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07-27-2004, 12:14 PM
Im not a shock expert so how can I tell shocks are zps, zero preload, or ssd? Like what should I look in pictures of shocks?

07-28-2004, 12:17 AM

07-28-2004, 07:02 AM
They will have a very soft spring on top the collapses fully when the quad is sitting on the ground. zps, zero preload, and ssd shocks are all different names for the same thing.

07-28-2004, 11:19 AM
i bet it has to have at least a triple spring rate huh? :(

07-28-2004, 11:45 AM
Originally posted by Lil_300Ex_Kid
i bet it has to have at least a triple spring rate huh? :(

i believe the tcs dual rate fronts have zps, and others as well. the axis rear shock that i had was a dual rate (not zps) but it still sagged a few inches anyways. all depends on the setup of the shock i guess.

07-28-2004, 07:29 PM
as long as ive been looking and posting on this site and through all the posts about it ive never understood the concept of zps/ssd shocks? it seems kind of dumb to me....i know it gets your bike lower for better cornering and such but it takes away from the up travel of the shock...? is there something im missing here? the only reason i see having it for is cornering?

07-28-2004, 07:57 PM
it may seem like it takes away from the shock travel, but the shock can still soak up just as much. Having up travel is good as well, say you hit a bump and the quad gets kicked, with stock or nonzps shocks you'll quad will be off the ground, with zps shocks your wheels will be able to extend down to still get contact.

As for you saying it only lowers it for corners, then you are looking at it wrong. If you race at all or go to races you will see (especially mx) that cornering is more important than jumping. Much time can be lost putting around the corner trying to not flip over, than if your on the throttle railing it like you should be. There is really no downsize (that I can see) to zps.

dont think zps is worth it? then ride a quad with zps suspension and feel the difference :D

07-28-2004, 08:27 PM
I have TCS triple rates zps on my quad my bros is stock. If i ride hos after riding mine his feels like a jacked up truck amine feels like a cadillac.

07-29-2004, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by kicken250x
as long as ive been looking and posting on this site and through all the posts about it ive never understood the concept of zps/ssd shocks? it seems kind of dumb to me....i know it gets your bike lower for better cornering and such but it takes away from the up travel of the shock...? is there something im missing here? the only reason i see having it for is cornering?

It does not take away from up travel. It will reduce the up travel from ride height to full compressed but you do not loose any travel. You can only up travel till your frame hits the ground no matter what shocks you have. And the shocks should bottom out at about 1.5 inches frame to ground clearance. The travel used in the sag of a zps is still there when you pull up or air out the quad.

Yes zps is for cornering and that is about as important as it gets for racing.

07-29-2004, 01:34 PM
SSD= elka's acronym for ZPS
self sagging device

07-29-2004, 03:45 PM
see ZPS when you sit on it sags slowly down. when you are in the air with no load on them they extend to full down travel. when you hit again the harsh impact will push the shocks but not past the sag level right away unless you are getting mucho air.think of it like this:when you push a shock slowly upwards you are letting the gas/oil bypass the seals slwoly enough that it doesnt create any drag on there and the only thing giving you resistance is the spring. same with ZPS. when you sit on it you sit until the ZPS stops it and the springs will do its job! ;) kinda dumb explination but it shoudl help.