View Full Version : rezzie vs non rezzie

08-08-2004, 06:58 PM
whats the difference.... and can you actually notice it when you ride.

and if i decide to go w/ non rezervior shocks.. can i add them later to any pair of elka triple rate shocks??


Tommy 17
08-08-2004, 07:05 PM
#1 u have compression adjustable with the rezzy

#2 rezzy runs cooler so the shocks will performe better longer...

#3 rezzy runs cooler so the shocks will last longer b4 they need a rebuild...

i say its worth it to get the rezzy thats why i have them;)

08-08-2004, 08:33 PM
if your a recreational trail ider the non rezzies will be fine untill you get real serious about riding & you get more money later....if you have the money & ride hard then get the rezzies

08-09-2004, 12:07 AM
yes but ive heard you can add razzies to certain shocks.. does this go for all elka models or just certain ones?

if this is the case then thats what im leaning towards doing, maybe after a couple months.

any ballpark ranges for a price of doing this?

08-09-2004, 12:59 AM
yes you can add rezzies to the elka triple rates. i just purchased a new set of elkas w/o rezzies. i originally bought some used ones, but they weren't set up right for me. if you are interested, pm me. anyhow, this isn't a sales pitch. my personal opinion is that if you haven't noticed any fade in your stock shocks, you aren't going to notice any with any other shock that doesn't have rezzies. i went without rezzies because i couldn't afford ones with them(well, i could have if i bought works, but i wanted elkas). if you do want to add rezzies later on, you can. elka gives you the option of adding rezzies that are compression adjustable and ones that aren't. i think i saw in another thread that it would cost around $460 to add rezzies w/ comp adjustments. don't quote me on it, but thats what i think i rememeber. you figure that they probably do a service and can revalve them while they are at it, that really isn't much extra. i just got a quote to revalve my used ones, and it was $300 for the pair!!! so, when you are ready to put rezzies on, make sure they are ready for a service and do it all at once. anyhow, i am rambling on and on again. hope this info helps!!!

08-09-2004, 01:43 AM
thanks. lots of info and just what i was looking for.

Tommy 17
08-09-2004, 07:43 AM
u can add rezzys later but it'll be alot more then if u'd add them now...

also remember u can only add remote not piggyback;)