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View Full Version : 8/29 miles mtn d/6

08-30-2004, 07:33 PM
if you didn't go to the miles mtn h/s(like almost everybody), you missed out on, IMO, the best track in the series!

there was tight woods, slippery rocks but not abusive rocks..., wide open fields, open woods sections, gooooooeeeey mud, 2 small but tricky creek crossings, a stump or 2 to keep you awake, a whooped out slick downhill, a long uphill, grass switchbacks, practically no dust... lots of off camber stuff

only 13+- quads showed up
5 A class, must've been locals didn't recognize them
1 vet
4 C class
2 blaster
1 vforce
and not sure if the brute force was racing or not...

racing action was intense,
A class 1 and 2nd place were less than a quad length apart at the finish

C class, we were swapping positions each lap. i think i was in the lead on 3 different occasions and the battle between 2-3 was even more intense.

it's a long trip but i can't wait for the next race up there!