View Full Version : Deegan vs. pastrami flap ----------- a little comparison

08-10-2004, 08:22 PM
ok here are two interviews, both by the same interviewer, on two different subjects, the first with Brian Deegan and the second with travis pastrana, they are both short so read them both and the final questions at the end.

So Brian, what do you think of Racer X Illustrated?

****, it’s cool. Anything that promotes our sport is definitely cool. Anything that shuts down dusty old magazines – magazine like Motocross Action – is cool in my book. Times are changing. It’s a new deal now.

The Metal Mulisha certainly defines the term "anti-establishment." But do you ever feel like a sell-out for partnering with toy companies, beverage companies, motorcycle companies….

I sold out when I signed my contract with Chaparral [the race team Deegan raced for in 1996.] You sell out when there are clauses in your contract telling you what you can and can’t do. Selling out doesn’t mean riding for a sponsor; selling out is when you let a sponsor tell you what to do. I don’t care if I ride for the biggest, most mainstream sponsor out there - I don’t care if I ride for Coca-Cola - I’m still going to break **** and piss people off.

Where does money fall in the universe of "sellout"?

Money is great, and anyone who says winning a lot of money is bad has mental problems. Making money allows me to make a living at what I want to do. I was poor once, and that wasn’t cool. And now, even though I’m making money, I’m worse than I ever was.

What’s your favorite event of the year?

I would probably say that the X Games. The X Games is where you can go and shut everyone down and do what you want to do, and everyone sees it.

What’s your take on working with an outside-the-industry sponsor such as, say, Hansen’s?

They get letters from people telling them that I’m f___ed up for breaking **** and causing problems. But then there are the other 100,000 people that are stoked with me. The Hansen’s "Energy" logo on my bike really stands out. As long as people pay me, they can put their logo wherever they want. But I’m still going flip people off and smash ****.

What do you think of the word "extreme," as in the Burger King Extreme cheeseburger? I mean, I saw an ad for an Extreme Bible the other day….

[Laughs] It’s super played-out. It’s a word we, the extreme athletes, started. Then the corporations grabbed it, like they always do, and really played it out. It doesn’t matter. We’ll just come up with something else and the corporations will play it out again. Hell, next year the X Games might be called the Y Games. Who knows? Big companies have a good way of taking something cool and ruining it.

What’s your response to all those folks who might say that Brian Deegan and the Mulisha are only in it for the money?

Go ahead and say I’m a sellout. I’ll just be in my five-bedroom house, swimming in my pool, jumping my dirt bike and riding my Harley-Davidson into town. If someone wants to send me email on it, I’ll just ignore it. That’s what the Delete button’s for.

How do you see corporate involvement in freestyle motocross and other action sports changing or evolving in the future?

Who knows how long it will last? The corporate people will stay in it as long as there is money to be made. Then they’ll move onto the next big thing. But action sports will go on forever. People will continue to dump more and more money into it. I think it will all continue to escalate.

There are some people in the motocross industry who are going to reject the idea of riders running stickers from a company that’s not from this industry. Your thoughts?

You mean like Slim Jim? [laughs]. Hey, it’s cool if it brings in outside money. These corporate guys are like, "We want what’s cool!" That’s cool. They don’t know what’s going on. They just have some dork in marketing that wants you to tell him what’s cool. I can go to them and say, "When I got arrested last week, that was cool." Those are the easiest sponsors to deal with, because they don’t know what’s going on. The hardest sponsors to deal with are the ones that have been involved with our sport forever. They know when I do something that’s not cool.

A lot of companies are trying to attach themselves to motocross. Is there a red line limit of just how commercialized the sport should become?

As long as they talk to the athlete and get his opinion on what’s going on before they put something out, I don’t think there’s a problem. I mean, I wouldn’t mind being in every AM/PM in America where every chick that goes into the place sees me. It might even get me laid more.

From little kids to senior citizens, people in this nation know that it takes a lot of money to race a car or motorcycle. As a result, they have no problem with big sponsors showing up in the motorsports. Would you agree?

Definitely. Motocross has already been like that. You get Oakley to sponsor you and you’re immediately Cool Guy. You get some sunglasses and T-shirts and go to school and tell everyone you’re sponsored by Oakley. It would even be cooler to be sponsored by McDonald’s. The bigger the sponsor, the cooler you are in motocross.

now for the flap

Racer X: Travis, we’ve received countless e-mails during the past two weeks enquiring about you. How are things going?
Travis Pastrana: I’m doing great. I’m just getting back into shape.

What have you been doing to get yourself back into shape? Biking, weights, swimming?
[Laughs] No swimming! I’ve been on the bicycle and spin-bike a lot. I’ve been riding the spin-bike up to three hours a day. I’ve also really been working on my upper-body strength. I’m getting a lot stronger. In fact, I’m up to 190 pounds now.

How’s the shoulder?
My shoulder feels amazing. I’ve been doing a lot of rehabilitation work on it. It feels stiff now. There’s no pain in it now like there was before. It feels really, really good.

How is your knee?
After my last scope, shoot, it feels amazing. I had it scoped three weeks ago, and it feels so much better. Man, even three days after the scope it felt a lot better. The doctor went in and cleaned up the debris in it, and it feels great now.

How is your health? Are you over all the infections and viruses?
Amazingly, I’m finally over all that stuff. I’ve had some blood work done, and everything looks good. I’m close to being back to normal. Well, “normal” medically speaking.

What have you been doing with your days? Just working out and keeping a low profile?
Honestly, I get up, I eat, and then I bike for an hour and a half. Then I do my shoulder rehabilitation. Then I eat lunch and lift weights. After that I go back on the bicycle for an hour. That’s it. That’s my day. It’s not much fun, but I’ve been keeping it real low-key. I’ve been keeping the same schedule for the last two or three weeks. Physically, I feel great. It’s going to be nice to get back on the motorcycle. I’ve never felt better since I turned professional. I’m feeling really good about the outdoor series.

Have you been on the motorcycle at all yet?
No - actually, I plan to start riding this weekend. I’m going to give it a shot and see how I feel. In two weeks I plan to go down to Heath Voss’ place in Texas. He has a really nice facility down there, and I want to go down there and ride with him and some of the other guys. Robbie Reynard also lives close to Heath, so I’m going to ride with him as well. I’m really looking forward to riding and training with the guys.

Your business manager, Steve Astephen, mentioned to me yesterday that you were thinking about trying to make it back for the last few supercrosses. Is that true, or are you planning for your return to be at Glen Helen?
I’m still gung-ho about supercross. The original goal Roger DeCoster and I had was to return at Pontiac. Then we decided to shoot for Glen Helen. But I’ve been talking to Roger about doing some supercrosses. So he said to me, “Look, get out here to California and do some testing and we’ll see if you’re 100 percent. If you can ride 20 laps at 100 percent without fading, you can ride the last two supercross races. If not, we’ll wait till Glen Helen.” I thought that was a fair deal. We both realize that I can’t come back too soon. But I’d really like to do the last two supercrosses and then go right into the Nationals.

We saw you making the rounds at Daytona. What did you think of the racing?
I tell you, Ricky Carmichael and Chad Reed really impressed me. I’ve always seen Chad as kind of a perfectionist - a guy who always wants to put perfect laps in. But I watched him go through some of those whoop sections wide-open. But Ricky still handed it to him.

Did you enjoy being back at the races?
It was weird to sit there and watch. And the track…. You just can’t see how brutal it is sitting up in the stands. Daytona is the easiest track to make up time, but it’s also the easiest track to lose time on. I mean, you can close your eyes and pin it on one straight and make up a lot of time. That’s if you make it to the other end.

BLAH BLAH BLAH you get the point, so now my questions

who seems more real to you?
who seems like a PC robot?
which interview was more entertaining?
and if you could, who would you rather hang out with some friday night?

my point is pastrana is a boring dork who says "shoot" and deegan is one of the few who says and does what he wants, pastrana would never speak the truth about FMX or anything besides his boring day.

he is so over rated the judges at X games give him 5 points just for being him, deegan broke BOTH wrists at winter X and his thigh bone, and he still busted a 75ft 360. Pastrana totally whiffed the first one, and CRASHED on the second on both 50ft 360s, and deegan doesnt qual and pastrami is the man and deserves to be given the qual? yeah right, the sport is becomming like WWF thanks to politically correct lame asses

what do you guys think?

