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View Full Version : check out my hardcore band

Greg Z
08-09-2004, 11:39 PM
hey well check out my hardcore band please dont ask me what type of music we play because its happend in the pass and its been in the title and thread

we play hardcore


where are ya droppin?

if you need lyrics to understand me which most of you mostlikely will go to www.whatwouldyoudiefor.tk then go to lyrics and they will be there :)

i need some critasism!

if u wanna use us for ur quad videos ur more then welcome to but pleaseee tell people its by us

our name is what would you die for..
i am the singer... if you dont like the screaming im sorry but like i said we are a hardcore rock / metalcore group

08-10-2004, 02:02 AM
i honestly think its pretty good
at least the 1st song is, i havn't checked out the others so far.
i'd change the name tho of the band personally tho.

no bs

08-10-2004, 05:55 AM
Sounds cool.

You guys need to do some Cheech & Chong re-makes.


1. momma took it to ya... naa naa naaa.... na na
2. Beaners
3. Me and my ole lady... we went we went to 711 to buy some beef jerky

08-10-2004, 06:30 AM
I have heard about 20-30 different hardcore bands over the last year, some big names, many up and comers.
My son likes going to the shows and I drop by early to pick him up and chill off to the side and listen. What can I say, I love live music and have heard prob 200 bands over the years. I will admit hardcore is not my style, but I do respect it as a style of music. By the way, Im 41 years old as of febuary! HAHA, Life is good!

It sounds like something is not meshing in your band. To be fair, how long have you guys been playing together? I'm gonna get my son to listen to your band and see what he thinks, he has a real knack for listening to a band and being able to give it a fair opinion. I'll let ya know what he says.

08-10-2004, 06:56 AM
lead singer needs cough drops IMO :)

music is pretty cool though.

08-10-2004, 07:00 AM
you rock, SGA!:devil:

(your supposed to be listening to country music only at age 41, :rolleyes: :p )

08-10-2004, 09:04 AM
Originally posted by batgeek
lead singer needs cough drops IMO :)

music is pretty cool though.

took teh words right outta my mouth, but stil better then i could ever do:)

08-10-2004, 10:11 AM
Hey man the band rocks, your drummer is slammin!!!, and the Guitar riffs are sweet also, I feel that it could be worth your time to find somone who can really yell into the mic without his voice crackin!, just my opnion, But u guys are soundin pretty good! (cold love rocks)

08-10-2004, 10:31 AM
Hate to say it - but I think the weakest link is you. The music sounds pretty solid. You can sing O.K. - but you just don't have a good voice for the hard stuff., Sorry, but you asked for opinions...

08-10-2004, 07:36 PM
First off, I'd suggest you change your band name. It's rather typical with the genre of music you're trying to be a part of.. and it's starting to get old. Second off, the music isn't so bad. I think you could do a better job coming up with something musically to make you sound a tad bit more original. You sound like A Day Without Blood thrown with a little Arch Enemy. It's quite predictable. Personally, I think your screaming isn't all too shabby. Give it some practice.

Add some breakdowns! Breakdowns keep the kids dancing.

08-10-2004, 07:44 PM
Bad *** man

08-10-2004, 07:55 PM
Could use some breakdowns. Sounds great though. Just keep practicing and be origional.

08-10-2004, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by Atreyu
Could use some breakdowns. Sounds great though. Just keep practicing and be origional.

...stellar job completely restating what I just said.

08-10-2004, 08:29 PM
I understand if you are doing this for fun and do not expect anything big out if then it is cool. Cause music nomatter what it sounds like is good as long as you are having fun.


if you are planning on trying to make it big time I suggest trying to be a little more creative. I can only listen to the whinny voices and the heavy guitars too much...and I love old underoath and Atreyu. HxC music is pretty much dead or will be dead soon because a zillion bands keep coming and never try anything different. Why not try some different chords? Maybe a different type of vocals...something to make you sound original.


08-10-2004, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by DillonTMNT
HxC music is pretty much dead or will be dead soon

What are you talking about? Hardcore music is alive more so now than it has ever been. The music and the scene is only getting stronger and more elaborate as new bands hit the floor. You seem quite ignorant.

08-10-2004, 08:45 PM
Once music stops being innovative it is dead to me and anyone who knows music. I have been listening to hardcore music for many many many many years. I know what I am talking about.


