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07-30-2004, 07:12 PM
how about this one....today i went to get my license...i was stoked! but things didnt turn out as planed to say the least. i ended up driving myself to the DMV to meet my mom. when i got there i found out that she forgot my DL-123 so i drove all the way back here (a good 15-20 ride) got it and back doing 80 the whole way. when i got back she had got me a number so i went straight to the desk. the lady was really nice, we were joking around and that supprised me cause they are usualy asses having to deal with the all the mexicans. we went out checked all the lights turn signals and got ready to go. where i parked you have to start out on a hill to get to the exit and my truck is a 5 speed and she was supprised that i pulled out without stalling. well when we got to the exit, i looked...made sure no cars were comming she said "go ahead" i looked again just to make sure. there was no one in the other lane with a turn signal on and that i had plenty of time to get out befor the next car came. i pulled out and i hear "uh oh uh oh" and i looked over and there was a white car comming over into my lane and there was nothing i could do. i was out going straight in my lane and she came over and hit me. bounced off me and hit an 18 wheeler... everyone was fine. there were 5 people in the car... 2 adults and 3 kids, not one in a seat belt... the examiner said "there was nothing you could have done, you did everything you should have... it wasnt your fault" she told that to the officer to. the officer talked to the other people and they said "i went to change lanes and he was there there was nothing he could do..." the officer said "you did everything you were supposed to... it wasnt your fault" BUT after sitting there for about 45 min the officer gathers us all up...the driver of the 18 wheeler, me, my mom, the examiner, and the lady driving the car. he looked at me and said "sorry son, but i have to give you a ticket. when you saw me on the phone i was calling my superviser asking him if i had to give you a ticket and he said 'if you dont then no ones cars will get fixed' so i have to give you the ticket. its for $25.00 for the accident and $100.00 for court costs." we stood there and talked about it for another 15 min just me and him. the whole time i didnt understand why I...ME...the person who EVERYONE said it wasnts fault got the ticket... were taking it to court. i have to take ANOTHER day off of work to get my license next week and another for court... what am i missing here? why did i get the ticket? sorry for such a long post...im just so confused...:(

07-30-2004, 07:16 PM
be happy everyone was ok, go to court and get the ticket reduced or dropped.

Cole Trane
07-30-2004, 07:16 PM
Your young man, that's the way some of these moronic police departments think it has to go. Sorry to hear it.:( :(

07-30-2004, 07:22 PM
oh were gonna fight the hell out of it. i think its the dumbest thing ive ever heard... ive been laughing about it all day because how damn stupid it is im just bummed that i have to fix my truck...i dont have my license...and that most likely just pushed the insurance even higher than it is...its gonna make moms and derricks go up to because im on their policy...the ticket is no big deal its only 125 bucks i can swing that but id much rather spend a few grand for a lawyer then the 125 for the ticket just because how stupid it is

07-30-2004, 07:35 PM
FTP! j/k! some of them don't use any common sense when it comes to doing there job!

07-30-2004, 07:43 PM
he told me "yea...i dont mind giving kids with permits tickets when they did something wrong...but i feel kinda bad about giving you one when you did everything right..."

Cole Trane
07-30-2004, 07:45 PM
Sound like either the cop is a complete idiot, or your not telling us the whole story.

07-30-2004, 08:00 PM
thats exactly what happened... i mean hell i dont have much of a reason to lie about something like that? thats not something you can just make up. i dont know anyone with that good of an imagination. you could see by where the broken plastic from my corner light was laying that i was atleast a truck length out of the parking lot when she hit me i just dont understand it....

07-30-2004, 08:06 PM
ok, you got a ticket for not doing anything wrong?

what are the charges on the ticket? how do they conflict with the law? what do the statutes written on your ticket describe?

07-30-2004, 08:18 PM
i dont know where the ticket is at the moment, my mom put it somewhere. but it said like "failure to yield to right of way" or something to that extent. the officer said the only reason he gave me the ticket was to ensure the other cars got fixed i looked at him and was like "dude....they hit me.... why should I have to pay for THEIR **** to get fixed when it wasnt my fault?!" he looked at me and said "thats what my superviser said to do and if i wouldnt have then the insurance companies would be calling me everyday wanting to know why i didnt and when i was going to write the ticket." but the officer did say they pretty much go with what the lawyers say because they work with them so much so if we can get a lawyer to say it wasnt my fault after reviewing all the evidence then maybe their insurance will have to pay for it...all i can do is hope...