08-10-2004, 09:22 PM
i wouldnt wanna hang out with either of them...id rather whack off

deegan is a sell out, hes a larry wanna be who sold out , wussed out and is clinging to his old image the best he can

and travis doesnt seem very cool, likea lil kid or something:eek2:

id rather hang out with someone like twitch or metz

08-10-2004, 09:29 PM
Larry Linkogle
What do you think about people who're involved in motocross, but not in the Metal Mulisha?
I think anyone involved in motocross is a kook-a bunch of poseurs. They're all a bunch of dorks who grew up riding their bikes their whole lives and never got laid until a couple days ago-until they got their hair frosted, and got their first nipple piercings. I try to stay out of it.
Were you ever a part of it?
Actually, I started it. I started the whole freestyle scene, and then it got way too glamour for me, so I was over it. I had to pull out.
Was starting the Metal Mulisha a way for you to retaliate against that whole scene?
Yeah, Metal Mulisha is retaliation toward the whole scene-against the poseurs, against Trevor Vines. Pretty much everyone in the scene is a barney. Guys like Mike Metzger are complete dorks-his whole little crew are a bunch of peons.
Do they have names for their crews?
Yeah, they'll pretty much just throw their nickname out. Like,
"Hey, have you ever heard of me? I'm pro. Here's a video, babe."
What do you guys do?
We'll walk into the bar with a bottle of Jack Daniels, smoking a
cigarette, kick over a table, and *****-slap Metzger and Vines.
Have you ever competed against those guys?
Yeah, I've beaten them all.
But now you guys aren't really in contests?
All my riders are. Everyone was talking a bunch of **** about how I was washed up and played out, 'cause all these little girls are hitting the ramps nowadays. Bluetorch put on a natural terrain contest, which was a week long, and I showed my dominance there and was undefeated. It just goes to show you-I'm not saying I'm as great as those guys think they are. But when it comes down to it I'll come right out of retirement and blow them away.
How did you end up in rehab?
Phil-our bare-knuckle fighter-thought I had a serious problem, so he admitted me. After being there for three days I realized rehab was for quitters-I'm not a quitter, I want to pursue my career. I've been clean for two months now. I wasn't wacked out, nothing serious-just painkillers for my injuries.
So there are serious injuries involved with this thing.
Definitely. For a while I had to eat ten Lorcet a day just so I could ride because of my arthritis and all of my torn ligaments. We're all going to die, so who cares if you're going to smoke cigarettes or eat some pain pills?
Do you still have sponsors?
Actually, I've been officially cut from all sponsors-no one will sponsor me except for Tech Deck.
So you have a signature Tech Bike?
Well, we do Metal Mulisha bikes through Tech Bike-they're the only down company there is. I'm over it. I hate sponsors-I hate the whole
deal of having to do your big contest and be all bro with everyone. Right now, I've got a record no one can beat. So far I've been to five different events, and each event I got paid up front and refused to ride. I did one thing for Harley Davidson that was five-grand and I never threw my leg over the bike. I did some deal in Seattle that was two-grand and never threw my leg over the bike. Then I was in Washington for the Tech
Games and I made 1,750 dollars and never rode my bike. The topper
was Australia when I signed a contract to go over there for ten-grand
and got paid up front, and I didn't ride and trashed all the hotel
rooms and they say there was 150,000 dollars' damage. No one can
step to my damage I've put on the sport.
Other than Metal Mulisha, what do you want people to know?
Stay true to Mulisha and yourself, and don't sell out. We don't
sponsor anyone unless they're super f-ked up. 1-877-MULISHA

now h eres a interview from about a year ago or maybe 2

Cole Trane
08-10-2004, 09:29 PM
First off, Pastrana doesn't just do FMX. He races MX and Supercross too. He's gotta be in shape, what's wrong with that, it's his job? Second, did you even see Deegan's "360"? It looked like a crooked backflip. Even the announcers, who get paid to hype up these riders, said it was more like an "off axis backflip". Compare that to Pastrana's and even Adam's 360's. Wait a minute, there is no comparison. :confused: :confused: I think Deegan whines too much, but that's my opinion. He's a great rider and that's all I'll say unless someone asks my opinion.

My point is this: Some people say Pastrana is a P***y and run their mouths about him like he isn't chit. When it's all said and done, He's one of the best riders out there when it comes to any kind of dirtbike riding. I don't know what kind of person he is because I've never met the kid. Have you?

Cole Trane
08-10-2004, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by SRH
i wouldnt wanna hang out with either of them...id rather whack off

deegan is a sell out, hes a larry wanna be who sold out , wussed out and is clinging to his old image the best he can

and travis doesnt seem very cool, likea lil kid or something:eek2:

id rather hang out with someone like twitch or metz

I don't wanna hang out with any of em'!!

They ride punk @$$ dirtbikes. :blah: :blah:


08-11-2004, 09:19 AM
id rather hang with deegan...hes that hard *** kinda kid and doesnt care about what he does...

id rather hang with nate adams over either pastrana or deegan

theyre both good riders (deegan and pastrana) but pastrana could have the worst run and still podium...

08-11-2004, 10:50 AM
Originally posted by fastblaster2002
id rather hang with deegan...hes that hard *** kinda kid and doesnt care about what he does...

id rather hang with nate adams over either pastrana or deegan

theyre both good riders (deegan and pastrana) but pastrana could have the worst run and still podium...

yeah nate seams like someone id rather hang out with than deegs or pastrana.....nate just goes out and does his tricks without the huge intro story/movie at the X games that pastrana has with the "he may do a double bacfilp but we dont know" and they just show him do it into a foam pit 50000 times:rolleyes:

ill say it again lol i think nate devereved that gold more than anyone...JMO:)

08-11-2004, 11:34 AM
You can't really judge by those two interviews, they are asking totally different questions. Ask them the same thing and then compare their replies. I would hang out with either one, they could both give you some good tips.

08-11-2004, 12:31 PM
I think(and have ever since I first talked to him in 96') that Degan is an arrogant cocky Ahole that lacked the same talent as his competition, and when he couldn't make it in mx got into Fmx. And as far as I'm concerned much hasn't changed. He still seems cocky, arrogant, and now he publicly acts like a immature punk kid.

Pastrana on the other hand is a proffesional, and acts like it on and off the track. He is a real class act, and doesn't have to act like hes hot chit. His ACTIONS and TALENT speak for themselves. For that matter, how many of the other freestyle guys do you see going around acting like an *** like Deegan does? And when it comes to real racing Pastrana is 10x the rider Deegan will ever be.

People think Pastrana is a puss? No hes just real, and doesn't have to put on an act just so people will think hes "cool". I for one am a Pastrana fan. I just think hes too accident prone. Ashame really. I think he could be VERY successful if he could ever go a season w/o being injured.

08-11-2004, 04:22 PM

08-11-2004, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by Flynbryan19
I think(and have ever since I first talked to him in 96') that Degan is an arrogant cocky Ahole that lacked the same talent as his competition, and when he couldn't make it in mx got into Fmx. And as far as I'm concerned much hasn't changed. He still seems cocky, arrogant, and now he publicly acts like a immature punk kid.

Pastrana on the other hand is a proffesional, and acts like it on and off the track. He is a real class act, and doesn't have to act like hes hot chit. His ACTIONS and TALENT speak for themselves. For that matter, how many of the other freestyle guys do you see going around acting like an *** like Deegan does? And when it comes to real racing Pastrana is 10x the rider Deegan will ever be.

People think Pastrana is a puss? No hes just real, and doesn't have to put on an act just so people will think hes "cool". I for one am a Pastrana fan. I just think hes too accident prone. Ashame really. I think he could be VERY successful if he could ever go a season w/o being injured.

08-11-2004, 06:11 PM
Going by those 2 interviews, I don't see how you can ask a question like that even. Both were asked different questions, so we saw a different side of each...

