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View Full Version : I cant believe this.... TAX story.

08-11-2004, 05:29 PM
I was listening to a talk radio station in Pittsburgh the other day (Sean Hannity) and he was talking about how states and local government deal with people on back taxes. This story really bugs me... :mad:

There was an elderly lady in NY that suffered two strokes... lived through both. Didnt sound like she had any family.... long story short, she owed back taxes (state taxes I believe), around $11,000. The solution to this was to take the deed to her house and put it up for auction to cover the taxes owed (I have no problems with this). Her house was sold for $185,000... out of this, it paid for her back taxes and all administrative and court fees.... which may have been around $5-10,000 at the most.

So what did the state do with the rest of the money? They kept it! One of the representative's of the state was on the radio being interviewed by Sean Hannity. After a few questions, this person basically said the money will be spent on public items such as transportation...etc.... and he felt it was better spent on things like this rather than giving the money back to the old lady who now has NOTHING to her name. Typical liberal thinking! The government can spend your money better than you can! :mad:

Later in the show, Sean stated that he got bombarded with e-mails saying this is normal for other areas as well. Is there anyone out there that feels this was right? The government is ONLY entitled to what was owed to them (including fee's) and NOT ONE PENNY more in my opinion.

08-11-2004, 05:51 PM
I was listening to Hannity today on the way home from work and there was another story pretty similar to that in New York. An old man's parents built this house in 1950. He lived there as a child and when his parents died he moved back into it. This guy's wife gets sick with cancer and he's trying to care for her so his personal business suffers (contractor). He gets behind on his property tax to the county. The county sends him a letter stating that his deed has been sold to the county but if he wants it back he can file for a "redemption of deed". This guy shells out money for that and the solution was that he can't own his home but he can rent it from the county for $800/month. He decides to rent the property and he gets another letter in the mail saying that he's got 10 days to get his stuff out of the house. During all this his wife dies. So during those 10 days he tries to get as much stuff out of the house as possible but can't get it all. At the end of 10 days the county padlocks his house. Friends give him the $40,000 he owes the county for back taxes, interest, documentation fees, etc. He goes to the county with a cashier's check for the full amount and they tell him they're not interested in him paying his debt back. They auction his home for $615,000 and keep every dime of it.

That's BS if you ask me. Granted, the man has an obligation to pay his taxes but to take his home, sell it and then keep the $575k profit?!?! I'm sorry but I don't subscribe to the Robin Hood mentality.

08-11-2004, 05:56 PM
Yep, I think I remember him talking about that briefly they other day as well. This honestly makes me sick.... they are flat out stealing! I have NO idea how anyone can defend this action and say it was right!

BTW, I bet we listen to the same talk radio... does your radio station play Quinn and Rose in the morning?

08-11-2004, 06:14 PM
Yeah, we've had Rush @ noon, Hannity @ 3 and Savage @ 7 for a long time now. Just within the last 3 months or so did our local station get rid of the local host and pick up Quinn and Rose:cool:

08-11-2004, 09:18 PM
Ugh, this makes me sick.:(

Sometimes this democracy of ours doesn't seem so democratic....this liberalism is like communism...they all think they know what's best....and if you don't like it, deal with it....what are ya going to do?:o Man, I can't stand this bullchit!:cuss:

08-11-2004, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by redroost85
I can't stand this bullchit!:cuss:

08-11-2004, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by redroost85
Man, I can't stand this bullchit!:cuss:
Me either!!!:mad:

08-11-2004, 10:28 PM
what do you expect...the clintons have thier hands in NY politics:o well hillary does ...i wouldnt ask what bill's hands are into:p

08-12-2004, 10:54 AM
Makes me proud to have such a fine government running our country...:rolleyes: