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View Full Version : Tires!! Pressure!! Ply !!

09-02-2004, 10:03 PM
Just wondering what kinda Motorcross Tires yall are running out there and What pressure u guys are running and how many races yall are gettin out of those soft arse tires...

I am using Rarz Mx's for the front and back ( 2ply ) but they arent the soft terrain 2ply....The have lasted me like 8 or 9 races and some practices im impressed...I havent tryed the soft terrain 2plys but im sure they wear after like 3 races....oh and on the pressure i dont even kno but if you kno wut ur talkin bout i would like to kno wut pressure u run on the front and back....

09-02-2004, 10:10 PM
i ride sandy tracks......... if its wet sand usually run 10 psi front and 7 rear.

if its dry.....then i go up a little like 13/10

http://www.douggust.com for more info about tire pressures. His website tells the pressures he runs under "ask the pros"

oh and btw....i have razrs too......just got them a few weeks ago. i always ran tamers and holeshot fronts, and figured i would try out razrs, and i like this setup better for the sandy tracks i ride.

09-02-2004, 10:18 PM
Yea ive had a look at dougs site...I have tryed the tammers also with holeshot fronts....I still use them but only for indoor tracks that are reallyhard packed they work for me so much better but i like the rarz mx's alot better for big outdoor tracks and I am bout to try the new mxr's ( maybe they wont wear as fast as the old mxr's )