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View Full Version : District 34

09-04-2004, 10:33 AM
I was wondering if anybody races dist. 34. I race neatv but I was thinking about doing some dist 34 races. Just wondering what I need to race? I have ama but do I need any other memberships? Also does anybody have any kind of scehdule, probably not to many more races left, but worth a shot.

09-04-2004, 12:52 PM
i have raced a couple of them...and No you don't need anything but ama..It is like 25 a class, but only 3 classes are available..a,b,and c. (a) is like expert/pro, (b), is like expert/amature, and (c) is like novice/amature. really fun, not like neatv though.. there isn't many quads, and there is actually jumps. the dirtbikes race on the same day's as quads. as far as a schedule, i think if you go to waldenmx.com they might have some info there..

kickin kfx 400
09-05-2004, 10:38 AM
I think if you bring your out of district card, like a D6 card you wont need anything. Otherwise you need a D34. The next race is on the 26th at walden.