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07-29-2004, 06:07 PM
well, other then being a friggon year older today was...well...crap.

it started off at 3 am this morning as nature calls and im walking to the bathroom. walk into the bathroom only to find a small leak from the toilet:o so, i reach down to turn off the water and hit my mouth on the top of the toilet busting my lip and further damaging one of my teeth that was already fubar from my wreck. (cant go to the dentist because i cant sit long enough for him to work on me:( )

so im back up at 6 am and have to wait till 8 am to take my dog yeller to the vet to be nuetered. (i know it could be me instead of the dog so thank god for the details:D ) i get the dog loaded and its 8:30 before the vet decides to open his doors.

dog all dropped off i head to work, ofcourse the extra 30 minutes wait at the vet has me sitting in bumper to bumper traffic due to a bad wreck. so i finally roll in at around 10 am:mad:

i sit all day with the wife in my office and the AC takes a dump:rolleyes: so at 4:30 i head home, only to sit for another hour due to an accident.

oh and the phone finally started working here and the first call i get is a damn salesman:macho :mad: :grr:

oh well, it could have been worse i suppose:p

07-29-2004, 06:11 PM
well that sucks lol

07-29-2004, 06:14 PM
i didnt know it was your birthday hell !! happy bday !! hope you get them teeth issues fixed !!

07-29-2004, 06:17 PM
yeah we are shooting for next week at the dentist. one is deffinatley coming out and im pretty sure the other will have too also. its a b!tch because its cutting the inside of my cheek. talking is kinda mumbled and wouldnt ya know all the friggon mothers, and mother in laws decided to call and yack to me cuz its my b-day:o best present i could have got was for them to forget:devil:

07-29-2004, 06:19 PM
ill do some free landscaping if you need hows that for a present?:devil: :blah:

07-29-2004, 06:21 PM
haha we actually walked down to your tree last night...the wife said.."that boy is lucky we didnt have to dig him a hole":eek: it was a pretty big tree ya took out :D

07-29-2004, 06:24 PM
hrrmmm ill give the honda credit for as big as that tree was it didnt hurt the wheeler i was scared ****less that i damaged the wheeler the hell w/me ill live to play another day!! besides there are plenty of lawns that need fixin u know :huh did the tree die ? or she still green?

Runnin Dumb
07-29-2004, 06:26 PM
Well Sugar Plum, Darlin', Baby Cakes, Honey Pie, ya woke up on the green side of the grass so take with a shot of ole Jack and count your blessin's. The Big Guy upstairs let ya get one year and a day older:) Keep the faith ya young Pup.
The RD

Runnin Dumb
07-29-2004, 06:28 PM
Oh yeah
Ya don't need no teeth ta drink:blah:

07-29-2004, 06:30 PM
R.D. has to be a holyman:devil:

07-29-2004, 06:30 PM
Ahh, just roll with the changes Pappy.;)

Somedays you're the windshield, somedays the bug.:D

Glad things are looking up for ya though.....maybe you should give the wifey another belated birthday present tonight and make things all better.......:devil: :bandit:

07-29-2004, 06:32 PM
haha i wish i could:( besides walking slumped over im not sure if the junk even works with all the meds they have me on:eek2:

JF...the tree is kaput:devil:

Fender Bender
07-29-2004, 06:34 PM
My birthday this year sucked balls too...my truck got hit in a lowes parking lot :(

07-29-2004, 06:35 PM
happy birthday to you and mrs. pappy~

just call it a day and you and the mrs. go in the bedroom and swap presents the rest of the night suga:devil: :eek: :devil:

07-29-2004, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by 400exmom
happy birthday to you and mrs. pappy~

just call it a day and you and the mrs. go in the bedroom and swap presents the rest of the night suga:devil: :eek: :devil:

i cant even get a kiss:(

if i get close she hollars "its deliverence man" and runs off:devil:

god i cant wait till next week:p

07-29-2004, 06:40 PM
dayum... u r having a bad day.. i could lock my dog up and leave the back door unlocked again:eek: :devil:

07-29-2004, 06:41 PM
if you would like i can come over and show you a good way to remove the rest of those teeth :devil: gonna need some alchohol and a bigger tree then the one i took out but it a sure fire way to solve it haha oh do you have an open face helmet? might need that too :blah:

07-29-2004, 06:42 PM
oh one more thing lets get togethor and hit the strip clubs up down here !! that would make your day better im sure !!