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View Full Version : Haspin Acres this Sunday

08-28-2004, 02:05 PM
I will be there on old smkey still. Looks like its goin to be a little muddy. We haven't had a good mud bog race this year. Last year thats all there was.

08-30-2004, 06:02 PM
Thank goodness for the RAZR 2's!! :) I just picked them up Saturday, and don't know if I would have finished without them. The only places I had trouble was the hard packed/slippery spots. I was sliding all over the place!

How did old Smokey do? I didn't smell you any this race, so I'm guessing you did better than my 7th. My brand new White Bros skid plate fell off on the 2nd to last lap. Luckily it was still there, and in one piece when I went back for it. I still had a heck of a time though. :D

08-30-2004, 08:06 PM
I put my 22's on for the race and They helped out a lot. I hate muddy races but this was my best finish yet in a muddy race 5th in pro class, despite wrecking twice on the first lap . How did everybody else do? Lil- Braff what happened to you? I saw you off to the side.

08-30-2004, 09:12 PM
Well me and ol smokey were movin right along at a good clip, then she decided to get a little crazy on me smoke a tree. I hit the tree so hard it not only bent my prm bumper it broke the one side off and almost sheared the bolts. The worst part was i smashed the old family jewels on my big tank. that slowed me down quite a bit and then i lost it in some ruts again. Not a good day. I liked the track though it would have been more fun if i just could have stayed up with everyone.

08-30-2004, 09:27 PM
how did Ronnie Martin do ? or Brent Howell ?

08-31-2004, 07:06 AM
matt400ex, did you ever find your skid plate? I think it was you that we meet at the bottom of the hill with the 400ex, 300ex and the yfz.

We just got Lil's 300ex back togather and the jetting is still not right, we only had a day and a half to work with it. the new engine doesn't seem to like the big carb from the 330 kit. Actually I think she just wanted to watch the race with her B/F j/k.

I like the layout of this last track. Those hills were slicker than snot on a brass door knob though. My half worn XC didn't like that glazed over clay too well.

08-31-2004, 01:30 PM
Brent won Ron's seat wouldnt stay on so he DNF'd

08-31-2004, 04:05 PM
matt400ex, did you ever find your skid plate? I think it was you that we meet at the bottom of the hill with the 400ex, 300ex and the yfz.

Yep that was me. The skid plate was right where I left it. :D Were you racing a the Predator or 400? It was slick as snot though. I spun out a couple times at the worse moments possible! I saw lil'Braff sitting at the base of the hill for awhile there. She actually didn't look that too unhappy. :)

08-31-2004, 04:31 PM
yep, I was on the 400. I normally race a Predator but it is in the shop. My shop guy has been unusually slow at getting it back to me. Glad you found your skid plate. YOu were lucky, usually you never know you lost it until you go to put it up on the truck to go home. I think Lil actually was just having a bad day. I have had those before.

08-31-2004, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by 250EXstud
Well me and ol smokey were movin right along at a good clip, then she decided to get a little crazy on me smoke a tree. I hit the tree so hard it not only bent my prm bumper it broke the one side off and almost sheared the bolts. The worst part was i smashed the old family jewels on my big tank. that slowed me down quite a bit and then i lost it in some ruts again. Not a good day. I liked the track though it would have been more fun if i just could have stayed up with everyone.
I have a PRM summit and the same thing happened to me on the first lap. I was trying to pass someone and i caught a vine with my front tires and it through me off and it hit a tree. Broke 2 bolts off in the frame and the top right mount on the bumper is all screwed up.

Lil - Braff
08-31-2004, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by Braff1
I think Lil actually was just having a bad day. I have had those before.

Yes I was!! It's good to know that other people have those too! lol I did not feel good all day (still have a head ache too), the bike was running crappy and I wasn't used to it very well, I was stuck until ranger400 and seamonster came putting along and helped get me unstuck. (Thank you sooooo much btw!!), I didn't have back brakes and kept running into stuff which got old quick, and I was just fusterated and wasn't really to in the mood to be racing. I'm kinda kicking myself in the butt for not TRYING to finish but oh well. I was just having one of those days.

and NO daddy I did NOT stop just b/c I wanted to watch the race with Adam! :grr: LMAO!! Good job on your finsih Daddy!! Made me proud! ;) :cool:

Good job to everyone else too! Didn't yall just love that start? HA HA! NOT!! I was skeered that I was gonna get stuck before the race even started. lol

08-31-2004, 09:11 PM
adam when are u gonna race again? i know u like it to much to always watch. i should be gettin another 450R if i do u can race it once and see how u like them. does that sound like a good idea to u ??

Lil - Braff
08-31-2004, 09:34 PM
Originally posted by shaff107
adam when are u gonna race again? i know u like it to much to always watch. i should be gettin another 450R if i do u can race it once and see how u like them. does that sound like a good idea to u ??

Which Adam are you talking to? "My" Adam?

08-31-2004, 09:41 PM
indygncc is adam howell :p

09-01-2004, 09:42 AM
yeah Ill race it once! Ill run it in stock class for contingency

09-01-2004, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by Lil - Braff
I was stuck until ranger400 and seamonster came putting along and helped get me unstuck.

putting along huh? sounds like those two:devil:

09-01-2004, 11:03 AM
Careful little man, if I turn Ben loose he may just EAT that Blaster of yours.....LOL....cya in Sparta

Lil - Braff
09-01-2004, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by shaff107
indygncc is adam howell :p

LOL!! Didn't think you were talking about my adam. HA HA! So what's everyone gonna do about the next race? GNCC or Haspin? I really think that haspin should rescheduele especially with sparta being so close. JMO. What do yall think?

09-01-2004, 04:09 PM
I talked to Becky about this and she said that "since Sparta is a non-points race and that it was rescheduled" that the Haspin race will not be rescheduled. So now I have to decide, run Haspin and keep my points up for the last race or run Sparta and give B class a try. :confused:

09-01-2004, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by Lil - Braff
LOL!! Didn't think you were talking about my adam. HA HA! So what's everyone gonna do about the next race? GNCC or Haspin? I really think that haspin should rescheduele especially with sparta being so close. JMO. What do yall think?

Every one that I know is going to Sparta, except XMXRIDER, he is going to Haspin because he found another sandbagger to race with:o Oh and I will just get back in time from Grand Cayman island Saturday night in time to go to Sparta:D

09-01-2004, 08:51 PM
I'll be at haspin because I am 5th in points and i think i can lock up 5th with a good race so ill be at haspin for sure. My race on sunday was slow paced. I still got 6th though so not too bad.

09-02-2004, 08:21 PM

Lil - Braff
09-02-2004, 09:49 PM
I think everyone needs to email Becky and try to convince them/her to rescheduele the date. :cool: lol I hope they do!

Does anyone know where David was this past race? I didn't see him there. :confused: