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09-04-2004, 02:58 PM

09-04-2004, 03:04 PM
your the one who is always causeing trouble at z400central aren't ya? and yfzcentral

09-04-2004, 03:15 PM
The only problem I had was when RAGE banned me for criticizing Indian Larry...

We are all outdoor enthusiasts and if don't take the time to do our hobbies responsibly someone will legislate responsibility for us... Indian Larry was doing a stunt at 70mph, standing on his seat with no helmut, and killed himself. I see people out here all the time doing similarly stupid things, riding drunk, riding 3 people, 10yr olds riding hi performance quads, litterers, bikes with no exhausts, and so on. Things like this invite trouble and if trouble happens enough, I promise that our right to ride will be taken away. There are boring people out there that vote and hate to see other people have fun, these people can influence legislation. Remember the 3 wheeler? Just look at Wisconsin today where they are making it a law for stock exhaust only.

Now I don't give a flying flip about emotional based political correctness so I say what I think...and I think Indian Larry was an idiot. Unfortunately Indian Larry and all the other idiots speak for the rest of us and if we don't self police we may lose our rights. Just go to the Cycleworld.com Japanese bike forum and tell them you are a stunter...you will get a speech on why insurance rates are so high. Cmon, give me a break...if thats trouble than you can call me Mr. Trouble...

09-04-2004, 03:37 PM
:grr: me no like you already

indian larry could hand your won *** to you on a bike.....yea..some ppl dont wear helmets..and its dumb..but that dont mean HE is dumb....:rolleyes:

09-04-2004, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by citizennobody
The only problem I had was when RAGE banned me for criticizing Indian Larry...

We are all outdoor enthusiasts and if don't take the time to do our hobbies responsibly someone will legislate responsibility for us... Indian Larry was doing a stunt at 70mph, standing on his seat with no helmut, and killed himself. I see people out here all the time doing similarly stupid things, riding drunk, riding 3 people, 10yr olds riding hi performance quads, litterers, bikes with no exhausts, and so on. Things like this invite trouble and if trouble happens enough, I promise that our right to ride will be taken away. There are boring people out there that vote and hate to see other people have fun, these people can influence legislation. Remember the 3 wheeler? Just look at Wisconsin today where they are making it a law for stock exhaust only.

Now I don't give a flying flip about emotional based political correctness so I say what I think...and I think Indian Larry was an idiot. Unfortunately Indian Larry and all the other idiots speak for the rest of us and if we don't self police we may lose our rights. Just go to the Cycleworld.com Japanese bike forum and tell them you are a stunter...you will get a speech on why insurance rates are so high. Cmon, give me a break...if thats trouble than you can call me Mr. Trouble...

i agree with him,

09-04-2004, 03:41 PM
let's see.....

doing an act that is certain to cause serious bodily injury isnt normally dumb....or stupid. it happens everyday.


having the knowledge that a helmut could prevent death and not CHOSING to wear it is dumb.

larry led his life the way he saw fit. i hated to see him dead, but be realistic, doing those types of stunts without any safety gear doesnt move you to the deep end of the gene pool.

and i agree, it does nothing for the sport except cast a bad light on it.

citizen, welcome to the site. feel free to speak your mind, just accept someone else's opinion also.:)

09-04-2004, 03:48 PM
I am a grown man...I can take what I dish. Thanks Pappy

09-04-2004, 04:01 PM
i agree with citizennobody.....mexican gary and all the guys who stunt w/o a helmet have that chit coming for them.......

But whatever...its not my life

and citizennobody, heres your pic, just because i have too:devil:


09-04-2004, 04:33 PM
It is stupid but u could have a lil respect and not call ppl that have died idiots!!:confused:

09-04-2004, 04:50 PM
yeah and im pretty sure he was in a contest on a drag strip too so he wasnt doing anything illegal, also i blame his death on the doctors cause he died during major head surgery. a helmet would have been nice but still would have had him in the hospital.

09-04-2004, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by nacsracer250r
yeah and im pretty sure he was in a contest on a drag strip too so he wasnt doing anything illegal, also i blame his death on the doctors cause he died during major head surgery. a helmet would have been nice but still would have had him in the hospital.

How could you say that, HE WASNT WEARING A HELMET AT 70 MPH, ofcourse he is an idiot.

