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View Full Version : blown tire

08-29-2004, 03:54 AM
My daughter blew one of her tires on her 90EX this weekend. I used some of the "green slime" and it seemed to work great sealing about a 1/8-1/4 in. slice in the tire. Now a day or so later, I noticed the tire is slowly leaking still. So slow I could just put air in it every now and then, but kinda a pain doing that. The bike is only a few months old.
I am wondering if I should go buy a new one, or try more patching. If I replace this one, should I be woried about doing both rears? Or with a wider/thicker replacement tire?

08-29-2004, 07:47 AM
Just replace. If you plan on getting the same model tire, and the other one isnt too worn, just get one tire. If youre gonna change to a different type of tire for better performance, replace both. Tires for that 90 cant be that much, and fighting with a leaky tire is a big hassle. You could plug the tire if you havent already. If all you did was add slime then it might still leak. You need to get a tire plug kit with the T-handle inserting tool and use that. You just find the hole, soak the patch in rubber cement, put some rubber cement over the area on the tire and jam it in. Add some more rubber cement, and I like to light it on fire for a few seconds to seal it up plus it looks cool....

08-29-2004, 03:25 PM
Thanks Paul. I will probably just replace it. I have already spent 10-15 dollars on "fix-a-flat" type stuff, and wish I had just done that from the get go. The Green slime did get us through the weekend without having to park the bike though. Appreciate the reply.
:) :)

Crazy Diamond
09-05-2004, 09:47 PM
Plugs work great! I have plugged holes up to an inch wide with great results. After a year of hard riding they may start to slow leak. But you wouldn't notice much air loss in a weekend or riding. Walmart sells them cheap also!!!:) :p :D

09-05-2004, 11:40 PM
Thanks crazy diamond,
I just plugged the tire yesterday and used pleanty of rubber cement that came with the patch kit. Rode all day pretty hard on it and there were no problems. Will probably get some wider tires in the future, but it keeps me from having to make the quick decision right now.
Anyone know how big a tire I can go on an 8 inch rim that is 6.5 wide. I might just get new rims too, but it's my daughter's 90EX and looking at moving up an inch to a 20, but not sure how wide to go.
Any suggestions on what tire, or how big a tire with a certain sized rim? Not sure if it is just like a car tire now. The tires right now are 8 in. wide on 6.5 in rims. Can I go up to 10's or 11's? Might be pushing it I know.

09-06-2004, 07:27 AM
besides slime most of those fix a flast suck when u put new tires on and the they charge mroe if u used it when getting new tires