View Full Version : dirt bike shock on a 250r??

07-26-2004, 09:09 PM
anyone ever used a dirt bike rear shock on a quad? i have an aftermarket 19" rear shock for a yz250, and was wondering if it could be used on the rear of my 250r. im sure i would need a new linkage, and re-valve, but would that be it? would it be worth the trouble? should i just rebuild the stock r shock?

07-26-2004, 09:50 PM
i was wondering this a long time ago while looking at my blaster and my cr80 only i was wondering if you could mount up 2 rear dirt bike shocks to the front of the bike. it could be done now that i know more than i did before but they would need to be revalved idk about the rear shock though

07-27-2004, 07:13 AM
The only one I know of is a CR500 shock and linkage on a 250R. It did require a new swingarm and revalve tho. Your better off just buying an aftermarket shock built for you.