08-11-2004, 07:07 PM
u guys stfu deegan and pastrana can ride better then all or u if there such *****s u go out there and do some back flips 50 feet in the air for now go ride your little 250exs and jack off:rolleyes:

08-11-2004, 07:42 PM
you have a blaster and a kasea 150 and you are *****ing about "little 250EX's"? uhhh huh

08-11-2004, 08:27 PM
i dont have the kasea anymore i had it for like 5 months now my blasters pretty modded and curently geting modded for MX and 250exs suck

08-11-2004, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by Flynbryan19
I think(and have ever since I first talked to him in 96') that Degan is an arrogant cocky Ahole that lacked the same talent as his competition, and when he couldn't make it in mx got into Fmx. And as far as I'm concerned much hasn't changed. He still seems cocky, arrogant, and now he publicly acts like a immature punk kid.

Pastrana on the other hand is a proffesional, and acts like it on and off the track. He is a real class act, and doesn't have to act like hes hot chit. His ACTIONS and TALENT speak for themselves. For that matter, how many of the other freestyle guys do you see going around acting like an *** like Deegan does? And when it comes to real racing Pastrana is 10x the rider Deegan will ever be.

People think Pastrana is a puss? No hes just real, and doesn't have to put on an act just so people will think hes "cool". I for one am a Pastrana fan. I just think hes too accident prone. Ashame really. I think he could be VERY successful if he could ever go a season w/o being injured.

pastrana causes just as much trouble as deegan maybe more off the track, hes reckless and can act like a ***, deegan has won pro sx races but he makes more doin freestyle and has more fun

here a article out of travis town newspaper, hes just as much or more of a hell raiser than deegan...

Motocross star blamed in shooting prank on bridge
By ERIC HARTLEY, Staff Writer
"My strengths and weaknesses are the same: I've got the willingness and stupidity to try anything," Travis Pastrana says in his bio on ESPN's Web site. "If I think it's even remotely possible, I'll do it."

The 20-year-old motocross star proved he's no liar this week, helping to pull a prank in Riva that scared bystanders and forced police and firefighters to rush to the scene, according to law-enforcement sources.

It started about 10:50 Wednesday morning when a small gray car pulled to a halt atop the Riva Bridge and three men got out.

Suddenly, one man pulled out a gun and shot another man, who fell off the bridge into the water.

The other two men piled back into the car and hightailed it out of there.

A startled witness ran for the nearest phone and had someone call 911.

But then the victim swam over and clambered ashore with the help of bystanders, looking remarkably chipper for someone who'd just been shot.

Indeed, when he learned police were on their way, he headed for football practice.

Turns out the lethal-looking weapon was a Spyder paintball gun, the shot was a firecracker and the "victim" was Mr. Pastrana's cousin, Greg Powell, 20.

And the shooter? None other than Mr. Pastrana, a source familiar with the matter said.

Mr. Pastrana couldn't be reached for comment.

Police wouldn't name the men involved since no one was charged, but they took the incident seriously.

"We're not amused because obviously it was a serious drain on resources at the time," said Capt. Thomas Rzepkowski, commander of the Southern District.

The men told police they were making a video for a television show that awards the most outlandish stunts caught on tape.

A truck driver who had just finished a delivery to Mike's Crab House next to the bridge saw the "shooting."

"He came in and just yelled, 'Call 911! Someone was shot and pushed in the water,"' said Bonnie Blair, who runs the store in front of Mike's. "Two
minutes later, they said it was a couple kids filming a stunt action sequence."

Although it quickly became apparent there was no emergency, Ms. Blair's heart rate went up a few notches when she was calling 911 at 10:53 a.m.

"The adrenaline immediately started pumping even though I wasn't involved," she said.

By the time police arrived, they were pretty sure there hadn't been a shooting, but they still had to sort out what had happened.

Police stopped and talked to Mr. Powell who was driving a truck.

Within minutes of the initial call, officers found the other two - Mr. Pastrana and a 34-year-old man from Utah - at Mr. Pastrana's house on Governor Bridge Road in Davidsonville.

Police and paramedics had been called there just after 11 a.m. to help a 19-year-old man injured while pulling a stunt on Mr. Pastrana's property, a source said.

Questioned about the earlier prank, Mr. Pastrana told police the men had made sure no other cars were on the bridge during their performance and that Mr. Powell wore a life jacket under his T-shirt.

Officers told the men they should get a permit before doing anything similar on county property. The State's Attorney's Office will review the case for possible charges.

Mr. Pastrana has been riding motorcycles competitively since age 4. He burst onto the national scene in 1999, celebrating his gold medal at the X Games by riding his bike off a pier into the San Francisco Bay - all before he could drive a car.

In 2003, he was charged with reckless driving in a Corvette crash that left his passenger paralyzed.

08-11-2004, 11:34 PM
i'd rather hang out with a baboon than pastrana, that guys seems like he gives his dad foot massages every night.......Deegan has fun with what he does, even if he is sponsored by some losers

Cole Trane
08-12-2004, 07:31 PM
So Pastrana does what every other kid has done, pulls pranks. The bottom line to me is that Deegan is a whiner and Pastrana gives up the respect when it's deserved.

08-12-2004, 09:48 PM
Jeez i can't belive he paralized someone.

08-13-2004, 09:34 AM
twitch kicks ****ing *** or enslow they would be real sick to hang out with

08-13-2004, 09:52 PM
You can't compare both interviews ... both were asked totally different questions . I have more respect for Pastrana than I do for Deegan . Atleast Pastrana can go out and bust out flips witht he best FMX guys out there , and in the same day , go smoke the best pro's on the MX track . As far as these guys being sell outs ... thats hard to judge . Just because these guys ride motocross , shouldn't mean that they should say no to an outside sponsor such as "Slim Jim" liek was mentioned in the interviews . If they relyed only on companies from the motocross industry to sponsor them , they'd be starving riders . Any sport of there will get commercialized sooner or later ... look at Nascar , NHRA drag racing , heck even football is commercialzed . Its the way things are . When a sport draws in thousands of people for an event such as FMX , it gives these larger companies 2 minutes of advertizing in front of thousands of people . I liek how Deegan ended his interview stating if people dont like him , who cares ... we'll be in his mansion , in his pool or ridding his bike .... it's the way it goes !!!!!You got the money ... who cares what others think ... Im sure Pastrana is the same way !!!

08-14-2004, 11:33 PM
Originally posted by BlackYFZ450LES
ok here are two interviews, both by the same interviewer, on two different subjects, the first with Brian Deegan and the second with travis pastrana, they are both short so read them both and the final questions at the end.

So Brian, what do you think of Racer X Illustrated?

****, it’s cool. Anything that promotes our sport is definitely cool. Anything that shuts down dusty old magazines – magazine like Motocross Action – is cool in my book. Times are changing. It’s a new deal now.

The Metal Mulisha certainly defines the term "anti-establishment." But do you ever feel like a sell-out for partnering with toy companies, beverage companies, motorcycle companies….

I sold out when I signed my contract with Chaparral [the race team Deegan raced for in 1996.] You sell out when there are clauses in your contract telling you what you can and can’t do. Selling out doesn’t mean riding for a sponsor; selling out is when you let a sponsor tell you what to do. I don’t care if I ride for the biggest, most mainstream sponsor out there - I don’t care if I ride for Coca-Cola - I’m still going to break **** and piss people off.

Where does money fall in the universe of "sellout"?

Money is great, and anyone who says winning a lot of money is bad has mental problems. Making money allows me to make a living at what I want to do. I was poor once, and that wasn’t cool. And now, even though I’m making money, I’m worse than I ever was.

What’s your favorite event of the year?

I would probably say that the X Games. The X Games is where you can go and shut everyone down and do what you want to do, and everyone sees it.

What’s your take on working with an outside-the-industry sponsor such as, say, Hansen’s?

They get letters from people telling them that I’m f___ed up for breaking **** and causing problems. But then there are the other 100,000 people that are stoked with me. The Hansen’s "Energy" logo on my bike really stands out. As long as people pay me, they can put their logo wherever they want. But I’m still going flip people off and smash ****.

What do you think of the word "extreme," as in the Burger King Extreme cheeseburger? I mean, I saw an ad for an Extreme Bible the other day….

[Laughs] It’s super played-out. It’s a word we, the extreme athletes, started. Then the corporations grabbed it, like they always do, and really played it out. It doesn’t matter. We’ll just come up with something else and the corporations will play it out again. Hell, next year the X Games might be called the Y Games. Who knows? Big companies have a good way of taking something cool and ruining it.

