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View Full Version : Shifter

Honda Guy
04-03-2002, 02:18 PM
I want a +1in shifter for the 400EX but I dont really want to pay $70 stock felt great but with my neaf bars my feet arnt abole to go down as soon(its like having a shorter shifter) I was wondering if theres another shifter that would fit on a 400EX and work RIGHT, like a 250R ANY CR or XR or anything that will fit and be 1in longer even if its now longer can someone tell me if it will fit anyways. I was thinking of welding one but I just want to no if theres a easy way.

04-03-2002, 02:32 PM
Well here's what i think you should do..I don't know what your nerf nets are like ,,but there not supposed to be tighter than dicks hatband,,mine hang down about 2 inches,,so I can reach my shifter lever,,,I also had to move the shifter up one spline i guess you could say after adding the nerfs. I couldn't hardly reach it with the nerfs so I pulled if off,,turned it up one spline and put it back on,,now its perfect and didn't cost a thing..

Honda Guy
04-03-2002, 03:24 PM
its not the nets they hang down far engough I have AC standard nerft so thers a about a 1/2 in spacer between the where the nerf mounts to the foot pet and plus the nerf it self so its about 1in forward. If i put it up it feels to high and hard to down shift when you ridding hard.

04-03-2002, 04:10 PM
I have the same setup as you, and trust rico, I did that too, and it worked perfect. I have a-star vecors, and they are a pretty thick boot and I can get under it fine. It is like having power shifting, you dont even have to think about it. I rode a 250r with the shifter in the stock position, and I couldnt shift it! (well, I did, but it took me a while!)