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View Full Version : rear brake problem

08-02-2004, 03:32 PM
well as the title says, i have a problem with my rear brake. the set up is stock besides a stainless line. for some reason my pedel was like really high so i adjusted it down wit the adjustment bolts on the pedal. after i adjusted it you had to push it really far for the brakes to engage so i just put it back how it was. at the races i noticed it was dragging alot and you had to press the pedal really far for it to stop. it doesnt need to be bleed because it was perfect and i tried bleeding it but the problem was the same. its like the part that the oil pushes is stuck or something because when u move the lever the first couple inches it doesnt do any thing and theirs no pressure at all and then once u push it to a point they just lock up how they used to but it just has all this open free play. could my master cylinder be bad? or is the caliper shot? help me out please so im ready for my next race. its kind of hard to explain whats going on with it.

08-02-2004, 04:39 PM
I am not exactly sure what your problem is, but you could try rebuilding the brake and see whats going on inside it.

08-03-2004, 01:51 PM
yea me too i know so much bout these things and i can fix any thing on them but i cant figure out what this problem could be, should i rebild the master cylinder or the caliper you think?

08-03-2004, 07:02 PM
well, I would do one, and just see what happens, if you want do both it can't hurt.

08-05-2004, 10:30 AM
I agree with Rip_Tear, try the process of elimination...rebuild one and see if it solves the problem, if it doesn't, rebuild the other one. Also, that way you know you shouldn't be having any problems in the near future because everything is rebuilt.

Also make sure to grease up where the foot petal inserts into the frame.