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07-31-2004, 10:37 PM
Well guys, tonight had to be one of the most depressing nights...This morning another fellow classmate was killed in a car accident. That's our 7th or 8th in the past 3 years...

One was a friend of mine and the other one (who died) I had talked to several times and she went to my church, definately someone who shouldn't have died.

The girl driving was Sheena Biebou (sp) (she's in my grade, going to be a Junior) and the girl who died was a going-to-be Sophomore named Sammy Bierbouer (sp).

I guess what happened was they somehow hit the gravel on the shoulder and lost control (probably speeding and overcorrected) then flipped the car. Sammy wasn't wearing her seatbelt...I don't know if she was ejected from the car, car rolled on top of her, etc...all I know is that she didn't make it. Sheena is doing just fine, but the weird thing is that it was exactly this day 2 years ago that we lost 3 girls in a car accident during the Polk County Fair (this weekend). And I knew all 3 of those girls...

I went to the fair tonight for some reason, but I kinda wish I hadn't because I saw all of Sammy's friends...groups of them just walking around, most of them crying...talking...it was just horrible, one of the most depressing things ever. I just can't believe she wasn't wearing her seatbelt...you would think the students of our High School would learn after 6 or 7 deaths in the past 3 years to wear your seat belt....

I just don't think our school can go through this again, it's so draining on everyone.

I don't feel like typing more on the situation...just too damn depressing, I can't think straight...

I guess I can be glad that buckling up is a natural thing for me, if I don't wear a seatbelt I feel naked...glad I never learned it the hard way...

07-31-2004, 10:43 PM
So far just in this summer, I of my good friends fathers shot himself, I used to go over there alot and it was realy shocking, never thought he was suicidal.

Then a girl in my town got hit by a bunch of mexicans(without liscense) in a landscaping truck while riding a bike and she died.

Then a good friend of mines sister was hit by a car while crossing a road after work and she was taken off of life support because she was not doing well at all...

these things realy suck, even if u dont realy know the person other people who do will drain out all who surround them...

07-31-2004, 10:46 PM
Originally posted by Ralph
these things realy suck, even if u dont realy know the person other people who do will drain out all who surround them...

I know...I've known more than half of the students killed in car accidents in the past few years...

Sammy went to my church and I went on a canoe trip with our Youth League a few years back, she was very friendly and a great girl.

07-31-2004, 11:22 PM
yea thats sad...this one girl at my school died in the back of a car wearing her seatbelt and everything....she was goin to her track meet cuz she didnt know it was cancelled and hit a patch of ice and spun out. she was home coming queen too

07-31-2004, 11:36 PM
Im sorry to read about all of this:( .
I dunno, It just seems as you get older, you kinda realize these things just happen in life, and we dont have much of a choice who lives and dies. Nowadays I leave the worrying about living and dying in gods hands. He put us here and he takes us when hes ready.

07-31-2004, 11:51 PM
hey man i kno how u feel a couple of my friends just died in a car accident the other day...i always would talk to them cuzz their locker was right next to my geography classs and im always getting kicked out( i set a school record of gettin kicked out in 30 seconds:p ) but when ever i was kicked out i would always talk to them and stuff...now there dead:|

08-01-2004, 07:04 AM
a couple years ago 5 high school girls were in a car that was hit by a semi, i can't remember who failed to stop for the stop sign, i think it was the truck. i don't really know the details but i think 3 died, ones doing fine, one can hardly walk. she walks with a walker and someone there with her. she also has a motorized wheel chair.

that same year or the next year 3 more highschool girls died in a house fire. rumor has it it was arson(sp?).

08-01-2004, 08:02 AM
we lost 11 students in 1 year and atleast 7 a year the entire time i was in high school. out of all them kids, only 2 that i remeber actually died by accident, the rest was stupidity

Tommy 17
08-01-2004, 08:15 AM
noones died in my highschool yet... i graduated without loosing anyone and its a miracle noone did get killed for half the stuff that went on...

Ericthered rdr
08-01-2004, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
we lost 11 students in 1 year and atleast 7 a year the entire time i was in high school. out of all them kids, only 2 that i remeber actually died by accident, the rest was stupidity

Damn Pappy where did you go to school at. Didn't you go to school in B-more somehweres????