What’s your response to all those folks who might say that Brian Deegan and the Mulisha are only in it for the money?

Go ahead and say I’m a sellout. I’ll just be in my five-bedroom house, swimming in my pool, jumping my dirt bike and riding my Harley-Davidson into town. If someone wants to send me email on it, I’ll just ignore it. That’s what the Delete button’s for.

How do you see corporate involvement in freestyle motocross and other action sports changing or evolving in the future?

Who knows how long it will last? The corporate people will stay in it as long as there is money to be made. Then they’ll move onto the next big thing. But action sports will go on forever. People will continue to dump more and more money into it. I think it will all continue to escalate.

There are some people in the motocross industry who are going to reject the idea of riders running stickers from a company that’s not from this industry. Your thoughts?

You mean like Slim Jim? [laughs]. Hey, it’s cool if it brings in outside money. These corporate guys are like, "We want what’s cool!" That’s cool. They don’t know what’s going on. They just have some dork in marketing that wants you to tell him what’s cool. I can go to them and say, "When I got arrested last week, that was cool." Those are the easiest sponsors to deal with, because they don’t know what’s going on. The hardest sponsors to deal with are the ones that have been involved with our sport forever. They know when I do something that’s not cool.

... cut message here to fit in post

what do you guys think?
blah blah blah who the **** cares about deegan vs pastrana anymore pastrna is a way better rider than deegan all around and was way better than him at freestyle this year at X even though nate adams completely stomped both of them (did last year too and got robbed) everybody does this whole comparison both of them are there own person and are both different and i believe pastrana is more real he is who he is and thats not a 909 socal poser not sayin that deegan is a poser but he puts on such a gay act its just pathetic, i like both of them and both of them are extremely talented but its just stupid to do this whole comparison thing when they are 2 entirely different people

08-15-2004, 10:29 AM
i guess "better rider" is all in the eye of the beholder, personally i would be more entertained with deegan doing a figure 8 than i would seeing pastrami doing a TRIPLE backflip, everything pastrami does reeks of fakeness, as in 5,000 times into a foam pit. again, pastrami had everything handed to him and set up, he had to do nothing but ride, deegan got where he is himself, and im not talking about practicing on a dirtbike 18 hours a day on your private track since age 3.

also, i have way more respect for deegan as he doesnt have HIS MOMMY at his side at every event like pastrami does, that is the saddest thing ive ever seen, pastrami is supposed to be a grown man, yet he doesnt seem to be an adult, i assume the reason is because pastrami was a trained monkey since about age 4 to do one thing, and one thing only, ride. therefore he never learned any of lifes real lessons, and never grew up, hes like peter ****ing pan.

Cole Trane
08-15-2004, 02:15 PM
Just so ya know there BlackYFZ, Deegan is punk ***** little rich kid too.

08-15-2004, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by BlackYFZ450LES
i guess "better rider" is all in the eye of the beholder, personally i would be more entertained with deegan doing a figure 8 than i would seeing pastrami doing a TRIPLE backflip, everything pastrami does reeks of fakeness, as in 5,000 times into a foam pit. again, pastrami had everything handed to him and set up, he had to do nothing but ride, deegan got where he is himself, and im not talking about practicing on a dirtbike 18 hours a day on your private track since age 3.

also, i have way more respect for deegan as he doesnt have HIS MOMMY at his side at every event like pastrami does, that is the saddest thing ive ever seen, pastrami is supposed to be a grown man, yet he doesnt seem to be an adult, i assume the reason is because pastrami was a trained monkey since about age 4 to do one thing, and one thing only, ride. therefore he never learned any of lifes real lessons, and never grew up, hes like peter ****ing pan.

yeah deegan has a foam pit and rides it all the time too, but hes just not as good as pastrana, and deegans been riding since he was like 7 or 8, his daddy bought him bikes the same as pastrana,hmm they got brought up the same but deegan never shined like pastrana becuase he lacked the talent pastrana has in his pinky, deegan didnt get stuff handed to him becuase he made an idiot of himself and no one wanted to sponsor him, pastrana was just a good kid who presented him self in a professional way and got support, think about it this way, if deegan didnt have the 360 he couldnt qualify for a ifma contest in joe blow oklahoma, and there is no way he could hold a candle to ricky carmicheal speedwise, but...pastrana can do all that, hes factory backed and doesnt make an idiot out of himself on national tv hes respected by everyone including brian deegan

pastrana is 20 years old, who has learned lifes real lessons at that age? im sure he learned something from paralyzing one of his best freinds, pastrana was born with a talent that was never met to be wasted flipping burgers drving a rusted out honda civic and riding a 300ex and bithcing on the internet how gay a pro motocross rider is, whos making a couple mill a year

if deegan shut his mouth hed be alot cooler than he is....

Cole Trane
08-15-2004, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by SRH
yeah deegan has a foam pit and rides it all the time too, but hes just not as good as pastrana, and deegans been riding since he was like 7 or 8, his daddy bought him bikes the same as pastrana,hmm they got brought up the same but deegan never shined like pastrana becuase he lacked the talent pastrana has in his pinky, deegan didnt get stuff handed to him becuase he made an idiot of himself and no one wanted to sponsor him, pastrana was just a good kid who presented him self in a professional way and got support, think about it this way, if deegan didnt have the 360 he couldnt qualify for a ifma contest in joe blow oklahoma, and there is no way he could hold a candle to ricky carmicheal speedwise, but...pastrana can do all that, hes factory backed and doesnt make an idiot out of himself on national tv hes respected by everyone including brian deegan

pastrana is 20 years old, who has learned lifes real lessons at that age? im sure he learned something from paralyzing one of his best freinds, pastrana was born with a talent that was never met to be wasted flipping burgers drving a rusted out honda civic and riding a 300ex and bithcing on the internet how gay a pro motocross rider is, whos making a couple mill a year

if deegan shut his mouth hed be alot cooler than he is....


perfectly put.

08-15-2004, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by SRH
yeah deegan has a foam pit and rides it all the time too, but hes just not as good as pastrana, and deegans been riding since he was like 7 or 8, his daddy bought him bikes the same as pastrana,hmm they got brought up the same but deegan never shined like pastrana becuase he lacked the talent pastrana has in his pinky, deegan didnt get stuff handed to him becuase he made an idiot of himself and no one wanted to sponsor him, pastrana was just a good kid who presented him self in a professional way and got support, think about it this way, if deegan didnt have the 360 he couldnt qualify for a ifma contest in joe blow oklahoma, and there is no way he could hold a candle to ricky carmicheal speedwise, but...pastrana can do all that, hes factory backed and doesnt make an idiot out of himself on national tv hes respected by everyone including brian deegan

pastrana is 20 years old, who has learned lifes real lessons at that age? im sure he learned something from paralyzing one of his best freinds, pastrana was born with a talent that was never met to be wasted flipping burgers drving a rusted out honda civic and riding a 300ex and bithcing on the internet how gay a pro motocross rider is, whos making a couple mill a year

if deegan shut his mouth hed be alot cooler than he is....

08-16-2004, 03:58 AM
Originally posted by SRH
yeah deegan has a foam pit and rides it all the time too, but hes just not as good as pastrana, and deegans been riding since he was like 7 or 8, his daddy bought him bikes the same as pastrana,hmm they got brought up the same but deegan never shined like pastrana becuase he lacked the talent pastrana has in his pinky, deegan didnt get stuff handed to him becuase he made an idiot of himself and no one wanted to sponsor him, pastrana was just a good kid who presented him self in a professional way and got support, think about it this way, if deegan didnt have the 360 he couldnt qualify for a ifma contest in joe blow oklahoma, and there is no way he could hold a candle to ricky carmicheal speedwise, but...pastrana can do all that, hes factory backed and doesnt make an idiot out of himself on national tv hes respected by everyone including brian deegan

pastrana is 20 years old, who has learned lifes real lessons at that age? im sure he learned something from paralyzing one of his best freinds, pastrana was born with a talent that was never met to be wasted flipping burgers drving a rusted out honda civic and riding a 300ex and bithcing on the internet how gay a pro motocross rider is, whos making a couple mill a year

if deegan shut his mouth hed be alot cooler than he is....

Blah, blah... the difference between the two as follows...
Deegan doesn't care what others think of him (especially 15 yr old kids on forums) and Strami does care what others think. If one presents themself in a certain way in public it most likely means that they're 100% different behind the scenes. If Deegan isn't "professional" then Strami isn't either.

Both Deegan & Strami are great riders. I find it funny how people praise Strami but Deegan sucks? Unnnnnnnnnnnnnn huh, :rolleyes: Maybe Deegan hasn't been stepping it up lately but if YOU had a wife and kid at home where would your priorities be?

... AND, RC would ride circles (excluding FMX of course) around Strami any day of the week.

Why does everyone ride Strami's member? :confused:

08-16-2004, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by Tantal
Blah, blah... the difference between the two as follows...
Deegan doesn't care what others think of him (especially 15 yr old kids on forums) and Strami does care what others think. If one presents themself in a certain way in public it most likely means that they're 100% different behind the scenes. If Deegan isn't "professional" then Strami isn't either.

Both Deegan & Strami are great riders. I find it funny how people praise Strami but Deegan sucks? Unnnnnnnnnnnnnn huh, :rolleyes: Maybe Deegan hasn't been stepping it up lately but if YOU had a wife and kid at home where would your priorities be?

... AND, RC would ride circles (excluding FMX of course) around Strami any day of the week.

Why does everyone ride Strami's member? :confused:

rc woulndt, dont u watch any sx races? pastrana is out ofr like a yr comes back beats rc, they tangle pastrana goes down aggravates a old injury crashes again out for a season, he has the worst luck out there

deegan IS NOT a good fmx rider without the backflip and 360, take that away from him and whats he got, explain to me what makes deegan sucha good rider, and deegans only got the 360 because he practiced it in the foam pit day and night without the name deegan and without the 360 and backflip he would be laughed out of any fmx comp out there

and you got it backwards deegan does care what people think of him, thats why he puts that big act on so everyone thinks hes tought and crazy, u know hes just a normal wussy when hes not around a camera , his lack of professionalism in public is what i was talking about and u can see a big difference between pastrana and deegan

pastrana seems to just do his own thing do what he likes and not care what brian deegan or anyone else thinks of that

as for deegan slowing down becuase of a wife and kid... i dotn think so... the 360 was deegans last effort to make some bvucks and now hes just milking it out til he can find some new trick to master in the foam pit it wont be a combo since he cant do them, it probaly be a attemtped barell roll or something

i dont care for one of those riders more than the other im just stating the facts, these kids who think there a bunch of hardcore mini deegans need to wake up and take a look....

08-16-2004, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by Tantal
Blah, blah... the difference between the two as follows...
Deegan doesn't care what others think of him (especially 15 yr old kids on forums) and Strami does care what others think. If one presents themself in a certain way in public it most likely means that they're 100% different behind the scenes. If Deegan isn't "professional" then Strami isn't either.

Both Deegan & Strami are great riders. I find it funny how people praise Strami but Deegan sucks? Unnnnnnnnnnnnnn huh, :rolleyes: Maybe Deegan hasn't been stepping it up lately but if YOU had a wife and kid at home where would your priorities be?

... AND, RC would ride circles (excluding FMX of course) around Strami any day of the week.

Why does everyone ride Strami's member? :confused:

Your an Idiot! WTF is Strami? Deegan is nothing more than a Punk. I have absolutley no respect for that guy or any of the Metal Mulisha, I don't know about you guy's but Twitch is one ugly MOFO. It looks like he could eat corn on the cob through a picket fence:eek2:

08-16-2004, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by AtvMxRider
Your an Idiot! WTF is Strami? Deegan is nothing more than a Punk. I have absolutley no respect for that guy or any of the Metal Mulisha, I don't know about you guy's but Twitch is one ugly MOFO. It looks like he could eat corn on the cob through a picket fence:eek2:


08-16-2004, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by SRH
rc woulndt, dont u watch any sx races? pastrana is out ofr like a yr comes back beats rc, they tangle pastrana goes down aggravates a old injury crashes again out for a season, he has the worst luck out there

deegan IS NOT a good fmx rider without the backflip and 360, take that away from him and whats he got, explain to me what makes deegan sucha good rider, and deegans only got the 360 because he practiced it in the foam pit day and night without the name deegan and without the 360 and backflip he would be laughed out of any fmx comp out there

and you got it backwards deegan does care what people think of him, thats why he puts that big act on so everyone thinks hes tought and crazy, u know hes just a normal wussy when hes not around a camera , his lack of professionalism in public is what i was talking about and u can see a big difference between pastrana and deegan

pastrana seems to just do his own thing do what he likes and not care what brian deegan or anyone else thinks of that

as for deegan slowing down becuase of a wife and kid... i dotn think so... the 360 was deegans last effort to make some bvucks and now hes just milking it out til he can find some new trick to master in the foam pit it wont be a combo since he cant do them, it probaly be a attemtped barell roll or something

i dont care for one of those riders more than the other im just stating the facts, these kids who think there a bunch of hardcore mini deegans need to wake up and take a look....


Holy****, better slip into my fashionable hip-waders, the BS is getting thick!

"i dont care for one of those riders more than the other im just stating the facts"

Facts? Do you mean your personal opinion?

This one is the funniest out of all your BS...
"deegan IS NOT a good fmx rider without the backflip and 360, take that away from him and whats he got, explain to me what makes deegan sucha good rider, and deegans only got the 360 because he practiced it in the foam pit day and night without the name deegan and without the 360 and backflip he would be laughed out of any fmx comp out there"

Again, Deegan and Strami are both excellent riders. You may not like one of them, but you can't deny that they're great riders. Troll their character, but please don't troll their riding capabilities.

08-16-2004, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by AtvMxRider
Your an Idiot!


It's "you're" not "your".

Vy'ebnulsya i tut zhe poluchil pizdy.

08-16-2004, 05:31 PM
this is hilarious, on the left we got frick and frack buttpounding each other into submission, and on the right we got another rumper pumper claiming the mulisha sucks because

what the hell is that ****?

maybe if the backstreet boys were out there with tight jeans and a pretty boy ***** *** image people would like em more, oh wait there is one, pastrami. i think what we have here is the widdle ones think deegan is scary and some of the has beens have some serious latent homosexuality issues and just love a pretty boy like pastrana.

08-16-2004, 08:29 PM
like i said quit blatting your mouth and explain to me why deegan is such a skilled fmx rider his tricks arent even close to extended and he hasnt done anything new since about 2001 he didnt even belong in the fmx portion of x

and before you bunch of deegan groupies jump me and start crying, i ve been a mulisha fan since 98 so i dont wanna hear pastrana favortism what i said was facts not personal opinions

most fmx riders doing demos at monster truck shows do better more extended tricks than deegan

until you guys start posting rational thoughts im done with this debate

08-16-2004, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by BlackYFZ450LES
this is hilarious, on the left we got frick and frack buttpounding each other into submission, and on the right we got another rumper pumper claiming the mulisha sucks because

what the hell is that ****?

maybe if the backstreet boys were out there with tight jeans and a pretty boy ***** *** image people would like em more, oh wait there is one, pastrami. i think what we have here is the widdle ones think deegan is scary and some of the has beens have some serious latent homosexuality issues and just love a pretty boy like pastrana.

just had to post one last comment

your calling people rumper pumpers and what not because they said the metal mulisha sucks...hmm that makes a ton of sense, you look like an idiot getting so riled up , swearing ,calling people gay,it really shows your level of maturity

no one is scared of brian deegan and stop calling people gay and then admitting you find the backstreet boys and travis pastrana pretty,

now heres the response i expect to get

" you ****in idioti moreon duchisa bag son of a ***** brian deegan would shave your head then kill your pretty *** boy pastrami on rye lolololol hes so gay deegan would kill your cat hes sick, sick sick, west coast choppers, deegan is the man hes not a queer "

sounds so intelligent

Cole Trane
08-16-2004, 10:37 PM
I see that no one other than SRH has posted anything about Deegan being a rich kid too. Did that hurt your feelings BlackYFZ????

Fact is, Deegan will never be as good of a rider at ANY kind of riding as Pastrana, Pastrami, or Pastramalamadingdong. Good luck arguing this out.:eek2: :blah:

08-17-2004, 12:13 AM
so pastrami is a little dork because he Prepares himself for the big picture! Thats real life kids! deegan just talks all the smack because he trys to make himself look tuff, he's like a high schooler with that clique they tried to disguise as a gang. Pastrami takes this **** seriously just like any other job. He's not gay for concentrating on his goals and fitness.

08-17-2004, 12:14 AM
i think they all are good riders cuz they all better than I or any of you probley ever will be:o :)

08-17-2004, 11:35 AM
Originally posted by SRH
like i said quit blatting your mouth and explain to me why deegan is such a skilled fmx rider his tricks arent even close to extended and he hasnt done anything new since about 2001 he didnt even belong in the fmx portion of x

and before you bunch of deegan groupies jump me and start crying, i ve been a mulisha fan since 98 so i dont wanna hear pastrana favortism what i said was facts not personal opinions

most fmx riders doing demos at monster truck shows do better more extended tricks than deegan

until you guys start posting rational thoughts im done with this debate


Who cares about Deegan or the Mulisha, or any of them, it's not who favors who personally, it's about you stating your personal opinion on the subject and playing it off as fact. This is all about getting the facts straight, something that you (obviously) have a hard time doing. Your prior posts are full of your personal opinions/feelings.

Here's an example...

"most fmx riders doing demos at monster truck shows do better more extended tricks than deegan"

That is total BS.

Deegan has had way better runs than Strams, Metz, Adams, etc., and vice versa. It ultimately comes down to who wants it the most, hence X games 02 when Metzger wanted it, trained, and got it in both best trick and freestyle. Any pro FMX rider that puts their mind to it will win, period. This is a game of preparation.

This is funny as well...

"like i said quit blatting your mouth and explain to me why deegan is such a skilled fmx rider his tricks arent even close to extended and he hasnt done anything new since about 2001 he didnt even belong in the fmx portion of x"

That's funny. Deegan has like 9 X games metals, damn he sucks! Let's us talk extension, have you seen some of Travis Strami's runs? Fact is no FMX rider can always be 100% extended/perfect, and none of them are. Strams (the foam pit queen), couldn't even pull a decent 360 at this years X, and some of his landings and tricks were quite sketchy as well. YOU GOTTA LOVE THE DOUBLE STANDARDS! HE CAN SCREW UP (WE IGNORE IT) BUT WHEN HE DOES, WE TROLL!


This is like watching CNN, one sided crap!

Cole Trane
08-17-2004, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by Tantal

Who cares about Deegan or the Mulisha, or any of them, it's not who favors who personally, it's about you stating your personal opinion on the subject and playing it off as fact. This is all about getting the facts straight, something that you (obviously) have a hard time doing. Your prior posts are full of your personal opinions/feelings.

Here's an example...

"most fmx riders doing demos at monster truck shows do better more extended tricks than deegan"

That is total BS.

Deegan has had way better runs than Strams, Metz, Adams, etc., and vice versa. It ultimately comes down to who wants it the most, hence X games 02 when Metzger wanted it, trained, and got it in both best trick and freestyle. Any pro FMX rider that puts their mind to it will win, period. This is a game of preparation.

This is funny as well...

"like i said quit blatting your mouth and explain to me why deegan is such a skilled fmx rider his tricks arent even close to extended and he hasnt done anything new since about 2001 he didnt even belong in the fmx portion of x"

That's funny. Deegan has like 9 X games metals, damn he sucks! Let's us talk extension, have you seen some of Travis Strami's runs? Fact is no FMX rider can always be 100% extended/perfect, and none of them are. Strams (the foam pit queen), couldn't even pull a decent 360 at this years X, and some of his landings and tricks were quite sketchy as well. YOU GOTTA LOVE THE DOUBLE STANDARDS! HE CAN SCREW UP (WE IGNORE IT) BUT WHEN HE DOES, WE TROLL!


This is like watching CNN, one sided crap!

Just wondering if you watched Deegan's "360" this year at the x games. IT SUCKED!!! at least compared to Adam's and Pastrana's. I couldn't do any of their 360's, so I guess I should shut up........:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

08-17-2004, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by 400exrider2002
Just wondering if you watched Deegan's "360" this year at the x games. IT SUCKED!!! at least compared to Adam's and Pastrana's. I couldn't do any of their 360's, so I guess I should shut up........:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

That's exactly what I'm talking about...

Best trick, 1st Strami did it off of a 45fter, 2 his landing was sketchy.

Freestyle, he tried a 360 and crashed.

Yup, I can see where his 360 was better... :yawn:


Next please...

08-17-2004, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by BlackYFZ450LES
this is hilarious, on the left we got frick and frack buttpounding each other into submission, and on the right we got another rumper pumper claiming the mulisha sucks because

what the hell is that ****?

maybe if the backstreet boys were out there with tight jeans and a pretty boy ***** *** image people would like em more, oh wait there is one, pastrami. i think what we have here is the widdle ones think deegan is scary and some of the has beens have some serious latent homosexuality issues and just love a pretty boy like pastrana.

STFU dipchit:rolleyes:

Cole Trane
08-17-2004, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by Tantal
That's exactly what I'm talking about...

Best trick, 1st Strami did it off of a 45fter, 2 his landing was sketchy.

Freestyle, he tried a 360 and crashed.

Yup, I can see where his 360 was better... :yawn:


Next please...

Like I said before: Deegan's 360 was like an off axis backflip. He wasn't flat at all.

08-17-2004, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by 400exrider2002
Like I said before: Deegan's 360 was like an off axis backflip. He wasn't flat at all.

That's funny. He was indeed flat, not as flat as Nate's but that isn't the point. Strams barely landed his and it was on 45ft so you really can't compare his to Nate's or Deegans.

Again, no favortism, just pure facts (unlike SRH's posts).

Let's see how much more we can beat this to death.

08-17-2004, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by Tantal
That's funny. He was indeed flat, not as flat as Nate's but that isn't the point. Strams barely landed his and it was on 45ft so you really can't compare his to Nate's or Deegans.

Again, no favortism, just pure facts (unlike SRH's posts).

Let's see how much more we can beat this to death.

deegan won the majority of those medal when one of the biggest tricks was the cordova, h e hasnt had nothing new since then and his tricks still are not extended, hes never had a better run than metz, pastrana or adams, you have to be smoking crack to think that, you obviously havent been following fmx since 95 like i have or else youd know what was going on

there is no favortism with me, deegan has accomplished alot

deegans 360s this year were reallly weak compared to last years, some of them where just a like a whipped backflip, nate and pastrana hold the bike flat way long and its so smooth, deegans tricks are choppy and quick, how can you not see what everyone else in the world does? deegan is strong as hell and has a foam pit the tricks he has now are a result of his strength and his foam pit

when pastrana and nate pulled there 360s i was like :eek2: and deegans i didnt notice it was a 360 til the replay

what i found funny was deegan did the 360 and hes dancing and stuff like the first time he did it, and it looked weak as hell compared to twitches and ox runs , deegans acting all pumped up like hed win with that again

anyone ever notice when deegan does a trick like a 360 or backflip, he finds something new to try when everyone is doing variations , since he cant a pull a combo or anything

Cole Trane
08-18-2004, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by Tantal
That's funny. He was indeed flat, not as flat as Nate's but that isn't the point. Strams barely landed his and it was on 45ft so you really can't compare his to Nate's or Deegans.

Again, no favortism, just pure facts (unlike SRH's posts).

Let's see how much more we can beat this to death.

Your in denial man, I'm done talking to you. :macho

08-18-2004, 07:31 PM
FIRST OFF, this was supposed to be a thread about opinions on the two riders attitudes, not "who is better"

but now that frick and frack who both said they were done posting the subject have made it into a pissing contest,
it appears some kids need the phrase "the eye of the beholder" explained. it means opinions are like *******s, everyones got one.

in particular:

SRH, read my posts again, i said I WOULD rather see deegan do a figure 8 than pastrami pull the biggest trick in the world, cause thats my opinion,
deal with it

at least i dont follow what PC judges on ESPN think. or pretend like i am one of them and my OPINIONS are facts like THE Admiral jackass

SRH you need to learn the difference between "fact" and "opinion"
among other things...

