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View Full Version : DMC vs. SPARX vs. HMF

08-01-2004, 08:21 PM
Wat is a better pipe dmc alien vs. hmf vs. sparx? These are the three pipes i have narrowed it down to. I have heard great things about all three pipes i thought i would get an hmf but the more i read sparx and then i saw some compliments about dmc so i dont no please help me and who has the best price

08-01-2004, 08:26 PM
I feel you would be very happy with any of the 3, but if noise is not a real issue, I would go with the sparks. It has been proven over the last few years to be one of the best pipes on the market and I know I don't have any complaints with mine!

08-01-2004, 08:47 PM
there has been numerous tests and i have read some of them but none include the dmc just wb sparx or hmf..and does anyone have a dyno run for any of these

08-01-2004, 09:13 PM
after having my dmc for a year.. its a good power pipe, probably one of the best for producing good power.. BUT, the damn thing is a pos! the mounts break off that hold the silencer on the mid pipe, the clamp that holds the head pipe on the mid pipe will seize and lock it all together and stuf. not a very well built pipe IMO.. if i were to do it all over again, i'd get a Yoshimura full system for it.

08-01-2004, 09:37 PM
Had my HMF for about a year now it is still awsome, not one thing wrong with it

08-01-2004, 11:18 PM
The Sparks is supposed to put out the most HP at the right RPMs out of those 3...

08-02-2004, 02:49 AM
I only have experience with the sparks and dmc.

Power wise I would give the nod to the sparks.

Quality wise it would be dmc its a better built product. My first sparks pipe lower mount was cracked when i bought it used, And I bought a brand new one io june and the mount was broke 3 weeks later. I think it will hold up ok since I got it welded and gusseted up. I had my dmc for 2 years with no problems