PS: calling someone ignorant isnt a very nice thing to do. I think direct name calling is a rule on these forums.

08-10-2004, 08:50 PM
The vocalist is sounding way too deep for the instumental....:o

Either go punk or go deep heavy....

It's not working the way you guys have it.......

08-10-2004, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by DillonTMNT
Once music stops being innovative it is dead to me and anyone who knows music. I have been listening to hardcore music for many many many many years. I know what I am talking about.

And what bands are you basing those opinons around?

Originally posted by DillonTMNT
PS: calling someone ignorant isnt a very nice thing to do. I think direct name calling is a rule on these forums.

I said;

Originally posted by Spoon
You seem quite ignorant.

How is that calling you a name? The word ignorant is an adjective.. you can't classify someone as an adjective! Being ignorant is lacking education or knowledge.. in this case it's lacking knowledge towards the hardcore scene. I'm skeptical of you.

08-10-2004, 08:57 PM

just because you go to "shows" at a coffee shop and see "bands" that all sound like clones doesnt mean you know hardcore music. I base my opinion around this guys band and every other band I have ever seen posted on forums and classified as hardcore.

I am lacking knowledge toward the hardcore scene? haha...There is no point in be argueing over this.


08-10-2004, 09:02 PM
Originally posted by DillonTMNT
just because you go to "shows" at a coffee shop and see "bands" that all sound like clones doesnt mean you know hardcore music. I base my opinion around this guys band and every other band I have ever seen posted on forums and classified as hardcore.

Wow. You really are as ignorant as I once assumed. Not only have I never been to a show at a coffee shop, but the numberous bands I've seen aren't anywhere near clones. I've seen more of a variety than you can imagine. And you're telling me I don't know hardcore music.. you think you do? You have yet to tell me what you're into musically.

08-10-2004, 09:22 PM
I am not into the type of hardcore you prolly listen to. I like DC hardcore if you really would like to know. Minor Threat, Void, State Of Alert. I also like some of the crazier type..Dystopia, Spazz
Then I like some of the new hardcore (emocore?) senses fail, atreyu,underoath. I also enjoy hatebreed...badbrains...aus rotten

there is no point in argueing over this anymore. Music is music...enjoy it.


08-10-2004, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by DillonTMNT
I am not into the type of hardcore you prolly listen to. I like DC hardcore if you really would like to know. Minor Threat, Void, State Of Alert. I also like some of the crazier type..Dystopia, Spazz
Then I like some of the new hardcore (emocore?) senses fail, atreyu,underoath. I also enjoy hatebreed...badbrains...aus rotten

True that. Minor Threat is amazing. The whole Straight Edge movement they sparked is phenomenol. I am edge and I respect it completely. I don't know if I'd call much of the other bands you mentioned hardcore, but I'm not one for labels. Older Underoath has it's brighter side.. I saw them play over at Warped and their set had a bit of the old and the new. I am also a big fan of Hatebreed and Bad Brains as well. I'm not one for the rest of what you named.

I'll recommend you some bands if you'd like.

08-10-2004, 09:30 PM
go for it. i am always up for some new good music. I also saw Underoath last summer. I was actually at Dallas's (old singer) last show in Dallas. It was kinda wierd cause he left like the next day. they are not the same without him.


Fender Bender
08-10-2004, 09:31 PM
my daddy can beat up your daddy

08-10-2004, 09:32 PM
/\---its true. i have it all on video tape.


08-10-2004, 09:34 PM
oh ya...abotu straight edge. While I am not straight edge (I smoke weed and cigarettes) I believe whole heartily that that whole DC straight edge music thing made me not do what most of my friends did and completely go down the ****ter. It is really inspirational music. Minor Threat in perticular


08-10-2004, 09:42 PM
the band sounds good all in all, like the beat and stuff, just wish i could understand what the singer is saying? couldnt understand anything, maybe its just the type of music i dunno:(

08-10-2004, 09:44 PM
Its really kinda hard to understand most hardcore bands vocals...haha


08-11-2004, 11:29 AM
you have a fast song then you have a slow song. :confused:
The fast sounds better then the slow song. It may sound alot better on a disc then live. my 2 cents

08-11-2004, 03:08 PM
on the topic of hardcore and underoath, id have to say their new singer is insanly good. i saw them saturday and they really impressed me. they are so good and i like their whole message. greg i think you should try to make you scream alittle higher and not so much of a growl and it will be sounding real good