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View Full Version : 03 Cannondale Cannibal For SALE!!!!

07-26-2004, 11:18 AM
alright guys
now i really need to get this baby off my hands, i have HUGE university payments to make that my parents will only cover for me for about another month or two at THE MOST. I gotta sell er as bad as i dont want to, i dont have a choice being that i'll be at University all year with no money and no time to ride.

This quad has been looked at and over my both Maz @ cdaleparts and Scott @ Champion. I vistied them earlier to check out my quad and fix a flywheel.
All updates are done except for the stage 8/stud update.
Maz pulled my clutch and checked all bolts, said they were all tight. Fell free to ask him about my quad, just mention it's rob's from toronto.

The Extras Include:
Tag X5 Handlebars
Full Set of Shock Covers
HMF Shortened Pipe
Ac Racing Propeg Nerfbars with Heel Scoops/Gaurds

I'm Looking to Get $4000, which i know will most likely be a little high for most people, but even Maz said to not take anything less the 4g so, im going with what the man says, becuase lets face it, he knows his S***!

I am in toronto, i made it to Scotts place in 3.5 hours, i'd be willing to drive a bit if the price was right and you were seriosuly considering the quad.

(Just Ask For Pics, I Have Many)

08-03-2004, 04:10 PM
send pics to lcadle1880@aol.com

08-03-2004, 05:00 PM
alright, i just sent them out
let me know if you have any questions

Thanks Rob