07-30-2004, 08:20 PM
Trust me insurance companys will pay for damages EVEN when no one gets a ticket (some of my friends are cops so I know this from experience).

07-30-2004, 08:23 PM
well the officer's badge number is on the ticket...you need to find out who his supervisor is.

you got a ticket for "failure to..." yet you didn't fail to yield....

that's the biggest amount of BS i have ever heard in my life. make sure you tell the judge that his supervisor said you need to get a ticket so that everyone's vehicles would get fixed.

yeah, i think i'd be getting a lawyer. yer getting ****ed without a reach-around.

07-30-2004, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by batgeek
well the officer's badge number is on the ticket...you need to find out who his supervisor is.

you got a ticket for "failure to..." yet you didn't fail to yield....

that's the biggest amount of BS i have ever heard in my life. make sure you tell the judge that his supervisor said you need to get a ticket so that everyone's vehicles would get fixed.

yeah, i think i'd be getting a lawyer. yer getting ****ed without a reach-around.

Or a kiss on the neck:eek2:

Cole Trane
07-30-2004, 08:28 PM
I didn't mean to offend you, sorry. I'd take batgeek's advice on this one and get ahold of his supervisor. Don't be a @ss though, it won't help anything. Just try to stay calm in front of the judge. Good luck man, you might need it.

07-30-2004, 09:03 PM
its fine bro, u didnt offend me, im just explaining my side, you know? my moms going to talk to the lawyer on monday and the lawyer will most likely call the superviser. im glad you said that because i didnt even think about doing that. honistly, i think the cop gave me the ticket because im only 16. i seriously think thats the only reason....i wonder if its not like a fu(kin omen or something.....

07-30-2004, 09:15 PM
the supervisor is gunna stand behing his fellow cop of course, get a lawyer and fiiiiiiiight the ticket:devil: you must cops think they can get away with anything. most of the time if they know their wrong they wont show up to court and then youll win. j.m.o.

07-31-2004, 11:57 AM
i was thinking last night befor i went to bed and...since the court date is so far out (in october) and the peoples cars get fixed befor then by my insurance company...then will my insurance go up even if we win and its proved that its her fault?

07-31-2004, 12:17 PM
thats bull, the driving lady even said you didnt do nothing wrong and stuff, id get a lawyer and do what batgeek said, you shouldnt have a ticket......

07-31-2004, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by kicken250x
its fine bro, u didnt offend me, im just explaining my side, you know? my moms going to talk to the lawyer on monday and the lawyer will most likely call the superviser. im glad you said that because i didnt even think about doing that. honistly, i think the cop gave me the ticket because im only 16. i seriously think thats the only reason....i wonder if its not like a fu(kin omen or something.....

Just for your lawyer to call him its going to cost you money..:( Lawyers are straight up b*tches. Just to talk to your damn lawyer it cost money.

07-31-2004, 07:38 PM
let me get this straight... you got a ticked even though the officer admitted you did nothing wrong which would mean the other person was at fault and the officer didn't give the other person anything all while there was a driving instructor in your vehicle when the event took place and could prove you were not at fault????i think it would be quite obvious that the other person was lying if the instructor backed you up. i don't think your telling the whole story.that is the most ridiculous thing i have ever heard.if everything you stated is true,fight it til the end because that accident will be on your record and good luck trying to get a good insurance rate if you choose to go with a new insurance provider.i have had two accidents over the past 3 years none of which were my fault.when it came to shop around for cheaper insurance i was quoted an average of $1400 more per year through every place i had called because the accident was on my record even though i wasn't at fault.their exact quotes were "we know they weren't you fault but their still on your record which puts you at high risk"i never got a rate increase through my current provider but when it comes time to shop for new insurance,this is something they will hold against you.

07-31-2004, 09:30 PM
Hey man, at least you kept your cool, even when you were getting cheated out of $125, when it really was nobodies fault. I know if the same thing happened to me, I would have lost it, and who knows where ***** would have went from there. I can't stand people that don't make sence, or getting cheated out of my money (I'm CHEAP as a mofo and work hard for my money).

07-31-2004, 10:44 PM
talk to popo and see what he says, hes a cop, he may know a thing er too about the law system

08-01-2004, 08:03 AM
Definately take that to court.

The $125 is nothing. The bigger problem is points on your liscense and an accident on your insurance.

