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View Full Version : Cylinder Removal

04-06-2002, 10:32 PM
What is the secret to removing the Cylinder from the bottom end???

I have followed the service manual step by step. The head came off without any problems, but I can not budge this cylinder.

I have removed the 2 small bolts on the right side, and the 4 large bolts on the inside of the engine. The piston is still in the cylider, should it be moved to BDC so that the cylinder is more free to move laterally for more leverage?

It still feels so tight that it seems like there is another bolt holding it on, but I have checked and checked again, and there is not.

Advice is much appreciated.

04-07-2002, 07:13 AM
I had to get a peice of wood, put it up against the side of the cyl, and hit it upwards to get it to break loose. There's dowels in between the cyl and bottom end, so hitting it side to side is pointless...

04-07-2002, 08:40 AM
I had the same problem. Finally went and bought a dead blow hammer. To remove my cylinder I was on the left side of the bike and found a spot on the cylinder under the fins that looked to be the beefiest material, placed a pry bar against that spot and then whacked the bar up with the dead blow hammer. I was very timid at first but once I got mad enough, 1 good hit was all it took and apart it came. I called the local shop and thats exactly how they do it too. Be sure to direct the force up and not sideways. The dowels are about 1/2" tall. Good luck. Once it moves its a piece of cake.