08-01-2004, 10:46 AM
frederick county MD

we had so many die to stupid accidents that could have been prevented. driving like an idiot will get you sooner or later.

the 2 that i remeber that where true accidents were a boy that rolled a tractor on himself while working on the family farm, and another was shot during a robbery.

several commited suicide, a few OD'd.

i was in the fire dept then and ran most of the calls. toughest call i was ever on was when i heard the cop tell a boys dad he was killed in a single car wreck. tore his old man up.

1 of them was hit by a train. they where skipping school and high on dope, car stuck on the tracks, train didnt hit the car hard but started pushing it down the tracks. the passenger panicked and tried to climb out and was crushed under the car.

we were known for 3 things...

a bad *** football team
alot of knocked up girls
and the most deaths

08-01-2004, 11:07 AM
Awh man, that sucks to hear:( I hate hearing stuff like that...but since I've gone to school, we've only had 1 kid who shot himself (because of a bad drug experience, his best friend was there. Apparently the t.v was tellin him to shoot himself....so he did), and then we've had a teacher die on a fourwheeling accident :(

Ericthered rdr
08-01-2004, 11:08 AM
One thing these young guys will learn is that you are only given a couple of guarentees in life and dying is one of them. I have seen most of the guys I grew up cash in early on thier guarentee. The rest are on thier way. Most of them were drug or alcohol related. HMMM easy things to avoid. Have kids that will straighten your *** out real quick.

08-01-2004, 11:12 AM
sorry to hear of the losses:confused:

08-01-2004, 05:04 PM
We've had 2 loss's at out school in the last year. One was a house fire and the other was a car wreck. Both girls were in 7th or 8th grade. Even though I didnt know them, I was all depressed because of the way everyone else was acting. Just cause u know how it feels 2 lose somone u know real good. It mess's with your head 4 a while but hopfully it will pass by soon.

08-04-2004, 12:21 AM
this is about my step brother
he was a hard partying kid and was always goofing around and stuff and would get out of control at times but he just bought a brand new 04 GT bright yellow well we didnt work that day we he was out all day drinking and what not and but he ended up at some party in the middle of no where and was acting like he always does and was getting *****ed at by the girl who had the party, so she got sick of it and told him too leave her house and he was in no condition to drive she got his keys and moved the cars to let him out so he left, he got about 4 miles out the ride and passed out, went hed first into a culvert flip on it roof slide around i think 50 -75 feet on its roof till it hit the feild and estamated rolled 3 1/2 ejecting him out of the car. he suffered a severe broken jaw, massive head injures, comatized for about 5 months, he has to walk w/ a walker or w/ someone w/ him doesnt have function of his rideside they said he laid in the feild for about and hour till a couple kids drove past and saw his car laying int he feild. That was one of the worst phone calls to get at 2:30 in the morning.all b/c he had to drink all the time it doesnt pay to drink and drive at all

08-04-2004, 09:14 AM
Yea, our school loses a few students each year just to car accidents...

The same thing happened to my cousin last year that it did to Sami this year, flew out windshield and the car landed on their head...

Only difference was, the girl who was driving with my cousin was wasted, she was in prison for awhile but I think my cousin's family defended her and said they didn't believe it to be her fault or something like that.

I've almost lost my brother a few times, but that was to meth o/d.
Two of my friends almost died in accidents (rolling their truck, one wasn't wearing a seatbelt...and it was what saved him.)

My parents hit a guardrail head-on doing about 45mph (foggy winter night, no stop-ahead sign even though it was over and down a hill and the stop sign was COMPLETELY faded). My dad would've been decapitated by the rail if he wasn't wearing his seatbelt (it came in through the windshield and stopped right in front of him. My mom probably would've flown through the windshield into the swamp or something...

Two friends of mine this spring hit a train head-on doing about 65mph...no seat belts, both survived. The one driving just got a cut-up hand (hand flew into the windshield) and Robb (passenger) hit his head twice on the windshield and now has scars on his forehead that are very hard not to notice.

I could go on...man, accidents just won't stop happening here:( .

08-04-2004, 09:27 AM
Thats to bad man!:(

Ive never had any classmates die..but one of my friends dad, was just killed in a drive-by shooting :(