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08-17-2004, 07:14 PM
We have 30,000 troops still in Korea....We have 40,000 troops still in Germany, and We are about to send a butt load more over to Iraq........why do we have to be the worlds police?

08-17-2004, 07:29 PM
becuz bush is a true moron, his brightness reminds me of a monkey, so do his looks.. we have 80,000 troops out of the US, for no reason all they are doing is getting killed 1 by 1 and its wasting time.. i hate bush:mad:

08-17-2004, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by sn0wrider
becuz bush is a true moron, his brightness reminds me of a monkey, so do his looks.. we have 80,000 troops out of the US, for no reason all they are doing is getting killed 1 by 1 and its wasting time.. i hate bush:mad:


spoken well by a true "uneducated" bush hater. you are the true moron.

08-17-2004, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by sn0wrider
becuz bush is a true moron, his brightness reminds me of a monkey, so do his looks.. we have 80,000 troops out of the US, for no reason all they are doing is getting killed 1 by 1 and its wasting time.. i hate bush:mad:

STFU if anybody is a moron you are for posting that:rolleyes: . Until you are old enough to vote your opinion doesn't matter!

08-17-2004, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by 400exrules
why do we have to be the worlds police?

you'll find the answer in your history books. If we turn our backs on the worlds problems, then those problems become our problems on OUR land.

BTW, we have always had troops oversea's.... not only under President Bush... but other Presidents as well....

08-17-2004, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by AtvMxRider
STFU if anybody is a moron you are for posting that:rolleyes: . Until you are old enough to vote your opinion doesn't matter!

i agree with ya, but even if he was old enough to vote, his opinion does not matter. It was posted with NO facts, just a boatload of BS.


This is a perfect time to insert Pappy's quote!

"If you sound more uneducated then the man your calling stupid, then maybe you should consider NOT posting"

08-17-2004, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by MOFO
BTW, we have always had troops oversea's.... not only under President Bush... but other Presidents as well....

Well i guess your right, i just saw this on the news today that we watch during school and i was just completely shocked that we have over 70,000 troops over seas in different countries, besides IRAQ and those associated with the war...it really shocked me cuz i never really hear anything about it

08-17-2004, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by MOFO
i agree with ya, but even if he was old enough to vote, his opinion does not matter. It was posted with NO facts, just a boatload of BS.


08-17-2004, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by MOFO
i agree with ya, but even if he was old enough to vote, his opinion does not matter. It was posted with NO facts, just a boatload of BS.

isnt that what all the bush haters do

08-17-2004, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by 400exrules
...it really shocked me cuz i never really hear anything about it

of course you dont...but as it gets closer to the election and republican convention, the liberal news media will be focused on pointing out issues and attempting to slander President Bush with them...

08-17-2004, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by MOFO
of course you dont...but as it gets closer to the election and republican convention, the liberal news media will be focused pointing out issues and attempting to slander President Bush with them...

lol, im glad im not old enough to vote...too much stuff to keep up with, cant tell whose lyin to who or whose doin a good or bad job, politics confuse me

08-17-2004, 07:49 PM
what a moron...

08-17-2004, 07:54 PM
You might not be old enough to vote, but certainly old enough to follow whats going on...with the world and our own election. When it comes time to vote, you'll be that much ahead of the game understanding how everything works and what your position is on basic ideas.

What I suggest to you and anyone else that is trying to understand what is going on with this election and everything that is going on with our country... listen to everything you can, read everything... get an idea of what you believe to be right... then do research about it (not just other people or the TV). Get a firm understanding of your position and who represents it the best.

Read up on the basics... find out what Republican's and Democrats stand for. Find out the differences between Conservative and Liberal ideas...

08-17-2004, 08:31 PM
hey I cant agree with you more. I khave been deployed( in the desert) 2 years and 7 1/2 months out of the last four years. Personally I dont give a F**k about what is going on over there because I have seen more of these Iraqis than I have of my family in the past four years. That JMO

08-17-2004, 10:20 PM
i odnt care if im not old enough to vote nor do i care what us think of what i say

i say bish is a dushbag and if hes ognna have troops over there he should have them killing those arseholes that are still out there killing our americans everday instead of sitting back over there they should be taking charge and geting that stuff cleared out and htne get out of there not just sit that are wait to get picked off

08-17-2004, 10:27 PM
I hate political threads.. lol

08-17-2004, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by Punk'd
I hate political threads.. lol

me to

08-17-2004, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by 400exrules
We have 30,000 troops still in Korea....why do we have to be the worlds police?
do something for me and open your eyes. there is obviously a reason we have troops in Korea so Kim Chong cant get his short stubby fingers on any damn NUKES!!! do you want that crazy clown to have that much destructive power! if we start pulling out troops from that place we might have another cold war on our hands but not so cold this time around! if we have troops somewhere it's for a reason; to make sure our civilian's don't get killed.

08-18-2004, 04:55 AM
Originally posted by Rebelrider4OOex
i odnt care if im not old enough to vote nor do i care what us think of what i say

i say bish is a dushbag and if hes ognna have troops over there he should have them killing those arseholes that are still out there killing our americans everday instead of sitting back over there they should be taking charge and geting that stuff cleared out and htne get out of there not just sit that are wait to get picked off

Ummm where do you get your information? :rolleyes:

08-18-2004, 05:01 AM
DUMB, is the word i use for u guys.. u dont know anything about politics and u talk as if you know everything! there is a reason for those troops especially in iraq so stop talking ****.