SRH, again read my post, i called someone a rumper pumper not because they said the MM sucks but because they are *****ing about one of the members looks

SRH the dyslexic: LEARN HOW TO READ BEFORE YOU RUN YOUR MOUTH AND MISQUOTE ME,it will save a lot of time and keep you from looking so lazy/moronic, and PS you mocking my spelling/typing skills is really funny, as your posts look like god damn ape wrote them while half drunk.

Cole Trane
08-18-2004, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by BlackYFZ450LES
FIRST OFF, this was supposed to be a thread about opinions on the two riders attitudes, not "who is better"

but now that frick and frack who both said they were done posting the subject have made it into a pissing contest,
it appears some kids need the phrase "the eye of the beholder" explained. it means opinions are like *******s, everyones got one.

in particular:

SRH, read my posts again, i said I WOULD rather see deegan do a figure 8 than pastrami pull the biggest trick in the world, cause thats my opinion,
deal with it

at least i dont follow what PC judges on ESPN think. or pretend like i am one of them and my OPINIONS are facts like THE Admiral jackass

SRH you need to learn the difference between "fact" and "opinion"
among other things...

SRH, again read my post, i called someone a rumper pumper not because they said the MM sucks but because they are *****ing about one of the members looks

SRH the dyslexic: LEARN HOW TO READ BEFORE YOU RUN YOUR MOUTH AND MISQUOTE ME,it will save a lot of time and keep you from looking so lazy/moronic, and PS you mocking my spelling/typing skills is really funny, as your posts look like god damn ape wrote them while half drunk.

If your talking about me in any of those comments, you can shove it up your @$$. You asked for opinions and that's what we gave you. If we didn't explain why we felt the way we did, you'd probably whine about that too. So why don't you just drop it.

08-18-2004, 11:00 PM
deegan dick huggers:macho

08-19-2004, 12:54 AM
I dont like deegan. Hes a poser. Hes all i do what i want. But really its all talk. And his 360's are an embarresment . i cant even pretentd to do a 360 but hes just doing a crooked backflip. Pastranas 2 360's he messed up on were the best ive ever seen. They were flat he dint land em but they were flat. Id rather hang out with caruthers (sp) that varial was sick,

08-20-2004, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by z-4debt
I dont like deegan. Hes a poser. Hes all i do what i want. But really its all talk. And his 360's are an embarresment . i cant even pretentd to do a 360 but hes just doing a crooked backflip. Pastranas 2 360's he messed up on were the best ive ever seen. They were flat he dint land em but they were flat. Id rather hang out with caruthers (sp) that varial was sick,

yah but when they talked to him he sounds like a queer:eek:
id rather hangout with some less know fmxers like kenny bartram, matt buyten, or andy jones now there some cool cats:cool:
yah i admit deegans 360's this year sucked ***** but who was the first to have the balls to throw it down in competition oh yah deegan:eek2: and they probaly sucked this year cause he just wrecked doing them off a 90 footer in the winter xgames and still has all the metal in his leg and wrist;)

08-21-2004, 11:50 PM
Originally posted by quadryda
i dont have the kasea anymore i had it for like 5 months now my blasters pretty modded and curently geting modded for MX and 250exs suck
did u hear what u jsut said take a moment and read that again modded and blaster...truthfully it makes me sick hearing those two words in the same sentence ...ewww

08-21-2004, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by K_Banger125
yah but when they talked to him he sounds like a queer:eek:
id rather hangout with some less know fmxers like kenny bartram, matt buyten, or andy jones now there some cool cats:cool:
yah i admit deegans 360's this year sucked ***** but who was the first to have the balls to throw it down in competition oh yah deegan:eek2: and they probaly sucked this year cause he just wrecked doing them off a 90 footer in the winter xgames and still has all the metal in his leg and wrist;)
i agree with them deegan is cool but all this talk he is sayin is jsut soo everyone will like him and soo he doesnt get washed up...i cant stand pastranan he is queer...but metz is great he is always real he doesnt try to be tuff or anyhting liek that hes the godfather what else can i say

08-23-2004, 04:07 PM
I must be realy bored, cause I just read this hole forum.

Cole Trane
08-23-2004, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by rodenberg35
I must be realy bored, cause I just read this hole forum.

Sorry you had to go through that. :( :(

08-24-2004, 10:05 AM
you mustve been bored...i did read a lot of it though skipped most of the bigger posts though lol

this is all everyones different opinions...

i never liked pastrana...ive always liked the mulisha...if anyone has a problem with this then just deal with it ( i dont meen to be mean or anything but thats how i feel)

IMO nate adams is a wayyyyyyyy better rider than either deegan or pastrana

the double backflip was all hyped up and "oh pastranas gonna do it" but he woosed out...if you practice it that much than why dont you go for it?

08-24-2004, 11:15 AM
Pastrana didnt wuss out, he was injured from the day before. :rolleyes:

08-24-2004, 11:02 PM
Pastranas a bad *** pimp, hes just intelligent and sells out to his sponsors.....can you blame him??????

08-25-2004, 09:05 PM
How can you guys talk about people and critisize them about things that they did or did wrong when you cant even come close to anything they can do. I agree that Deegans attidude is alittle crazy but thats the whole metal mulisha "thing" and thats what makes it entertaining. Whoever called pastrana a Pu**y has some real problems. I want to see you go out there with millions of people watching you and do a 360. They are both very different and you dont have to read an interview to tell that. These guys are paid to entertain... and thats all I have to say :cool:

Fool Injected
08-26-2004, 01:41 PM
Im not going to get into this whole deal about who is better but I do like Pastrana more and to the guy that called him a ***** :huh The kid broke more bones then evil knievel befor he was out of highschool, 27 I believe, and has since done so much more to himself its rediculous. So how can a guy be a ***** if after all that he gets back up and is just as wild as he was befor if not more??

Anyways I always the metal mulisha thing was funny and dumb because none of them are half as bad *** as they think they are. I mean how can you be a badass is you do stuff like this

08-28-2004, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by Fool Injected
Im not going to get into this whole deal about who is better but I do like Pastrana more and to the guy that called him a ***** :huh The kid broke more bones then evil knievel befor he was out of highschool, 27 I believe, and has since done so much more to himself its rediculous. So how can a guy be a ***** if after all that he gets back up and is just as wild as he was befor if not more??

Anyways I always the metal mulisha thing was funny and dumb because none of them are half as bad *** as they think they are. I mean how can you be a badass is you do stuff like this

ahhh it depends on your definition of bad ***

there just a bunch of guys who arent wussies and like to have fun....

01-31-2006, 02:44 AM
I haven't read the entire thread, but I think I've got the "skinny" of it... so here is my honest opinion.

Brian Deegan: If you are so punk, crazy, and just don't care what people think... then why are you constantly telling people so? If you don't care, then why are you trying to convince me? Sounds like you need to convince yourself and not other people...

Travis Pastrana: He doesn't seem to be into the whole partying thing quite like Deegan. He also seems like a bit of a dork. You know what? I love it. Who says that riders have to be mean don't-care-what-you-think ***holes? What's wrong with being a nice guy who also happens to be one of the greatest riders ever? I think that the way he rides is cool, real, and original because he pushes the limits in so many ways. He does crazy stuff, not just on dirt bikes, but on everything and everywhere. He races rally cars, sky dives, base jumps, races MX, races SX, does FMX, trashes vehicles constantly, races in Austria at the yearly alps race, etc... I don't understand how anyone could think he was boring. He does the craziest stuff, is amazing at everything he does, and still acts like a well-mannered and polite guy. Does that make him a wuss? Sure... if you are the kind of person who thinks that drugs, alcohol, and partying all the time make you cool. I'm personally glad that he is in the sport and that he can be entertaining without being a ****. I think that the way he composes himself (professionally) is a great thing and that people should get this idea out of their head that riding is only for rebellious punks.

I am obviously a fan of Pastrana. I believe that he has done quite a lot for the sport of FMX and that he is the kind of person who I would want to represent quads if I had the choice.

01-31-2006, 05:33 PM
i would rather hang out with twitch than pastrana or deegan

02-03-2006, 08:02 PM
ppl wonder why i ride quads..