09-04-2004, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by nacsracer250r
yeah and im pretty sure he was in a contest on a drag strip too so he wasnt doing anything illegal, also i blame his death on the doctors cause he died during major head surgery. a helmet would have been nice but still would have had him in the hospital.
Wearing a helmet might have saved him from having to have major head surgery ...... He lived his life on the edge .... I would have to agree with citizen though , acts like these and all these stunters on crotch rockets are not helping with insurance at all . Same goes with anyone on a dirtbike , ATV or snowmobile that don't follow laws and wear proper protective gear .

09-04-2004, 05:41 PM
Welcome to the site man.. Dont let some of the guys get to you even though most are just playing;)

09-04-2004, 06:00 PM
welcome to the site

...pple who dont wear a helmet...arent idiots ..they are just acting the way they wanna act..and if they choice not to wear one.. thats their problem..THEY are the ones makin the stupid choice..u cant go callin them idiots..because of their opinions on saftey issues

09-04-2004, 06:29 PM
I jus see it different , guess its jus how u think of it yea anyone who wears a helmet isnt the smartest but u could have respect and jus maybe me be he shoulda wore a helmet instead he shoulda worn a helmet that dam* idiot !!

09-04-2004, 06:43 PM
People that do things that AFFECT me will be judged....either good or bad. So when one of my riding areas was closed off last year by some kids that wrecked/died and then sued the property owners(parents), which then hired security, should be shown respect?


Look at what is happening in Texas right now with all types of public land being taken away from OHV use...Senate bill 155. Look at car stereos and all the sound ordinances that spawned from stupid kids thinking they were cool.

Freedom comes with responsibility. When did ignorance become a point of view?

BTW...should I respect the 9/11 hijackers because they died? How about the nazi soldiers that died for Germany? I could go on and on, but if you don't get it by now, your clueless...

09-04-2004, 06:44 PM
who is indian larry

09-04-2004, 06:47 PM
BTW...regarding those kids that died...their parents should have gone to jail instead of suing the property owners. Guilty as charged for child abuse IMO...they should have taught their kids better and bought them all of the riding equip.

09-04-2004, 06:57 PM
lol man u talked me into it....****** IDIOTS!!! :eek: ...lol jk.....everyone sees things differents its cool...

09-04-2004, 06:58 PM
I am one of those young kids that plays loud music also but i keep it down when i kno im around ppl that dont wanna here it....RESPECT :D .....lol i guess i can see wut u mean i hate when someone ruins everything for everyone else...

09-04-2004, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by citizennobody
The only problem I had was when RAGE banned me for criticizing Indian Larry...

We are all outdoor enthusiasts and if don't take the time to do our hobbies responsibly someone will legislate responsibility for us... Indian Larry was doing a stunt at 70mph, standing on his seat with no helmut, and killed himself. I see people out here all the time doing similarly stupid things, riding drunk, riding 3 people, 10yr olds riding hi performance quads, litterers, bikes with no exhausts, and so on. Things like this invite trouble and if trouble happens enough, I promise that our right to ride will be taken away. There are boring people out there that vote and hate to see other people have fun, these people can influence legislation. Remember the 3 wheeler? Just look at Wisconsin today where they are making it a law for stock exhaust only.

Now I don't give a flying flip about emotional based political correctness so I say what I think...and I think Indian Larry was an idiot. Unfortunately Indian Larry and all the other idiots speak for the rest of us and if we don't self police we may lose our rights. Just go to the Cycleworld.com Japanese bike forum and tell them you are a stunter...you will get a speech on why insurance rates are so high. Cmon, give me a break...if thats trouble than you can call me Mr. Trouble...

You go boyeeeeeeeeeeeee!

09-04-2004, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by Ralph
How could you say that, HE WASNT WEARING A HELMET AT 70 MPH, ofcourse he is an idiot.

I totally agree, I mean it's a shame that someone died but imagine the fans watching seeing him falling and smashing his head open. Is that the way you want people to remember you when you die?

Whatever, bottomline helmets save lives and people who dont wear them are playing with fire.

Your pic doesn't work either.

09-04-2004, 09:34 PM
Originally posted by fastexgirl4c
welcome to the site

...pple who dont wear a helmet...arent idiots ..they are just acting the way they wanna act..and if they choice not to wear one.. thats their problem..THEY are the ones makin the stupid choice..u cant go callin them idiots..because of their opinions on saftey issues

well if their opinion on safety issues is that helmets arent needed, and then they wreck and die, obviously they were wrong and made an idiotic choice, making them idiots...

09-04-2004, 09:38 PM
let's see what the dictionary has on the word "idiot"

id·i·ot ( P ) Pronunciation Key (d-t)
1. A foolish or stupid person.

2. A person of profound mental retardation having a mental age below three years and generally being unable to learn connected speech or guard against common dangers. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.

now if a person fits the above description no matter what topic we are discussing could you say you would be correct calling said person an idiot? i'd say so:cool:

09-04-2004, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by Ralph
well if their opinion on safety issues is that helmets arent needed, and then they wreck and die, obviously they were wrong and made an idiotic choice, making them idiots...

yeah i agree...im not really sure how to reply to her post its just too stupid. if you choose to out and not wear a helmet and kill yourself, and get us a bad light and just ruin it for everyone else...you think we should just accept your life choices? thats totally wrong. there are certain things you can choose and certain things that are just idiocy. and not wearing safety gear is just being an idiot. i respect indian larry because he was a good rider and whatnot but what he done was stupid and he paid for it. and we all now will probably pay for it....
btw welcome aboard and thanks for the good discussion lol

09-04-2004, 09:42 PM
im with you on this citizen

09-04-2004, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by nacsracer250r
also i blame his death on the doctors cause he died during major head surgery. a helmet would have been nice but still would have had him in the hospital.

ummm......i see what your saying. a dude leaves his brains on a stretch of asphalt and its the doctors fault. please tell me you will never become a lawyer.

and the helmut would be nice? and still have him in the hospital? maybe try have him ALIVE?

09-04-2004, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by fastexgirl4c
welcome to the site

...pple who dont wear a helmet...arent idiots ..they are just acting the way they wanna act..and if they choice not to wear one.. thats their problem..THEY are the ones makin the stupid choice..u cant go callin them idiots..because of their opinions on saftey issues

your correct, it is thier choice. and in this situation the helmut cost noone but the man who died.

unfortunatley too many idiots do stuff like this on the street without a helmet andit costs the rest of us due to the rise in insurance rates. (i dont agree raising rates because idiots preform idiotic stunts that maim or kill them but it doesn't stop the insurance companies from doing it.

and yes we can call them idiots all we want. stupid is as stupid does.

09-04-2004, 10:01 PM
pic is back up...POS hosting company

09-04-2004, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
and yes we can call them idiots all we want. stupid is as stupid does.

i agree

idiots idiots idiots idiots:D

09-04-2004, 10:21 PM
Funny thing was that my comments bout Indiot Larry were bad enough to be banned but not get deleted. Rage (use your imagination with words to describe my feelings for this person here) kept my posts on the board so that I could get lambasted and not defend my thoughts but didn't delete them until I finally had to PM another moderator on another board that worked for both...

I appreciate a good debate because I always learn something from the other side, but in the end, whether I am right or wrong...I am always right....JK:D

09-04-2004, 10:29 PM
Whoo boy! Wait till some of our forum debaters meet this guy!
Welcome to the site man:)

09-04-2004, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by SGA
Whoo boy! Wait till some of our forum debaters meet this guy!
Welcome to the site man:)

Sniff Sniff...wiping a tear, I think I have found a home....sniff sniff...

09-04-2004, 10:59 PM
thats a nice trailer.... lol

seems like everyone is too caught up with indian Larry to notice what this thread was really about

09-05-2004, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by citizennobody
Funny thing was that my comments bout Indiot Larry were bad enough to be banned but not get deleted. Rage (use your imagination with words to describe my feelings for this person here) kept my posts on the board so that I could get lambasted and not defend my thoughts but didn't delete them until I finally had to PM another moderator on another board that worked for both...

I appreciate a good debate because I always learn something from the other side, but in the end, whether I am right or wrong...I am always right....JK:D

So let me get this straight, your going to all of the forums just to state your opinion on Larry, seeing which one you will not get banned from? That's what it seems like to me.:huh

09-05-2004, 08:18 AM
Originally posted by Big400EX
So let me get this straight, your going to all of the forums just to state your opinion on Larry, seeing which one you will not get banned from? That's what it seems like to me.:huh

he didnt mention a word on here until someone said he was a troublemaker on all the sites to wich he replied with what he was banned for, then the argument broke out.

09-05-2004, 08:30 AM
Originally posted by Big400EX
So let me get this straight, your going to all of the forums just to state your opinion on Larry, seeing which one you will not get banned from? That's what it seems like to me.:huh

Which forums would that be Detective Monk...????? I posted this thread on TRX450R.ORG, Bluetraxx.com, and YFZNation.com without a single mention of Indian Larry...but thanks for trying to bait me...almost worked...

09-05-2004, 08:33 AM
Originally posted by citizennobody
Sniff Sniff...wiping a tear, I think I have found a home....sniff sniff...

Get out your hanky! I am in total agreement with you! ... Politically. (You are a Bush supporter aren't you? :) ) I can't stand the trail abusers who will ultimately get the trails closed for us due to drinking, littering, and just a lack of disrespect for the public land and others. Not to mention that they tend to make the trailhead not a kid friendly place. Quadically, I am not in agreement with you!!! I prefer Honda's (and one Suzuki) :D :D However, welcome to the forum!

BTW, as far in Indian Larry is concerned, he was talented when working on bikes, he was stupid for not wearing a helmet, and he lived the way he wanted. I doubt he had insurance of any kind.

09-05-2004, 09:07 AM
Originally posted by citizennobody
Just look at Wisconsin today where they are making it a law for stock exhaust only.

I'm a resident of wisconsin. The only info I can find close to this rumor is the 96 decibel limit. They haven'y figured out how they are going to do their testing though(this was on the back of my renewal card about 3mo. ago). I will be in a place today where I can find out if there is something I'm missing on this. I saw an another post about this somewhere and the person who brought it up was unable to substaniate it. I'm saying it's fiction right now.......

09-05-2004, 09:16 AM
Well...unless you are going to a state dinner...I doubt you will find out much info...contact a state Congressman/Senator and get the real facts...

09-05-2004, 10:52 AM
Whats with the sarcasm? You made a claim that hasn't been backed with any fact, if you can find some I'll be glad to listen.

09-05-2004, 11:34 AM
I'm providing a link to a pdf file on the wisconsin dnr website. The only thing that could me misleading to make someone think that wiscinsin is going to a stock exhaust only laaw is the statement about "excessively or unusually loud exhausts, do not increase your exhaust noise" which is common to most rules, although directly above it states about the new law change which is what I stated above and that states that anything over 96 decibles which is presumed to mean must be excessively or unusually loud. This is near the bottom of page 18. So 96 decibels it is. I guess the state dinner wasn't nessesary after all, darn it all I was hungary...............

09-05-2004, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by brif
Whats with the sarcasm? You made a claim that hasn't been backed with any fact, if you can find some I'll be glad to listen.

Sorry, just read my reply and it is sarcastic....I miscommunicated...I was trying to say that most legislation is obscure and verbose and interpreted which then is tranlated into enforcement. I naturally assumed that you meant that you were going riding and I was trying to communicate that I didn't think that second hand info was accurate....

BTW...already read that link...

How do you boil a frog???? SLOWLY. In reality, if you stick a frog in boiling water it will jump out...but if you stick it in room temp water and slowly turn up the heat it will boil but wont notice because it is a cold blooded (not like Samuel L Jackson) amphibian and doesn't notice. This is also known as incrementalism....

Incrementalism is going on in American politics today...they slowly but surely keep making laws that are even more curtailing to our freedom than times past... It will start with a NO LOUDER than this pipe decibel limit, then transform into the stock pipe limit (a discussion that happened on the Wisconsin Senate Floor) and then no quads whatsoever because they are too loud....

Look at seatbelt laws. In Texas they passed them with the message, 14 or so years ago, that they would only be enforced if someone was stopped for another violation and subsequently didn't have their seatbelt on during the initial interview. Now, not wearing a seatbelt is probable cause for a traffic stop and search....I guess I am the only one that remembers....

Again sorry for the sarcasm, I just didn't want to write a long message...