When you take it to court your chances of getting it reduced with no points on your record are pretty likely. But even if that happens your insurance company will still know you had an accident and raise ur insurance..... try to get the whole thing thrown out.

I know the county i live in they don't throw crap out, they love there money. You can definately get that reduced to no points though....

Sucks dude. sorry to hear that.

08-01-2004, 11:46 AM
the 125 isnt a drop in the bucket compaired to what a lawyer is going to cost...id rather the lawyer get my money than the state tho. im hoping the ticket will be turned to her and shell have to pay the ticket, court costs, and for my lawyer, but i doubt all that will happen. her sorry *** was sitting there laughing the whole time he was telling me about the ticket, if it was a guy...it would have been one serious chester rumble goin on... i think the cop got him some out of that one... they were all black and then me and my mom... im in a D4 shirt and baggy *** pants and long hair... the cop had a smart attitude with me... but yea, its deffinately going to court ill let yall know what happens tomorrow after my mom talks to him. later

then yesterday im walking throuhg the mall and i fu(king pass out and wake up with my bro carrying me by the arm... this just hasnt been my weekend at all...:rolleyes:

08-01-2004, 04:54 PM
Those dirty dirty pigs. Always trying 2 fark u in the *****! ! !

08-01-2004, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by TOOL
Those dirty dirty pigs. Always trying 2 fark u in the *****! ! !

Shut up *** whipe and go away mr 6 posts. Fricking social retarded punk.

Based on your story, I find you failed to yeild the right of way to on coming traffic coming from your left while entering onto a public street from a private driveway, no matter if the other vehicle switched lanes or not.

Sounds like you where turning right against on coming traffic, is the true?

2nd you drove to the DMV with out a licensed driver in the vehicle with you"as you stated to meet your mom there"

No matter what/where or who's fault it is, Officers are req by state law to determine the at fault driver and cite them. It's up to a court of law to further review the incident after further investagations are reviewed. Unless the officer witnessed the occurance.

08-01-2004, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by popo
Shut up *** whipe and go away mr 6 posts. Fricking social retarded punk.

Based on your story, I find you failed to yeild the right of way to on coming traffic coming from your left while entering onto a public street from a private driveway, no matter if the other vehicle switched lanes or not.

Sounds like you where turning right against on coming traffic, is the true?

2nd you drove to the DMV with out a licensed driver in the vehicle with you"as you stated to meet your mom there"

No matter what/where or who's fault it is, Officers are req by state law to determine the at fault driver and cite them. It's up to a court of law to further review the incident after further investagations are reviewed. Unless the officer witnessed the occurance.

I'm guessing this will be the Judge's opinion as well. Just be happy you never got a ticket for driving without a license.

08-01-2004, 06:45 PM
they didnt know i drove there, when all that happened the examiner was sitting in the passanger side seat telling me it was ok to go. she said, and i quote, "alright, lets go." and i went, i pulled out turning right got my truck going straight in the lane, the steering wheel was straight then the lady changed lanes and hit me as i was going to 2nd gear. no turn signal or nothing. i dont know whats going to happen, ive never heard of this much less had to deal with anything like it so i guess all i can do is hope for the best...

i appriciate you letting me know what you thought and thats pretty much exactly what the ticket said. it sux that i personaly nor did the examiner think thats what happened tho. but im not really blaming the cop...he went off what he was told...im gonna put a camera in my car....that soulds like an idea to me...

08-01-2004, 06:47 PM
oh, and that was the first time i had ever drove by myself unless it was up the street a friends house but i live on a private road so they couldnt do anything to me.

08-01-2004, 10:40 PM
You still have to take it to court... you don't need a lawyer. Talk with the prosecuter tell em you just don't want any points.

I agree it was your fault. But I'm big on fighting tickets because I got screwed a few times didnt care much about it , then when i did get real tickets where I actually was at fault they all added up and I lost my lisence for 3 months it sucked.

08-02-2004, 07:58 PM
today after i got back from lunch the lady from the insurance place called and told me the 2 adults in the car got hurt! now...if they can run around and frolic in the DMV yard with their kids holding them on their back and chasing them and things of this sort and REFUSE to be looked at by the EMS and 3 days later they start complaining? HUM! I WONDER!

well my mom called her back and she says that there really isnt much that can be done because a state DMV worker was in the car with me that says it wasnt my fault then thats pretty much the end of it... i hope... MY insurance company says they are going to represent me would that be better than a lawyer?