02-04-2006, 01:55 AM
Pastrana is a kagillionaire, Deegans a pretend badass that is way too impressed with how hardcore he is, Pastrana owns everyone on this site with talent and speed, Pastrana is a multi time MX/SX champion, is constantly progressing the sport, is smart, can form a sentance without saying ain't, and doesn't act like a dumbass. He's a sucessfull, extreamly talented, nice guy. Deegans an annoying d-bag. The end.

Hammer trx450r
02-04-2006, 05:30 AM
Originally posted by Flynbryan19
I think(and have ever since I first talked to him in 96') that Degan is an arrogant cocky Ahole that lacked the same talent as his competition, and when he couldn't make it in mx got into Fmx. And as far as I'm concerned much hasn't changed. He still seems cocky, arrogant, and now he publicly acts like a immature punk kid.

Pastrana on the other hand is a proffesional, and acts like it on and off the track. He is a real class act, and doesn't have to act like hes hot chit. His ACTIONS and TALENT speak for themselves. For that matter, how many of the other freestyle guys do you see going around acting like an *** like Deegan does? And when it comes to real racing Pastrana is 10x the rider Deegan will ever be.

People think Pastrana is a puss? No hes just real, and doesn't have to put on an act just so people will think hes "cool". I for one am a Pastrana fan. I just think hes too accident prone. Ashame really. I think he could be VERY successful if he could ever go a season w/o being injured.

I couldn't say it better myself

02-04-2006, 12:40 PM
think about it like this.. if u see deegan and pastrana in the same event and try to talk to them.. deegan wouldnt talk to you, because of the way he acts, besides pastrana would do it. ive been there guys, pastrana is a really down to earth guy and he is like everybody else.

u could see him walkin around with some boardshorts on and a shirt, while deegan is wearin som white chocolate outfit... ive never met deegan but he sure seems to be quite an *****.

just let this guys live. like.. why do u care anyways? its just the fact that they ride and bring a lot of media in to the sport or whatever.

02-13-2006, 04:33 PM
i say we get them both to fight and whoever wins in cooler.....lol....but seriously

IMO deagan is a punk and is fake and not half as hard as he thinks he is BUT still has talent tho you cannot take that away from the kid hes good a what he does period.

then on the other hand pastrana is deff. the better all around rider and a better person hes not a punk but hes deff. not a ***** neither i bet not even one of you guys saying hes a puss will ever go for the stuff this kid does he makes the sport wat it is i mean he even backfliped a quad into the foam pit alomost perfectly first try and for all you kids that are gonna say "wow its a foam pit i would be flipping all the tme if i had one" bs its still dangous on either foam or dirt and still very hard to do on either surface so all you can take in the truth ...... or just cry and take pain killers like deagan and talk about how bad a s s you are ill let you deside

03-02-2006, 01:00 AM
pastrana is deff. way better then degan, degan is a lame *** fake. and who ever called pastrana a puss your extremely ignorant because the kid broke his back lol and he still feels the need to push the sport further and further intill he cant ride anymore. and did any of you see travis do the double backflip on dcschoes.com ??? or watch nitro circus 3. hes insane with a dirtbike and it is a shame that he cant stay healthy long enough to compete in mx or sx. i garuntee that you see travis pull the double back flip at the xgames this year. metal mulisha is all bull**** anyways, talk about hating sponsers when degan rides a 50,000$$ westcoast choppers bike, has nothing to do with fmx.

Like someone else said this is why im on a quad. you dont have this ignorant bull**** and everyones cool with each other.

03-02-2006, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by tony_jackass
think about it like this.. if u see deegan and pastrana in the same event and try to talk to them.. deegan wouldnt talk to you, because of the way he acts, besides pastrana would do it. ive been there guys, pastrana is a really down to earth guy and he is like everybody else.

u could see him walkin around with some boardshorts on and a shirt, while deegan is wearin som white chocolate outfit... ive never met deegan but he sure seems to be quite an *****.

just let this guys live. like.. why do u care anyways? its just the fact that they ride and bring a lot of media in to the sport or whatever.

deegan is actually a pretty down to earth guy if you talk to him anywhere else but events. I used to live down the street from him when i lived in temecula. we even ran into him at 79 south motorsports and him and my dad were talkin about how they closed down McGrath's place. he seemed cool to me.

Hammer trx450r
08-05-2006, 06:12 AM
Originally posted by Tantal
That's funny. He was indeed flat, not as flat as Nate's but that isn't the point. Strams barely landed his and it was on 45ft so you really can't compare his to Nate's or Deegans.

Again, no favortism, just pure facts (unlike SRH's posts).

Let's see how much more we can beat this to death.

I think travis shut everyone up last night

MX MaNiAc 06
08-05-2006, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by fmfracing5
i garuntee that you see travis pull the double back flip at the xgames this year.

Good call :D

08-06-2006, 01:15 PM
Travis has laid it down, for sure now ... Deegan has big cojones but will never land a double back flip

I'm guessing Nate Adams will probably be the first dude to come back with a variation on that double flip .. :D

08-07-2006, 12:05 AM
well i think pastrana showed whats up at X this year. showed deagan's 360's are still just little whip flips and bilko showed whats up with the HUGE cliffhanger backflip.

now when it comes to who i would rather hang out with.... TRAVIS becuase i already have, he's really down to earth and i didn't have to go sheepishly walking up to him and ask for an autograph like most people would i was standing around with my friends at the rally's waiting to take off for assigned post and he came over and jumped in on the conversation with us. after about a minute you forget the fact that travis is really a big deal.

i can also say that i have hung out with Mad Mike Jones and he told me that deegs is a punk. he told me that he's had deegs try and start $h!t with him multiple times in front of the other guys from the mulisha and 3 times he has called out deagan in front of the rest of the mulisha and all 3 times he backed down and later came to him and appologized each time.

idk... deagan maight be an awesome guy but until i get a chance to hang out with him i cant tell you. i will say the guys i have hung out with so far have all been pretty cool down to earth guys and i've hung out with quite a few pros. (all of the guys from Akraix for an entire weekend, great guys cant wait to do it again, the ones who were at haydays last year all recognized me and new me by name without having to ask. Mad Mike that same weekend, had a great time with him at the bar even though i didn't drink(i was his DD), Travis Pastrana at the Rally America races up here in my hometown, never met a more down to earth guy, Lee Stuart, '05 FSX world champion, at a local dirtbike race, awesome guy then ran into him again at haydays 3 months later, he recognized me before i recognised him. and Adam Jones, who i met the same weekend as i met Mad mike down at the guetters, great guy really down to earth cant wait to hang out with him again.)

08-07-2006, 06:35 PM
how can you say pastrana is a *****, he has made freestyle what it is today. he revolutionized the backflip. he was world freestyle champion at the age of 14. deegan is a punkass beotch. he is trying to reclaim his bad boy image (haha). pastrana is what motorcross and freestyle is all about. he isnt in it for the money( although i'm sure he enjoys it). Deegan is a greedy cocky ******* and dont deserve what he has. Pastrana is a dork, but lets see deegan do a double backflip in competition, it will probably never happen. You say you would hang out with deeagn, he wouldnt give you the time of day

08-07-2006, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by Hammer trx450r
I think travis shut everyone up last night

And he did it without the smack talk that the others require.

08-07-2006, 10:27 PM
alright seriously the only thing about travis is that he might be a little bit of a mommies boy - but whats wrong with that - If you can pull some body off the face of this earth that does all mx/sx/xc/rally and freestyle and be a champ in each category who will it be. I dont think anyone besides travis. i respect him greatly and he has been almost an idol to kids. He's moved people from all around the world. And who else lets you ride on there 5 million dollar conjuction for free. i honestly think, no. I know that there should be no argue or disagreement in this thread. travis is the man i mean some people cant even double back flip on bmx yet and he does it on a 250lb screaming machine . give me a break the kid is the second version of evil kenivel.

Case Closed

08-08-2006, 12:16 AM
who gave you the right to close ths case! haha.. jk jk

bottom line.. pastrana is a better person and a better rider.

08-08-2006, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by Rip_Tear
Going by those 2 interviews, I don't see how you can ask a question like that even. Both were asked different questions, so we saw a different side of each...
