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View Full Version : so whats new in Goggles?????

07-22-2004, 12:18 AM
Im in theneed for some new ones the problem Ive ran into is most of the goggles I have tried fit my face TOO BIG. They gobble up my whole face:p !!!! I had a heck of a time just breathing out my nose on three of the pairs I had so I tried on a kids pair to fit my nose better and they fit great!!Only these dont ventilate well and I cant get tear offs for them( I think they are scotts Voltage Youth size)
Can someone reccomend a pair that maybe fits good and helps with Fogging and vents good???? Thanks!!

07-22-2004, 01:00 PM
SO........ Can anyone remmomend a pair ???????:huh

07-22-2004, 01:01 PM
QJ, i kind of had the same probelm. Jeff suggested i try a size larger helmut and i havent had any problems since

07-22-2004, 01:37 PM
I run the smith ultrasonic goggles you can get tearoffs and rolloffs for them

Jingle 11
07-22-2004, 01:55 PM
I had some of the cheaper spys and i didnt like them at all the foam glue came undone and they fog hardcore. Thats what i want sumting that wont fog. I think im gonna get some progrips anti-fog light sensitive.

07-22-2004, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by Jingle 11
I had some of the cheaper spys and i didnt like them at all the foam glue came undone and they fog hardcore. Thats what i want sumting that wont fog. I think im gonna get some progrips anti-fog light sensitive.

I have these gogles and i have nothing to say but praise...buy them!

07-22-2004, 02:55 PM
Scott and cheaper Spy's fit my perfectly, they might be a little on the cheep side but they fit awsome ;)

07-22-2004, 05:12 PM
i dont know if my spys are the cheaper ones butt I have 3 pairs & they are tight & all my friends love them...they dont fog up either but one pair the glue came undone really fast & let the padding or whatever come off but I actually liked it better without it

07-23-2004, 12:44 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
QJ, i kind of had the same probelm. Jeff suggested i try a size larger helmut and i havent had any problems since

A larger helmet???? It will be too big if I go bigger...... :confused: One thing I HATE about my HJC is the cheeks are too tight and hurt my cheeks:o but it fits my head good.....

07-23-2004, 12:46 AM
Originally posted by Silverfox@C&DRacing
I run the smith ultrasonic goggles you can get tearoffs and rolloffs for them SilverFox~~ Are they a smaller fitting goggle???? Shoud I just stick with a youth size???? the ones I have now the padding is shot and they fog REALLY bad......

07-23-2004, 01:00 AM
i had trouble with teh cheaper spy's padding coming off but i bought a the nicer spy goggles and they dont fog bad, feel great, and are holding up pretty good. my cosuin has some okaly's that feel really comfotable and he says they dont fog bad either. QJ, i think that if your helment hurts you cheeks that u might wanna see if a lager helment fits good. go to a shop and slip some on and see if they are too big.

07-23-2004, 01:11 AM
Originally posted by quadmx7
i had trouble with teh cheaper spy's padding coming off but i bought a the nicer spy goggles and they dont fog bad, feel great, and are holding up pretty good. my cosuin has some okaly's that feel really comfotable and he says they dont fog bad either. QJ, i think that if your helment hurts you cheeks that u might wanna see if a lager helment fits good. go to a shop and slip some on and see if they are too big. LOL. ITs just the cheek pads that is tight not the helmet.......;) I KNOW I dont need a XXL( I wear a XL siince I have longer hair;) ) I cant be going out and buying a new helmet right now anyhow I do have to say this HJC isnt one of the most comfy helmets I have ever worn and will try a different style next time...:)

07-23-2004, 08:20 AM
Any style of Smith. I prefer WarpStars.

07-23-2004, 09:44 AM
Hey QJ I have the same problem w/ goggles!! I got a pair of ProGrip goggles in youth size & I LOVE THEM I just got new lensses for them & i'm pretty positive they can use the tear offs!!! When I bought these I originally bought adult ones & a pr of youth well I ended up trading w/ DJ & havne't had a prob since I'd try them if I were you ;)

07-23-2004, 10:50 AM
i have the scott (voltage r). they might be cheap but they get the job done.i like them because they are not all big and bulky.

07-23-2004, 01:04 PM
you can get newlenses with the youth that will makeem a little bit bigger so you can ad teasr offs

07-23-2004, 02:19 PM
i love my oakleys. they are the older style. i have run them at least 3 years. ive replaced the lenses twice. but the rest of them is holding up awesome.

07-23-2004, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by 1badex
i have the scott (voltage r). they might be cheap but they get the job done.i like them because they are not all big and bulky. I have those, but mine you cant get tear offs or slide offs......:(

07-23-2004, 08:14 PM
i run spy alloys i believe. expensive but fit awsome.

as far as hjc helmets. i switch from one to a thor helmet. it fits great but the visors to high so i run tinted lens in my gogles casue i am always getting blinded by the sun.

07-23-2004, 09:57 PM
Get some oakley ( O- frames???) goggles

One of my friends uses them and she has a pretty small face, and they fit her really good. And they are super super comfy goggles too :)