later on.

09-06-2004, 04:44 PM
easy, say you dont know, or you dont remember

09-06-2004, 05:27 PM
i think i'm gonna do what chucked said, sounds like the best idea:o

09-06-2004, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by chucked
easy, say you dont know, or you dont remember

Thats the best thing to do if they are good friends.

09-06-2004, 06:07 PM
if they already got it down to u they are only trying to back up their case and are pretty much positive its those kids. The only reason they called you is because ur friends of who they think it is so it wont make much of a diff...

09-06-2004, 06:16 PM
u might be right ralph, i'm not sure though i'm just gonna keep quiet

Narly R
09-06-2004, 06:29 PM
Defently defently talk to ur friends, and get them to stop doin whatever it is they are!;)

09-06-2004, 06:29 PM
If they're your good friends, you know nothing about it cuz you weren't there! Done deal!

09-06-2004, 07:11 PM
Just don't let them push you around. Just answer the cop's questions yes and no & don't volunteer any information.

They will prob make up something like that you were involved & try to make you nervous & rat on your friends.


09-06-2004, 07:14 PM
tell em yer not gonna say anything until you talk to yer lawyer :)

09-06-2004, 07:15 PM
just play dumb

09-06-2004, 07:23 PM
Tell them or show them the message and if they are real friends, they would understand your situation... if not.... play dumb :macho

09-06-2004, 07:49 PM
just tell them that you dont know about it and like they said before, dont hand out alot of info, yes and nos are good. i was in the same position and told them i didnt know anytihng about it and that was it. some of my freinds are graffitiers and i used to do it but nothing like some people do. i used to do peices on an abanded trailor down in a sandpit and never thought it was bad but almost got in trouble so never picked up a can of paint since. good luck and try to tell your freinds to stop painting and just draw it because it isnt worth it at all.

09-06-2004, 08:13 PM
same thing happened to me man except it was about stolen four wheelers......the detective came to me one night & wanted to ask a few questions...I wasnt home so he came the next day & we talked for a few minutes & I told him what I knew about this kid (not a good friend at all) and pretty much told the truth of how he told me he was going to steal it...well anyways, he finds out I ratted him out & he tells the cop did it in my truck (he was able to ID it b/c he had ridden with me before)....so the cop comes to my school & calls me in front of the class & puts me in handcuffs & takes me to the office where he said he was going to arrest me & i told him I never stol anything & they let me go & called the other kid into the office where he freaked out & told them he wasnt gonna talk to them untill his dad got there & he ran out & I never heard from the cops again & I still chill with the kid...i dont know what i learned from that situation but its kinda funny

09-06-2004, 08:22 PM
What kind of ***g Ba$tard liberal Homo would Tag anyway! Taggers are just the roaches of society. Rat them out and don't hang with the losers anymore.

09-06-2004, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by MixMasterMike
same thing happened to me man except it was about stolen four wheelers......the detective came to me one night & wanted to ask a few questions...I wasnt home so he came the next day & we talked for a few minutes & I told him what I knew about this kid (not a good friend at all) and pretty much told the truth of how he told me he was going to steal it...well anyways, he finds out I ratted him out & he tells the cop did it in my truck (he was able to ID it b/c he had ridden with me before)....so the cop comes to my school & calls me in front of the class & puts me in handcuffs & takes me to the office where he said he was going to arrest me & i told him I never stol anything & they let me go & called the other kid into the office where he freaked out & told them he wasnt gonna talk to them untill his dad got there & he ran out & I never heard from the cops again & I still chill with the kid...i dont know what i learned from that situation but its kinda funny

I couldn't really understand that completely..:confused: is it just me?

09-06-2004, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by Mojave11
I couldn't really understand that completely..:confused: is it just me? yah man..its hard to explain

09-06-2004, 09:22 PM
Originally posted by golfman400ex
What kind of ***g Ba$tard liberal Homo would Tag anyway! Taggers are just the roaches of society. Rat them out and don't hang with the losers anymore.
just because a person tags doesnt mean they are the roaches of society. i have freinds that tag on and off that are straight a students in all honors classes. its just a choice people make and its hard to stop. i am glad i never got into tagging as much people do. i draw graffiti but will never put it on public things. i know its a crappy thing for people to tag on peoples stuff and im against it but not all of those kids are losers. alot of that stuff takes skill even though it is in the completly wrong place..

not trying to flame or get into an argument just stating my opinion

09-07-2004, 06:01 AM
Originally posted by golfman400ex
What kind of ***g Ba$tard liberal Homo would Tag anyway! Taggers are just the roaches of society. Rat them out and don't hang with the losers anymore.

I have seen some tags that are brilliant, i know that alot of skill goes into some of these, and as long as its not on someones personal property I dont think its all that bad. (Train bridge underpasses)

09-07-2004, 07:28 AM
My mom just tlked to the cops, it was about a totally different kid! this kid is also my friend, he called me because he thinks this kid was cuttin down trees :huh he asked for a phone number and i said i didnt have it :p

09-07-2004, 09:15 AM
hahaha thats funny. i can just imagine him. i need some info on a young man chopping down trees, can you help?

09-07-2004, 01:38 PM
Knew some people that borrowed some golf carts, damaged the course/carts and then went around bragging about. The cops tried to pin it on everyone that came forward with any info, even though they weren't even there. Couple even went to trial. Turns out one of the "innocent" people claimed he was banging his cousin at the time and it all came out in the open! :eek2:

Least his alibi got him off. :o

Needless to say, I'd plead the 5th!

09-07-2004, 05:59 PM

09-07-2004, 09:46 PM
I have seen some tags that are brilliant, i know that alot of skill goes into some of these, and as long as its not on someones personal property I dont think its all that bad. (Train bridge underpasses

Well, isn't that nice, one in a hundred thousand taggers has talent and you point to that person and say it is all ok. How about this, hundreds of thousands of elementry students are denied their field trips because the school had to spend that money to remove filthy remarks from the school walls. Would you like to defend the actions of the majorty of taggers too? They are vandals and should be made to scrub walls in the ghetto until they realize the damage they have done to students all over the country.

09-07-2004, 09:59 PM
this kind of stuff is almost completly unheard of around here.. i dont see what the point of it would be:rolleyes:

09-08-2004, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by JUSTINcredible
this kind of stuff is almost completly unheard of around here.. i dont see what the point of it would be:rolleyes:

lol me niether, i would never tag or do nething like tht, i dnt see the point :o